def solve(self, step, stop):
     # solves using gradient descent
     for i in range(self.max_iters):
         g = self.gradient()
         nu = simplex_projection( - step() * g, self.b)
         obj, a = self.objective(nu)
         self.update(nu, obj, a)
         if stop(): break
         print 'iter: ', i
         print 'obj: ', obj
     return {'attack_rates':, 'obj_values': self.obj_values}
 def solve(self, step, stop):
     # solves using gradient descent
     for i in range(self.max_iters):
         g = self.gradient()
         nu = simplex_projection( - step() * g, self.b)
         obj, a = self.objective(nu)
         self.update(nu, obj, a)
         if stop(): break
         print 'iter: ', i
         print 'obj: ', obj
     return {'attack_rates':, 'obj_values': self.obj_values}
Esempio n. 3
def online_gradient_descent(batch_data, T, init, G, D):
    :param batch_data: ratios data of size (n_ratios, T)
    :param T: Horizon of repeated game
    :param init: Initial point x_1
    :param G: Lipschitz coeeficient
    :param D: Diameter

    xs = [init]
    eta = D / (G * np.sqrt(T))  # fixed step size
    rt = batch_data[:, 0]   # initial ratios

    for t in range(T-1):
        # adapting step size
        # eta = D / (G * np.sqrt(t+1))
        # compute online gradient
        grad = utl.get_grad(xs[-1], rt)
        # perform OGD update (with projection)
        xs.append(utl.simplex_projection(xs[-1] - eta * grad))
        # observe next data point
        rt = batch_data[:, t + 1]
    return xs
Esempio n. 4
    def test_simplex_projection(self):
        v = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
        self.assertTrue(is_equal(simplex_projection(v), v))

        v = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
        self.assertTrue(is_equal(simplex_projection(v), v))

        v = np.array([10, 10])
        w = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
        self.assertTrue(is_equal(simplex_projection(v), w))

        v = np.array([-10, -10])
        w = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
        self.assertTrue(is_equal(simplex_projection(v), w))

        v = np.array([-10, 10])
        w = np.array([0, 1])
        self.assertTrue(is_equal(simplex_projection(v), w))

        for _ in range(20):
            v = (np.random.rand(20) - np.ones(20) * 0.5) * 100
            self.assertTrue(is_equal(np.sum(simplex_projection(v)), 1))
            self.assertTrue(is_equal(np.sum(simplex_projection(v, 5)), 5))
Esempio n. 5
    def test_simplex_projection(self):
        v = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
        self.assertTrue(is_equal(simplex_projection(v), v))

        v = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
        self.assertTrue(is_equal(simplex_projection(v), v))

        v = np.array([10, 10])
        w = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
        self.assertTrue(is_equal(simplex_projection(v), w))

        v = np.array([-10, -10])
        w = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
        self.assertTrue(is_equal(simplex_projection(v), w))

        v = np.array([-10, 10])
        w = np.array([0, 1])
        self.assertTrue(is_equal(simplex_projection(v), w))

        for _ in range(20):
            v = (np.random.rand(20) - np.ones(20) * 0.5) * 100
            self.assertTrue(is_equal(np.sum(simplex_projection(v)), 1))
            self.assertTrue(is_equal(np.sum(simplex_projection(v, 5)), 5))