Esempio n. 1
def printSimResults(results):
	stopCurve, goRTs, ssrts = utils.stop_curve(results)

	print "Stop Curve:"
	print stopCurve

	print "GO RT: %0.3f " % (goRTs)
Esempio n. 2
def simulate(theta, mean, std, ntrials=20000, timebound=.650, learn=False, acc=None, ssv_decay=False, sim=False):

	#	           TESTING LEARN FX 			#

	Notes for learning:

		*set learn=True

		*if you want the accumulated evidence vectors set return_all=True

		*IMPORTANT: theta needs to contain parameters
			'cor_lr':	learning rate following correct trials
			'err_lr':	learning rate following error trials

		*IMPORTANT: acc is a binary vector containing the accuracy for each trial
			* when you're fitting (using fitre.fit_reactive_data())
			  then it will use the subject's actual accuracy data
			* if you're just simulating with this function then you need
			  to provide this vector

				I'd reccomend pulling an example from the subject dataframe
				when you're in preliminary testing stages (df = your subject dataframe)

				To do this get your accuracy vector from some subject (e.g. subject 12)

					theta={'pGo':.5, 'a':0.4, 'z':.19, 'v':1.1, 't':0.235, 'ssv':-1, 'cor_lr':.09, err_lr:-.11}

				Then set fitre.simulate(theta, ntrials=ntrials, acc=example_acc, learn=True, return_all=True)

		The output will be a pandas dataframe. The df will have a column 'v' containing the drift-rate
		for that trial, you can use this column to bin drift-rates and look at the accuracy, rt info for each

		*once you have good estimates for cor_lr and err_lr,
		try optimizing to set of behavioral data using fitre.fit_reactive_data()


	acc = []

	columns = ['rt', 'choice', 'response', 'acc', 'trial_type', 'ssd', 'v', 'probe'] #pGo
	mfx= fitfx_learn.radd_fitfx

	if learn:
		learnfrom={'previous':0, 'time_dif' : 0, 'prev_response': 0}

	df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index=np.arange(0,ntrials))

	for i in xrange(ntrials):
		(ttype,ssd,is_probe) = utils.generate_trial(mean,std)
		theta['ssd'] = ssd

		if learn and i == 0:
			sim_out = mfx(theta, timebound=timebound, ttype=ttype, learnfrom=None)
			sim_out = mfx(theta, timebound=timebound, ttype=ttype, learnfrom=learnfrom)

		sim_out['probe'] = is_probe
		df.loc[i]=pd.Series({c:sim_out[c] for c in df.columns})

		if learn:
			learnfrom['prev_outcome'] = int(sim_out['acc'])
			learnfrom['time_dif'] = 0.500 - sim_out['rt']
			learnfrom['prev_response'] = sim_out['response']

	df[['rt', 'acc', 'response','v']] = df[['rt', 'acc', 'response', 'v']].astype(float)

	if sim:
		return df
		#get mean vectors
		sacc,rt,sem =utils.stop_curve(df)
		go_rt=utils.get_rtcor(df, tb=timebound)*10
		return sacc, go_rt