#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from utils import shp2_geojson_obj
from utils import create_shply_multigeom
from utils import out_geoj

in_shp_line = "../geodata/topo_line.shp"
in_shp_overlap = "../geodata/topo_line_overlap.shp"

shp1_data = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_line)
shp2_data = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_overlap)

shp1_lines = create_shply_multigeom(shp1_data, "MultiLineString")
shp2_lines_overlap = create_shply_multigeom(shp2_data, "MultiLineString")

overlap_found = False

for line in shp1_lines:
    if line.equals(shp2_lines_overlap):
        print "equals"
        overlap_found = True
    if line.within(shp2_lines_overlap):
        print "within"
        overlap_found = True

# output the overlapping linestrings
if overlap_found:
    print "now exporting overlaps to GeoJSON"
    out_int = shp1_lines.intersection(shp2_lines_overlap)
    out_geoj(out_int, '../geodata/overlapping_lines.geojson')
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# for every polygon in a polygon layer there can only be
# one point object located in each polygon
# the number of points per polygon can be defined by the user
from utils import shp2_geojson_obj
from utils import create_shply_multigeom
import json

in_shp_poly = "../geodata/topo_polys.shp"
in_shp_point = "../geodata/topo_points.shp"

ply_geojs_obj = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_poly)
pt_geojs_obj = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_point)

shply_polys = create_shply_multigeom(ply_geojs_obj, "MultiPolygon")
shply_points = create_shply_multigeom(pt_geojs_obj, "MultiPoint")

def valid_point_in_poly(polys, points):
    Determine if every polygon contains max one point and that each
    point is not located on the EDGE or Vertex of the polygon
    :param point: Point data set
    :param poly: Polygon data set
    :return: True or False if False a dictionary containing polygon ids
    that contain no or multiple points
    pts_in_polys = []
    pts_touch_plys = []
Esempio n. 3
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from utils import shp2_geojson_obj
from utils import create_shply_multigeom
from utils import out_geoj

in_shp_line = "../geodata/topo_line.shp"
in_shp_overlap = "../geodata/topo_line_overlap.shp"

shp1_data = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_line)
shp2_data = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_overlap)

shp1_lines = create_shply_multigeom(shp1_data, "MultiLineString")
shp2_lines_overlap = create_shply_multigeom(shp2_data, "MultiLineString")

overlap_found = False

for line in shp1_lines:
    if line.equals(shp2_lines_overlap):
        print "equals"
        overlap_found = True
    if line.within(shp2_lines_overlap):
        print "within"
        overlap_found = True

# output the overlapping linestrings
if overlap_found:
    print "now exporting overlaps to GeoJSON"
    out_int = shp1_lines.intersection(shp2_lines_overlap)
    out_geoj(out_int, '../geodata/overlapping_lines.geojson')
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# for every polygon in a polygon layer there can only be
# one point object located in each polygon
# the number of points per polygon can be defined by the user
from utils import shp2_geojson_obj
from utils import create_shply_multigeom
import json

in_shp_poly = "../geodata/topo_polys.shp"
in_shp_point = "../geodata/topo_points.shp"

ply_geojs_obj = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_poly)
pt_geojs_obj = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_point)

shply_polys = create_shply_multigeom(ply_geojs_obj, "MultiPolygon")
shply_points = create_shply_multigeom(pt_geojs_obj, "MultiPoint")

def valid_point_in_poly(polys, points):
    Determine if every polygon contains max one point and that each
    point is not located on the EDGE or Vertex of the polygon
    :param point: Point data set
    :param poly: Polygon data set
    :return: True or False if False a dictionary containing polygon ids
    that contain no or multiple points
    pts_in_polys = []
    pts_touch_plys = []
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
from shapely.geometry import asShape, MultiPolygon
from utils import shp2_geojson_obj, out_geoj

# out two input test Shapefiles
shp1 = "../geodata/temp1-ply.shp"
shp2 = "../geodata/temp2-ply.shp"

# output resulting GeoJSON file
out_geojson_file = "../geodata/result_identity.geojson"

# convert our Shapefiles to GeoJSON then to python dictionaries
shp1_data = shp2_geojson_obj(shp1)
shp2_data = shp2_geojson_obj(shp2)

def create_polys(shp_data):
    :param shp_data: input GeoJSON
    :return: MultiPolygon Shapely geometry
    plys = []
    for feature in shp_data['features']:
        shape = asShape(feature['geometry'])

    new_multi = MultiPolygon(plys)
    return new_multi
Esempio n. 6
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from utils import shp2_geojson_obj
from utils import create_shply_multigeom
from utils import out_geoj
from shapely.geometry import Point, MultiPoint

in_shp_line = "../geodata/topo_line.shp"
in_shp_point = "../geodata/topo_points.shp"

# create our geojson like object from a Shapefile
shp1_data = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_line)
shp2_data = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_point)

# convert the geojson like object to shapely geometry
shp1_lines = create_shply_multigeom(shp1_data, "MultiLineString")
shp2_points = create_shply_multigeom(shp2_data, "MultiPoint")

def create_start_end_pts(lines):
    Generate a list of all start annd end nodes
    :param lines: a Shapely geometry LineString
    :return: Shapely multipoint object which includes
             all the start and end nodes
    list_end_nodes = []
    list_start_nodes = []

    for line in lines:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import shp2_geojson_obj
from utils import create_shply_multigeom
from utils import out_geoj
from shapely.geometry import Point

in_shp_dangles = "../geodata/topo_dangles.shp"
shp1_data = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_dangles)
shp1_lines = create_shply_multigeom(shp1_data, "MultiLineString")

def find_dangles(lines):
    Locate all dangles
    :param lines: list of Shapely LineStrings or MultiLineStrings
    :return: list of dangles
    list_dangles = []
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        # each line gets a number
        # go through each line added first to second
        # then second to third and so on
        shply_lines = lines[:i] + lines[i + 1:]
        # 0 is start point and -1 is end point
        # run through
        for start_end in [0, -1]:
            # convert line to point
            node = Point(line.coords[start_end])
            # Return True if any element of the iterable is true.
            # https://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html#any
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from utils import shp2_geojson_obj
from utils import create_shply_multigeom
from utils import out_geoj
from shapely.geometry import Point, MultiPoint

in_shp_line = "../geodata/topo_line.shp"
in_shp_point = "../geodata/topo_points.shp"

# create our geojson like object from a Shapefile
shp1_data = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_line)
shp2_data = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_point)

# convert the geojson like object to shapely geometry
shp1_lines = create_shply_multigeom(shp1_data, "MultiLineString")
shp2_points = create_shply_multigeom(shp2_data, "MultiPoint")

def create_start_end_pts(lines):
    Generate a list of all start annd end nodes
    :param lines: a Shapely geometry LineString
    :return: Shapely multipoint object which includes
             all the start and end nodes
    list_end_nodes = []
    list_start_nodes = []

    for line in lines:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
from shapely.geometry import asShape, MultiPolygon
from utils import shp2_geojson_obj, out_geoj

# out two input test Shapefiles
shp1 = "../geodata/temp1-ply.shp"
shp2 = "../geodata/temp2-ply.shp"

# output resulting GeoJSON file
out_geojson_file = "../geodata/result_identity.geojson"

# convert our Shapefiles to GeoJSON then to python dictionaries
shp1_data = shp2_geojson_obj(shp1)
shp2_data = shp2_geojson_obj(shp2)

def create_polys(shp_data):
    :param shp_data: input GeoJSON
    :return: MultiPolygon Shapely geometry
    plys = []
    for feature in shp_data['features']:
        shape = asShape(feature['geometry'])

    new_multi = MultiPolygon(plys)
    return new_multi
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import shp2_geojson_obj
from utils import create_shply_multigeom
from utils import out_geoj
from shapely.geometry import Point

in_shp_dangles = "../geodata/topo_dangles.shp"
shp1_data = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_dangles)
shp1_lines = create_shply_multigeom(shp1_data, "MultiLineString")

def find_dangles(lines):
    Locate all dangles
    :param lines: list of Shapely LineStrings or MultiLineStrings
    :return: list of dangles
    list_dangles = []
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        # each line gets a number
        # go through each line added first to second
        # then second to third and so on
        shply_lines = lines[:i] + lines[i+1:]
        # 0 is start point and -1 is end point
        # run through
        for start_end in [0, -1]:
            # convert line to point
            node = Point(line.coords[start_end])
            # Return True if any element of the iterable is true.
            # https://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html#any
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import shp2_geojson_obj
from utils import create_shply_multigeom
from utils import out_geoj

in_shp_lines = "../geodata/topo_line.shp"
shp1_data = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_lines)
shp1_lines = create_shply_multigeom(shp1_data, "MultiLineString")

in_shp_poly = "../geodata/topo_polys.shp"
ply_geojs_obj = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_poly)
shply_polys = create_shply_multigeom(ply_geojs_obj, "MultiPolygon")

# nearest point using linear referencing
# with interpolation and project
# pt_interpolate = line.interpolate(line.project(point))

# create point centroids from all polygons
# measure distance from centroid to nearest line segment

def within_tolerance(polygons, lines, tolerance):
    Discover if all polygon centroids are within a distance of a linestring
    data set, if not print out centroids that fall outside tolerance
    :param polygons: list of polygons
    :param lines: list of linestrings
    :param tolerance: value of distance in meters
    :return: list of all points within tolerance
Esempio n. 12
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import shp2_geojson_obj
from utils import create_shply_multigeom
from utils import out_geoj

in_shp_lines = "../geodata/topo_line.shp"
shp1_data = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_lines)
shp1_lines = create_shply_multigeom(shp1_data, "MultiLineString")

in_shp_poly = "../geodata/topo_polys.shp"
ply_geojs_obj = shp2_geojson_obj(in_shp_poly)
shply_polys = create_shply_multigeom(ply_geojs_obj, "MultiPolygon")

# nearest point using linear referencing
# with interpolation and project
# pt_interpolate = line.interpolate(line.project(point))

# create point centroids from all polygons
# measure distance from centroid to nearest line segment

def within_tolerance(polygons, lines, tolerance):
    Discover if all polygon centroids are within a distance of a linestring
    data set, if not print out centroids that fall outside tolerance
    :param polygons: list of polygons
    :param lines: list of linestrings
    :param tolerance: value of distance in meters
    :return: list of all points within tolerance