def optimization_loop(self): # add normal noise to the network parameters if self.args.param_noise: for n in [x for x in if len(x.size()) in [4, 5]]: n = n + n.detach().clone().normal_() * n.std() * 0.02 # add normal noise to input noise tensor input_ = self.input_old if self.args.reg_noise_std > 0: input_ = self.input_old + (self.add_noise_.normal_() * self.args.reg_noise_std) # add data to input noise tensor if self.iiter < self.args.data_forgetting_factor: input_ += self.add_data_weight[self.iiter] * self.add_data_ self.input_list.append(u.torch_to_np(input_[0, 0])) # compute output out_ = # compute the main loss function main_loss = self.loss_fn(out_ * self.mask_, self.coarse_img_) # compute regularization loss reg_loss = self.loss_reg_fn(out_, self.reg(out_, thresh=self.reg_th)) # compute total loss reg_w = self.reg_weight[self.iiter-2000] if self.iiter > 2000 else 0.01 total_loss = main_loss + reg_w * reg_loss total_loss.backward() # save loss and metrics, and print log l = total_loss.item() r = reg_loss.item() s = u.snr(output=out_, target=self.img_).item() p = u.pcorr(output=out_, target=self.img_).item() self.history.append((l, r, s, p))[0]['lr']) print(colored(self.history.log_message(self.iiter), 'yellow'), '\r', end='') # save the output if the loss is decreasing if self.iiter == 0: self.loss_min = self.history.loss[-1] self.out_best = u.torch_to_np(out_).squeeze() if out_.ndim > 4 else u.torch_to_np(out_).transpose((1, 2, 0)) elif self.history.loss[-1] <= self.loss_min: self.loss_min = self.history.loss[-1] self.out_best = u.torch_to_np(out_).squeeze() if out_.ndim > 4 else u.torch_to_np(out_).transpose((1, 2, 0)) else: pass # save intermediate outputs if self.iiter in self.iter_to_be_saved and self.iiter != 0: out_img = u.torch_to_np(out_).squeeze() if out_.ndim > 4 else u.torch_to_np(out_).transpose((1, 2, 0)), self.image_name.split('.')[0] + '_output%s.npy' % str(self.iiter).zfill(self.zfill)), out_img) self.iiter += 1 return total_loss
def splot(y, y0, yd, title="Denoising"): """ Plot the denoised signal thanks to the filter filt with its parameters parameters. y : noisy signal y0 : raw signal yd : denoised signal mu : gaussian filter parameter """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 12)) _y0 = y0[:2000] _y = y[:2000] _yd = yd[:2000] plt.subplot(221) plt.plot(_y0) plt.title('Raw signal :') plt.subplot(222) plt.plot(_y) plt.title('Noised signal') # plt.plot(utils.gaussian_filter(y, mu)) # plt.title('Result for the gaussian filter - SNR :' + str(utils.snr(y0, utils.gaussian_filter(y, mu)))) plt.subplot(223) plt.plot(_yd, "r") plt.plot(_y0, linewidth=2.5, alpha=0.3) plt.title('Denoised signal - SNR : %0.2f dB' % utils.snr(y0, yd)) plt.subplot(224) plt.plot(_y0 - _yd) plt.title('Differences between raw and denoised signal :') fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=30, fontweight="bold")
def test_inference(self, signal, sample_rate=16000): if len(signal.shape) < 2: length = signal.shape[0] else: length = signal.shape[1] acts, meta = self.infer(signal) signal = np.squeeze(signal) padded_signal = np.concatenate([signal, np.zeros(self.kernel_size-1)]) padded_length = len(padded_signal) times = np.arange(padded_length) / sample_rate fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True) ax = axes[0] ax.plot(times, padded_signal) ax.set_title('Original signal') ax = axes[1] recon = np.squeeze(self.reconstruction(acts).detach().cpu().numpy()) ax.plot(times, recon) ax.set_title('Reconstruction') np_acts = np.squeeze(acts.detach().cpu().numpy()) np_acts = np.concatenate([np.zeros([self.n_kernel, self.kernel_size-1]), np_acts], axis=1) utils.plot_spikegram(np_acts, sample_rate=sample_rate, markerSize=1, ax=axes[2]) print("Signal-noise ratio: {:f} dB".format(utils.snr(padded_signal, recon))) return acts, meta
def opt(parameters, filt, y, y0): """plot the graph of snr, and return the best value of parameters. Parameter ------------ parameters : parameters for the function filt filt : filter y : noisy signal y0 : original signal """ snrlist = np.zeros(len(parameters)) for i in range(len(parameters)): snrlist[i] = utils.snr(y0, filt(y, parameters[i])) i = np.argmax(snrlist) return parameters[i]
def PoiSelection(x_train, y_train,x_test, y_test, poi_type='corr', poi_num = 10, poi_idx=[]): # PoI selection module,select poi_num POIs according to the highest SNR and Pearson's correlation coefficent. Or just feed it with your own POI list. # Example: # X_profiling_poi = PoiSelection(X_profiling,poi_type='corr',poi_num=20) if poi_type == 'corr': m = -np.abs(corr(x_train,y_train)) poi_idx = np.argsort(m,axis=0)[:poi_num] elif poi_type == 'snr': m = -snr(x_train,y_train) poi_idx = np.argsort(m,axis=0)[:poi_num] elif poi_type == 'custom': pass else: print('Error:unknown poi type') x_train = x_train[:,poi_idx] x_test = x_test[:,poi_idx] return x_train,x_test
#création de la table des snr snrframe = pd.DataFrame(index=['hard', 'soft']) #débruitage et optimisation du filtre Yh = np.zeros(Y.shape) Ys = np.zeros(Y.shape) Yg = np.zeros(Y.shape) parameters = np.linspace(1, 5, 600) #def filt(y, tau): # return utils.gaussian_filter(y, tau*sigma) for i in range(Y.shape[0]): mug = sc.opt(parameters, utils.gaussian_filter, Yb[i], Y[i]) Yg[i] = utils.gaussian_filter(Yb[i], mug*sigma) snrframe.loc[:,'gaussian'] = pd.Series(data=[utils.snr(Y, Yg), utils.snr(Y, Yg) ], index=snrframe.index) snrframe.loc[:,'noisy'] = pd.Series(data=[utils.snr(Y, Yb), utils.snr(Y, Yb) ], index=snrframe.index) for w in pywt.wavelist('db'): print w def filt_hard (y, tau): return utils.wave_hard_filter(y, sigma, tau, w) def filt_soft(y, tau): return utils.wave_soft_filter(y, sigma, tau, w) for i in range(Y.shape[0]): tauhard = sc.opt(parameters, filt_hard, Yb[i], Y[i]) tausoft = sc.opt(parameters, filt_soft, Yb[i], Y[i]) Yh[i] = utils.wave_hard_filter(Yb[i], sigma, tauhard, w) Ys[i] = utils.wave_soft_filter(Yb[i], sigma, tausoft, w) snrframe.loc[:,w] = pd.Series(data=[utils.snr(Y, Yh), utils.snr(Y, Ys) ], index=snrframe.index)
def optimization_loop(self): # adding normal noise to the learned parameters if self.args.param_noise: for n in [x for x in if len(x.size()) in [4, 5]]: n = n + n.detach().clone().normal_() * n.std() * 0.02 # adding normal noise to the input tensor input_ = self.input_old if self.args.reg_noise_std > 0: input_ = self.input_old + (self.add_noise_.normal_() * self.args.reg_noise_std) # adding data to the input noise if self.iiter < self.args.data_forgetting_factor: input_ += self.add_data_weight[self.iiter] * self.add_data_ self.input_list.append(u.torch_to_np(input_, True)) # compute output out_ = # compute the main loss function main_loss = self.loss_fn(out_ * self.mask_, self.coarse_img_) # compute regularization loss reg_data = self.pocs(out_).detach() reg_loss = self.loss_reg_fn(out_, reg_data) self.reg_data = u.torch_to_np(reg_data.squeeze(0), bc_del=False) # compute total loss if self.args.pocs_weight is None: eps = main_loss / reg_loss eps.detach() else: eps = self.args.reg_weight total_loss = main_loss + eps * reg_loss total_loss.backward() # save loss and metrics, and print log self.history.append((total_loss.item(), main_loss.item(), reg_loss.item(), u.snr(output=out_, target=self.img_).item(), u.pcorr(output=out_, target=self.img_).item()))[0]['lr']) print(colored(self.history.log_message(self.iiter), 'yellow'), '\r', end='') # save the output if the loss is decreasing if self.iiter == 0: self.loss_min = self.history.loss[-1] self.out_best = u.torch_to_np(out_, True) if out_.ndim > 4 else u.torch_to_np(out_, False).squeeze().transpose( (1, 2, 0)) elif self.history.loss[-1] <= self.loss_min: self.loss_min = self.history.loss[-1] self.out_best = u.torch_to_np(out_, True) if out_.ndim > 4 else u.torch_to_np(out_, False).squeeze().transpose( (1, 2, 0)) else: pass # saving intermediate outputs if self.iiter in self.iter_to_be_saved and self.iiter != 0: out_img = u.torch_to_np(out_, True) if out_.ndim > 4 else u.torch_to_np(out_, False).squeeze().transpose((1, 2, 0)), self.image_name.split('.')[0] + '_output%s.npy' % str(self.iiter).zfill(self.zfill)), out_img) self.iiter += 1 return total_loss
import pywt #Signal brut, non-bruité plt.figure(figsize=(20, 3)) X = np.linspace(0, 10, 5000) Y = np.load("/home/cardiologs/Workspace/denoising/code/data/[DE-IDENTIFIED]_#DICOM#_0000A0A5_0926_000E_0926_286321_635440525514417877.dcm.npz") Y = Y["data"] #plt.plot(X, Y-1) #plt.title('Clear signal') #Bruitage du signal par un bruit gaussien de variance sigma sigma = 0.04 Yb = Y + sigma * np.random.standard_normal(Y.shape) #plt.plot(X, Yb) #plt.title('Noisy signal') print utils.snr(Y, Yb) ##Choix du fltre et débruitage du bruit w = pywt.Wavelet ('bior6.8') #Yd = utils.wave_hard_filter(Yb, sigma, 20, w) #plt.plot(X, Yd+1) #plt.title("Denoised signal") #plt.text(0, -1, "SNR :" + str(utils.snr(Y,Yd))) #optimisation d'un paramètre du filtre def filt (y, tau): return sc.invariant_wave_filter(y, sigma, tau, w) parameters = np.linspace(1, 5, 600) tauopt = utils.opt(parameters, filt, Yb, Y)
def show_results(res_dir: Path or str, opts: dict = None, curves: int = 0, savefig=False): res_dir = Path(res_dir) args = u.read_args(res_dir / "args.txt") print(args.__dict__) inputs = np.load(os.path.join(args.imgdir, args.imgname), allow_pickle=True) if opts is None: opts = dict() if 'clipval' not in opts.keys(): opts['clipval'] = u.clim(inputs, 98) if 'save_opts' not in opts.keys(): opts['save_opts'] = { 'format': 'png', 'dpi': 150, 'bbox_inches': 'tight' } outputs, hist = reconstruct_patches(args, return_history=True, verbose=True) if outputs.shape != inputs.shape: print("\n\tWarning! Outputs and Inputs have different shape! %s - %s" % (outputs.shape, inputs.shape)) inputs = inputs[:outputs.shape[0], :outputs.shape[1]] if inputs.ndim == 3: inputs = inputs[:, :, :outputs.shape[2]] # plot output volume if savefig: u.explode_volume(outputs, filename=res_dir / "output", **opts) else: u.explode_volume(outputs, **opts) # plot curves if curves > 0: if len(hist) <= curves: idx = range(len(hist)) else: idx = sample(range(len(hist)), curves) idx.sort() fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(18, 4)) for i in idx: axs[0].plot(hist[i].loss, label='patch %d' % i) axs[1].plot(hist[i].snr, label='patch %d' % i) axs[2].plot(hist[i].pcorr, label='patch %d' % i) try: axs[3].plot(hist[i].lr, label='patch %d' % i) except AttributeError: pass try: axs[0].set_title('LOSS %s' % args.loss) except AttributeError: axs[0].set_title('LOSS mae') axs[1].set_title('SNR = %.2f dB' % u.snr(outputs, inputs)) axs[2].set_title('PCORR = %.2f %%' % (u.pcorr(outputs, inputs) * 100)) axs[3].set_title('Learning Rate') for a in axs: a.legend() a.set_xlim(0, args.epochs) a.grid() axs[0].set_ylim(0) axs[1].set_ylim(0) axs[2].set_ylim(0, 1) axs[3].set_ylim(0, * 10) plt.suptitle(res_dir) plt.tight_layout(pad=.5) if savefig: plt.savefig(res_dir / f"curves.{opts['save_opts']['format']}", **opts['save_opts'])
import numpy as np import cv2 from skimage.util import random_noise import matplotlib from utils import conv, median, snr, threshold EXPORT_IMAGES = True image = cv2.imread("../data/pup.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) / 255.0 # Generate salt and pepper noise seasoned_image = random_noise(image, mode='s&p', seed=0) seasoned_snr = snr(image, seasoned_image) print("Salt and pepper SNR: " + str(seasoned_snr) + " dB") # Generate Gaussian noise gaussed_image = random_noise(image, mode='gaussian', seed=0) gaussed_snr = snr(image, gaussed_image) print("Gaussian SNR: " + str(gaussed_snr) + " dB") # Apply a median filter over image # 5x5 averaging filter kernel (low pass) avg_kernel = np.ones((5, 5)) / 25.0 averaged_simage = conv(seasoned_image, avg_kernel) averaged_gimage = conv(gaussed_image, avg_kernel) # Apply a median filter over image median_simage = median(seasoned_image, 5) median_gimage = median(gaussed_image, 5) # Sobel edge detection filters
def run_single_song(self, hq_path, filter_, cutoff, duration=None, start=0, save=True, overwrite=True): """ Runs the model for a single song. Chunks of audio is processed and the outputs are later concatenated to create full song. Args: hq_path (str): Path to high-quality audio filter_ (tuple): Type and order of lowpass filter to apply on hq audio cutoff (int): Cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter duration (int, optional): Duration of audio to process. Defaults to None, which processes the entire audio. start (int, optional): Starting point, in seconds of audio to be processed. Defaults to 0. save (bool, optional): Setting False skips saving output, only calculates SNR and MSE. Defaults to True. overwrite (bool, optional): To overwrite samples at different iterations during training. Setting False can be useful to inspect generations during GAN training. Defaults to True. Returns: performance (dict): SNR and MSE values for input and output """ self.gen_model.eval() # switch model to inference mode with torch.no_grad(): # no training is done here # initialize dataloader song_data = SingleSong(c.WAV_SAMPLE_LEN, filter_, hq_path, cutoff=cutoff, duration=duration, start=start) song_loader = DataLoader(song_data, batch_size=c.WAV_BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False, num_workers=c.NUM_WORKERS) y_full = song_data.preallocate( ) # preallocation to keep individual output chunks song_averager = u.MovingAverages() # model works on chunks of audio, these are concatenated later idx_start_chunk = 0 for x, t in song_loader: x = # input t = # target y = self.gen_model(x) # output loss = F.mse_loss(y, t) song_averager({'loss': loss}) idx_end_chunk = idx_start_chunk + y.shape[0] y_full[idx_start_chunk:idx_end_chunk] = y idx_start_chunk = idx_end_chunk y_full = u.torch2np(y_full) # to cpu-numpy y_full = np.concatenate(y_full, axis=-1) # create full song out of chunks x_full, t_full = song_data.get_full_signals() y_full = np.clip(y_full, -1, 1 - np.finfo(np.float32).eps) # Measure performance performance = song_averager.get() song_averager.reset() snr_ = u.snr(y_full, t_full) performance.update({'snr': snr_}) if self.first_epoch: # Only need to see input SNR once snr_input = u.snr(x_full, t_full) performance.update({'input_snr': snr_input}) if save: # Save audio song_name = hq_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] if 'mixture' in song_name: # DSD100 dataset has mixture.wav for all file names song_name = hq_path.split('/')[ -2] # folder name is song name # Remove problematic characters problem_str = [' - ', ' & ', ' &', '\'', ' '] for s in problem_str: song_name = song_name.replace(s, '_') if not overwrite: song_name = u.pad_str_zeros(str(self.iter_total), 7) + '_' + song_name wavfile.write( os.path.join(c.GENERATION_DIR, song_name + '_' + filter_[0] + '.wav'), c.SAMPLE_RATE, y_full.T) return performance