Esempio n. 1
def newTopic(request,fid):
  form   = Form()
  fields = request.getForm()
  user   = users.get_current_user()
  uid    = user.user_id()

  # sanitize
  title  = utils.toStr(fields.get('title',''),80)
  imp    = utils.toInt(fields.get('importance','0'))
  author = utils.toStr(fields.get('author',''),40)
  email  = fields.get('email')
  url    = fields.get('url')
  content= utils.toTxt(fields.get('content',''),9000)

  # validate
  if email or url:
    return form
  if not title:
    warn.append('Title can not be empty')
  if title==title.upper():
    warn.append('Title can not be all caps')
  if not author:
    warn.append('You need to identify as the author')
  if author==author.upper():
    warn.append('Author can not be all caps')
  if not content:
    warn.append('You must enter some content')
  if content==content.upper():
    warn.append('Content can not be all caps')
  if ok:
    dat1 = {'forumid':fid,'title':title,'userid':str(uid),'author':author,'importance':imp}
    rec1 = models.newTopic(dat1)
    tid  = rec1.topicid
    dat2 = {'topicid':tid,'forumid':fid,'userid':str(uid),'author':author,'content':content}
    rec2 = models.newMessage(dat2)
    form.ok  = True
    form.url = '%s/%s/%s'%(app.root,fid,tid)
    form.ok   = False
    form.warn = warn = {
      'forum'  :models.getForum(fid),
      'warn'   :warn,
      'title'  :title,
      'author' :author,
  return form
Esempio n. 2
def newForum(request):
    form = Form()
    fields = request.getForm()

    # sanitize
    title = utils.toStr(fields.get('title', ''), 80)
    desc = utils.toStr(fields.get('desc', ''), 120)
    url = utils.idify(fields.get('url', ''), 40)
    order = utils.toInt(fields.get('order'))

    # validate
    ok = True
    warn = []
    if not url:
        warn.append('Forum needs a permalink')
        ok = False
    if not title:
        warn.append('Title can not be empty')
        ok = False
    if title == title.upper():
        warn.append('Title can not be all caps')
        ok = False
    if not desc:
        warn.append('You must enter some description')
        ok = False
    if desc == desc.upper():
        warn.append('Description can not be all caps')
        ok = False
    if ok:
        if not order: order = models.getNextOrder()
        data = {
            'url': url,
            'title': title,
            'description': desc,
            'order': order
        rec = models.newForum(data)
        form.ok = True
        form.url = '%s/admin/forum' % (app.root)
        form.redirect = True
        form.ok = False
        form.warn = warn = {
            'forum': models.getForum(fid),
            'warn': warn,
            'title': title,
            'author': author,
            'content': content
    return form
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: joeyjy/chessAi
    def cannon_move(self, b):
        m = self.blocks_map
        lb = {}
        rb = {}
        ub = {}
        db = {}
        left = range(b['x'] - 1, -1, -1)
        right = range(b['x'] + 1, 5)
        up = range(b['y'] + 1, 6)
        down = range(b['y'] - 1, -1, -1)
        for f in left:
            first = m.get(toStr(f, b['y']), None)
            if first and first['type'] != 0:
                for s in range(first['x'] - 1, -1, -1):
                    second = m.get(toStr(s, b['y']), None)
                    if second and second['type'] != 0:
                        lb = second
        for f in right:
            first = m.get(toStr(f, b['y']), None)
            if first and first['type'] != 0:
                for s in range(first['x'] + 1, 5):
                    second = m.get(toStr(s, b['y']), None)
                    if second and second['type'] != 0:
                        rb = second
        for f in up:
            first = m.get(toStr(b['x'], f), None)
            if first and first['type'] != 0:
                for s in range(first['y'] + 1, 5):
                    second = m.get(toStr(b['x'], s), None)
                    if second and second['type'] != 0:
                        ub = second
        for f in down:
            first = m.get(toStr(b['x'], f), None)
            if first and first['type'] != 0:
                for s in range(first['y'] - 1, -1, -1):
                    second = m.get(toStr(b['x'], s), None)
                    if second and second['type'] != 0:
                        db = second

        if lb or rb or ub or db:
            return {'left': lb, 'right': rb, 'up': ub, 'down': db}
            return False
Esempio n. 4
    def changeManifoldStatus(self, result, sensors):
        db = conf.db.conn

        newValue = 0b0
        pos = 0
        for sensor in sensors:
            for p in conf.HeatingSensors.mapSensorsToManifold.get(sensor):
                if result[pos] != 0:
                    newValue |= 1 << p
            pos += 1

        # format binnary to string, cut 0b and reverse
        newValue = format(newValue, '#011b')[2:][::-1]
        oldValue = utils.toStr(db.get("heating_manifold_state"))

        if oldValue != newValue:
  "Changing manifold at <%s> to: %s" %
                          (conf.HeatingSensors.manifoldIp, newValue))
            data = self.sendReq(conf.HeatingSensors.manifoldIp, "/" + newValue)
            data = json.loads(data)
            newValue = data.get("v")
            db.set("heating_manifold_state", newValue)
            self.log.debug("Manifold at <%s> is still: %s" %
                           (conf.HeatingSensors.manifoldIp, newValue))
Esempio n. 5
def newForum(request):
  form   = Form()
  fields = request.getForm()

  # sanitize
  title = utils.toStr(fields.get('title',''), 80)
  desc  = utils.toStr(fields.get('desc' ,''),120)
  url   = utils.idify(fields.get('url'  ,''), 40)
  order = utils.toInt(fields.get('order'))

  # validate
  if not url:
    warn.append('Forum needs a permalink')
  if not title:
    warn.append('Title can not be empty')
  if title==title.upper():
    warn.append('Title can not be all caps')
  if not desc:
    warn.append('You must enter some description')
  if desc==desc.upper():
    warn.append('Description can not be all caps')
  if ok:
    if not order: order=models.getNextOrder()
    data = {'url':url,'title':title,'description':desc,'order':order}
    rec  = models.newForum(data)
    form.ok  = True
    form.url = '%s/admin/forum'%(app.root)
    form.redirect = True
    form.ok   = False
    form.warn = warn = {
      'forum'  :models.getForum(fid),
      'warn'   :warn,
      'title'  :title,
      'author' :author,
  return form
Esempio n. 6
def messages(request, fid, tid):
    form = Form()
    fields = request.getForm()
    user = users.get_current_user()
    uid = user.user_id()

    # sanitize
    author = utils.toStr(fields.get('author', 'Anonymous'), 40)
    email = fields.get('email')
    url = fields.get('url')
    content = utils.toTxt(fields.get('content', ''), 9000)

    # validate
    ok = True
    warn = []
    if email or url or 'http' in content:
        form.ok = False
        form.redirect = True
        form.url = '%s/%s/%s' % (app.root, fid, tid)
        return form
    if not author:
        warn.append('You need to identify yourself as the author')
        ok = False
    if author == author.upper():
        warn.append('Author can not be all caps')
        ok = False
    if not content:
        warn.append('You must enter some content')
        ok = False
    if content == content.upper():
        warn.append('Content can not be all caps')
        ok = False

    # process
    if ok:
        form.ok = True
        form.url = '%s/%s/%s' % (app.root, fid, tid)
        data = {
            'topicid': tid,
            'forumid': fid,
            'userid': str(uid),
            'author': author,
            'content': content
        form.ok = False
        form.warn = warn = {
            'forum': models.getForum(fid),
            'topic': models.getTopic(tid),
            'list': models.getMessages(tid),
            'warn': warn,
            'author': author,
            'content': content
    return form
Esempio n. 7
def myprofile(request):
    form = Form()
    fields = request.getForm()
    user = users.get_current_user()
    uid = user.user_id()

    # sanitize
    name = utils.toStr(fields.get('username', ''), 80)
    nick = utils.toStr(fields.get('nickname', ''), 40)
    email = utils.toStr(fields.get('email', ''), 80)
    token = utils.toStr(fields.get('token', ''), 80)
    userid = str(uid)
    if not name: name = 'Anonymous'

    # validate
    ok = True
    warn = []
    if userid != token:
        warn.append('You need to login to change your profile')
        ok = False
    # TODO: check for duplicate nick
    if not nick:
        warn.append('Nickname can not be empty')
        ok = False
    if ok:
        data = {
            'userid': uid,
            'nickname': nick,
            'username': name,
            'email': email
        rec = models.saveUser(data)
        form.ok = True
        form.url = '%s/myprofile' % (app.root)
        form.redirect = True
        form.ok = False
        form.warn = warn = {'profile': models.getUser(uid), 'warn': warn}
    return form

#---- END ----
Esempio n. 8
def myprofile(request):
  form   = Form()
  fields = request.getForm()
  user   = users.get_current_user()
  uid    = user.user_id()

  # sanitize
  name  = utils.toStr(fields.get('username',''),80)
  nick  = utils.toStr(fields.get('nickname',''),40)
  email = utils.toStr(fields.get('email'   ,''),80)
  token = utils.toStr(fields.get('token'   ,''),80)
  userid= str(uid)
  if not name: name = 'Anonymous'
  # validate
  if userid != token :
    warn.append('You need to login to change your profile')
  # TODO: check for duplicate nick
  if not nick:
    warn.append('Nickname can not be empty')
  if ok:
    data = {'userid':uid,'nickname':nick,'username':name,'email':email}
    rec  = models.saveUser(data)
    form.ok  = True
    form.url = '%s/myprofile'%(app.root)
    form.redirect = True
    form.ok   = False
    form.warn = warn = {
      'warn'   :warn
  return form

#---- END ----
Esempio n. 9
def messages(request,fid,tid):
  form   = Form()
  fields = request.getForm()
  user   = users.get_current_user()
  uid    = user.user_id()

  # sanitize
  author = utils.toStr(fields.get('author','Anonymous'),40)
  email  = fields.get('email')
  url    = fields.get('url')
  content= utils.toTxt(fields.get('content',''),9000)

  # validate
  if email or url or 'http' in content:
    return form
  if not author:
    warn.append('You need to identify yourself as the author')
  if author==author.upper():
    warn.append('Author can not be all caps')
  if not content:
    warn.append('You must enter some content')
  if content==content.upper():
    warn.append('Content can not be all caps')

  # process
  if ok:
    form.ok   = True
    form.url  = '%s/%s/%s'%(app.root,fid,tid)
    data      = {'topicid':tid,'forumid':fid,'userid':str(uid),'author':author,'content':content}
    form.ok   = False
    form.warn = warn = {
      'forum'  :models.getForum(fid),
      'topic'  :models.getTopic(tid),
      'list'   :models.getMessages(tid),
      'warn'   :warn,
      'author' :author,
  return form
Esempio n. 10
File: Progetto: joeyjy/chessAi
 def make_map(self):
     for b in self.blocks:
         cood = toStr(b['x'], b['y'])
         if b['piece']:
             self.blocks_map[cood] = b['piece']
             side = 2 if self.side == 1 else 1
             empty_piece = {
                 'hasFlip': True,
                 'type': 0,
                 'side': side,
                 'x': b['x'],
                 'y': b['y']
             self.blocks_map[cood] = empty_piece
Esempio n. 11
def main():
    f = open("data.txt", "r")
    text =
    large = len(text)
    newLarge = max_bits(large)

    key = []
    data = []

    for idx, item in enumerate(text):
        value = randint(0, 20)

    print(desencriptar(toComma(key), toStr(data)))
Esempio n. 12
    def checkTemperature(self):
        db = conf.db.conn

        data = dict()
        result = list()
        sensors = list()
        for item in db.keys("temp_sensor_*"):
            item = utils.toStr(item)

  "Item <%s>" % (item))
            sensor = pickle.loads(db.get(item))
            data[item] = sensor

            roomId = conf.HeatingSensors.items[sensor["sensorId"]]
            room = pickle.loads(db.get("heating_" + roomId))
            reqTemperature = room.get("temperature")

            # if a single room temperature - hysteresis is lower
            # than requested temperature call set on
            if self.__heatingCounter > conf.Daemon.Interval:
                if sensor[
                        'temperature'] > reqTemperature + conf.Heating.hysteresis:
                        "Sensor: [%s] %.2fC > %.2fC = OK" %
                        (sensor.get("sensorId"), sensor.get("temperature"),
                         reqTemperature + conf.Heating.hysteresis))
                        "Sensor: [%s] %.2fC < %.2fC = LOW" %
                        (sensor.get("sensorId"), sensor.get("temperature"),
                         reqTemperature + conf.Heating.hysteresis))
        This if reduce requests to the switch hardware to one per x second
        Because permanently check of all actions is every 1s
        Persistent counter is saved into the db.
        if self.__heatingCounter > conf.Daemon.Interval:
            # first delete heting counter
            db.set("__heatingCounter", 0)
            self.changeManifoldStatus(result, sensors)
            if sum(result) > 0:
Esempio n. 13
 def _getGroupList(self):
     ''' 获取原始的群信息 '''
     _groupList = {}
     url = ''
     data = {
             'vfwebqq': utils.toStr(self.vfwebqq),
             'hash': self._genHashCode(),
     r =, data=data, headers=REFERER_HEADER)
     content = json.loads(r.content)
     #{"retcode":0,"result":{"gmasklist":[],"gnamelist":[{"flag":16778241,"name":"测试专用group-顺手牵羊","gid":2619045161,"code":3009117424},{"flag":16778241,"name":"测试专用group-无懈可击","gid":157462148,"code":3564680573}],"gmarklist":[]}} ]]]}"获取原始的群信息为: %s", r.content)
     if content["retcode"] == 0:
         for ginfo in content["result"]["gnamelist"]:
             # 要通过gcode来获取QQ号码
             _groupList[ginfo["code"]] = ginfo"加载群信息成功...")
         return _groupList
         logging.error("加载群信息失败! 错误码: %s", content["retcode"])
Esempio n. 14
def newPoll(request):
  form   = Form()
  fields = request.getForm()

  # sanitize
  title    = utils.toStr(fields.get('title',''),120)
  image    = utils.toStr(fields.get('image',''),250)
  isopen   = fields.get('isopen',False)
  single   = fields.get('single',False)
  block    = fields.get('block' ,False)
  close    = fields.get('close' ,False)
  closeon  = utils.toDtm(fields.get('closeon',None))
  type     = 0 if single else 1
  restrict = 1 if block  else 0
  status   = 1 if isopen else 0
  closeon  = closeon if close else None
  slots    = utils.toInt(fields.get('slots',0))

  # poll
    'title'   : title,
    'image'   : image,
    'closeon' : closeon,
    'type'    : type,
    'restrict': restrict,
    'status'  : status

  # options
  pos = 0
  for i in range(1,slots+1):
    option = fields.get('option'+str(i),'')
    if option:

  # validate
  if not title:
    warn.append('Title is required')
  if pos<2:
    warn.append('At least two options are required')

  # process
  if form.ok:
    form.url = app.root+'/admin'
    poll['slots']   = pos
    poll['isopen']  = 'checked' if isopen else ''
    poll['single']  = 'checked' if single else ''
    poll['block']   = 'checked' if block  else ''
    poll['close']   = 'checked' if close  else ''
    if pos<5:
      for i in range(pos,5):
  return form
Esempio n. 15
def editPoll(request,pollid):
  form   = Form()
  fields = request.getForm()

  # sanitize
  title    = utils.toStr(fields.get('title',''),120)
  image    = utils.toStr(fields.get('image',''),250)
  isopen   = fields.get('isopen',False)
  single   = fields.get('single',False)
  block    = fields.get('block' ,False)
  close    = fields.get('close' ,False)
  closeon  = utils.toDtm(fields.get('closeon',None))
  type     = 0 if single else 1
  restrict = 1 if block  else 0
  status   = 1 if isopen else 0
  closeon  = closeon if close else None
  slots    = utils.toInt(fields.get('slots',0))

  # poll
    'pollid'  : pollid,
    'title'   : title,
    'image'   : image,
    'closeon' : closeon,
    'type'    : type,
    'restrict': restrict,
    'status'  : status

  # options
  pos = 0
  for i in range(1,slots+1):
    option   = fields.get('option'+str(i),'')
    optionid = fields.get('optionid'+str(i),'')
    # if has title but not optionid: insert option
    # if has title and has optionid: modify option
    # if not title but has optionid: delete option
    if option and optionid:
    elif option and not optionid:

  # validate
  if not title:
    warn.append('Title is required')
  if pos<2:
    warn.append('At least two options are required')

  # process
  if form.ok:
    form.url = app.root+'/admin/viewpoll/'+pollid
    poll['slots']  = pos
    poll['isopen'] = 'checked' if isopen else ''
    poll['single'] = 'checked' if single else ''
    poll['block']  = 'checked' if block  else ''
    poll['close']  = 'checked' if close  else ''
    #remove deleted options
    for item in options:
      if item['position']>0: clean.append(item)
    if pos<5:
      for i in range(pos,5):
  return form
Esempio n. 16
File: Progetto: joeyjy/chessAi
    def get_move_score(self):
        big_score = 0
        big_block = {}
        ai_kill_block = {}
        current_round = self.blocks_map
        move_map = {}
        to_map = {}
        for b in self.ai_flipped:
            right_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y']), None)
            right_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 2, b['y']), None)
            right_three = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 3, b['y']), None)
            right_up_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y'] + 2),
            right_down_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y'] - 2),
            left_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y']), None)
            left_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 2, b['y']), None)
            left_three = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 3, b['y']), None)
            left_up_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y'] + 2),
            left_down_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y'] - 2),
            up_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] + 1), None)
            up_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] + 2), None)
            up_three = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] + 3), None)
            down_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] - 1), None)
            down_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] - 2), None)
            down_three = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] - 3), None)
            up_right = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y'] + 1), None)
            up_right_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 2, b['y'] + 1),
            up_left = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y'] + 1), None)
            up_left_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 2, b['y'] + 1),
            down_right = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y'] - 1),
            down_right_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 2, b['y'] - 1),
            down_left = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y'] - 1),
            down_left_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 2, b['y'] - 1),

            # can kill, not cannon
            init_score = -9999
            if right_one and right_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != right_one[
                    'side'] and b['type'] != 2 and vs(b, right_one):
                score = POINTS[right_one['type']]
                if (right_two and right_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != right_two['side'] and vs(b, right_two)) or\
                   (up_right and up_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_right['side'] and vs(b, up_right)) or\
                   (down_right and down_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_right['side'] and vs(b, down_right)):
                    if vs(b, right_two):
                        score = score + POINTS[right_two['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, up_right):
                        score = score + POINTS[up_right['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, down_right):
                        score = score + POINTS[down_right['type']] / 10
                    if [vs(b, right_two),
                            vs(b, up_right),
                            vs(b, down_right)].count(True) > 1:
                        vs1 = POINTS[right_two['type']] if vs(b,
                                                              right_two) else 0
                        vs2 = POINTS[up_right['type']] if vs(b,
                                                             up_right) else 0
                        vs3 = POINTS[down_right['type']] if vs(
                            b, down_right) else 0
                        score = score + min([vs1, vs2, vs3])
                # kill and then be killed, killed by cannon or others
                if (right_two and right_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != right_two['side'] and vs(right_two, b)) or\
                   (up_right and up_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_right['side'] and vs(up_right, b)) or\
                   (down_right and down_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_right['side'] and vs(down_right, b)) or\
                   (right_three and right_three['hasFlip'] and self.side != right_three['side'] and right_three['type'] == 2) or\
                   (right_up_two and right_up_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != right_up_two['side'] and right_up_two['type'] == 2) or\
                   (right_down_two and right_down_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != right_down_two['side'] and right_down_two['type'] == 2):
                    score = 0 - POINTS[b['type']]
                if score > init_score:
                    init_score = score
                    move_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                    to_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = right_one
            elif left_one and left_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_one[
                    'side'] and b['type'] != 2 and vs(b, left_one):
                score = POINTS[left_one['type']]
                if (left_two and left_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_two['side'] and vs(b, left_two)) or\
                   (up_left and up_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_left['side'] and vs(b, up_left)) or\
                   (down_left and down_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_left['side'] and vs(b, down_left)):
                    if vs(b, left_two):
                        score = score + POINTS[left_two['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, up_left):
                        score = score + POINTS[up_left['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, down_left):
                        score = score + POINTS[down_left['type']] / 10
                    if [vs(b, left_two),
                            vs(b, up_left),
                            vs(b, down_left)].count(True) > 1:
                        vs1 = POINTS[left_two['type']] if vs(b,
                                                             left_two) else 0
                        vs2 = POINTS[up_left['type']] if vs(b, up_left) else 0
                        vs3 = POINTS[down_left['type']] if vs(b,
                                                              down_left) else 0
                        score = score + min([vs1, vs2, vs3])
                if (left_two and left_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_two['side'] and vs(left_two, b)) or\
                   (up_left and up_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_left['side'] and vs(up_left, b)) or\
                   (down_left and down_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_left['side'] and vs(down_left, b)) or\
                   (left_three and left_three['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_three['side'] and left_three['type'] == 2) or\
                   (left_up_two and left_up_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_up_two['side'] and left_up_two['type'] == 2) or\
                   (left_down_two and left_down_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_down_two['side'] and left_down_two['type'] == 2):
                    score = 0 - POINTS[b['type']]
                if score > init_score:
                    init_score = score
                    move_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                    to_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = left_one
            elif up_one and up_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_one[
                    'side'] and b['type'] != 2 and vs(b, up_one):
                score = POINTS[up_one['type']]
                if (up_two and up_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_two['side'] and vs(b, up_two)) or\
                   (up_left and up_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_left['side'] and vs(b, up_left)) or\
                   (up_right and up_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_right['side'] and vs(b, up_right)):
                    if vs(b, up_two):
                        score = score + POINTS[up_two['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, up_left):
                        score = score + POINTS[up_left['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, up_right):
                        score = score + POINTS[up_right['type']] / 10
                    if [vs(b, up_two),
                            vs(b, up_left),
                            vs(b, up_right)].count(True) > 1:
                        vs1 = POINTS[up_two['type']] if vs(b, up_two) else 0
                        vs2 = POINTS[up_left['type']] if vs(b, up_left) else 0
                        vs3 = POINTS[up_right['type']] if vs(b,
                                                             up_right) else 0
                        score = score + min([vs1, vs2, vs3])
                if (up_two and up_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_two['side'] and vs(up_two, b)) or\
                   (up_left and up_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_left['side'] and vs(up_left, b)) or\
                   (up_right and up_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_right['side'] and vs(up_right, b)) or\
                   (up_three and up_three['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_three['side'] and up_three['type'] == 2) or\
                   (up_right_two and up_right_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_right_two['side'] and up_right_two['type'] == 2) or\
                   (up_left_two and up_left_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_left_two['side'] and up_left_two['type'] == 2):
                    score = 0 - POINTS[b['type']]
                if score > init_score:
                    init_score = score
                    move_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                    to_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = up_one
            elif down_one and down_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_one[
                    'side'] and b['type'] != 2 and vs(b, down_one):
                score = POINTS[down_one['type']]
                if (down_two and down_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_two['side'] and vs(b, down_two)) or\
                   (down_right and down_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_right['side'] and vs(b, down_right)) or\
                   (down_left and down_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_left['side'] and vs(b, down_left)):
                    if vs(b, down_two):
                        score = score + POINTS[down_two['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, down_right):
                        score = score + POINTS[down_right['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, down_left):
                        score = score + POINTS[down_left['type']] / 10
                    if [vs(b, down_two),
                            vs(b, down_right),
                            vs(b, down_left)].count(True) > 1:
                        vs1 = POINTS[down_two['type']] if vs(b,
                                                             down_two) else 0
                        vs2 = POINTS[down_right['type']] if vs(
                            b, down_right) else 0
                        vs3 = POINTS[down_left['type']] if vs(b,
                                                              down_left) else 0
                        score = score + min([vs1, vs2, vs3])
                if (down_two and down_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_two['side'] and vs(down_two, b)) or\
                   (down_right and down_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_right['side'] and vs(down_right, b)) or\
                   (down_left and down_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_left['side'] and vs(down_left, b)) or\
                   (down_three and down_three['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_three['side'] and down_three['type'] == 2) or\
                   (down_right_two and down_right_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_right_two['side'] and down_right_two['type'] == 2) or\
                   (down_left_two and down_left_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_left_two['side'] and down_left_two['type'] == 2):
                    score = 0 - POINTS[b['type']]
                if score > init_score:
                    init_score = score
                    move_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                    to_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = down_one
            # can kill, cannon
            elif b['type'] == 2:
                if self.cannon_move(b):
                    ck = self.cannon_move(b)
                    for cb in ck:
                        if ck[cb]:
                            vb = ck[cb]
                            cannon_right_one = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'] + 1, vb['y']), None)
                            cannon_right_two = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'] + 2, vb['y']), None)
                            cannon_left_one = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'] - 1, vb['y']), None)
                            cannon_left_two = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'] - 2, vb['y']), None)
                            cannon_up_one = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'], vb['y'] + 1), None)
                            cannon_up_two = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'], vb['y'] + 2), None)
                            cannon_down_one = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'], vb['y'] - 1), None)
                            cannon_down_two = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'], vb['y'] - 2), None)

                            if vb['hasFlip'] and self.side != vb['side']:
                                score = POINTS[vb['type']]
                            if not vb['hasFlip']:
                                score = -(self.expect_score) * 3
                            vs1 = 0
                            vs2 = 0
                            vs3 = 0
                            vs4 = 0
                            if cannon_right_two and cannon_right_two[
                                    'hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_right_two[
                                vs1 = POINTS[cannon_right_two['type']] / 10
                            if cannon_left_two and cannon_left_two[
                                    'hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_left_two[
                                vs2 = POINTS[cannon_left_two['type']] / 10
                            if cannon_up_two and cannon_up_two[
                                    'hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_up_two[
                                vs3 = POINTS[cannon_up_two['type']] / 10
                            if cannon_down_two and cannon_down_two[
                                    'hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_down_two[
                                vs3 = POINTS[cannon_down_two['type']] / 10
                            if [vs1, vs2, vs3, vs4].count(0) == 3:
                                score = score + vs1 + vs2 + vs3 + vs4
                            if [vs1, vs2, vs3, vs4].count(0) < 3:
                                l = [vs1, vs2, vs3, vs4]
                                score = score + min(l)

                            if (cannon_right_one and cannon_right_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_right_one['side'] and vs(cannon_right_one, b)) or\
                               (cannon_left_one and cannon_left_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_left_one['side'] and vs(cannon_left_one, b)) or\
                               (cannon_up_one and cannon_up_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_up_one['side'] and vs(cannon_up_one, b)) or\
                               (cannon_down_one and cannon_down_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_down_one['side'] and vs(cannon_down_one, b)) or\
                               (cannon_right_two and cannon_right_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_right_two['side'] and cannon_right_two['type'] == 2) or\
                               (cannon_left_two and cannon_left_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_left_two['side'] and cannon_left_two['type'] == 2) or\
                               (cannon_up_two and cannon_up_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_up_two['side'] and cannon_up_two['type'] == 2) or\
                               (cannon_down_two and cannon_down_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_down_two['side'] and cannon_down_two['type'] == 2):
                                score = 0 - POINTS[b['type']]
                            if score > init_score:
                                move_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                                to_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = vb
                # TODO
                score = 0
                move_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                to_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = None

        if move_map:
            max_block_key = getMax(move_map)
            big_block = self.blocks_map.get(max_block_key)
            big_score = max(move_map.values())
            ai_kill_block = to_map.get(max_block_key)
            detail = {}
            for xy in move_map:
                detail[xy] = {'score': move_map[xy], 'to': to_map[xy]}
            return {
                'action': 'move',
                'score': big_score,
                'block': ai_kill_block,
                'from': big_block,
                'detail': detail
            return {
                'action': 'move',
                'score': None,
                'block': None,
                'from': None,
                'detail': None
Esempio n. 17
 def prepareMsgContent(msg):
     ''' 消息内容的格式转换 '''
     msg = [utils.toStr(msg).replace('"', '\\"'), ["font", MSG_FONT]]
     return json.dumps(msg, ensure_ascii=False, encoding="utf8")
Esempio n. 18
def newTopic(request, fid):
    form = Form()
    fields = request.getForm()
    user = users.get_current_user()
    uid = user.user_id()

    # sanitize
    title = utils.toStr(fields.get('title', ''), 80)
    imp = utils.toInt(fields.get('importance', '0'))
    author = utils.toStr(fields.get('author', ''), 40)
    email = fields.get('email')
    url = fields.get('url')
    content = utils.toTxt(fields.get('content', ''), 9000)

    # validate
    ok = True
    warn = []
    if email or url:
        form.ok = False
        form.redirect = True
        form.url = '%s/%s' % (app.root, fid)
        return form
    if not title:
        warn.append('Title can not be empty')
        ok = False
    if title == title.upper():
        warn.append('Title can not be all caps')
        ok = False
    if not author:
        warn.append('You need to identify as the author')
        ok = False
    if author == author.upper():
        warn.append('Author can not be all caps')
        ok = False
    if not content:
        warn.append('You must enter some content')
        ok = False
    if content == content.upper():
        warn.append('Content can not be all caps')
        ok = False
    if ok:
        dat1 = {
            'forumid': fid,
            'title': title,
            'userid': str(uid),
            'author': author,
            'importance': imp
        rec1 = models.newTopic(dat1)
        tid = rec1.topicid
        dat2 = {
            'topicid': tid,
            'forumid': fid,
            'userid': str(uid),
            'author': author,
            'content': content
        rec2 = models.newMessage(dat2)
        form.ok = True
        form.url = '%s/%s/%s' % (app.root, fid, tid)
        form.ok = False
        form.warn = warn = {
            'forum': models.getForum(fid),
            'warn': warn,
            'title': title,
            'author': author,
            'content': content
    return form
Esempio n. 19
File: Progetto: joeyjy/chessAi
    def get_keep_score(self):
        big_score = 0
        big_block = {}
        current_round = self.blocks_map
        keep_map = {}
        for b in self.ai_flipped:
            right_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y']), None)
            right_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 2, b['y']), None)
            left_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y']), None)
            left_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 2, b['y']), None)
            up_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] + 1), None)
            up_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] + 2), None)
            down_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] - 1), None)
            down_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] - 2), None)
            up_right = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y'] + 1), None)
            up_left = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y'] + 1), None)
            down_right = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y'] - 1),
            down_left = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y'] - 1),

            # keep, protect ai
            if right_one and right_one['hasFlip'] and self.side == right_one[
                if right_two and right_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != right_two['side'] or\
                   up_right and up_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_right['side'] or\
                   down_right and down_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_right['side']:
                    if vs(right_two, right_one) or vs(
                            up_right, right_one) or vs(down_right, right_one):
                        score = 0
                        if vs(b, right_two):
                            score = POINTS[right_two['type']] - POINTS[
                        if vs(b, up_right):
                            score = POINTS[up_right['type']] - POINTS[
                        if vs(b, down_right):
                            score = POINTS[down_right['type']] - POINTS[
                        if [
                                vs(b, right_two),
                                vs(b, up_right),
                                vs(b, down_right)
                        ].count(True) > 1:
                            vs1 = POINTS[right_two['type']] if vs(
                                b, right_two) else 0
                            vs2 = POINTS[up_right['type']] if vs(
                                b, up_right) else 0
                            vs3 = POINTS[down_right['type']] if vs(
                                b, down_right) else 0
                            score = score + min([vs1, vs2, vs3])
                        if score > big_score:
                            big_score = score
                            big_block = b
                        keep_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = {'score': score}
            if left_one and left_one['hasFlip'] and self.side == left_one[
                if left_two and left_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_two['side'] or\
                   up_left and up_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_left['side'] or\
                   down_left and down_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_left['side']:
                    if vs(left_two, left_one) or vs(up_left, left_one) or vs(
                            down_left, left_one):
                        score = 0
                        if vs(b, left_two):
                            score = POINTS[left_two['type']] - POINTS[
                        if vs(b, up_left):
                            score = POINTS[up_left['type']] - POINTS[
                        if vs(b, down_left):
                            score = POINTS[down_left['type']] - POINTS[
                        if [vs(b, left_two),
                                vs(b, up_left),
                                vs(b, down_left)].count(True) > 1:
                            vs1 = POINTS[left_two['type']] if vs(
                                b, right_two) else 0
                            vs2 = POINTS[up_left['type']] if vs(b,
                                                                up_left) else 0
                            vs3 = POINTS[down_left['type']] if vs(
                                b, down_left) else 0
                            score = score + min([vs1, vs2, vs3])
                        if score > big_score:
                            big_score = score
                            big_block = b
                        keep_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = {'score': score}
            if up_one and up_one['hasFlip'] and self.side == up_one['side']:
                if up_two and up_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_two['side'] or\
                   up_right and up_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_right['side'] or\
                   up_left and up_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_left['side']:
                    if vs(up_two, up_one) or vs(up_right, up_one) or vs(
                            up_left, up_one):
                        score = 0
                        if vs(b, up_two):
                            score = POINTS[up_two['type']] - POINTS[
                        if vs(b, up_right):
                            score = POINTS[up_right['type']] - POINTS[
                        if vs(b, up_left):
                            score = POINTS[up_left['type']] - POINTS[
                        if [vs(b, up_two),
                                vs(b, up_right),
                                vs(b, up_left)].count(True) > 1:
                            vs1 = POINTS[up_two['type']] if vs(b,
                                                               up_two) else 0
                            vs2 = POINTS[up_right['type']] if vs(
                                b, up_right) else 0
                            vs3 = POINTS[up_left['type']] if vs(b,
                                                                up_left) else 0
                            score = score + min([vs1, vs2, vs3])
                        if score > big_score:
                            big_score = score
                            big_block = b
                        keep_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = {'score': score}
            if down_one and down_one['hasFlip'] and self.side == down_one[
                if down_two and down_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_two['side'] or\
                   down_right and down_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_right['side'] or\
                   down_left and down_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_left['side']:
                    if vs(down_two, down_one) or vs(
                            down_right, down_one) or vs(down_left, down_one):
                        score = 0
                        if vs(b, down_two):
                            score = POINTS[down_two['type']] - POINTS[
                        if vs(b, down_right):
                            score = POINTS[down_right['type']] - POINTS[
                        if vs(b, down_left):
                            score = POINTS[down_left['type']] - POINTS[
                        if [
                                vs(b, down_two),
                                vs(b, down_right),
                                vs(b, down_left)
                        ].count(True) > 1:
                            vs1 = POINTS[down_two['type']] if vs(
                                b, down_two) else 0
                            vs2 = POINTS[down_right['type']] if vs(
                                b, down_right) else 0
                            vs3 = POINTS[down_left['type']] if vs(
                                b, down_left) else 0
                            score = score + min([vs1, vs2, vs3])
                        if score > big_score:
                            big_score = score
                            big_block = b
                        keep_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = {'score': score}

            # keep, will be killed
            if (right_one and self.side != right_one['side'] and vs(right_one, b)) \
               or (left_one and self.side != left_one['side'] and vs(left_one, b)) \
               or (up_one and self.side != up_one['side'] and vs(up_one, b)) \
               or (down_one and self.side != down_one['side'] and vs(down_one, b)) \
               or (right_two and self.side != right_two['side'] and right_two['type'] == 2) \
               or (left_two and self.side != left_two['side'] and left_two['type'] == 2) \
               or (up_two and self.side != up_two['side'] and up_two['type'] == 2) \
               or (down_two and self.side != down_two['side'] and down_two['type'] == 2):
                score = -POINTS[b['type']]
                if score > big_score:
                    big_score = score
                    big_block = b
                keep_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = {'score': score}

        return {
            'action': 'keep',
            'score': big_score,
            'block': big_block,
            'from': None,
            'detail': keep_map
Esempio n. 20
File: Progetto: joeyjy/chessAi
 def get_block(self, x, y):
     return self.blocks_map.get(toStr(x, y), None)
Esempio n. 21
File: Progetto: joeyjy/chessAi
    def get_flip_score(self):
        cannon_len = sum(b['type'] == 2 for b in self.ai_unflipped)
        big_score = 0
        big_block = {}
        current_round = self.blocks_map
        unflipped = self.ai_unflipped + self.player_unflipped
        unflipped_map = {}
        for b in unflipped:
            right_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y']), None)
            right_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 2, b['y']), None)
            left_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y']), None)
            left_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 2, b['y']), None)
            up_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] + 1), None)
            up_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] + 2), None)
            down_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] - 1), None)
            down_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] - 2), None)
            up_right = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y'] + 1), None)
            up_left = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y'] + 1), None)
            down_right = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y'] - 1),
            down_left = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y'] - 1),

            # flip, if cannons in unfliped blocks
            if cannon_len > 0:
                init_score = -9999
                if right_two and right_two[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != right_two[
                            'side'] and right_two['type'] != 0:
                    if right_one and not right_one['hasFlip']:
                        score = POINTS[right_two['type']] / 50 * cannon_len
                        if score > init_score:
                            init_score = score
                            unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif left_two and left_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_two[
                        'side'] and left_two['type'] != 0:
                    if left_one and not left_one['hasFlip']:
                        score = POINTS[left_two['type']] / 50 * cannon_len
                        if score > init_score:
                            init_score = score
                            unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif up_two and up_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_two[
                        'side'] and up_two['type'] != 0:
                    if up_one and not up_one['hasFlip']:
                        score = POINTS[up_two['type']] / 50 * cannon_len
                        if score > init_score:
                            init_score = score
                            unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif down_two and down_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_two[
                        'side'] and down_two['type'] != 0:
                    if down_one and not down_one['hasFlip']:
                        score = POINTS[down_two['type']] / 50 * cannon_len
                        if score > init_score:
                            init_score = score
                            unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                    score = self.expect_score / 50
                    unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
            # flip, if no cannon in unfliped blocks
                init_score = -9999
                if right_one and right_one[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != right_one['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score -
                             POINTS[right_one['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif left_one and left_one[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != left_one['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score - POINTS[left_one['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif up_one and up_one[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != up_one['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score - POINTS[up_one['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif down_one and down_one[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != down_one['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score - POINTS[down_one['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif up_right and up_right[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != up_right['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score - POINTS[up_right['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif up_left and up_left[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != up_left['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score - POINTS[up_left['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif down_right and down_right[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != down_right['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score -
                             POINTS[down_right['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif down_left and down_left[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != down_left['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score -
                             POINTS[down_left['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                    score = self.expect_score / 50
                    unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score

        if unflipped_map:
            max_block_key = getMax(unflipped_map)
            big_block = self.blocks_map.get(max_block_key)
            big_score = max(unflipped_map.values())
            detail = {}
            for xy in unflipped_map:
                detail[xy] = {'score': unflipped_map[xy]}
            return {
                'action': 'flip',
                'score': big_score,
                'block': big_block,
                'from': None,
                'detail': detail
            return {
                'action': 'flip',
                'score': None,
                'big_block': None,
                'from': None,
                'detail': None