Esempio n. 1
def flatten_fullspec(h5fullspec, outfile=None):
    :param h5fullspec:
        Complete path to the CKC14 FSPS resolution h5 file.
    :param outfile: (optional)
        Complete path to the output file.  If not given the output
        will be h5fullspec with '.flat.' inserted
    if outfile is None:
        outfile = h5fullspec.replace('.h5','.flat.h5')
    with h5py.File(h5fullspec, "r") as full:
        with h5py.File(outfile, "w") as newf:
            ng, nt = len(full['logg']), len(full['logt'])
            nw = len(full['wavelengths'])
            newspec = []
            zs = np.sort(full['spectra'].keys())
            zlegend = [np.float(z[1:]) for z in zs]
            # Get the full parameter list as a flat structured array,
            # and throw it in the h5file
            exparams = utils.spec_params(expanded=True, zlegend=zlegend,
                                       logt=full['logt'][:], logg=full['logg'][:])
            p = newf.create_dataset("parameters", data=exparams)
            # copy the wavelength array
            full.copy("wavelengths", newf)
            for z in zs:
                n = np.squeeze(full['spectra'][z]).reshape(ng*nt, nw)
            newf.create_dataset('spectra', data=np.vstack(newspec))
Esempio n. 2
def make_lib(R=1000, wmin=1e3, wmax=1e4, velocity=True,
             dirname='./', name='ckc14_new', **extras):
    """Make a new downsampled CKC library, with the desired resolution
    in the desired wavelength range.  This makes both binary files
    (one for each metallicity) and a wavelength file, suitable for use
    in FSPS.  It also makes an hdf5 file.

    This is deprecated in favor of make_lib_byz below
    downsample = utils.read_and_downsample_spectra
    if not os.path.exists(dirname):
    outwave, outres = utils.construct_outwave(R, wmin, wmax,
    wave = np.concatenate(outwave)
    spectra = downsample(outwave, outres, velocity=velocity,

    with open(dirname+'{0}.lambda'.format(name), 'w') as f:
        for w in np.concatenate(outwave):
    params = utils.spec_params(expanded=True)
    with h5py.File(dirname + '{0}.h5'.format(name), 'x') as f:
        dspec = f.create_dataset("spectra", data=spectra)
        dwave = f.create_dataset("wavelengths", data=wave)
        dpar =  f.create_dataset("parameters", data=params)
Esempio n. 3
def make_lib_byz(R=1000, wmin=1e3, wmax=1e4, velocity=True,
             dirname='./', name='ckc14_new', **extras):

    """Make a new downsampled CKC library, with the desired resolution
    in the desired wavelength range.  This makes both binary files
    (one for each metallicity) and a wavelength file, suitable for use
    in FSPS.  It also makes an hdf5 file with the downsampled spectra.
    downsample = utils.read_and_downsample_onez

    # set up output names, directories, and files
    if not os.path.exists(dirname):
    binout = dirname+'{0}_z{{0}}.spectra.bin'.format(name)
    wout = dirname+'{0}.lambda'.format(name)
    with h5py.File(dirname + '{0}.h5'.format(name), 'x') as f:
        spgr = f.create_group("spectra")

        # Get the output wavelength grid, write to hdf5 and a file
        outwave, outres = utils.construct_outwave(R, wmin, wmax,
        wave = np.concatenate(outwave)
        dwave = f.create_dataset("wavelengths", data=wave)
        with open(wout, 'w') as wf:
            for w in np.concatenate(outwave):

        # Parameters
        params = utils.spec_params(expanded=True)
        dpar =  f.create_dataset("parameters", data=params)
        zlegend, logg, logt = utils.spec_params()

        # Get the spectra for each z binary file
        zlist = ['{0:06.4f}'.format(z) for z in zlegend]
        for z in zlist:
            print('doing z={}'.format(z))
            zspec = downsample(z, outwave, outres, binout=binout,
                               write_binary=True, velocity=velocity)
            zd = spgr.create_dataset('z{0}'.format(z), data=zspec)