def config(options): BaseConfig.print(options.conf)
def main(): help_str = """ This script is meant to be run manually on test servers, developer desktops, or Jenkins. This script supposed to run on python virtualenv from testrunner. Requires root privileges. Warning: it removes docker containers, VMs, images, and network configuration. """ parser = ArgumentParser(help_str) # Common parameters parser.add_argument("-v", "--vars", dest="yaml_path", default="vars.yaml", help='path for platform yaml file. Default is vars.yaml. eg: -v myconfig.yaml') parser.add_argument("-p", "--platform", default="openstack", choices=["openstack", "vmware", "bare-metal", "libvirt"], help="The platform you're targeting. Default is openstack") parser.add_argument("-l", "--log-level", dest="log_level", default=None, help="log level", choices=["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"]) parser.add_argument("-c", "--print-conf", dest="print_conf", action="store_true", help="prints the configuration") # Sub commands commands = parser.add_subparsers(help="command", dest="command") cmd_info = commands.add_parser("info", help='ip info') cmd_info.set_defaults(func=info) cmd_config = commands.add_parser("config", help='prints configuration to log') cmd_config.set_defaults(func=config) cmd_log = commands.add_parser("get_logs", help="gather logs from nodes") cmd_log.set_defaults(func=get_logs) cmd_cleanup = commands.add_parser( "cleanup", help="cleanup created skuba environment") cmd_cleanup.set_defaults(func=cleanup) cmd_provision = commands.add_parser("provision", help="provision nodes for cluster in " "your configured platform e.g: openstack, vmware.") cmd_provision.set_defaults(func=provision) cmd_provision.add_argument("-m", "--master-count", dest="master_count", type=int, default=-1, help='number of masters nodes to be deployed. eg: -m 2') cmd_provision.add_argument("-w", "--worker-count", dest="worker_count", type=int, default=-1, help='number of workers nodes to be deployed. eg: -w 2') # common parameters for cluster bootstrap bootstrap_args = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) bootstrap_args.add_argument("-k", "--kubernetes-version", help="kubernetes version", dest="kubernetes_version", default=None) bootstrap_args.add_argument("-c", "--cloud-provider", action="store_true", help="Use cloud provider integration") bootstrap_args.add_argument("-t", "--timeout", type=int, default=300, help="timeout for waiting a node to become ready (seconds)") bootstrap_args.add_argument("-m", "--registry-mirror", metavar=('R', 'M'), help="Add to the registry R a mirror M." " If an image is available at the mirror" " it will be preferred, otherwise the" " image in the original registry is used." " This argument can be used multiple" " times, then mirrors will be tried in" " that order." " Example: --registry-mirror", nargs=2, action='append') cmd_bootstrap = commands.add_parser( "bootstrap", parents=[bootstrap_args], help="bootstrap k8s cluster") cmd_bootstrap.set_defaults(func=bootstrap) cmd_deploy = commands.add_parser( "deploy", parents=[bootstrap_args], help="initializes, bootstrap and join all nodes k8s") cmd_deploy.set_defaults(func=deploy) cmd_status = commands.add_parser("status", help="check K8s cluster status") cmd_status.set_defaults(func=cluster_status) cmd_cluster_upgrade = commands.add_parser( "cluster-upgrade", help="Cluster upgrade") cmd_cluster_upgrade.add_argument( "-a", "--action", dest="upgrade_action", choices=["plan", "localconfig"]) cmd_cluster_upgrade.set_defaults(func=cluster_upgrade) # common parameters for node commands node_args = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) node_args.add_argument( "-r", "--role", dest="role", choices=["master", "worker"], help='role of the node to be added or deleted. eg: --role master') node_args.add_argument( "-n", "--node", dest="node", type=int, help='node to be added or deleted. eg: -n 0') # End of common parameters cmd_join_node = commands.add_parser( "join-node", parents=[node_args], help="add node in k8s cluster with the given role.") cmd_join_node.add_argument( "-t", "--timeout", type=int, default=180, help="timeout for waiting the node to become ready (seconds)") cmd_join_node.set_defaults(func=join_node) cmd_rem_node = commands.add_parser("remove-node", parents=[node_args], help="remove node from k8s cluster.") cmd_rem_node.set_defaults(func=remove_node) cmd_node_upgrade = commands.add_parser("node-upgrade", parents=[node_args], help="upgrade kubernetes version in node") cmd_node_upgrade.add_argument("-a", "--action", dest="upgrade_action", help="action: plan or apply upgrade", choices=["plan", "apply"]) cmd_node_upgrade.add_argument("-t", "--timeout", type=int, default=180, help="timeout for waiting the nodes to become ready after upgrade (seconds)") cmd_node_upgrade.set_defaults(func=node_upgrade) cmd_check_node = commands.add_parser( "check-node", parents=[node_args], help="check node health") cmd_check_node.add_argument("-c", "--check", dest="checks", nargs='+', help="check to be executed (multiple checks can be specified") cmd_check_node.add_argument("-s", "--stage", dest="stage", help="only execute checks that apply to this stage") cmd_check_node.set_defaults(func=node_check) # Start Join Nodes cmd_join_nodes = commands.add_parser("join-nodes", help="add multiple provisioned nodes k8s.") cmd_join_nodes.add_argument("-m", "--masters", type=int, help="Specify how many masters to join. Default is all") cmd_join_nodes.add_argument("-w", "--workers", type=int, help="Specify how many workers to join. Default is all") cmd_join_nodes.add_argument("-t", "--timeout", type=int, default=180, help="timeout for waiting the master nodes to become ready (seconds)") cmd_join_nodes.set_defaults(func=join_nodes) # End Join Nodes ssh_args = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) ssh_args.add_argument("-c", "--cmd", dest="cmd", nargs=REMAINDER, help="remote command and its arguments. e.g ls -al. Must be last argument for ssh command") cmd_ssh = commands.add_parser("ssh", parents=[node_args, ssh_args], help="Execute command in node via ssh.") cmd_ssh.set_defaults(func=ssh) test_args = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) test_args.add_argument("-f", "--filter", dest="mark", help="Filter the tests based on markers") test_args.add_argument("-j", "--junit", help="Name of the xml file to record the results to.") test_args.add_argument("-m", "--module", dest="module", help="folder with the tests") test_args.add_argument("-s", "--suite", dest="test_suite", help="test file name") test_args.add_argument("-t", "--test", dest="test", help="test to execute") test_args.add_argument("-l", "--list", dest="collect", action="store_true", default=False, help="only list tests to be executed") test_args.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="show all output from testrunner libraries") test_args.add_argument("--skip-setup", choices=['provisioned', 'bootstrapped', 'deployed'], help="Skip the given setup step.\n" "'provisioned' For when you have already provisioned the nodes.\n" "'bootstrapped' For when you have already bootstrapped the cluster.\n" "'deployed' For when you already have a fully deployed cluster.") test_args.add_argument("--traceback", default="short", choices=['long', 'short', 'line', 'no'], help="level of detail in traceback for test failure") cmd_test = commands.add_parser( "test", parents=[test_args], help="execute tests") cmd_test.set_defaults(func=test) cmd_inhibit_kured = commands.add_parser( "inhibit_kured", help="Prevent kured to reboot nodes") cmd_inhibit_kured.set_defaults(func=inhibit_kured) cmd_check_cluster = commands.add_parser( "check-cluster", help="check cluster health") cmd_check_cluster.add_argument( "-c", "--check", dest="checks", nargs='+', help="check to be executed (multiple checks can be specified") cmd_check_cluster.add_argument( "-s", "--stage", dest="stage", help="only execute checks that apply to this stage") cmd_check_cluster.set_defaults(func=cluster_check) options = parser.parse_args() try: conf = BaseConfig(options.yaml_path) Logger.config_logger(conf, level=options.log_level) options.conf = conf if options.print_conf: out = io.StringIO() BaseConfig.print(conf, out=out) logger.debug(f'Configuration\n{out.getvalue()}') options.func(options) except SystemExit as ex: if ex.code > 0: logger.error(f'Command {options.command} ended with error code {ex.code}') sys.exit(ex.code) except Exception as ex: logger.error(f'Exception {ex} executing command {options.command}', exc_info=True) sys.exit(255) sys.exit(0)