def average_recall_vs_avg_nr_proposals(ground_truth, proposals,
                                       tiou_thresholds=np.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10)):
    """ Computes the average recall given an average number 
        of proposals per video.
    ground_truth : df
        Data frame containing the ground truth instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id', 't-start', 't-end']
    proposal : df
        Data frame containing the proposal instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id, 't-start', 't-end', 'score']
    tiou_thresholds : 1darray, optional
        array with tiou thresholds.
    recall : 2darray
        recall[i,j] is recall at ith tiou threshold at the jth average number of average number of proposals per video.
    average_recall : 1darray
        recall averaged over a list of tiou threshold. This is equivalent to recall.mean(axis=0).
    proposals_per_video : 1darray
        average number of proposals per video.

    # Get list of videos.
    video_lst = ground_truth['video-id'].unique()

    if not max_avg_nr_proposals:
        max_avg_nr_proposals = float(proposals.shape[0])/video_lst.shape[0]

    ratio = max_avg_nr_proposals*float(video_lst.shape[0])/proposals.shape[0]

    # Adaptation to query faster
    ground_truth_gbvn = ground_truth.groupby('video-id')
    proposals_gbvn = proposals.groupby('video-id')

    # For each video, computes tiou scores among the retrieved proposals.
    score_lst = []
    total_nr_proposals = 0
    for videoid in video_lst:
        # Get ground-truth instances associated to this video.
        ground_truth_videoid = ground_truth_gbvn.get_group(videoid)
        this_video_ground_truth = ground_truth_videoid.loc[:,['t-start', 't-end']].values

        # Get proposals for this video.
            proposals_videoid = proposals_gbvn.get_group(videoid)
            n = this_video_ground_truth.shape[0]
            score_lst.append(np.zeros((n, 1)))

        this_video_proposals = proposals_videoid.loc[:, ['t-start', 't-end']].values

        if this_video_proposals.shape[0] == 0:
            n = this_video_ground_truth.shape[0]
            score_lst.append(np.zeros((n, 1)))

        # Sort proposals by score.
        sort_idx = proposals_videoid['score'].argsort()[::-1]
        this_video_proposals = this_video_proposals[sort_idx, :]

        if this_video_proposals.ndim != 2:
            this_video_proposals = np.expand_dims(this_video_proposals, axis=0)
        if this_video_ground_truth.ndim != 2:
            this_video_ground_truth = np.expand_dims(this_video_ground_truth, axis=0)

        nr_proposals = np.minimum(int(this_video_proposals.shape[0] * ratio), this_video_proposals.shape[0])
        total_nr_proposals += nr_proposals
        this_video_proposals = this_video_proposals[:nr_proposals, :]

        # Compute tiou scores.
        tiou = wrapper_segment_iou(this_video_proposals, this_video_ground_truth)

    # Given that the length of the videos is really varied, we 
    # compute the number of proposals in terms of a ratio of the total 
    # proposals retrieved, i.e. average recall at a percentage of proposals 
    # retrieved per video.

    # Computes average recall.
    pcn_lst = np.arange(1, 101) / 100.0 *(max_avg_nr_proposals*float(video_lst.shape[0])/total_nr_proposals)
    matches = np.empty((video_lst.shape[0], pcn_lst.shape[0]))
    positives = np.empty(video_lst.shape[0])
    recall = np.empty((tiou_thresholds.shape[0], pcn_lst.shape[0]))
    # Iterates over each tiou threshold.
    for ridx, tiou in enumerate(tiou_thresholds):

        # Inspect positives retrieved per video at different 
        # number of proposals (percentage of the total retrieved).
        for i, score in enumerate(score_lst):
            # Total positives per video.
            positives[i] = score.shape[0]
            # Find proposals that satisfies minimum tiou threshold.
            true_positives_tiou = score >= tiou
            # Get number of proposals as a percentage of total retrieved.
            pcn_proposals = np.minimum((score.shape[1] * pcn_lst).astype(, score.shape[1])

            for j, nr_proposals in enumerate(pcn_proposals):
                # Compute the number of matches for each percentage of the proposals
                matches[i, j] = np.count_nonzero((true_positives_tiou[:, :nr_proposals]).sum(axis=1))

        # Computes recall given the set of matches per video.
        recall[ridx, :] = matches.sum(axis=0) / positives.sum()

    # Recall is averaged.
    avg_recall = recall.mean(axis=0)

    # Get the average number of proposals per video.
    proposals_per_video = pcn_lst * (float(total_nr_proposals) / video_lst.shape[0])

    return recall, avg_recall, proposals_per_video
Esempio n. 2
def average_recall_vs_avg_nr_proposals(ground_truth, proposals,
                                       tiou_thresholds=np.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10)):
    """ Computes the average recall given an average number 
        of proposals per video.
    ground_truth : df
        Data frame containing the ground truth instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id', 't-start', 't-end']
    proposal : df
        Data frame containing the proposal instances.
        Required fields: ['video-id, 't-start', 't-end', 'score']
    tiou_thresholds : 1darray, optional
        array with tiou thresholds.
    recall : 2darray
        recall[i,j] is recall at ith tiou threshold at the jth average number of average number of proposals per video.
    average_recall : 1darray
        recall averaged over a list of tiou threshold. This is equivalent to recall.mean(axis=0).
    proposals_per_video : 1darray
        average number of proposals per video.

    # Get list of videos.
    video_lst = ground_truth['video-id'].unique()

    if not max_avg_nr_proposals:
        max_avg_nr_proposals = float(proposals.shape[0])/video_lst.shape[0]

    ratio = max_avg_nr_proposals*float(video_lst.shape[0])/proposals.shape[0]

    # Adaptation to query faster
    ground_truth_gbvn = ground_truth.groupby('video-id')
    proposals_gbvn = proposals.groupby('video-id')

    # For each video, computes tiou scores among the retrieved proposals.
    score_lst = []
    total_nr_proposals = 0
    for videoid in video_lst:
        # Get ground-truth instances associated to this video.
        ground_truth_videoid = ground_truth_gbvn.get_group(videoid)
        this_video_ground_truth = ground_truth_videoid.loc[:,['t-start', 't-end']].values

        # Get proposals for this video.
            proposals_videoid = proposals_gbvn.get_group(videoid)
            n = this_video_ground_truth.shape[0]
            score_lst.append(np.zeros((n, 1)))

        this_video_proposals = proposals_videoid.loc[:, ['t-start', 't-end']].values

        if this_video_proposals.shape[0] == 0:
            n = this_video_ground_truth.shape[0]
            score_lst.append(np.zeros((n, 1)))

        # Sort proposals by score.
        sort_idx = proposals_videoid['score'].argsort()[::-1]
        this_video_proposals = this_video_proposals[sort_idx, :]

        if this_video_proposals.ndim != 2:
            this_video_proposals = np.expand_dims(this_video_proposals, axis=0)
        if this_video_ground_truth.ndim != 2:
            this_video_ground_truth = np.expand_dims(this_video_ground_truth, axis=0)

        nr_proposals = np.minimum(int(this_video_proposals.shape[0] * ratio), this_video_proposals.shape[0])
        total_nr_proposals += nr_proposals
        this_video_proposals = this_video_proposals[:nr_proposals, :]

        # Compute tiou scores.
        tiou = wrapper_segment_iou(this_video_proposals, this_video_ground_truth)

    # Given that the length of the videos is really varied, we 
    # compute the number of proposals in terms of a ratio of the total 
    # proposals retrieved, i.e. average recall at a percentage of proposals 
    # retrieved per video.

    # Computes average recall.
    pcn_lst = np.arange(1, 101) / 100.0 *(max_avg_nr_proposals*float(video_lst.shape[0])/total_nr_proposals)
    matches = np.empty((video_lst.shape[0], pcn_lst.shape[0]))
    positives = np.empty(video_lst.shape[0])
    recall = np.empty((tiou_thresholds.shape[0], pcn_lst.shape[0]))
    # Iterates over each tiou threshold.
    for ridx, tiou in enumerate(tiou_thresholds):

        # Inspect positives retrieved per video at different 
        # number of proposals (percentage of the total retrieved).
        for i, score in enumerate(score_lst):
            # Total positives per video.
            positives[i] = score.shape[0]
            # Find proposals that satisfies minimum tiou threshold.
            true_positives_tiou = score >= tiou
            # Get number of proposals as a percentage of total retrieved.
            pcn_proposals = np.minimum((score.shape[1] * pcn_lst).astype(, score.shape[1])

            for j, nr_proposals in enumerate(pcn_proposals):
                # Compute the number of matches for each percentage of the proposals
                matches[i, j] = np.count_nonzero((true_positives_tiou[:, :nr_proposals]).sum(axis=1))

        # Computes recall given the set of matches per video.
        recall[ridx, :] = matches.sum(axis=0) / positives.sum()

    # Recall is averaged.
    avg_recall = recall.mean(axis=0)

    # Get the average number of proposals per video.
    proposals_per_video = pcn_lst * (float(total_nr_proposals) / video_lst.shape[0])

    return recall, avg_recall, proposals_per_video