def _depth_first_break_cycles(graph, back_labels):
    visited = set()
    for s in list(graph.keys()):
        if s in visited:

        state_stack = stack()
        labels_stack = stack()
            {s})  # a dummy label set, to pop at the end of the first loop
        while state_stack:
            labels = labels_stack.peek()
            state = state_stack.peek()
            if labels <= back_labels or state in visited:
                # edge was removed in a previous iteration
                # or state was already visited

            outgoing = graph.get(state, {})
            for tgt, labels in list(outgoing.items()):
                if tgt not in visited:
                elif tgt in state_stack:
                    # if tgt is visited and in state_stack, then there is a cycle!
                    back_labels |= labels
                    for var in list(labels):
                        _remove_transitions_with_var(graph, var)
Esempio n. 2
def mn(m, n, stages=3, strict_nonblocking=False, augment=False):
    assert stages % 2 == 1
    if stages == 1:
        # return mxn full connection
        return [[range(n)] * m]

    # otherwise, build the network recursively
    n1, n2 = _solve(m, n, strict_nonblocking)
    k = (n1 + n2 - 1) if strict_nonblocking else max(n1, n2)
    r1 = cint(m * 1. / n1)
    r2 = cint(n * 1. / n2)
    layers = []

    # Build the first stage
    blocks = [[[range(k)] * n1]] * r1

    # Connect the first stage with the core switch network
    layers.append(_xlink(r1, k))

    # Recursively build the core switch network
    blocks = [mn(r1, r2, stages - 2, strict_nonblocking)] * k

    # Connect the core switch network with the last stage
    layers.append(_xlink(k, r2))

    # Build the last stage
    blocks = [[[range(n2)] * k]] * r2

    return layers
Esempio n. 3
def slidingTopK(h, K, M, mask=None, stride=1):
    """ Performs KNN on each input pixel with a window of MxM.
    if stride != 1:
        raise NotImplementedError
    # form index set that follows the reflection padding of input vector
    index = torch.arange(h.shape[-2] * h.shape[-1]).reshape(
        1, 1, h.shape[-2], h.shape[-1]).float()
    index = utils.conv_pad(index, M, mode='reflect')
    hp = utils.conv_pad(h, M, mode='reflect')
    hs = utils.stack(hp, M, stride)  # (B,I,J,C,M,M)
    B, I, J = hs.shape[:3]
    hbs = utils.batch_stack(hs)  # (BIJ, C, M, M)
    ibs = utils.batch_stack(utils.stack(index, M, stride))
    cpx = (M - 1) // 2
    pad = (int(np.floor((stride - 1) / 2)), int(np.ceil((stride - 1) / 2)))
    v = hbs[..., (cpx - pad[0]):(cpx + pad[1] + 1),
            (cpx - pad[0]):(cpx + pad[1] + 1)]
    S = v.shape[-1]
    print(f"forming adjacency matrix...")
    G = graphAdj(v, hbs, mask)  # (BIJ, SS, MM)
    ibs = ibs.reshape(B * I * J, 1, M * M)
    edge = torch.topk(G, K, largest=False).indices
    edge = edge + torch.arange(0, B * I * J, device=h.device).reshape(
        -1, 1, 1) * M * M
    edge = torch.index_select(ibs.reshape(-1, 1), 0, edge.flatten())
    edge = edge.reshape(B * I * J, S * S, K).permute(0, 2,
                                                     1).reshape(-1, K, S, S)
    edge = utils.unbatch_stack(edge, (I, J))
    edge = utils.unstack(edge)
    return edge.long()
Esempio n. 4
 def generate_general_reduced_rules(self, counter, i, j):
     Generate a middle rule, starting at ci and ending at cj
     :param counter: The counter to avoid collision
     :param i: index of the first relation
     :param j: index of the last relation
     rules = []
         DuplicationRule("C", "A" + str(counter), "D" + str(counter)))
     temp_counter = counter
     temp = stack(["end"] + self.part1[:i], counter + 1, "A" + str(counter),
     counter = temp[1]
     rules = rules + temp[0]
     temp = unstack(self.part0[i:j + 1], self.part0, temp_counter,
                    "D" + str(temp_counter),
                    "Cback" + str(temp_counter + self.n_relations() + 1))
     counter = temp[1]
     rules = rules + temp[0]
     counter = max(counter, temp_counter)
     counter += 1
     temp = stack(self.part1[j + 1:], counter,
                  "Cback" + str(temp_counter + self.n_relations() + 1), "C")
     counter = temp[1]
     rules = rules + temp[0]
     return (rules, counter)
Esempio n. 5
def process_batch(batch, loss, i, k, set_, t0):
    """Optimization step.

    batch = [input, target]: contains data for optim step [input, target]
    loss: dict containing statistics about optimization
    i: epoch
    k: index of the current batch
    set_: type of batch (\"train\" or \"dev\")
    t0: time of the beginning of epoch

    nbatch = vars(opt)['nbatch_' + set_]
    res = model.step(batch, set_)
    for key, value in res.items():
        except KeyError:
            loss[key] = [value]
    if opt.verbose:
        batch_time = (time.time() - t0) / (k + 1)
        eta = nbatch * batch_time
        out = ' %s %d: batch %.5d/%.5d |' %(set_, i, k, nbatch - 1)
        for key, value in res.items():
            out += ' %s: %.2e |' %(key, value)
        out += ' batch time: %.2fs | %s eta: %.2dH%.2dm%.2ds' \
            %(batch_time, set_, eta / (60 * 60), (eta / 60) % 60, eta % 60)
        print(out, end='\r')
    if opt.image_save or opt.visdom:
        if 'bev' not in opt.input:
            to_plot = []
            nviz = min(10, opt.bsz)
            to_plot.append(utils.stack(batch[0], nviz, opt.input_len))
            to_plot.append(utils.stack(batch[1], nviz, opt.target_len))
            to_plot.append(utils.stack(model.output(), nviz, opt.target_len))
            img = np.concatenate(to_plot, 2)
        elif opt.input == 'bev-depth':
            to_plot = []
            bev, fv, bev_targets, fv_targets = utils.bev_batch_viz(batch)
            to_plot.append((bev, 'BEV'))
            to_plot.append((fv, 'FV'))
            to_plot.append((bev_targets, 'BEV targets'))
            to_plot.append((fv_targets, 'FV targets'))
            to_plot.append((model.output(), 'BEV and FV predictions'))
            img = to_plot
        elif opt.input == 'bev-crop':
            img = []
            bev_crop, fv_crop, fv_full, label = utils.bev_crop_viz(batch)
            img.append((fv_full, label))
            img.append((fv_crop, label))
        elif opt.input == 'bev-prior':
            img = []
            bev = utils.bev_prior_viz(batch)
            img.append((bev, 'BEV'))
            img.append((model.output(), 'prior and posterior'))
        viz(img, loss, i, k, nbatch, set_)
    return loss
Esempio n. 6
def process_batch(batch, j, t0):
    """Compute score for every frames in a video (which is also a batch).

    batch = [input, target]: all frames in the video
    j: index of the video
    t0: time when the test started

    nbatch = vars(opt)["nbatch_test"]
    frame_scores = np.zeros((opt.m, 4))
    d3, d4 = batch[0].size(3), batch[0].size(4)
    for i in range(opt.bsz):
        for c in range(4):
            data = [batch[0][i][c], batch[1][i][c]]
            frame_scores[i][c] = model.score(data)
            if opt_test.image_save or opt_test.visdom:
                to_plot = []
                nviz = 1
                to_plot.append(utils.stack(data[0].unsqueeze(0), nviz, opt.input_len))
                to_plot.append(utils.stack(data[1].unsqueeze(0), nviz, opt.target_len))
                to_plot.append(utils.stack(model.output(), nviz, opt.target_len))
                img = np.concatenate(to_plot, 2)
                viz_output(img, {}, i, j, nbatch, "output")

    if opt_test.verbose:
        batch_time = (dt.time() - t0) / (j + 1)
        eta = nbatch * batch_time
        out = " test: batch %.5d/%.5d |" % (j, nbatch - 1)
        mean = frame_scores.mean(0)
        out += " Mean: %.2e - %.2e - %.2e - %.2e |" % (
        out += " batch time: %.2fs | test eta: %.2dH%.2dm%.2ds" % (
            eta / (60 * 60),
            (eta / 60) % 60,
            eta % 60,
        print(out, end="\r")
    if opt_test.image_save or opt_test.visdom:
        for c in range(4):
            to_plot = []
            nviz = opt.m
            to_plot.append(utils.stack(batch[0].select(1, c), nviz, opt.input_len))
            to_plot.append(utils.stack(batch[1].select(1, c), nviz, opt.target_len))
            img = np.concatenate(to_plot, 2)
            viz(img, {"c": frame_scores}, i, j, nbatch, str(c))
    return frame_scores
Esempio n. 7
 def generate_splitting(self, counter, first_nt, also):
     Generate the splitting for the branches
     :param counter: The first index to use to generate rules
     :param first_nt: the first non terminal of the tree (the head)
     rules = []
     initial_counter = counter
     if len(self.others) == 0:
         rules.append(DuplicationRule("C", "T", first_nt))
     elif len(self.others) == 1:
         rules.append(DuplicationRule("C", "CD" + str(counter), first_nt))
             DuplicationRule("C", "CD" + str(counter),
                             "K" + str(counter + 1)))
         counter += 1
         for i in range(len(self.others) - 2):
                 DuplicationRule("K" + str(counter), "CD" + str(counter),
                                 "K" + str(counter + 1)))
             counter += 1
             DuplicationRule("K" + str(counter), "CD" + str(counter),
         # Stacking
         for i in range(len(self.others)):
             temp = stack(["end"] + self.others[i].part0 + also, counter,
                          "CD" + str(initial_counter + i), "C")
             counter = temp[1]
             rules = rules + temp[0]
     return (rules, counter)
Esempio n. 8
	def resolve_cycles(self, assignments):
		visited = set()
		for s in self.nodes:
			if s in visited:

			node_stack = stack()
			while node_stack:
				node = node_stack.peek()
				if node in visited:
					# node was already visited
				targets = s.children
				for target in targets:
					if target not in visited:
					elif target in node_stack:
						# if target is visited and in state_stack, then there is a cycle!
						# NOTE: it would be sufficient to find all elements in the cycle
						# and put these together in a composite
						# for now we keep the original composite intact
						return True
		return False
Esempio n. 9
File: Progetto: yesme/pcnn
def _build_layer(n, bases, direct, overlay, augment, exchange_func, next_base):
    # Build the shuffle layer
    shuffle = []
    for x in xrange(n):
        xseq = num_to_seq(x, bases)
        out = set()
        # if direct is set, point to itself
        # otherwise, <<1, shuffle = Exchange(Omega(X, 1))
        # if overlay is set, do it for LogN times
        for k in xrange(0 if direct else 1, len(bases) if overlay else 2):
            shifted_bases = bases[-k:] + bases[:-k]
            yseq =  [exchange_func(b, d) for b, d in zip(xseq[-k:], bases[-k:])] + xseq[:-k]  # Exchange(x<<k)
            if augment:
                # connect to every node in a block
                out.update([seq_to_num([i] + yseq[1:], shifted_bases) for i in xrange(shifted_bases[0])])
                # just add one node in a block
                out.add(seq_to_num(yseq, shifted_bases))

    # Build the switcher layer
    shifted_bases = bases[-1:] + bases[:-1]
    switcher = []
    num_blocks = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, shifted_bases[1:], 1)
    blocks = [[[range(next_base)] * shifted_bases[0]]] * num_blocks
    switcher = stack(*blocks)[0]

    return [shuffle, switcher]
Esempio n. 10
    def forward(self, names: Iterator[Name]) -> TT:
        """The forward calculation of the name's language recognition model.

            names: a sequence of person names; calculating the scores for
                several names at the same time is faster thanks to better

            score matrix in which each row corresponds to a single name, with
            its individual elements corresponding to the scores of different
        # TODO EX2 (a): the following lines need to be adapted to the EmbeddingSum,
        # which processes features in groups.  You will also need to make
        # trivial modifications in the code in two or three other places
        # (imports, initialization).
        # TODO EX2 (b): you can further try to modify the EmbeddingSum class so
        # that it works over batches of feature groups.
        embeddings = [
            # [self.emb.forward(feat) for feat in self.features(name)]
            self.emb.forward(self.features(name)) for name in names
        # cbow = utils.from_rows(map(sum, embeddings))
        cbow = utils.stack(embeddings)
        scores = self.ffn.forward(cbow)
        return scores
    def encode(self, unencode_boxes,
               reference_boxes):  #np.ones(5, dtype=np.float32)):
        :param unencode_boxes: [batch_size*H*W*num_anchors_per_location, 5]
        :param reference_boxes: [H*W*num_anchors_per_location, 5]
        :return: encode_boxes [-1, 5]  # xc,yc,w,h,theta
        weights = self.weights
        lib = self.lib

        x_center, y_center, w, h, theta = \
            unencode_boxes[:, 0], unencode_boxes[:, 1], unencode_boxes[:, 2], unencode_boxes[:, 3], unencode_boxes[:, 4]
        reference_x_center, reference_y_center, reference_w, reference_h, reference_theta = \
            reference_boxes[:, 0], reference_boxes[:, 1], reference_boxes[:, 2], reference_boxes[:, 3], reference_boxes[:, 4]

        reference_w += EPSILON
        reference_h += EPSILON
        w += EPSILON
        h += EPSILON  # to avoid NaN in division and log below
        t_xcenter = (x_center - reference_x_center) / reference_w
        t_ycenter = (y_center - reference_y_center) / reference_h
        t_w = lib.log(w / reference_w)
        t_h = lib.log(h / reference_h)
        for targets where the height and width are roughly similar, there may be ambiguity in angle regression
        e.g. if height and width are equal, angle regression could be -90 or 0 degrees
        we don't want to penalize this
        # THRESH = 0.15
        # w_to_h_ratio = w / h
        # w_to_h_ratio_diff = self.lib.abs(1.0 - w_to_h_ratio)
        # adj_theta = theta.clone() if self.lib == torch else theta.copy()
        # square_ids = w_to_h_ratio_diff < THRESH
        # adj_squares_theta = adj_theta[square_ids]
        # adj_squares_theta[adj_squares_theta > 90] -= 90
        # adj_squares_theta[adj_squares_theta > 45] -= 90
        # adj_theta[square_ids] = adj_squares_theta

        t_theta = theta - reference_theta
        # t_theta[t_theta > 90] -= 90
        # t_theta[t_theta > 45] -= 90

        t_theta = t_theta * np.pi / 180  # convert to radians

        if weights is not None:
            wx, wy, ww, wh, wa = weights
            t_xcenter *= wx
            t_ycenter *= wy
            t_w *= ww
            t_h *= wh
            t_theta *= wa

        encode_boxes = stack([t_xcenter, t_ycenter, t_w, t_h, t_theta],

        return encode_boxes
Esempio n. 12
def process_batch(batch, loss, i, k, set_, t0):
    """Optimization step.

    batch = [input, target]: contains data for optim step [input, target]
    loss: dict containing statistics about optimization
    i: epoch
    k: index of the current batch
    set_: type of batch (\"train\" or \"dev\")
    t0: time of the beginning of epoch

    nbatch = vars(opt)["nbatch_" + set_]
    res = model.step(batch, set_)
    for key, value in res.items():
        except KeyError:
            loss[key] = [value]
    if opt.verbose:
        batch_time = (time.time() - t0) / (k + 1)
        eta = nbatch * batch_time
        out = " %s %d: batch %.5d/%.5d |" % (set_, i, k, nbatch - 1)
        for key, value in res.items():
            out += " %s: %.2e |" % (key, value)
        out += " batch time: %.2fs | %s eta: %.2dH%.2dm%.2ds" % (
            eta / (60 * 60),
            (eta / 60) % 60,
            eta % 60,
        print(out, end="\r")
    if opt.image_save or opt.visdom:
        to_plot = []
        nviz = min(10, opt.bsz)
        to_plot.append(utils.stack(batch[0], nviz, opt.input_len))
        to_plot.append(utils.stack(batch[1], nviz, opt.target_len))
        to_plot.append(utils.stack(model.output(), nviz, opt.target_len))
        img = np.concatenate(to_plot, 2)
        viz(img, loss, i, k, nbatch, set_)
    return loss
Esempio n. 13
 def generate_palindrome_rules(self, counter, susie=False):
     rules = []
     temp = stack(self.part1, counter, "Cforward", "Cforward")
     counter = temp[1]
     rules = rules + temp[0]
     last = "Cbackward"
     if susie:
         last = "Cend"
     temp = unstack(self.part0, self.part0, counter, "Cbackward", last)
     counter = temp[1]
     rules = rules + temp[0]
     return (rules, counter)
Esempio n. 14
 def generate_palindrome_rules(self, counter, susie):
     rules = []
     if self.n_inputs < 2:
         temp = stack(self.part1, counter, "Cforward", "Cforward")
         counter = temp[1]
         rules = rules + temp[0]
         c_temp = "C_inter" + str(counter)
         counter += 1
         temp = unstack(self.part1[self.n_inputs - 2::-1], self.part1,
                        counter, "Cforward", c_temp)
         counter = temp[1]
         rules = rules + temp[0]
         temp = stack(self.part1, counter, c_temp, "Cforward")
         counter = temp[1]
         rules = rules + temp[0]
     last = "Cbackward"
     if susie:
         last = "Cend"
     temp = unstack(self.part0, self.part0, counter, "Cbackward", last)
     counter = temp[1]
     rules = rules + temp[0]
     return (rules, counter)
    def decode(self, encode_boxes, reference_boxes):
        :param encode_boxes:[N, 5]  # xc,yc,w,h,theta
        :param reference_boxes: [N, 5] # xc,yc,w,h,theta
        :param scale_factors: use for scale
        in the rpn stage, reference_boxes are anchors
        in the fast_rcnn stage, reference boxes are proposals(decode) produced by rpn stage
        :return:decode boxes [N, 5]
        weights = self.weights
        lib = self.lib

        t_xcenter = encode_boxes[:, 0]
        t_ycenter = encode_boxes[:, 1]
        t_w = encode_boxes[:, 2]
        t_h = encode_boxes[:, 3]
        t_theta = encode_boxes[:, 4]

        if weights is not None:
            wx, wy, ww, wh, wa = weights
            t_xcenter /= wx
            t_ycenter /= wy
            t_w /= ww
            t_h /= wh
            t_theta /= wa

        dw = clamp(t_w, max=self.bbox_xform_clip, lib=lib)
        dh = clamp(t_h, max=self.bbox_xform_clip, lib=lib)

        reference_x_center = reference_boxes[:, 0]
        reference_y_center = reference_boxes[:, 1]
        reference_w = reference_boxes[:, 2]
        reference_h = reference_boxes[:, 3]
        reference_theta = reference_boxes[:, 4]

        predict_x_center = t_xcenter * reference_w + reference_x_center
        predict_y_center = t_ycenter * reference_h + reference_y_center
        predict_w = lib.exp(dw) * reference_w
        predict_h = lib.exp(dh) * reference_h
        predict_theta = t_theta * 180 / np.pi + reference_theta  # radians to degrees

        decode_boxes = stack([
            predict_x_center, predict_y_center, predict_w, predict_h,

        return decode_boxes
Esempio n. 16
 def generate_left_reduced_rules(self, counter):
     Generates the reduced left rules as describe in the paper.
     :param counter: counter used to be sure we do not duplicate
     non-terminals. So, it MUST be update after the function.
     :return A couple (rules, counter) containing the generated rules and the
     new counter value
     rules = []
     for i in range(1, self.n_relations() + 1):
         temp = unstack(self.part0[0:i], self.part0, counter, "C",
                        "Cback" + str(counter + self.n_relations() + 1))
         counter = temp[1]
         rules = rules + temp[0]
         temp = stack(self.part1[i:], counter, "Cback" + str(counter), "C")
         counter = temp[1]
         rules = rules + temp[0]
     return (rules, counter)
Esempio n. 17
def windowedTopK(h, K, M, mask):
    """ Returns top K feature vector indices for 
	h: (B, C, H, W) input feature
	M: window side-length
	mask: (H*W, H*W) Graph mask.
	output: (B, K, H, W) K edge indices (of flattened image) for each pixel
    # stack image windows
    hs = utils.stack(h, M, M)  # (B,I,J,C,M,M)
    I, J = hs.shape[1], hs.shape[2]
    # move stack to match dimension to build batched Graph Adjacency matrices
    hbs = utils.batch_stack(hs)  # (B*I*J,C,M,M)
    G = graphAdj(hbs, hbs, mask)  # (B*I*J, M*M, M*M)
    # find topK in each window, unbatch the stack, translate window-index to tile index
    # (B*I*J,M*M,K) -> (B*I*J,K,M*M) -> (B*I*J, K, M, M)
    edge = torch.topk(G, K,
                      largest=False).indices.permute(0, 2,
                                                     1).reshape(-1, K, M, M)
    edge = utils.unbatch_stack(edge, (I, J))  # (B,I,J,K,M,M)
    return utils.indexTranslate(edge, M)  # (B,K,H,W)
Esempio n. 18
    def propagate(self, aggr, edge_index, **kwargs):
        r"""The initial call to start propagating messages.
        Takes in an aggregation scheme (:obj:`"add"`, :obj:`"mean"` or
        :obj:`"max"`), the edge indices, and all additional data which is
        needed to construct messages and to update node embeddings."""

        assert aggr in ['split_stack', 'stack', 'add', 'mean', 'max']
        kwargs['edge_index'] = edge_index

        size = None
        message_args = []
        for arg in self.__user_args__:
            if arg[-2:] == '_i':
                # tmp is x
                tmp = kwargs[arg[:-2]]
                size = tmp.size(0)
            elif arg[-2:] == '_j':
                tmp = kwargs[arg[:-2]]
                size = tmp.size(0)

        update_args = set(self.__update_params__.keys())
        update_args = [kwargs[arg] for arg in update_args]

        out = self.message(*message_args)
        if aggr == 'split_stack':
            out = split_stack(out,
        elif aggr == 'stack':
            out = stack(out, edge_index[0], kwargs['edge_type'], dim_size=size)
            out = scatter_(aggr, out, edge_index[0], dim_size=size)
        out = self.update(out, *update_args)

        return out
Esempio n. 19
 def generate_right_reduced_rules(self, counter):
     Generates the reduced right rules as describe in the paper.
     :param counter: counter used to be sure we do not duplicate
     non-terminals. So, it MUST be update after the function.
     :return A couple (rules, counter) containing the generated rules and the
     new counter value
     rules = []
     for i in range(1, self.n_relations()):
             DuplicationRule("C", "A" + str(counter), "D" + str(counter)))
         temp_counter = counter
         temp = stack(["end"] + self.part1[:i], counter, "A" + str(counter),
         counter = temp[1]
         rules = rules + temp[0]
         temp = unstack(self.part0[i:self.n_relations()], self.part0,
                        temp_counter, "D" + str(temp_counter), "C")
         counter = temp[1]
         rules = rules + temp[0]
         counter = max(counter, temp_counter)
         counter += 1
     return (rules, counter)
                frame = frame / float(255)  # normalize
                frame = frame.astype('float32')
                # cv2.imshow('frame',frame)
                if gray:
                    frame = np.tile(frame,
                                    (1, 1, 1))  # give it the channel dim

                # import time
                # time.sleep(0.5)
            if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

        video = u.stack(video)
            vid] = video  # video, subsampled, evenly spaced, consecutive video
                        dataset_name=action + '_subsamp=' + str(subsample),

    # action_vids = np.vstack(action_vids)  # consecutive video  ACTUALLY THIS MIGHT NOT BE TRUE. WE NEED THE VIDEOS TO BE SEPARATE!

    # randomly permute  -- don't do this!
    # tm1s = np.random.permutation(range(0,len(action_vids)-1,2))
    # ts = np.array([i+1 for i in tm1s])
    # shuffle_idxs = list( for it in itertools.cycle([iter(tm1s), iter(ts)])) # groups of 2
    # action_vids = action_vids[np.array(shuffle_idxs),:,:]
Esempio n. 21
 def push_tree(self,
               first: str,
               last: str,
               counter: int,
               end: bool = False) -> Tuple[List[ReducedRule], int]:
     Push the regex on the stack of the grammar.
     :param first: The firts non-terminal to use
     :param last: The last non-terminal to use
     :param counter: A counter to prevent duplication of non-terminals
     :param end: Whether an end symbol should be added to the stack
     :type first: str
     :type last: str
     :type counter: int
     :type end: boolean
     :return: A couple which contains first the rules generated and then\
                 the next counter to use
     :rtype: A couple of a list of Reduced rules and an int
     rules = []
     # We begin by pushing the end symbol if necessary
     if end:
         rules.append(ProductionRule(first, "Ce" + str(counter), "end"))
         first = "Ce" + str(counter)
     if not self.head.is_str():
         # i.e. we have a function
         res = utils.stack(self.head.get_function().part1, counter, first,
         rules += res[0]
         counter = res[1]
         return (rules, counter)
     elif self.head.get_str() == ".":
         # Concatenation
         # Creates intermediate non-terminals
         temp_nt = [first]
         for _ in range(len(self.sons)):
             temp_nt.append("C" + str(counter))
             counter += 1
         # Consume each son separately and join them with the intermediate
         # non-terminals
         for i in range(len(self.sons)):
             temp = self.sons[i].push_tree(temp_nt[i], temp_nt[i + 1],
             rules += temp[0]
             counter = temp[1]
         # link last intermediate to the last non-symbol
         rules.append(DuplicationRule(temp_nt[-1], "T", last))
         return (rules, counter)
     elif self.head.get_str() == "|":
         # Or node
         # Each son is pushed separately and they all have the same first
         # and last non-terminals
         for son in self.sons:
             temp = son.push_tree(first, last, counter)
             rules += temp[0]
             counter = temp[1]
         return (rules, counter)
     elif self.head.get_str() == "*":
         # Kleene star
         # We make the first symbol go directly to the last one, to simulate
         # the empty case
         rules.append(DuplicationRule(first, "T", last))
         # Normally just one
         for son in self.sons:
             # We should end where we begin
             temp = son.push_tree(last, last, counter)
             rules += temp[0]
             counter = temp[1]
         return (rules, counter)
     return (rules, counter)
            if gray: frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)  # shape: (height, width)  it is gray anyway
            if i % subsample == 0:
                frame = frame/float(255)  # normalize
                frame = frame.astype('float32')
                # cv2.imshow('frame',frame)
                if gray: frame = np.tile(frame,(1,1,1))  # give it the channel dim

                # import time
                # time.sleep(0.5)
            if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

        video = u.stack(video)
        action_vids[vid] = video  # video, subsampled, evenly spaced, consecutive video
    u.save_dict_to_hdf5(dataset=action_vids, dataset_name=action+'_subsamp='+str(subsample), dataset_folder=out)

    # action_vids = np.vstack(action_vids)  # consecutive video  ACTUALLY THIS MIGHT NOT BE TRUE. WE NEED THE VIDEOS TO BE SEPARATE!

    # randomly permute  -- don't do this!
    # tm1s = np.random.permutation(range(0,len(action_vids)-1,2))
    # ts = np.array([i+1 for i in tm1s])
    # shuffle_idxs = list( for it in itertools.cycle([iter(tm1s), iter(ts)])) # groups of 2
    # action_vids = action_vids[np.array(shuffle_idxs),:,:]

    # action_data[action] = action_vids

# save