Esempio n. 1
def overview():
    deadline = to_esmf( - timedelta(seconds=5))
    # only update stale & running simulations in overview
    for sim_id,sim in simulations.iteritems():
        if sim['state']['wrf'] != 'complete':
            last_upd = sim.get('last_updated', '2000-01-01_00:00:00')
            if last_upd < deadline:
                sim['state'] = get_simulation_state(sim['log_file'])
                sim['last_updated'] = to_esmf(
                json.dump(sim, open('simulations/' + sim_id + '.json', 'w'), indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
    return render_template('overview.html', simulations = simulations)
Esempio n. 2
def overview():
    deadline = to_esmf( - timedelta(seconds=5))
    # only update stale & running simulations in overview
    for sim_id, sim in simulations.iteritems():
        if sim['state']['wrf'] != 'complete':
            last_upd = sim.get('last_updated', '2000-01-01_00:00:00')
            if last_upd < deadline:
                sim['state'] = get_simulation_state(sim['log_file'])
                sim['last_updated'] = to_esmf(
                          open('simulations/' + sim_id + '.json', 'w'),
                          separators=(',', ': '))
    return render_template('overview.html', simulations=simulations)
Esempio n. 3
def overview():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # reload, cleanup might delete jsons while webserver is running
        simulations = load_simulations(sims_path)
        deadline = to_esmf( - timedelta(seconds=5))
        # only update stale & running simulations in overview
        kk = simulations.keys()
        for sim_id in kk:
            sim = simulations[sim_id]
            if sim['state']['wrf'] != 'complete':
                last_upd = sim.get('last_updated', '2000-01-01_00:00:00')
                if last_upd < deadline:
                    sim['state'] = get_simulation_state(sim['log_file'])
                    sim['last_updated'] = to_esmf(
                    f = sims_path + '/' + sim_id + '.json'
                    if osp.isfile(f):
                                  open(f, 'w'),
                                  separators=(',', ': '))
                        simulations[sim_id] = sim
                        print('File %s no longer exists, deleting simulation' %
                        del simulations[sim_id]
        return render_template('overview.html',
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        print 'Values returned by overview page:'
        sims_checked = request.form.getlist('sim_chk')
        for sim_id in sims_checked:  # Only the simulation(s) checked in checkbox.
            if 'RemoveB' in request.form:
                print('Remove Sim: box checked= %s' % (sim_id))
                if 'CancelB' in request.form:
                    print('Cancel Sim: box checked= %s' % (sim_id))
                    print('Error-No button push detected: box checked= %s' %
        simulations = load_simulations(sims_path)
        return render_template('overview.html',
Esempio n. 4
def get_state(sim_id=None):
    sim_info = simulations.get(sim_id, None)
    if sim_info is None:
        return "{}"
        sim_state = None
        # always update during get_state()
        if sim_info['state']['wrf'] != 'completed':
            sim_state = get_simulation_state(sim_info['log_file'])
            sim_info['state'] = sim_state
            sim_info['last_updated'] = to_esmf(
            json.dump(sim_info, open('simulations/' + sim_id + '.json', 'w'))
        return json.dumps(sim_state)
Esempio n. 5
def get_state(sim_id=None):
    sim_info = simulations.get(sim_id, None)
    if sim_info is None:
        return "{}"
        sim_state = None
        # always update during get_state()
        if sim_info['state']['wrf'] != 'completed':
            sim_state = get_simulation_state(sim_info['log_file'])
            sim_info['state'] = sim_state
            sim_info['last_updated'] = to_esmf(
            json.dump(sim_info, open('simulations/' + sim_id + '.json', 'w'))
        return json.dumps(sim_state)
Esempio n. 6
def overview():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # reload, cleanup might delete jsons while webserver is running 
        simulations = load_simulations(sims_path)
        deadline = to_esmf( - timedelta(seconds=5))
        # only update stale & running simulations in overview
        kk = simulations.keys()   
        for sim_id in kk:
            sim = simulations[sim_id]
            if sim['state']['wrf'] != 'complete':
                last_upd = sim.get('last_updated', '2000-01-01_00:00:00')
                if last_upd < deadline:
                    sim['state'] = get_simulation_state(sim['log_file'])
                    sim['last_updated'] = to_esmf(
                    f = sims_path + '/' + sim_id + '.json'
                    if osp.isfile(f):
                        json.dump(sim, open(f,'w'), indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
                        print('File %s no longer exists, deleting simulation' % f)
                        del simulations[sim_id]
        return render_template('overview.html', simulations = simulations, urls=urls)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        print 'Values returned by overview page:'
        sims_checked= request.form.getlist('sim_chk')
        print (sims_checked)
        for sim_id in sims_checked:  # Only the simulation(s) checked in checkbox.
            if 'RemoveB' in request.form:
                print ('Remove Sim: box checked= %s' % (sim_id)) 
                if 'CancelB' in request.form:
                    print ('Cancel Sim: box checked= %s' % (sim_id))
                    print ('Error-No button push detected: box checked= %s' % (sim_id))
        simulations = load_simulations(sims_path)
        return render_template('overview.html', simulations = simulations, urls=urls)
Esempio n. 7
def create_simulation(info, conf, cluster):
    Build a simulation JSON configuration based on profiles and execute
    the simulation using wrfxpy.
    :param info: the simulation info gathered from the build page
    :param conf: configuration
    :param cluster: a cluster object that conveys information about the computing environment
    :return: the simulation info object
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    sim_id = 'from-web-%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d' % (
        now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)

    # get paths of all files created
    path = simulation_paths(sim_id, conf)
    log_path = path['log_path']
    json_path = path['json_path']
    run_script = path['run_script']

    # store simulation configuration
    profile = info['profile']
    print('profile = %s' %
          json.dumps(profile, indent=1, separators=(',', ':')))
    ign_lat, ign_lon = float(info['ignition_latitude']), float(
    # example of ignition time: Apr 10, 1975 9:45 PM
    ign_time_esmf = to_esmf(
        datetime.strptime(info['ignition_time'], '%b %d, %Y %I:%M %p'))
    sim_descr = info['description']
    fc_hours = int(info['fc_hours'])
    sim_info = {
        'id': sim_id,
        'started_at': to_esmf(,
        'description': sim_descr,
        'ign_latitude': ign_lat,
        'ign_longitude': ign_lon,
        'ign_time_esmf': ign_time_esmf,
        'fc_hours': fc_hours,
        'profile': info['profile'],
        'log_file': log_path,
        'state': make_initial_state()

    # build a new job template
    template = osp.abspath(profile['template'])
    cfg = json.load(open(template))
    print('Job template %s:' % template)
    print json.dumps(cfg, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

    cfg['template'] = template
    cfg['profile'] = profile
    cfg['grid_code'] = sim_id
    # cfg['qsys'] = cluster.qsys
    cfg['num_nodes'] = 6
    cfg['ppn'] = cluster.ppn
    ign_time = to_utc(ign_time_esmf)
    sim_start = (ign_time - timedelta(minutes=30)).replace(minute=0, second=0)
    sim_end = sim_start + timedelta(hours=fc_hours)
    sim_info['start_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_start)
    sim_info['end_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_end)
    cfg['start_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_start)
    cfg['end_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_end)
    if not cfg.has_key('grib_source') or cfg['grib_source'] == 'auto':
        cfg['grib_source'] = select_grib_source(sim_start)
        print 'GRIB source not specified, selected %s from sim start time' % cfg[
        print 'Using GRIB source %s from %s' % (cfg['grib_source'],

    # build wrfpy_id and the visualization link
    job_id = 'wfc-%s-%s-%02d' % (sim_id, to_esmf(sim_start), fc_hours)
    sim_info['job_id'] = job_id
    sim_info['visualization_link'] = conf[
        'wrfxweb_url'] + '/#/view1?sim_id=' + job_id
    cfg['job_id'] = job_id

    # place top-level domain
    cfg['domains']['1']['truelats'] = [ign_lat, ign_lat]
    cfg['domains']['1']['stand_lon'] = ign_lon
    cfg['domains']['1']['center_latlon'] = [ign_lat, ign_lon]

    # all templates have exactly one ignition
    domain = cfg['ignitions'].keys()[0]
    cfg['ignitions'][domain][0]['time_utc'] = ign_time_esmf
    # example:  "latlon" : [39.894264, -103.903222]
    cfg['ignitions'][domain][0]['latlon'] = [ign_lat, ign_lon]

    # switch on sending results to visualization server
    cfg['postproc']['shuttle'] = 'incremental'
    cfg['postproc']['description'] = sim_descr

    json.dump(cfg, open(json_path, 'w'), indent=1, separators=(',', ':'))

    print('Job configuration %s:' % json_path)
    print json.dumps(cfg, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

    # drop a shell script that will run the file
    with open(run_script, 'w') as f:
        f.write('#!/usr/bin/env bash\n')
        f.write('export PYTHONPATH=src\n')
        f.write('cd ' + conf['wrfxpy_path'] + '\n')
        f.write('LOG=' + osp.abspath(log_path) + '\n')
        f.write('./ ' + osp.abspath(json_path) + ' &> $LOG \n')

    # make it executable
    st = os.stat(run_script)
    os.chmod(run_script, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)

    # execute the fire forecast and reroute into the log file provided
    print('Running %s' % run_script)
    proc = Popen(run_script,

    return sim_info
Esempio n. 8
def create_simulation(info, conf, cluster):
    Build a simulation JSON configuration based on profiles and execute
    the simulation using wrfxpy.
    :param info: the simulation info gathered from the build page
    :param conf: configuration
    :param cluster: a cluster object that conveys information about the computing environment
    :return: the simulation info object
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    sim_id = 'from-web-%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d' % (now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)

    # get paths of all files created
    path= simulation_paths(sim_id,conf)
    log_path = path['log_path']
    json_path = path['json_path']
    run_script = path['run_script']

    # store simulation configuration
    profile = info['profile']
    print ('profile = %s' % json.dumps(profile,indent=1, separators=(',',':')))
    ign_lat, ign_lon = float(info['ignition_latitude']), float(info['ignition_longitude'])
    # example of ignition time: Apr 10, 1975 9:45 PM
    ign_time_esmf = to_esmf(datetime.strptime(info['ignition_time'], '%b %d, %Y %I:%M %p'))
    sim_descr = info['description']
    fc_hours = int(info['fc_hours'])
    sim_info = {
      'id' : sim_id,
      'started_at' : to_esmf(,
      'description' : sim_descr,
      'ign_latitude' : ign_lat,
      'ign_longitude' : ign_lon,
      'ign_time_esmf' : ign_time_esmf,
      'fc_hours' : fc_hours,
      'profile' : info['profile'],
      'log_file' : log_path,
      'state' : make_initial_state()

    # build a new job template
    template = osp.abspath(profile['template'])
    cfg = json.load(open(template))
    print ('Job template %s:' % template)
    print json.dumps(cfg, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
    cfg['template'] = template
    cfg['profile'] = profile
    cfg['grid_code'] = sim_id
    # cfg['qsys'] = cluster.qsys
    cfg['num_nodes'] = 6
    cfg['ppn'] = cluster.ppn
    ign_time = to_utc(ign_time_esmf)
    sim_start = (ign_time - timedelta(minutes=30)).replace(minute=0, second=0)
    sim_end = sim_start + timedelta(hours=fc_hours)
    sim_info['start_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_start)
    sim_info['end_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_end)
    cfg['start_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_start)
    cfg['end_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_end)
    if not cfg.has_key('grib_source') or cfg['grib_source'] == 'auto':
        cfg['grib_source'] = select_grib_source(sim_start)
        print 'GRIB source not specified, selected %s from sim start time' % cfg['grib_source']
        print 'Using GRIB source %s from %s' % (cfg['grib_source'], profile['template'])

    # build wrfpy_id and the visualization link
    job_id = 'wfc-%s-%s-%02d' % (sim_id, to_esmf(sim_start), fc_hours)
    sim_info['visualization_link'] = conf['wrfxweb_url'] + '/#/view1?sim_id=' + job_id

    # place top-level domain
    cfg['domains']['1']['truelats'] = [ign_lat, ign_lat]
    cfg['domains']['1']['stand_lon'] = ign_lon
    cfg['domains']['1']['center_latlon'] = [ign_lat, ign_lon]

    # all templates have exactly one ignition
    domain = cfg['ignitions'].keys()[0]
    cfg['ignitions'][domain][0]['time_utc'] = ign_time_esmf
    # example:  "latlon" : [39.894264, -103.903222]
    cfg['ignitions'][domain][0]['latlon'] = [ign_lat, ign_lon]

    # switch on sending results to visualization server
    cfg['postproc']['shuttle'] = 'incremental'
    cfg['postproc']['description'] = sim_descr

    json.dump(cfg, open(json_path, 'w'),indent=1, separators=(',',':'))

    print ('Job configuration %s:' % json_path)
    print json.dumps(cfg, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

    # drop a shell script that will run the file
    with open(run_script, 'w') as f:
        f.write('#!/usr/bin/env bash\n')
        f.write('export PYTHONPATH=src\n')
        f.write('cd ' + conf['wrfxpy_path'] + '\n')
        f.write('LOG=' + osp.abspath(log_path) + '\n')
        f.write('./ ' + osp.abspath(json_path) + ' &> $LOG \n')

    # make it executable
    st = os.stat(run_script)
    os.chmod(run_script, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)

    # execute the fire forecast and reroute into the log file provided
    print('Running %s' % run_script)
    proc = Popen(run_script, shell=True, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, close_fds=True)

    return sim_info
Esempio n. 9
def create_simulation(info, wrfxpy_path, cluster):
    Build a simulation JSON configuration based on profiles and execute
    the simulation using wrfxpy.
    :param info: the simulation info gathered from the build page
    :param profiles: the job profiles available to the user
    :param cluster: a cluster object that conveys information about the computing environment
    :return: the simulation info object
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    sim_id = 'from-web-%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d' % (now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)

    # get paths, profiles
    log_path = 'logs/%s.log' % sim_id
    json_path = 'jobs/%s.json' % sim_id
    profile = info['profile']

    # store simulation configuration
    ign_lat, ign_lon = float(info['ignition_latitude']), float(info['ignition_longitude'])
    # example of ignition time: Apr 10, 1975 9:45 PM
    ign_time_esmf = to_esmf(datetime.strptime(info['ignition_time'], '%b %d, %Y %I:%M %p'))
    sim_descr = info['description']
    fc_hours = int(info['fc_hours'])
    sim_info = {
      'id' : sim_id,
      'started_at' : to_esmf(,
      'description' : sim_descr,
      'ign_latitude' : ign_lat,
      'ign_longitude' : ign_lon,
      'ign_time_esmf' : ign_time_esmf,
      'fc_hours' : fc_hours,
      'profile' : info['profile'],
      'log_file' : log_path,
      'state' : make_initial_state()

    # build a new job template
    cfg = json.load(open(profile['template']))
    cfg['grid_code'] = sim_id
    cfg['qsys'] = cluster.qsys
    cfg['num_nodes'] = 6
    cfg['ppn'] = cluster.ppn
    ign_time = to_utc(ign_time_esmf)
    sim_start = (ign_time - timedelta(minutes=30)).replace(minute=0, second=0)
    sim_end = sim_start + timedelta(hours=fc_hours)
    sim_info['start_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_start)
    sim_info['end_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_end)
    cfg['start_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_start)
    cfg['end_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_end)

    # build the visualization link
    wrfxpy_id = 'wfc-%s-%s-%02d' % (sim_id, to_esmf(sim_start), fc_hours)
    sim_info['visualization_link'] = '' + wrfxpy_id

    # place top-level domain
    cfg['domains']['1']['truelats'] = [ign_lat, ign_lat]
    cfg['domains']['1']['stand_lon'] = ign_lon
    cfg['domains']['1']['center_latlon'] = [ign_lat, ign_lon]

    # all templates have exactly one ignition
    domain = cfg['ignitions'].keys()[0]
    cfg['ignitions'][domain][0]['time_utc'] = ign_time_esmf
    # example:  "latlon" : [39.894264, -103.903222]
    cfg['ignitions'][domain][0]['latlon'] = [ign_lat, ign_lon]

    # switch on sending results to visualization server
    cfg['postproc']['shuttle'] = 'incremental'
    cfg['postproc']['description'] = sim_descr

    json.dump(cfg, open(json_path, 'w'))

    # drop a shell script that will run the file
    run_script = 'jobs/' + sim_id + '.sh'
    with open(run_script, 'w') as f:
        f.write('#!/usr/bin/env bash\n')
        f.write('export PYTHONPATH=src\n')
        f.write('cd ' + wrfxpy_path + '\n')
        f.write('LOG=' + osp.abspath(log_path) + '\n')
        f.write('./ ' + osp.abspath(json_path) + ' &> $LOG \n')

    # make it executable
    st = os.stat(run_script)
    os.chmod(run_script, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)

    # execute the fire forecast and reroute into the log file provided
    proc = Popen('./' + run_script, shell=True, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, close_fds=True)

    return sim_info
Esempio n. 10
def create_simulation(info, wrfxpy_path, cluster):
    Build a simulation JSON configuration based on profiles and execute
    the simulation using wrfxpy.
    :param info: the simulation info gathered from the build page
    :param profiles: the job profiles available to the user
    :param cluster: a cluster object that conveys information about the computing environment
    :return: the simulation info object
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    sim_id = 'from-web-%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d' % (
        now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)

    # get paths, profiles
    log_path = 'logs/%s.log' % sim_id
    json_path = 'jobs/%s.json' % sim_id
    profile = info['profile']

    # store simulation configuration
    ign_lat, ign_lon = float(info['ignition_latitude']), float(
    # example of ignition time: Apr 10, 1975 9:45 PM
    ign_time_esmf = to_esmf(
        datetime.strptime(info['ignition_time'], '%b %d, %Y %I:%M %p'))
    sim_descr = info['description']
    fc_hours = int(info['fc_hours'])
    sim_info = {
        'id': sim_id,
        'started_at': to_esmf(,
        'description': sim_descr,
        'ign_latitude': ign_lat,
        'ign_longitude': ign_lon,
        'ign_time_esmf': ign_time_esmf,
        'fc_hours': fc_hours,
        'profile': info['profile'],
        'log_file': log_path,
        'state': make_initial_state()

    # build a new job template
    cfg = json.load(open(profile['template']))
    cfg['grid_code'] = sim_id
    cfg['qsys'] = cluster.qsys
    cfg['num_nodes'] = 6
    cfg['ppn'] = cluster.ppn
    ign_time = to_utc(ign_time_esmf)
    sim_start = (ign_time - timedelta(minutes=30)).replace(minute=0, second=0)
    sim_end = sim_start + timedelta(hours=fc_hours)
    sim_info['start_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_start)
    sim_info['end_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_end)
    cfg['start_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_start)
    cfg['end_utc'] = to_esmf(sim_end)

    # build the visualization link
    wrfxpy_id = 'wfc-%s-%s-%02d' % (sim_id, to_esmf(sim_start), fc_hours)
        'visualization_link'] = '' + wrfxpy_id

    # place top-level domain
    cfg['domains']['1']['truelats'] = [ign_lat, ign_lat]
    cfg['domains']['1']['stand_lon'] = ign_lon
    cfg['domains']['1']['center_latlon'] = [ign_lat, ign_lon]

    # all templates have exactly one ignition
    domain = cfg['ignitions'].keys()[0]
    cfg['ignitions'][domain][0]['time_utc'] = ign_time_esmf
    # example:  "latlon" : [39.894264, -103.903222]
    cfg['ignitions'][domain][0]['latlon'] = [ign_lat, ign_lon]

    # switch on sending results to visualization server
    cfg['postproc']['shuttle'] = 'incremental'
    cfg['postproc']['description'] = sim_descr

    json.dump(cfg, open(json_path, 'w'))

    # drop a shell script that will run the file
    run_script = 'jobs/' + sim_id + '.sh'
    with open(run_script, 'w') as f:
        f.write('#!/usr/bin/env bash\n')
        f.write('export PYTHONPATH=src\n')
        f.write('cd ' + wrfxpy_path + '\n')
        f.write('LOG=' + osp.abspath(log_path) + '\n')
        f.write('./ ' + osp.abspath(json_path) + ' &> $LOG \n')

    # make it executable
    st = os.stat(run_script)
    os.chmod(run_script, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)

    # execute the fire forecast and reroute into the log file provided
    proc = Popen('./' + run_script,

    return sim_info