Esempio n. 1
    def getConfigHTML(self):
        (errst, ok) = self.checkValid()
        if not ok:
            return (errst, False)

        # start of form
        text = '<form action="config"><div class="form">\n'

        # mote
        text += '<strong>Mote:</strong><br/>\n'
        text += '<div class="subcontents">\n'
        text += 'Port: <em>' + self.mote.getPortName() + '</em><br/>\n'
        text += 'Platform: <em>' + + '</em><br/>\n'
        text += '</div>\n'

        # sensors
        text += '<strong>Sensor reading periods (in milliseconds, "0" means disabled):</strong><br/>\n'
        text += '<div class="subcontents">\n'
        for s in self.activePlatform.sensors:
            text += '<div class="entry">'
            text += utils.toTitleCase( + ": "
            text += '<input type="text" name="' + s.varname + '" value="' + str(s.period) + '"/><br/></div>\n'
        text += '</div>\n'

        # outputs
        text += '<strong>System outputs:</strong><br/>\n'
        text += '<div class="subcontents">\n'
        for s in self.activePlatform.outputs:
            text += '<div class="entry">'
            text += '<input type="checkbox" name="' + s.varname + '"'
            if s.isSelected: text += ' checked="checked"'
            text += '/> Write to ' + utils.toCamelCase(
            if s.varname == "file":
                text += '<br/><label for="filename">Filename: </label>'
                text += '<input type="input" name="filename" value="' + self.filenameOnMote + '"'
                text += ' title="The file will be created on mote\'s SD card" />\n'
            text += '<br/></div>\n'
        text += '</div>\n'

        # leds
        text += '<strong>LED:</strong><br/>\n'
        text += '<div class="subcontents">\n'
        for s in self.activePlatform.leds:
            text += '<div class="entry">'
            text += '<input type="checkbox" name="' + s.varname + '"'
            if s.isOn: text += ' checked="checked"'
            text += '/> ' + + " LED on"
            text += '<br/></div>\n'
        text += '</div>\n'

        # end of form
        motename = "mote" + os.path.basename(self.mote.getPortName())
        text += '<input type="hidden" name="' + motename + '_cfg" value="1"/>\n'
        text += '<input type="hidden" name="sel_' + motename \
            + '" value="' + + '" />\n'
        text += '<input type="submit" name="get" title="Read the currently active configuration values from the mote" value="Get values"/> \n'
        text += '<input type="submit" name="set" title="Set the web configuration values as active" value="Set values"/>\n'
        text += '</div></form>\n'
        return (text, True)
Esempio n. 2
    def getConfigHTML(self):
        (errst, ok) = self.checkValid()
        if not ok:
            return (errst, False)

        # start of form
        text = '<form action="config" id="configForm"><div class="form">\n'

        # mote
        text += '<strong>Mote:</strong><br/>\n'
        text += '<div class="subcontents">\n'
        text += 'Port: <em>' + self.mote.getFullName() + '</em><br/>\n'
        text += 'Platform: <em>' + + '</em><br/>\n'
        text += '</div>\n'

        # sensors
        text += "<table class='table'><thead><tr style='background-color: #f5f5f5;'><th>&nbsp;</th>"
        for s in self.activePlatform.sensors:
            text += "<th>" + utils.toTitleCase( + "</th>"
        text += "</thead></tr><tbody>"
        text += "<tr><th valign='middle'>Period</th>"
        for s in self.activePlatform.sensors:
            text += "<td>"
            text += '<input type="text" title="Sensor reading periods (in milliseconds, \'0\' means disabled)" name="' + s.varname + '" value="' + str(
                s.period) + '" style="width: 50px"/><br/></div>\n'
            text += "</td>"
        text += "</tr>"
        text += "<tr><th valign='middle'>Actions</th>"
        for s in self.activePlatform.sensors:
            text += "<td>"
            text += "<input type='checkbox' name='graph_" + s.varname + "' %graph_" + s.varname + "%>&nbsp;<a href='javascript:void(0)'>graph</a></input>"
            #text += "<br/>"
            #text += "<input type='checkbox' name='store_" + s.varname + "'>&nbsp;<a href='javascript:void(0)'>store</a></input>"
            text += "</td>"
        text += "</tr>"
        text += "</tbody></table>"

        # outputs
        text += "<table><tr><td valign='top'>"
        text += '<strong>System outputs:</strong><br/>\n'
        text += '<div class="subcontents">\n'
        for s in self.activePlatform.outputs:
            text += '<div class="entry">'
            text += '<input type="checkbox" name="' + s.varname + '"'
            if s.isSelected: text += ' checked="checked"'
            text += '/> Write to ' + utils.toCamelCase(
            if s.varname == "file":
                text += '<br/><label for="filename">Filename: </label>'
                text += '<input type="input" name="filename" value="' + self.filenameOnMote + '"'
                text += ' title="The file will be created on mote\'s SD card" />\n'
            text += '<br/></div>\n'
        text += '</div>\n'
        text += "</td><td width='40px'></td><td valign='top'>"

        # leds
        text += '<strong>LED:</strong><br/>\n'
        text += '<div class="subcontents">\n'
        for s in self.activePlatform.leds:
            text += '<div class="entry">'
            text += '<input type="checkbox" name="' + s.varname + '"'
            if s.isOn: text += ' checked="checked"'
            text += '/> ' + + " LED on"
            text += '<br/></div>\n'
        text += '</div>\n'
        text += "</td></tr></table>"

        # end of form
        motename = "mote" + self.mote.getFullBasename()
        text += '<input type="hidden" name="' + motename + '_cfg" value="1"/>\n'
        text += '<input type="hidden" name="sel_' + motename \
            + '" value="' + + '" />\n'
        text += '</div></form>\n'
        return (text, True)
Esempio n. 3
    def getConfigHTML(self):
        (errst, ok) = self.checkValid()
        if not ok:
            return (errst, False)

        # start of form
        text = '<form action="config" id="configForm"><div class="form">\n'

        # mote
        text += '<strong>Mote:</strong><br/>\n'
        text += '<div class="subcontents">\n'
        text += 'Port: <em>' + self.mote.getFullName() + '</em><br/>\n'
        text += 'Platform: <em>' + + '</em><br/>\n'
        text += '</div>\n'

        # sensors
        text += "<table class='table'><thead><tr style='background-color: #f5f5f5;'><th>&nbsp;</th>"
        for s in self.activePlatform.sensors:
            text += "<th>" + utils.toTitleCase( + "</th>"
        text += "</thead></tr><tbody>"
        text += "<tr><th valign='middle'>Period</th>"
        for s in self.activePlatform.sensors:
            text += "<td>"
            text += '<input type="text" title="Sensor reading periods (in milliseconds, \'0\' means disabled)" name="' + s.varname + '" value="' + str(s.period) + '" style="width: 50px"/><br/></div>\n'
            text += "</td>"
        text += "</tr>"
        text += "<tr><th valign='middle'>Actions</th>"
        for s in self.activePlatform.sensors:
            text += "<td>"
            text += "<input type='checkbox' name='graph_" + s.varname + "' %graph_" + s.varname + "%>&nbsp;<a href='javascript:void(0)'>graph</a></input>"
            #text += "<br/>"
            #text += "<input type='checkbox' name='store_" + s.varname + "'>&nbsp;<a href='javascript:void(0)'>store</a></input>"
            text += "</td>"
        text += "</tr>"
        text += "</tbody></table>"

        # outputs
        text += "<table><tr><td valign='top'>"        
        text += '<strong>System outputs:</strong><br/>\n'
        text += '<div class="subcontents">\n'
        for s in self.activePlatform.outputs:
            text += '<div class="entry">'
            text += '<input type="checkbox" name="' + s.varname + '"'
            if s.isSelected: text += ' checked="checked"'
            text += '/> Write to ' + utils.toCamelCase(
            if s.varname == "file":
                text += '<br/><label for="filename">Filename: </label>'
                text += '<input type="input" name="filename" value="' + self.filenameOnMote + '"'
                text += ' title="The file will be created on mote\'s SD card" />\n'
            text += '<br/></div>\n'
        text += '</div>\n'
        text += "</td><td width='40px'></td><td valign='top'>"

        # leds
        text += '<strong>LED:</strong><br/>\n'
        text += '<div class="subcontents">\n'
        for s in self.activePlatform.leds:
            text += '<div class="entry">'
            text += '<input type="checkbox" name="' + s.varname + '"'
            if s.isOn: text += ' checked="checked"'
            text += '/> ' + + " LED on"
            text += '<br/></div>\n'
        text += '</div>\n'
        text += "</td></tr></table>"

        # end of form
        motename = "mote" + self.mote.getFullBasename()
        text += '<input type="hidden" name="' + motename + '_cfg" value="1"/>\n'
        text += '<input type="hidden" name="sel_' + motename \
            + '" value="' + + '" />\n'
        text += '</div></form>\n'
        return (text, True)