def main(): args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height max_num_faces = args.max_num_faces min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence use_brect = args.use_brect cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) mp_face_mesh = face_mesh = mp_face_mesh.FaceMesh( max_num_faces=max_num_faces, min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=min_tracking_confidence, ) cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) while True: display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) results = face_mesh.process(image) if results.multi_face_landmarks is not None: for face_landmarks in results.multi_face_landmarks: # 外接矩形の計算 brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, face_landmarks) # 描画 debug_image = draw_landmarks(debug_image, face_landmarks) debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) cv.putText(debug_image, "MOsta_FPS:" + str(display_fps), (10, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) # キー処理(ESC:終了) ################################################# key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break # 画面反映 ############################################################# cv.imshow('MediaPipe Face Mesh Demo', debug_image) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): # init global vars global gesture_buffer global gesture_id global battery_status # Argument parsing args = get_args() KEYBOARD_CONTROL = args.is_keyboard WRITE_CONTROL = False in_flight = False cap_webcam = cv.VideoCapture(0) gesture_detector = GestureRecognition(args.use_static_image_mode, args.min_detection_confidence, args.min_tracking_confidence) gesture_buffer = GestureBuffer(buffer_len=args.buffer_len) # FPS Measurement cv_fps_calc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) mode = 0 number = -1 while True: fps = cv_fps_calc.get() # Process Key (ESC: end) key = cv.waitKey(1) & 0xff if key == 27: # ESC break elif key == ord('n'): mode = 1 WRITE_CONTROL = True KEYBOARD_CONTROL = True if WRITE_CONTROL: number = -1 if 48 <= key <= 57: # 0 ~ 9 number = key - 48 # Camera capture image =[1] try: debug_image, gesture_id = gesture_detector.recognize( image, number, mode) gesture_buffer.add_gesture(gesture_id) debug_image = gesture_detector.draw_info(debug_image, fps, mode, number) cv.imshow('Webcam Gesture Recognition', debug_image) except: print("exception") cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height upper_body_only = args.upper_body_only min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence use_brect = args.use_brect cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) mp_pose = pose = mp_pose.Pose( upper_body_only=upper_body_only, min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=min_tracking_confidence, ) # FPS cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) while True: display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) results = pose.process(image) if results.pose_landmarks is not None: brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, results.pose_landmarks) debug_image = draw_landmarks(debug_image, results.pose_landmarks, upper_body_only) debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) cv.putText(debug_image, "FPS:" + str(display_fps), (10, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break cv.imshow('MediaPipe Pose Demo', debug_image) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): # 引数解析 ################################################################# args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence use_brect = args.use_brect # カメラ準備 ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # モデルロード ############################################################# mp_face_detection = face_detection = mp_face_detection.FaceDetection( min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence) # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) while True: display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() # カメラキャプチャ ##################################################### ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) # ミラー表示 debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) # 検出実施 ############################################################# image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) results = face_detection.process(image) # 描画 ################################################################ if results.detections is not None: for detection in results.detections: # 描画 debug_image = draw_detection(debug_image, detection) cv.putText(debug_image, "FPS:" + str(display_fps), (10, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) # キー処理(ESC:終了) ################################################# key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break # 画面反映 ############################################################# cv.imshow('MediaPipe Face Detection Demo', debug_image) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): print("Image Classification Start...\n") # カメラ準備 ############################################################## cap = cv.VideoCapture(0) frame_width = 960 frame_height = 540 cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, frame_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, frame_height) # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc() # モデルロード ############################################################ model = tf.keras.applications.EfficientNetB0( include_top=True, weights='imagenet', input_shape=(224, 224, 3), ) # CVUI初期化 ############################################################## cvui.init("Demo") # メインループ ############################################################# while True: # FPS算出 ############################################################# display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() if display_fps == 0: display_fps = 0.01 # カメラキャプチャ #################################################### ret, frame = if not ret: continue debug_image = copy.deepcopy(frame) # 検出実施 ############################################################ trim_x1 = int((frame_width - frame_height) / 2) trim_x2 = frame_width - int((frame_width - frame_height) / 2) trimming_image = debug_image[0:frame_height, trim_x1:trim_x2] classifications = run_classify(model, trimming_image, 10) # デバッグ情報描画 #################################################### debug_image = draw_demo_image( trimming_image, classifications, display_fps, ) # 画面反映 ####################################################### cvui.imshow('Demo', debug_image) key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break
def main(): print("Semantic Segmentation Start...\n") # カメラ準備 ############################################################## cap = cv.VideoCapture(0) frame_width = 960 frame_height = 540 cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, frame_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, frame_height) # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc() # モデルロード ############################################################ frozen_path = "model/deeplab_v3/deeplabv3_mnv2.pb" sess = graph_load(frozen_path) # メインループ ############################################################# while True: # FPS算出 ############################################################# display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() if display_fps == 0: display_fps = 0.01 # カメラキャプチャ #################################################### ret, frame = if not ret: continue debug_image = copy.deepcopy(frame) # 検出実施 ############################################################ segmentation_map = session_run(sess, debug_image) # デバッグ情報描画 #################################################### debug_image = draw_demo_image( debug_image, segmentation_map, display_fps, ) # 画面反映 ####################################################### cv.imshow('Demo', debug_image) key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break
def main(): print("Style Transfer Start...\n") # カメラ準備 ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(0) frame_width = 960 frame_height = 540 cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, frame_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, frame_height) # モデルロード ############################################################# sess, input_photo, final_out = graph_load('model/white_box_cartoonization') # CvComparisonSliderWindow準備 ############################################ cvwindow = CvComparisonSliderWindow( window_name='Demo', line_color=(255, 255, 255), line_thickness=1, ) # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc() while True: display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() # カメラキャプチャ ##################################################### ret, frame = if not ret: continue frame_width, frame_height = frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0] debug_image = copy.deepcopy(frame) # 変換実施 ############################################################# out = session_run(sess, debug_image, input_photo, final_out) # 画面反映 ############################################################# cvwindow.imshow(frame, out, fps=display_fps) # キー処理 ############################################################# key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): """ [summary] main() Parameters ---------- None """ # 引数解析 ################################################################# args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height fps = args.fps model_path = args.model score_th = args.score_th smaller_ratio = args.smaller_ratio # GUI準備 ################################################################# app_gui = AppGui(window_name='FingerFrameLens') # 初期設定 app_gui.set_score_threshold(score_th) # カメラ準備 ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # モデルロード ############################################################# # EfficientDet-D0 DEFAULT_FUNCTION_KEY = 'serving_default' effdet_model = tf.saved_model.load(model_path) inference_func = effdet_model.signatures[DEFAULT_FUNCTION_KEY] # EfficientNet-B0 effnet_model = tf.keras.applications.EfficientNetB0( include_top=True, weights='imagenet', input_shape=(224, 224, 3), ) tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.zeros((224, 224, 3), np.uint8)) effnet_model.predict(tensor) effnet_model.make_predict_function() # FPS計測準備 ############################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=3) cropping_image = None classifications = None while True: start_time = time.time() # GUI設定取得 ######################################################### score_th = app_gui.get_score_threshold() # カメラキャプチャ ##################################################### ret, frame = if not ret: continue frame_width, frame_height = frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0] debug_image = copy.deepcopy(frame) # 物体検出実施 ######################################################### detections = run_od_inference(inference_func, frame) x1, y1, x2, y2 = calc_od_bbox( detections, score_th, smaller_ratio, frame_width, frame_height, ) # cv.putText(debug_image, '{:.3f}'.format(score), (x1, y1 - 10), # cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.65, (255, 255, 255), 2, # cv.LINE_AA) # cv.rectangle(debug_image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (255, 255, 255), 2) # クラス分類実施 ####################################################### if x1 is not None and y1 is not None and \ x2 is not None and y2 is not None: cropping_image = copy.deepcopy(frame[y1:y2, x1:x2]) classifications = run_classify(effnet_model, cropping_image) # GUI描画更新 ########################################################## fps_result = cvFpsCalc.get() app_gui.update( fps_result, debug_image, cropping_image, classifications, ) # キー入力(ESC:プログラム終了) ######################################### key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break # FPS調整 ############################################################# elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sleep_time = max(0, ((1.0 / fps) - elapsed_time)) time.sleep(sleep_time) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): # 引数解析 ################################################################# args = get_args() cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height cap_device = args.device if args.file is not None: # 動画ファイルを利用する場合 cap_device = args.file fps = args.fps skip_frame = args.skip_frame model_path = args.model score_th = args.score_th sign_interval = args.sign_interval jutsu_display_time = args.jutsu_display_time use_display_score = args.use_display_score erase_bbox = args.erase_bbox use_jutsu_lang_en = args.use_jutsu_lang_en chattering_check = args.chattering_check use_fullscreen = args.use_fullscreen # カメラ準備 ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # モデル読み込み ############################################################ DEFAULT_FUNCTION_KEY = 'serving_default' loaded_model = tf.saved_model.load(model_path) inference_func = loaded_model.signatures[DEFAULT_FUNCTION_KEY] # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################### cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc() # フォント読み込み ########################################################## # font_path = './utils/font/衡山毛筆フォント.ttf' # ラベル読み込み ########################################################### with open('setting/labels.csv') as f: # 印 labels = csv.reader(f) labels = [row for row in labels] with open('setting/jutsu.csv') as f: # 術 jutsu = csv.reader(f) jutsu = [row for row in jutsu] # 印の表示履歴および、検出履歴 ############################################## sign_max_display = 18 sign_max_history = 44 sign_display_queue = deque(maxlen=sign_max_display) sign_history_queue = deque(maxlen=sign_max_history) chattering_check_queue = deque(maxlen=chattering_check) for index in range(-1, -1 - chattering_check, -1): chattering_check_queue.append(index) # 術名の言語設定 ########################################################### lang_offset = 0 jutsu_font_size_ratio = sign_max_display if use_jutsu_lang_en: lang_offset = 1 jutsu_font_size_ratio = int((sign_max_display / 3) * 4) # その他変数初期化 ######################################################### sign_interval_start = 0 # 印のインターバル開始時間初期化 jutsu_index = 0 # 術表示名のインデックス jutsu_start_time = 0 # 術名表示の開始時間初期化 frame_count = 0 # フレームナンバーカウンタ window_name = 'NARUTO HandSignDetection Ninjutsu Demo' if use_fullscreen: cv.namedWindow(window_name, cv.WINDOW_NORMAL) while True: start_time = time.time() # カメラキャプチャ ##################################################### ret, frame = if not ret: continue frame_count += 1 debug_image = copy.deepcopy(frame) if (frame_count % (skip_frame + 1)) != 0: continue # FPS計測 ############################################################## fps_result = cvFpsCalc.get() # 検出実施 ############################################################# frame = frame[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] # BGR2RGB image_np_expanded = np.expand_dims(frame, axis=0) result_inference = run_inference_single_image(image_np_expanded, inference_func) # 検出内容の履歴追加 #################################################### num_detections = result_inference['num_detections'] for i in range(num_detections): score = result_inference['detection_scores'][i] class_id = result_inference['detection_classes'][i].astype( # 検出閾値未満の結果は捨てる if score < score_th: continue # 指定回数以上、同じ印が続いた場合に、印検出とみなす ※瞬間的な誤検出対策 chattering_check_queue.append(class_id) if len(set(chattering_check_queue)) != 1: continue # 前回と異なる印の場合のみキューに登録 if len(sign_display_queue) == 0 or \ sign_display_queue[-1] != class_id: sign_display_queue.append(class_id) sign_history_queue.append(class_id) sign_interval_start = time.time() # 印の最終検出時間 # 前回の印検出から指定時間が経過した場合、履歴を消去 #################### if (time.time() - sign_interval_start) > sign_interval: sign_display_queue.clear() sign_history_queue.clear() # 術成立判定 ######################################################### jutsu_index, jutsu_start_time = check_jutsu( sign_history_queue, labels, jutsu, jutsu_index, jutsu_start_time, ) # キー処理 ########################################################### key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 99: # C:印の履歴を消去 sign_display_queue.clear() sign_history_queue.clear() if key == 27: # ESC:プログラム終了 break # FPS調整 ############################################################# elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sleep_time = max(0, ((1.0 / fps) - elapsed_time)) time.sleep(sleep_time) # 画面反映 ############################################################# debug_image = draw_debug_image( debug_image, font_path, fps_result, labels, result_inference, score_th, erase_bbox, use_display_score, jutsu, sign_display_queue, sign_max_display, jutsu_display_time, jutsu_font_size_ratio, lang_offset, jutsu_index, jutsu_start_time, ) if use_fullscreen: cv.setWindowProperty(window_name, cv.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) cv.imshow(window_name, debug_image) # cv.moveWindow(window_name, 100, 100) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): # 引数解析 ################################################################# args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height fps = args.fps model_path = args.model score_th = args.score_th # カメラ準備 ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) video = cv.VideoCapture('utils/map.mp4') # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc() # モデルロード ############################################################# DEFAULT_FUNCTION_KEY = 'serving_default' loaded_model = tf.saved_model.load(model_path) inference_func = loaded_model.signatures[DEFAULT_FUNCTION_KEY] buffer_len = 5 deque_x1 = deque(maxlen=buffer_len) deque_y1 = deque(maxlen=buffer_len) deque_x2 = deque(maxlen=buffer_len) deque_y2 = deque(maxlen=buffer_len) # フォント font_path = './utils/font/x12y20pxScanLine.ttf' while True: # FPS算出 ############################################################# display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() start_time = time.time() # カメラキャプチャ ##################################################### ret, frame = if not ret: continue frame_width, frame_height = frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0] debug_image = copy.deepcopy(frame) # 検出実施 ############################################################# frame = frame[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] # BGR2RGB image_np_expanded = np.expand_dims(frame, axis=0) output = run_inference_single_image(image_np_expanded, inference_func) num_detections = output['num_detections'] for i in range(num_detections): score = output['detection_scores'][i] bbox = output['detection_boxes'][i] # class_id = output['detection_classes'][i].astype( if score < score_th: continue # 検出結果可視化 ################################################### x1, y1 = int(bbox[1] * frame_width), int(bbox[0] * frame_height) x2, y2 = int(bbox[3] * frame_width), int(bbox[2] * frame_height) risize_ratio = 0.15 bbox_width = x2 - x1 bbox_height = y2 - y1 x1 = x1 + int(bbox_width * risize_ratio) y1 = y1 + int(bbox_height * risize_ratio) x2 = x2 - int(bbox_width * risize_ratio) y2 = y2 - int(bbox_height * risize_ratio) x1 = int((x1 - 5) / 10) * 10 y1 = int((y1 - 5) / 10) * 10 x2 = int((x2 + 5) / 10) * 10 y2 = int((y2 + 5) / 10) * 10 deque_x1.append(x1) deque_y1.append(y1) deque_x2.append(x2) deque_y2.append(y2) x1 = int(sum(deque_x1) / len(deque_x1)) y1 = int(sum(deque_y1) / len(deque_y1)) x2 = int(sum(deque_x2) / len(deque_x2)) y2 = int(sum(deque_y2) / len(deque_y2)) ret, video_frame = if ret is not False: video.grab() video.grab() debug_add_image = np.zeros((frame_height, frame_width, 3), np.uint8) map_resize_image = cv.resize(video_frame, ((x2 - x1), (y2 - y1))) debug_add_image = CvOverlayImage.overlay( debug_add_image, map_resize_image, (x1, y1)) debug_add_image = cv.cvtColor(debug_add_image, cv.COLOR_BGRA2BGR) # cv.imshow('1', debug_add_image) debug_image = cv.addWeighted(debug_image, 1.0, debug_add_image, 2.0, 0) else: video = cv.VideoCapture('map.mp4') # キー処理(ESC:終了) ################################################# key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break # FPS調整 ############################################################# elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sleep_time = max(0, ((1.0 / fps) - elapsed_time)) time.sleep(sleep_time) # 画面反映 ############################################################# fps_string = u"FPS:" + str(display_fps) debug_image = CvDrawText.puttext(debug_image, fps_string, (17, 17), font_path, 32, (255, 255, 255)) fps_string = u"FPS:" + str(display_fps) debug_image = CvDrawText.puttext(debug_image, fps_string, (15, 15), font_path, 32, (0, 56, 86)) cv.imshow('Demo', debug_image) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): # Argument parsing ################################################################# args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = 1920 cap_height = 1080 use_static_image_mode = args.use_static_image_mode min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence use_brect = True # Camera preparation ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # Model load ############################################################# mp_hands = hands = mp_hands.Hands( static_image_mode=use_static_image_mode, max_num_hands=1, min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=min_tracking_confidence, ) keypoint_classifier = KeyPointClassifier() point_history_classifier = PointHistoryClassifier() # Read labels ########################################################### with open('model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint_classifier_label.csv', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: keypoint_classifier_labels = csv.reader(f) keypoint_classifier_labels = [ row[0] for row in keypoint_classifier_labels ] with open( 'model/point_history_classifier/point_history_classifier_label.csv', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: point_history_classifier_labels = csv.reader(f) point_history_classifier_labels = [ row[0] for row in point_history_classifier_labels ] # FPS Measurement ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) # Coordinate history ################################################################# history_length = 16 point_history = deque(maxlen=history_length) # Finger gesture history ################################################ finger_gesture_history = deque(maxlen=history_length) # ######################################################################## mode = 0 while True: fps = cvFpsCalc.get() # Process Key (ESC: end) ################################################# key = cv.waitKey(10) if key == 27: # ESC break number, mode = select_mode(key, mode) # Camera capture ##################################################### ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) # Mirror display debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) # Detection implementation ############################################################# image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image.flags.writeable = False results = hands.process(image) image.flags.writeable = True # #################################################################### if results.multi_hand_landmarks is not None: for hand_landmarks, handedness in zip(results.multi_hand_landmarks, results.multi_handedness): # Bounding box calculation brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, hand_landmarks) # Landmark calculation landmark_list = calc_landmark_list(debug_image, hand_landmarks) # Conversion to relative coordinates / normalized coordinates pre_processed_landmark_list = pre_process_landmark( landmark_list) pre_processed_point_history_list = pre_process_point_history( debug_image, point_history) # Write to the dataset file logging_csv(number, mode, pre_processed_landmark_list, pre_processed_point_history_list) # Hand sign classification hand_sign_id = keypoint_classifier(pre_processed_landmark_list) if hand_sign_id == 2: # Point gesture point_history.append(landmark_list[8]) else: point_history.append([0, 0]) # Finger gesture classification finger_gesture_id = 0 point_history_len = len(pre_processed_point_history_list) if point_history_len == (history_length * 2): finger_gesture_id = point_history_classifier( pre_processed_point_history_list) # Calculates the gesture IDs in the latest detection finger_gesture_history.append(finger_gesture_id) most_common_fg_id = Counter( finger_gesture_history).most_common() # Drawing part debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) debug_image = draw_landmarks(debug_image, landmark_list) debug_image = draw_info_text( debug_image, brect, handedness, keypoint_classifier_labels[hand_sign_id], point_history_classifier_labels[most_common_fg_id[0][0]], ) else: point_history.append([0, 0]) debug_image = draw_point_history(debug_image, point_history) debug_image = draw_info(debug_image, fps, mode, number) # Screen reflection ############################################################# cv.imshow('Hand Gesture Recognition', debug_image) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(filename): args = get_args() print("Filename in main is " + filename) cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height upper_body_only = args.upper_body_only min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence use_brect = args.use_brect cap = cv.VideoCapture(filename) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) length = int(cap.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) print(length) mp_holistic = holistic = mp_holistic.Holistic( upper_body_only=upper_body_only, min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=min_tracking_confidence, ) cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) d = 0 real_right_shoulder_hip = 0.57 velocity_counter = 0 velocity_15 = 0 velocity_16 = 0 velocity_27 = 0 velocity_28 = 0 array_counter = 0 velocity_array_counter = 0 frame_array = [] angle_1_array = [] angle_2_array = [] angle_3_array = [] angle_4_array = [] angle_5_array = [] angle_6_array = [] angle_7_array = [] angle_8_array = [] velocity_array = [] velocity_15_array = [] velocity_16_array = [] velocity_27_array = [] velocity_28_array = [] # to append angles of joint to array angle_1_array.append("Right Elbow") angle_2_array.append("Left Elbow") angle_3_array.append("Right Knee") angle_4_array.append("Left Knee") angle_5_array.append("Right Hip") angle_6_array.append("Left Hip") angle_7_array.append("Right Shoulder") angle_8_array.append("Left Shoulder") velocity_15_array.append("Left Wrist") velocity_16_array.append("Right Wrist") velocity_27_array.append("Left Ankle") velocity_28_array.append("Right Ankle") while True: velocity_counter+=1 display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) blank_image = np.zeros((cap_height,cap_width,3), np.uint8) image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image.flags.writeable = False results = holistic.process(image) image.flags.writeable = True # Pose ############################################################### pose_landmarks = results.pose_landmarks if pose_landmarks is not None: brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, pose_landmarks) debug_image, image_right_shoulder_hip, vel_xparsed_15, vel_yparsed_15, vel_xparsed_16, vel_yparsed_16, vel_xparsed_27, vel_yparsed_27, vel_xparsed_28, vel_yparsed_28, angle_1, angle_2, angle_3, angle_4, angle_5, angle_6, angle_7, angle_8 = draw_pose_landmarks(debug_image, pose_landmarks, upper_body_only) debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) #blank_image = draw_pose_landmarks(blank_image, pose_landmarks, #upper_body_only) # to append angles of joint to array angle_1_array.append(angle_1) angle_2_array.append(angle_2) angle_3_array.append(angle_3) angle_4_array.append(angle_4) angle_5_array.append(angle_5) angle_6_array.append(angle_6) angle_7_array.append(angle_7) angle_8_array.append(angle_8) # to calculate velocity of right wrist (no.16) and left wrist (no.15) if velocity_counter == 1: # set coordinate of joint no. 15 on 1st frame vel_x1_15, vel_y1_15 = vel_xparsed_15, vel_yparsed_15 # set coordinate of joint no. 16 on 1st frame vel_x1_16, vel_y1_16 = vel_xparsed_16, vel_yparsed_16 # set coordinate of joint no. 27 on 1st frame vel_x1_27, vel_y1_27 = vel_xparsed_27, vel_yparsed_27 # set coordinate of joint no. 28 on 1st frame vel_x1_28, vel_y1_28 = vel_xparsed_28, vel_yparsed_28 if velocity_counter == 60: # set coordinate of joint no. 15 on 60th frame vel_x60_15, vel_y60_15 = vel_xparsed_15, vel_yparsed_15 # set coordinate of joint no. 16 on 60th frame vel_x60_16, vel_y60_16 = vel_xparsed_16, vel_yparsed_16 # set coordinate of joint no. 27 on 60th frame vel_x60_27, vel_y60_27 = vel_xparsed_27, vel_yparsed_27 # set coordinate of joint no. 28 on 60th frame vel_x60_28, vel_y60_28 = vel_xparsed_28, vel_yparsed_28 # calculate the ratio between the real length and image length of shoulder to hip ratio_shoulder_hip = real_right_shoulder_hip / image_right_shoulder_hip # calculate the velocity of joint no. 15 velocity_15 = math.sqrt(pow(vel_x1_15 - vel_x60_15,2) + pow(vel_y1_15 - vel_y60_15,2)) * ratio_shoulder_hip velocity_15_array.append(velocity_15) # calculate the velocity of joint no. 16 velocity_16 = math.sqrt(pow(vel_x1_16 - vel_x60_16,2) + pow(vel_y1_16 - vel_y60_16,2)) * ratio_shoulder_hip velocity_16_array.append(velocity_16) # calculate the velocity of joint no. 27 velocity_27 = math.sqrt(pow(vel_x1_27 - vel_x60_27,2) + pow(vel_y1_27 - vel_y60_27,2)) * ratio_shoulder_hip velocity_27_array.append(velocity_27) # calculate the velocity of joint no. 28 velocity_28 = math.sqrt(pow(vel_x1_28 - vel_x60_28,2) + pow(vel_y1_28 - vel_y60_28,2)) * ratio_shoulder_hip velocity_28_array.append(velocity_28) cv.putText(debug_image, "V-[9] Right Wrist:" + "{:.2f}".format(velocity_16) + 'ms-1', (10, 330), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) cv.putText(debug_image, "V-[10] Left Wrist:" + "{:.2f}".format(velocity_15) + 'ms-1', (10, 360), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) cv.putText(debug_image, "V-[11] Right Ankle:" + "{:.2f}".format(velocity_28) + 'ms-1', (10, 390), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) cv.putText(debug_image, "V-[12] Left Ankle:" + "{:.2f}".format(velocity_27) + 'ms-1', (10, 420), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) velocity_counter = 0 if velocity_counter != 60: cv.putText(debug_image, "V-[9] Right Wrist:" + "{:.2f}".format(velocity_16) + 'ms-1', (10, 330), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) cv.putText(debug_image, "V-[10] Left Wrist:" + "{:.2f}".format(velocity_15) + 'ms-1', (10, 360), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) cv.putText(debug_image, "V-[11] Right Ankle:" + "{:.2f}".format(velocity_28) + 'ms-1', (10, 390), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) cv.putText(debug_image, "V-[12] Left Ankle:" + "{:.2f}".format(velocity_27) + 'ms-1', (10, 420), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) #to calculate and display the frame processed processed_frame_percent = (d/length) * 100 cv.putText(debug_image, "Processing Frame:" + "{:.2f}".format(processed_frame_percent) + '%', (10, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break filename = 'output/save_%06d.png'%d cv.imshow('MediaPipe Holistic Demo', debug_image) cv.imwrite(filename, debug_image) #to display the 2d output on blank canvas #cv.imshow('Blank image',blank_image) d+=1 # to convert frame images into video format Video_Writer() for array_counter in range(length+1): frame_array.append(array_counter) with open('anglebyframe.csv', 'w', newline='') as angle_file: writer = csv.writer(angle_file) writer.writerow(frame_array) writer.writerow(angle_1_array) writer.writerow(angle_2_array) writer.writerow(angle_3_array) writer.writerow(angle_4_array) writer.writerow(angle_5_array) writer.writerow(angle_6_array) writer.writerow(angle_7_array) writer.writerow(angle_8_array) total_seconds = length // 60 for velocity_array_counter in range(total_seconds + 1): velocity_array.append(velocity_array_counter) with open('velocitybyframe.csv', 'w', newline='') as velocity_file: writer = csv.writer(velocity_file) writer.writerow(velocity_array) writer.writerow(velocity_15_array) writer.writerow(velocity_16_array) writer.writerow(velocity_27_array) writer.writerow(velocity_28_array) folder = 'output' for filename in os.listdir(folder): file_path = os.path.join(folder, filename) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) except Exception as e: print('Failed to delete %s. Reason: %s' % (file_path, e)) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): # 引数解析 ################################################################# args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height f_min_detection_confidence = args.f_min_detection_confidence f_min_tracking_confidence = args.f_min_tracking_confidence h_min_detection_confidence = args.h_min_detection_confidence h_min_tracking_confidence = args.h_min_tracking_confidence p_min_detection_confidence = args.p_min_detection_confidence p_min_tracking_confidence = args.p_min_tracking_confidence use_brect = args.use_brect # カメラ準備 ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # モデルロード ############################################################# mp_face_mesh = face_mesh = mp_face_mesh.FaceMesh( min_detection_confidence=f_min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=f_min_tracking_confidence, ) mp_hands = hands = mp_hands.Hands( min_detection_confidence=h_min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=h_min_tracking_confidence, ) mp_pose = pose = mp_pose.Pose( min_detection_confidence=p_min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=p_min_tracking_confidence, ) # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) while True: display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() # カメラキャプチャ ##################################################### ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) # ミラー表示 debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) # 検出実施 ############################################################# image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image.flags.writeable = False hands_results = hands.process(image) face_results = face_mesh.process(image) pose_results = pose.process(image) image.flags.writeable = True # Face Mesh ########################################################### if face_results.multi_face_landmarks is not None: for face_landmarks in face_results.multi_face_landmarks: # 外接矩形の計算 brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, face_landmarks) # 描画 debug_image = draw_face_landmarks(debug_image, face_landmarks) debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) # Pose ############################################################### if pose_results.pose_landmarks is not None: # 外接矩形の計算 brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, pose_results.pose_landmarks) # 描画 debug_image = draw_pose_landmarks(debug_image, pose_results.pose_landmarks) debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) # Hands ############################################################### if hands_results.multi_hand_landmarks is not None: for hand_landmarks, handedness in zip( hands_results.multi_hand_landmarks, hands_results.multi_handedness): # 手の平重心計算 cx, cy = calc_palm_moment(debug_image, hand_landmarks) # 外接矩形の計算 brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, hand_landmarks) # 描画 debug_image = draw_hands_landmarks(debug_image, cx, cy, hand_landmarks, handedness) debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) cv.putText(debug_image, "FPS:" + str(display_fps), (10, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) # キー処理(ESC:終了) ################################################# key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break # 画面反映 ############################################################# cv.imshow('MediaPipe Demo', debug_image) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): # 引数解析 ################################################################# args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height use_static_image_mode = args.use_static_image_mode min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence use_brect = True # カメラ準備 ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # モデルロード ############################################################# mp_hands = hands = mp_hands.Hands( static_image_mode=use_static_image_mode, max_num_hands=1, min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=min_tracking_confidence, ) keypoint_classifier = KeyPointClassifier() point_history_classifier = PointHistoryClassifier() # ラベル読み込み ########################################################### with open('model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint_classifier_label.csv', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: keypoint_classifier_labels = csv.reader(f) keypoint_classifier_labels = [ row[0] for row in keypoint_classifier_labels ] with open( 'model/point_history_classifier/point_history_classifier_label.csv', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: point_history_classifier_labels = csv.reader(f) point_history_classifier_labels = [ row[0] for row in point_history_classifier_labels ] # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) # 座標履歴 ################################################################# history_length = 16 point_history = deque(maxlen=history_length) # フィンガージェスチャー履歴 ################################################ finger_gesture_history = deque(maxlen=history_length) # ######################################################################## mode = 0 while True: fps = cvFpsCalc.get() # キー処理(ESC:終了) ################################################# key = cv.waitKey(10) if key == 27: # ESC break number, mode = select_mode(key, mode) # カメラキャプチャ ##################################################### ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) # ミラー表示 debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) # 検出実施 ############################################################# image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image.flags.writeable = False results = hands.process(image) image.flags.writeable = True # #################################################################### if results.multi_hand_landmarks is not None: for hand_landmarks, handedness in zip(results.multi_hand_landmarks, results.multi_handedness): # 外接矩形の計算 brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, hand_landmarks) # ランドマークの計算 landmark_list = calc_landmark_list(debug_image, hand_landmarks) # 相対座標・正規化座標への変換 pre_processed_landmark_list = pre_process_landmark( landmark_list) pre_processed_point_history_list = pre_process_point_history( debug_image, point_history) # 学習データ保存 logging_csv(number, mode, pre_processed_landmark_list, pre_processed_point_history_list) # ハンドサイン分類 hand_sign_id = keypoint_classifier(pre_processed_landmark_list) if hand_sign_id == 2: # 指差しサイン point_history.append(landmark_list[8]) # 人差指座標 else: point_history.append([0, 0]) # フィンガージェスチャー分類 finger_gesture_id = 0 point_history_len = len(pre_processed_point_history_list) if point_history_len == (history_length * 2): finger_gesture_id = point_history_classifier( pre_processed_point_history_list) # 直近検出の中で最多のジェスチャーIDを算出 finger_gesture_history.append(finger_gesture_id) most_common_fg_id = Counter( finger_gesture_history).most_common() # 描画 debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) debug_image = draw_landmarks(debug_image, landmark_list) debug_image = draw_info_text( debug_image, brect, handedness, keypoint_classifier_labels[hand_sign_id], point_history_classifier_labels[most_common_fg_id[0][0]], ) else: point_history.append([0, 0]) debug_image = draw_point_history(debug_image, point_history) debug_image = draw_info(debug_image, fps, mode, number) # 画面反映 ############################################################# cv.imshow('Hand Gesture Recognition', debug_image) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): # init global vars global gesture_buffer global gesture_id global battery_status # Argument parsing args = get_args() KEYBOARD_CONTROL = args.is_keyboard WRITE_CONTROL = False in_flight = False # Camera preparation tello = Tello() #print(dir(tello)) tello.connect() tello.set_speed(speed["slow"]) print("\n\n" + tello.get_speed() + "\n\n") tello.streamon() cap_drone = tello.get_frame_read() cap_webcam = cv.VideoCapture(0) # Init Tello Controllers gesture_controller = TelloGestureController(tello) keyboard_controller = TelloKeyboardController(tello) gesture_detector = GestureRecognition(args.use_static_image_mode, args.min_detection_confidence, args.min_tracking_confidence) gesture_buffer = GestureBuffer(buffer_len=args.buffer_len) def tello_control(key, keyboard_controller, gesture_controller): global gesture_buffer if KEYBOARD_CONTROL: keyboard_controller.control(key) else: gesture_controller.gesture_control(gesture_buffer) def tello_battery(tello): global battery_status battery_status = tello.get_battery() # FPS Measurement cv_fps_calc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) mode = 0 number = -1 battery_status = -1 tello.move_down(20) while True: fps = cv_fps_calc.get() # Process Key (ESC: end) key = cv.waitKey(1) & 0xff if key == 27: # ESC break elif key == 32: # Space if not in_flight: # Take-off drone tello.takeoff() in_flight = True elif in_flight: # Land tello in_flight = False elif key == ord('k'): mode = 0 KEYBOARD_CONTROL = True WRITE_CONTROL = False tello.send_rc_control(0, 0, 0, 0) # Stop moving elif key == ord('g'): KEYBOARD_CONTROL = False elif key == ord('n'): mode = 1 WRITE_CONTROL = True KEYBOARD_CONTROL = True if WRITE_CONTROL: number = -1 if 48 <= key <= 57: # 0 ~ 9 number = key - 48 # Camera capture image_drone = cap_drone.frame image =[1] try: debug_image, gesture_id = gesture_detector.recognize( image, number, mode) gesture_buffer.add_gesture(gesture_id) # Start control thread threading.Thread(target=tello_control, args=( key, keyboard_controller, gesture_controller, )).start() threading.Thread(target=tello_battery, args=(tello, )).start() debug_image = gesture_detector.draw_info(debug_image, fps, mode, number) battery_str_postion = (5, 100) # dustin webcam #battery_str_postion = (5, 720 - 5) # drone camera # Battery status and image rendering cv.putText(debug_image, "Battery: {}".format(battery_status), battery_str_postion, cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2) modeStr = "gestures" if KEYBOARD_CONTROL: modeStr = "keyboard" cv.putText(debug_image, modeStr + " control", (5, 150), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv.imshow('Webcam Gesture Recognition', debug_image) cv.imshow('Tello drone camera', image_drone) except: print("exception") tello.end() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height upper_body_only = args.upper_body_only min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence use_brect = args.use_brect cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) mp_holistic = holistic = mp_holistic.Holistic( upper_body_only=upper_body_only, min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=min_tracking_confidence, ) # FPS cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) while True: display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image.flags.writeable = False results = holistic.process(image) image.flags.writeable = True # Face Mesh face_landmarks = results.face_landmarks if face_landmarks is not None: brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, face_landmarks) debug_image = draw_face_landmarks(debug_image, face_landmarks) debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) # Pose pose_landmarks = results.pose_landmarks if pose_landmarks is not None: brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, pose_landmarks) debug_image = draw_pose_landmarks(debug_image, pose_landmarks, upper_body_only) debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) # Hands left_hand_landmarks = results.left_hand_landmarks right_hand_landmarks = results.right_hand_landmarks if left_hand_landmarks is not None: cx, cy = calc_palm_moment(debug_image, left_hand_landmarks) brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, left_hand_landmarks) debug_image = draw_hands_landmarks(debug_image, cx, cy, left_hand_landmarks, upper_body_only, 'R') debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) if right_hand_landmarks is not None: cx, cy = calc_palm_moment(debug_image, right_hand_landmarks) brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, right_hand_landmarks) debug_image = draw_hands_landmarks(debug_image, cx, cy, right_hand_landmarks, upper_body_only, 'L') debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) cv.putText(debug_image, "FPS:" + str(display_fps), (10, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break cv.imshow('MediaPipe Holistic Demo', debug_image) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): print("Image Classification Start...\n") # カメラ準備 ############################################################## cap = cv.VideoCapture(0) frame_width = 960 frame_height = 540 cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, frame_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, frame_height) # ImageNet 日本語ラベル ################################################### jsonfile = open('utils/imagenet_class_index.json', 'r', encoding="utf-8_sig") imagenet_ja_labels = json.load(jsonfile) imagenet_ja_label = {} for label_temp in imagenet_ja_labels: imagenet_ja_label[label_temp['num']] = label_temp['ja'] # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc() # モデルロード ############################################################ model = tf.keras.applications.EfficientNetB0( include_top=True, weights='imagenet', input_shape=(224, 224, 3), ) # メインループ ############################################################# detection_count = 0 while True: # FPS算出 ############################################################# display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() if display_fps == 0: display_fps = 0.01 # カメラキャプチャ #################################################### ret, frame = if not ret: continue debug_image = copy.deepcopy(frame) # 検出実施 ############################################################ trim_x1 = int(frame_width / 4) + 50 trim_x2 = int(frame_width / 4 * 3) - 50 trim_y1 = int(frame_height / 8) trim_y2 = int(frame_height / 8 * 7) trimming_image = debug_image[trim_y1:trim_y2, trim_x1:trim_x2] classifications = run_classify(model, trimming_image) # デバッグ情報描画 #################################################### # 表示名作成 classification_string = "" for classification in classifications: if float(classification[2]) > 0.5: detection_count += 1 classification_string = imagenet_ja_label[ classification[0]] + ":" + str('{:.1f}'.format( float(classification[2]) * 100)) + "%" else: detection_count = 0 break # 1件のみ # 描画 debug_image = draw_demo_image( debug_image, detection_count, classification_string, display_fps, (trim_x1, trim_y1, trim_x2, trim_y2), ) # 画面反映 ####################################################### cv.imshow('Demo', debug_image) key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break
def main(): # 引数解析 ################################################################# args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height upper_body_only = args.upper_body_only min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence use_brect = args.use_brect # カメラ準備 ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # モデルロード ############################################################# mp_holistic = holistic = mp_holistic.Holistic( upper_body_only=upper_body_only, min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=min_tracking_confidence, ) # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) while True: display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() # カメラキャプチャ ##################################################### ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) # ミラー表示 debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) # 検出実施 ############################################################# image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image.flags.writeable = False results = holistic.process(image) image.flags.writeable = True # Face Mesh ########################################################### face_landmarks = results.face_landmarks if face_landmarks is not None: # 外接矩形の計算 brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, face_landmarks) # 描画 debug_image = draw_face_landmarks(debug_image, face_landmarks) debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) # Pose ############################################################### pose_landmarks = results.pose_landmarks if pose_landmarks is not None: # 外接矩形の計算 brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, pose_landmarks) # 描画 debug_image = draw_pose_landmarks(debug_image, pose_landmarks, upper_body_only) debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) # Hands ############################################################### left_hand_landmarks = results.left_hand_landmarks right_hand_landmarks = results.right_hand_landmarks # 左手 if left_hand_landmarks is not None: # 手の平重心計算 cx, cy = calc_palm_moment(debug_image, left_hand_landmarks) # 外接矩形の計算 brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, left_hand_landmarks) # 描画 debug_image = draw_hands_landmarks(debug_image, cx, cy, left_hand_landmarks, upper_body_only, 'R') debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) # 右手 if right_hand_landmarks is not None: # 手の平重心計算 cx, cy = calc_palm_moment(debug_image, right_hand_landmarks) # 外接矩形の計算 brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, right_hand_landmarks) # 描画 debug_image = draw_hands_landmarks(debug_image, cx, cy, right_hand_landmarks, upper_body_only, 'L') debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) cv.putText(debug_image, "FPS:" + str(display_fps), (10, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 255), 2, cv.LINE_AA) cv.putText(debug_image, "Mostafizur Rahman", (250, 450), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 255), 2, cv.LINE_AA) # キー処理(ESC:終了) ################################################# key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break # 画面反映 ############################################################# cv.imshow('MediaPipe Holistic Demo', debug_image) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height max_num_hands = args.max_num_hands min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence use_brect = args.use_brect cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # モデルロード ############################################################# mp_hands = hands = mp_hands.Hands( max_num_hands=max_num_hands, min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=min_tracking_confidence, ) cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) while True: display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) results = hands.process(image) # 描画 ################################################################ if results.multi_hand_landmarks is not None: for hand_landmarks, handedness in zip(results.multi_hand_landmarks, results.multi_handedness): # 手の平重心計算 cx, cy = calc_palm_moment(debug_image, hand_landmarks) # 外接矩形の計算 brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, hand_landmarks) # 描画 debug_image = draw_landmarks(debug_image, cx, cy, hand_landmarks, handedness) debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) cv.putText(debug_image, "Mosta_FPS:" + str(display_fps), (10, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break cv.imshow('MediaPipe Hand Demo', debug_image) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height static_image_mode = args.static_image_mode max_num_objects = args.max_num_objects min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence model_name = args.model_name cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) mp_objectron = objectron = mp_objectron.Objectron( static_image_mode=static_image_mode, max_num_objects=max_num_objects, min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=min_tracking_confidence, model_name=model_name, ) mp_drawing = cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) while True: display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) # ミラー表示 debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) results = objectron.process(image) if results.detected_objects is not None: for detected_object in results.detected_objects: mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(debug_image, detected_object.landmarks_2d, mp_objectron.BOX_CONNECTIONS) mp_drawing.draw_axis(debug_image, detected_object.rotation, detected_object.translation) draw_landmarks(debug_image, detected_object.landmarks_2d) cv.putText(debug_image, "FPS:" + str(display_fps), (10, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break cv.imshow('MediaPipe Objectron Demo', debug_image) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def run(self): # 重写线程执行的run函数 # 触发自定义信号 self.stop_flag = False # Argument parsing ################################################################# args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height use_static_image_mode = args.use_static_image_mode min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence use_brect = True # Camera preparation ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # Model load ############################################################# mp_hands = hands = mp_hands.Hands( static_image_mode=use_static_image_mode, max_num_hands=1, min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=min_tracking_confidence, ) mouse_classifier = MouseClassifier(invalid_value=2, score_th=0.4) point_history_classifier = PointHistoryClassifier() # Read labels ########################################################### with open( 'model/point_history_classifier/point_history_classifier_label.csv', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: point_history_classifier_labels = csv.reader(f) point_history_classifier_labels = [ row[0] for row in point_history_classifier_labels ] with open('model/mouse_classifier/mouse_classifier_label.csv', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: mouse_classifier_labels = csv.reader(f) mouse_classifier_labels = [ row[0] for row in mouse_classifier_labels ] # FPS Measurement ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=3) # Coordinate history ################################################################# history_length = 16 point_history = deque(maxlen=history_length) # Finger gesture history ################################################ finger_gesture_history = deque(maxlen=history_length) mouse_id_history = deque(maxlen=30) m_id_history = deque(maxlen=6) # ========= 按鍵前置作業 ========= mode = 0 presstime = resttime = time.time() mode_change = False detect_mode = 0 what_mode = 'Sleep' landmark_list = 0 pyautogui.PAUSE = 0 i = 0 # ========= 滑鼠前置作業 ========= wScr, hScr = pyautogui.size() frameR = 100 smoothening = 10 plocX, plocY = 0, 0 clocX, clocY = 0, 0 # 關閉 滑鼠移至角落啟動保護措施 pyautogui.FAILSAFE = False # ========= 主程式運作 ========= while self.stop_flag == False: mouse_id = -1 fps = cvFpsCalc.get() # Process Key (ESC: end) key = cv.waitKey(10) if key == 27: # ESC break number, mode = select_mode(key, mode) # Camera capture ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) # Mirror display debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) # Detection implementation image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) image.flags.writeable = False results = hands.process(image) image.flags.writeable = True # #################################################################### if results.multi_hand_landmarks is not None: for hand_landmarks, handedness in zip( results.multi_hand_landmarks, results.multi_handedness): # Bounding box calculation brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, hand_landmarks) # Landmark calculation landmark_list = calc_landmark_list(debug_image, hand_landmarks) # print(landmark_list) # Conversion to relative coordinates / normalized coordinates pre_processed_landmark_list = pre_process_landmark( landmark_list) pre_processed_point_history_list = pre_process_point_history( debug_image, point_history) # Write to the dataset file logging_csv(number, mode, pre_processed_landmark_list, pre_processed_point_history_list) # # 靜態手勢資料預測 mouse_id = mouse_classifier(pre_processed_landmark_list) # print(mouse_id) # 手比one 觸發動態資料抓取 if mouse_id == 0: point_history.append(landmark_list[8]) else: point_history.append([0, 0]) # 動態手勢資料預測 finger_gesture_id = 0 point_history_len = len(pre_processed_point_history_list) if point_history_len == (history_length * 2): finger_gesture_id = point_history_classifier( pre_processed_point_history_list) # print(finger_gesture_id) # 0 = stop, 1 = clockwise, 2 = counterclockwise, 3 = move,偵測出現的動態手勢 # 動態手勢最常出現id ######################################### # Calculates the gesture IDs in the latest detection finger_gesture_history.append(finger_gesture_id) most_common_fg_id = Counter( finger_gesture_history).most_common() # 滑鼠的deque mouse_id_history.append(mouse_id) most_common_ms_id = Counter(mouse_id_history).most_common() # print(most_common_ms_id) m_id_history.append(mouse_id) m_id = Counter(m_id_history).most_common(2) mouse_id = m_id[0][0] if m_id[0][1] >= 4 else 2 # print(f'm_id {m_id}\n, mouse_id {mouse_id}') # ===== 偵測到手時,重製紀錄時間 ============================== resttime = time.time() ############################################################### # Drawing part debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) debug_image = draw_landmarks(debug_image, landmark_list) debug_image = draw_info_text( debug_image, brect, handedness, mouse_classifier_labels[mouse_id], point_history_classifier_labels[most_common_fg_id[0] [0]]) else: point_history.append([0, 0]) debug_image = draw_point_history(debug_image, point_history) debug_image = draw_info(debug_image, fps, mode, number) # 偵測是否有手勢 ######################################### if mouse_id > -1: # change mode Gesture six changes to the different mode if most_common_ms_id[0][0] == 3 and most_common_ms_id[0][ 1] == 30: if time.time() - presstime > 2: detect_mode = (detect_mode + 1) % 3 mode_change = True presstime = time.time() # control keyboard elif detect_mode == 2: # 靜態手勢控制 presstime = control_keyboard(mouse_id, 1, 'K', presstime) presstime = control_keyboard(mouse_id, 8, 'C', presstime) presstime = control_keyboard(mouse_id, 5, 'up', presstime) presstime = control_keyboard(mouse_id, 6, 'down', presstime) # presstime = control_keyboard(most_common_keypoint_id, 0, 'right', presstime) # presstime = control_keyboard(most_common_keypoint_id, 7, 'left', presstime) if mouse_id == 4: # print(i, time.time() - presstime) if i == 3 and time.time() - presstime > 0.3:'right') i = 0 presstime = time.time() elif i == 3 and time.time() - presstime > 0.25:'right') presstime = time.time() elif time.time() - presstime > 1:'right') i += 1 presstime = time.time() if mouse_id == 7: # print(i, time.time() - presstime) if i == 3 and time.time() - presstime > 0.3:'left') i = 0 presstime = time.time() elif i == 3 and time.time() - presstime > 0.25:'left') presstime = time.time() elif time.time() - presstime > 1:'left') i += 1 presstime = time.time() # 動態手勢控制 if most_common_fg_id[0][ 0] == 1 and most_common_fg_id[0][1] > 9: if time.time() - presstime > 1.5: pyautogui.hotkey('shift', '>') print('speed up') presstime = time.time() elif most_common_fg_id[0][ 0] == 2 and most_common_fg_id[0][1] > 12: if time.time() - presstime > 1.5: pyautogui.hotkey('shift', '<') print('speed down') presstime = time.time() elif detect_mode == 1: if mouse_id == 0: # Point gesture x1, y1 = landmark_list[8] cv.rectangle(debug_image, (50, 30), (cap_width - 50, cap_height - 170), (255, 0, 255), 2) # 座標轉換 # x軸: 鏡頭上50~(cap_width - 50)轉至螢幕寬0~wScr # y軸: 鏡頭上30~(cap_height - 170)轉至螢幕長0~hScr x3 = np.interp(x1, (50, (cap_width - 50)), (0, wScr)) y3 = np.interp(y1, (30, (cap_height - 170)), (0, hScr)) # 6. Smoothen Values clocX = plocX + (x3 - plocX) / smoothening clocY = plocY + (y3 - plocY) / smoothening # 7. Move Mouse pyautogui.moveTo(clocX, clocY), (x1, y1), 15, (255, 0, 255), cv.FILLED) plocX, plocY = clocX, clocY elif mouse_id == 1: # 10. Click mouse if distance short if time.time() - presstime > 0.5: presstime = time.time() if mouse_id == 5: pyautogui.scroll(-20) if mouse_id == 6: pyautogui.scroll(20) if mouse_id == 7: if time.time() - presstime > 1.5: presstime = time.time() if mouse_id == 8: if time.time() - presstime > 2: pyautogui.hotkey('alt', 'left') presstime = time.time() # 比讚 從休息模式 換成 鍵盤模式 elif detect_mode == 0: if mouse_id == 5: i += 1 if i == 1 or time.time() - presstime > 3: presstime = time.time() elif time.time() - presstime > 2: detect_mode = 2 mode_change = True i = 0 # 距離上次監測到手的時間大於30秒、切回休息模式 ========================= if time.time() - resttime > 30: if detect_mode != 0: detect_mode = 0 mode_change = True # 檢查模式有沒有更動 ======================== if mode_change: if detect_mode == 0: what_mode = 'Sleep' elif detect_mode == 2: what_mode = 'Keyboard' elif detect_mode == 1: what_mode = 'Mouse' mode_change = False print('Mode has changed') print(f'Current mode => {what_mode}') cv.putText(debug_image, what_mode, (480, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 0, 0), 4, cv.LINE_AA) # Screen reflection ###################################JL########################## cv.imshow('Hand Gesture Recognition', debug_image) self.trigger.emit(detect_mode) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def HandTracking(cap, width, height, conf_flg=0): # ×ボタンが押されたかのフラグ(hand_gui.py内の変数、flg_closePush)の初期化 hand_gui.close_switch_py(0) # 引数解析 ################################################################# args = get_args() flg_video = 0 #「1」でカメラが接続されていない flg_break = 0 #「1」で最初のループを抜け終了する⇒正常終了 name_pose = "Unknown" focus_flg = 1 #index.html の表示・非表示の切り替え、「0」:Main.pyで開いた場合、「1」:HandTracking.pyで開いた場合 namePose_flg = 1 #complete_old.htmlの開始・終了フラグ potision_flg = 0 #flg_closePush = 0 global ShortCutList ShortCutList = config_sys_set() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height use_static_image_mode = args.use_static_image_mode min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence use_brect = True #width,height = autopy.screen.size() #eel で立ち上げた際の表示位置を指定するために取得 while (True): #カメラが再度接続するまでループ処理 #カメラが接続されていないフラグの場合 if (flg_video == 1): #カメラが接続されているか確認 cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) ret, frame = if (ret is True): flg_video = 0 name_pose = "Unknown" focus_flg = 1 namePose_flg = 1 cap.release() eel.overlay_controll(True) eel.object_change("demo2.html", True) #eel.sleep(1) sel_cam_before = 999 while (True): if (decideFlgHT == 1): if (sel_camHT != sel_cam_before): cap = cv.VideoCapture(sel_camHT) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) ret, frame = if (ret is False): eel.alert_mess() cap.release() decide_camHT_py(999) decide_flgHT_py(0) sel_cam_before = sel_camHT continue else: decide_flgHT_py(0) break decide_flgHT_py(0) break if (sel_camHT != 999): eel.sleep(0.01) if (sel_camHT != sel_cam_before): if (sel_cam_before != 999): cap.release() cap = cv.VideoCapture(sel_camHT) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) sel_cam_before = sel_camHT ret, frame = if (ret is True): # UI側へ転送(画像) ##################################################### _, imencode_image = cv.imencode('.jpg', frame) base64_image = base64.b64encode(imencode_image) eel.set_base64image("data:image/jpg;base64," + base64_image.decode("ascii")) continue else: eel.alert_mess() cap.release() decide_camHT_py(999) sel_cam_before = sel_camHT if (decideFlgHT == 1): decide_flgHT_py(0) continue else: eel.sleep(0.01) continue #最初の while に戻る else: #カメラが接続されていない場合 #print("webcamないよ!!!") eel.sleep(0.01) time.sleep(0.01) continue #最初の while に戻る elif (flg_break == 1): decide_camHT_py(999) decide_flgHT_py(0) break #最初の while を抜けて正常終了 # カメラ準備 ############################################################### #cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) #cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) #cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # モデルロード ############################################################# mp_hands = hands = mp_hands.Hands( static_image_mode=use_static_image_mode, max_num_hands=1, min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=min_tracking_confidence, ) keypoint_classifier = KeyPointClassifier() point_history_classifier = PointHistoryClassifier() # ラベル読み込み ########################################################### with open('model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint_classifier_label.csv', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: keypoint_classifier_labels = csv.reader(f) keypoint_classifier_labels = [ row[0] for row in keypoint_classifier_labels ] with open( 'model/point_history_classifier/point_history_classifier_label.csv', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: point_history_classifier_labels = csv.reader(f) point_history_classifier_labels = [ row[0] for row in point_history_classifier_labels ] # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) # 座標履歴 ################################################################# history_length = 16 point_history = deque(maxlen=history_length) # フィンガージェスチャー履歴 ################################################ finger_gesture_history = deque(maxlen=history_length) # ######################################################################## mode = 0 CountPose = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] CountMotion = [0, 0, 0, 0] # [Top,Right,Down,Left] identification = False while True: fps = cvFpsCalc.get() # キー処理(ESC:終了) ################################################# key = cv.waitKey(10) if key == 27: # ESC break number, mode = select_mode(key, mode) # カメラキャプチャ ##################################################### ret, image = if not ret: #それぞれのフラグを立てて、システムを終了させ、最初の while に戻る flg_video = 1 focus_flg = 0 print("【通知】WebCameraが接続されていません。") eel.focusSwitch(width, height, focus_flg) eel.overlay_controll(True) eel.object_change("connect.html", True) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows() break image = cv.flip(image, 1) # ミラー表示 debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) # 検出実施 ############################################################# image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image.flags.writeable = False results = hands.process(image) image.flags.writeable = True # #################################################################### if results.multi_hand_landmarks is not None: #j=1 for hand_landmarks, handedness in zip( results.multi_hand_landmarks, results.multi_handedness): # 外接矩形の計算 brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, hand_landmarks) # ランドマークの計算 landmark_list = calc_landmark_list(debug_image, hand_landmarks) # 相対座標・正規化座標への変換 pre_processed_landmark_list = pre_process_landmark( landmark_list) pre_processed_point_history_list = pre_process_point_history( debug_image, point_history) # 学習データ保存 logging_csv(number, mode, pre_processed_landmark_list, pre_processed_point_history_list) # ハンドサイン分類 hand_sign_id = keypoint_classifier( pre_processed_landmark_list) if hand_sign_id == 1: # Dangサイン point_history.append(landmark_list[8]) # 人差指座標 else: point_history.append([0, 0]) # フィンガージェスチャー分類 finger_gesture_id = 0 point_history_len = len(pre_processed_point_history_list) if point_history_len == (history_length * 2): finger_gesture_id = point_history_classifier( pre_processed_point_history_list) # 直近検出の中で最多のジェスチャーIDを算出 finger_gesture_history.append(finger_gesture_id) most_common_fg_id = Counter( finger_gesture_history).most_common() gesture_name = point_history_classifier_labels[ most_common_fg_id[0][0]] # 描画 debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) debug_image = draw_landmarks(debug_image, landmark_list) debug_image = draw_info_text( debug_image, brect, handedness, keypoint_classifier_labels[hand_sign_id], gesture_name, ) #人差し指の先の座標を取得 x, y = landmark_list[8] #座標調整 x_width = args.width * 0.05 x = x - x_width x = x * 1.5 y = y * 1.5 #ジェスチャーが判定された回数をカウント if gesture_name == 'Stop': CountMotion = [0, 0, 0, 0] elif gesture_name == 'Move_Top': Count_temp = CountMotion[0] Count_temp += 1 CountMotion = [Count_temp, 0, 0, 0] elif gesture_name == 'Move_Right': Count_temp = CountMotion[1] Count_temp += 1 CountMotion = [0, Count_temp, 0, 0] elif gesture_name == 'Move_Down': Count_temp = CountMotion[2] Count_temp += 1 CountMotion = [0, 0, Count_temp, 0] elif gesture_name == 'Move_Left': Count_temp = CountMotion[3] Count_temp += 1 CountMotion = [0, 0, 0, Count_temp] #各種操作の実行 CountPose, CountMotion = PoseAction.action( hand_sign_id, x, y, CountPose, CountMotion, ShortCutList) name_pose = keypoint_classifier_labels[hand_sign_id] eel.set_posegauge(str(name_pose)) identification = True else: point_history.append([0, 0]) if identification == True: eel.set_posegauge('None') identification = False eel.shortcut_overlay(False, 0) debug_image = draw_point_history(debug_image, point_history) debug_image = draw_info(debug_image, fps, mode, number) # 画面反映 ############################################################# debug_image = cv.resize(debug_image, dsize=(520, 260)) cv.imshow('FOCUS preview', debug_image) if potision_flg == 0: cv.moveWindow('FOCUS preview', 0, 0) potision_flg = 1 # eel立ち上げ ############################################################# #cnt_gui, flg_end, flg_restart, flg_start, keep_flg = hand_gui.start_gui(cnt_gui, name_pose, flg_restart, flg_start, keep_flg) if (namePose_flg == 1): eel.object_change("complete_old.html", True) #eel.sleep(0.01) #eel.init("GUI/web") #eel.start("開きたい上記のフォルダ下のファイル名",~ #eel.start("html/keeper.html", # port = 0, # mode='chrome', # size=(4, 2), #サイズ指定(横, 縦) # position=(width,0), #位置指定(left, top) # block=False # ) eel.sleep(0.01) print("【通知】準備完了") namePose_flg = 0 elif (focus_flg == 1 and name_pose != 'Unknown'): eel.object_change("complete_old.html", False) eel.overlay_controll(False) eel.focusSwitch(width, height, focus_flg) print("【実行】index.html") eel.sleep(0.01) #eel.set_posegauge(name_pose,i) focus_flg = 0 #i+=1 # eel立ち上げ ############################################################# flg_end = hand_gui.start_gui() if (flg_end == 1): #正常に終了する処理(中間のループを抜ける) flg_break = 1 eel.endSwitch() #flg_end の値をもとに戻す関数 cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows() eel.overlay_controll(False) eel.object_change("endpage.html", False) #eel.windowclose_keeper() break
def main(): # 引数 ##################################################################### args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height max_num_faces = args.max_num_faces min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence # カメラ準備 ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # モデルロード ############################################################# face_mesh = FaceMesh( max_num_faces, min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence, ) iris_detector = IrisLandmark() # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) ## parameter ## left_list = [] # for calculate thres size of iris right_list = [] prepare = 1 # 1 - preparation mode, 0 - detection mode stack = 0 # if stack if enough => sleep flag = 0 # flag for terminate preparation mode while True: display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() # カメラキャプチャ ##################################################### ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) # ミラー表示 debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) # 検出実施 ############################################################# # Face Mesh検出 face_results = face_mesh(image) for face_result in face_results: # 目周辺のバウンディングボックス計算 left_eye, right_eye = face_mesh.calc_around_eye_bbox(face_result) # 虹彩検出 left_iris, right_iris = detect_iris(image, iris_detector, left_eye, right_eye) # 虹彩の外接円を計算 left_center, left_radius = calc_min_enc_losingCircle(left_iris) right_center, right_radius = calc_min_enc_losingCircle(right_iris) if (flag==150): prepare = 0 print("#############################################################################\nready\n#############################################################################") flag += 1 elif (flag<150): prepare = 1 if (prepare): flag += 1 left_list.append(left_radius) right_list.append(right_radius) left_avg = sum(left_list, 0.0) / len(left_list) right_avg = sum(right_list, 0.0) / len(right_list) left_thres = 0.80 * left_avg right_thres = 0.80 * right_avg print("calculating avg iris size") else: num_of_small_iris = 0 if (left_radius<left_thres): num_of_small_iris+=1 if (right_radius<left_thres): num_of_small_iris+=1 if num_of_small_iris==2: stack += 1 else: if stack != 0: stack -= 1 if stack>= 30: print("########################################################\nWARNING!!!DON'T SLEEP\n########################################################") else: print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOT SLEEPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") # デバッグ描画 debug_image = draw_debug_image( debug_image, left_iris, right_iris, left_center, left_radius, right_center, right_radius, ) cv.putText(debug_image, "FPS:" + str(display_fps), (10, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) # キー処理(ESC:終了) ################################################# key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break # 画面反映 ############################################################# cv.imshow('Iris(tflite) Demo', debug_image) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows() return
def main(): # 引数解析 ################################################################# args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height ceil_num = args.ceil image_ratio = args.image_ratio x_offset = args.x_offset y_offset = args.y_offset # カメラ準備 ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) # 重畳画像準備 ############################################################# image_pathlist = sorted(glob.glob('utils/image/*.png')) images = [] for image_path in image_pathlist: images.append(cv.imread(image_path, cv.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)) animation_counter = 0 # CenterFace準備 ########################################################### centerface = CenterFace() # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc() # フォント font_path = './utils/font/x12y20pxScanLine.ttf' while True: # FPS算出 ############################################################# display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() # カメラキャプチャ ##################################################### ret, frame = if not ret: break resize_frame = cv.resize(frame, (int(cap_width), int(cap_height))) frame_height, frame_width = resize_frame.shape[:2] # 顔検出 ############################################################## dets, lms = centerface(resize_frame, frame_height, frame_width, threshold=0.35) # デバッグ表示 ######################################################## # バウンディングボックス for det in dets: bbox, _ = det[:4], det[4] # BBox, Score x1, y1 = int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1]) x2, y2 = int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3]) # 顔の立幅に合わせて重畳画像をリサイズ image_height, image_width = images[0].shape[:2] resize_ratio = (y2 - y1) / image_height resize_image_height = int(image_height * resize_ratio) resize_image_width = int(image_width * resize_ratio) resize_image_height = int( (resize_image_height + (ceil_num - 1)) / ceil_num * ceil_num) resize_image_width = int( (resize_image_width + (ceil_num - 1)) / ceil_num * ceil_num) resize_image_height = int(resize_image_height * image_ratio) resize_image_width = int(resize_image_width * image_ratio) resize_image = cv.resize(images[animation_counter], (resize_image_width, resize_image_height)) # 画像描画 overlay_x = int((x2 + x1) / 2) - int(resize_image_width / 2) overlay_y = int((y2 + y1) / 2) - int(resize_image_height / 2) resize_frame = CvOverlayImage.overlay( resize_frame, resize_image, (overlay_x + x_offset, overlay_y + y_offset)) # ランドマーク # for lm in lms: # for i in range(0, 5): #, (int(lm[i * 2]), int(lm[i * 2 + 1])), # 3, (0, 0, 255), -1) animation_counter += 1 if animation_counter >= len(images): animation_counter = 0 # 画面反映 fps_string = u"FPS:" + str(display_fps) resize_frame = CvDrawText.puttext(resize_frame, fps_string, (15, 15), font_path, 40, (255, 255, 255)) cv.imshow('Demo', resize_frame) key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break cap.release()
def run(self): # Argument parsing ################################################################# self.stop_flag = False args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height use_static_image_mode = args.use_static_image_mode min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence use_brect = True # Camera preparation ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # Model load ############################################################# mp_hands = hands = mp_hands.Hands( static_image_mode=use_static_image_mode, max_num_hands=1, min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=min_tracking_confidence, ) keypoint_classifier_R = KeyPointClassifier_R(invalid_value=8, score_th=0.4) keypoint_classifier_L = KeyPointClassifier_L(invalid_value=8, score_th=0.4) mouse_classifier = MouseClassifier(invalid_value=2, score_th=0.4) point_history_classifier = PointHistoryClassifier() # Read labels ########################################################### with open('model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint_classifier_label.csv', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: keypoint_classifier_labels = csv.reader(f) keypoint_classifier_labels = [ row[0] for row in keypoint_classifier_labels ] with open( 'model/point_history_classifier/point_history_classifier_label.csv', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: point_history_classifier_labels = csv.reader(f) point_history_classifier_labels = [ row[0] for row in point_history_classifier_labels ] # FPS Measurement ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=3) # Coordinate history ################################################################# history_length = 16 point_history = deque(maxlen=history_length) # Finger gesture history ################################################ finger_gesture_history = deque(maxlen=history_length) mouse_id_history = deque(maxlen=40) # 靜態手勢最常出現參數初始化 keypoint_length = 5 keypoint_R = deque(maxlen=keypoint_length) keypoint_L = deque(maxlen=keypoint_length) # result deque rest_length = 300 rest_result = deque(maxlen=rest_length) speed_up_count = deque(maxlen=3) # ========= 使用者自訂姿勢、指令區 ========= # time.sleep(0.5) # keepadd = False # ========= 按鍵前置作業 ========= mode = 0 presstime = presstime_2 = presstime_3 = resttime = presstime_4 = time.time( ) detect_mode = 2 what_mode = 'mouse' landmark_list = 0 pyautogui.PAUSE = 0 # ========= 滑鼠前置作業 ========= wScr, hScr = pyautogui.size() frameR = 100 smoothening = 7 plocX, plocY = 0, 0 clocX, clocY = 0, 0 mousespeed = 1.5 clicktime = time.time() #關閉 滑鼠移至角落啟動保護措施 pyautogui.FAILSAFE = False # ========= google 小姐 ========= # speech_0 = gTTS(text="スリープモード", lang='ja') #'rest.mp3') # speech_0 = gTTS(text="キーボードモード", lang='ja') #'keyboard.mp3') # speech = gTTS(text="マウスモード", lang='ja') #'mouse.mp3') # =============================== i = 0 finger_gesture_id = 0 # ========= 主程式運作 ========= while (not self.stop_flag): left_id = right_id = -1 fps = cvFpsCalc.get() # Process Key (ESC: end) key = cv.waitKey(10) if key == 27: # ESC break number, mode = select_mode(key, mode) # Camera capture ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) # Mirror display debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) # Detection implementation image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image.flags.writeable = False results = hands.process(image) image.flags.writeable = True ####rest_result#### if results.multi_hand_landmarks is None: rest_id = 0 rest_result.append(rest_id) if results.multi_hand_landmarks is not None: rest_id = 1 rest_result.append(rest_id) most_common_rest_result = Counter(rest_result).most_common() # old version for 10 sec to rest mode#################### #print(most_common_rest_result[0]) # if most_common_rest_result[0][0] == 0 and most_common_rest_result[0][1] == 300: # if detect_mode != 0: # # print('Mode has changed') # detect_mode = 0 # what_mode = 'Rest' # print(f'Current mode => {what_mode}') # new version for 10 sec to rest mode################### if time.time() - resttime > 10: if detect_mode != 0: detect_mode = 0 what_mode = 'Sleep' print(f'Current mode => {what_mode}') ####rest_result#### # #################################################################### # print(most_common_rest_result) if results.multi_hand_landmarks is not None: for hand_landmarks, handedness in zip( results.multi_hand_landmarks, results.multi_handedness): # Bounding box calculation brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, hand_landmarks) # Landmark calculation landmark_list = calc_landmark_list(debug_image, hand_landmarks) # print(landmark_list) # Conversion to relative coordinates / normalized coordinates pre_processed_landmark_list = pre_process_landmark( landmark_list) pre_processed_point_history_list = pre_process_point_history( debug_image, point_history) # Write to the dataset file logging_csv(number, mode, pre_processed_landmark_list, pre_processed_point_history_list) # 靜態手勢資料預測 hand_sign_id_R = keypoint_classifier_R( pre_processed_landmark_list) hand_sign_id_L = keypoint_classifier_L( pre_processed_landmark_list) mouse_id = mouse_classifier(pre_processed_landmark_list) # print(mouse_id) if handedness.classification[0].label[0:] == 'Left': left_id = hand_sign_id_L else: right_id = hand_sign_id_R # 手比one 觸發動態資料抓取 if right_id == 1 or left_id == 1: point_history.append(landmark_list[8]) else: point_history.append([0, 0]) # 動態手勢資料預測 finger_gesture_id = 0 point_history_len = len(pre_processed_point_history_list) if point_history_len == (history_length * 2): finger_gesture_id = point_history_classifier( pre_processed_point_history_list) # print(finger_gesture_id) # 0 = stop, 1 = clockwise, 2 = counterclockwise, 3 = move,偵測出現的動態手勢 # 動態手勢最常出現id ######################################### # Calculates the gesture IDs in the latest detection finger_gesture_history.append(finger_gesture_id) most_common_fg_id = Counter( finger_gesture_history).most_common() #滑鼠的deque mouse_id_history.append(mouse_id) most_common_ms_id = Counter(mouse_id_history).most_common() # print(f'finger_gesture_history = {finger_gesture_history}') # print(f'most_common_fg_id = {most_common_fg_id}') # 靜態手勢最常出現id ######################################### hand_gesture_id = [right_id, left_id] keypoint_R.append(hand_gesture_id[0]) keypoint_L.append(hand_gesture_id[1]) # print(keypoint_R) # deque右手的靜態id # print(most_common_keypoint_id) # 右手靜態id最大 if right_id != -1: most_common_keypoint_id = Counter( keypoint_R).most_common() else: most_common_keypoint_id = Counter( keypoint_L).most_common() # print(f'keypoint = {keypoint}') # print(f'most_common_keypoint_id = {most_common_keypoint_id}') ############################################################### # Drawing part debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) debug_image = draw_landmarks(debug_image, landmark_list) debug_image = draw_info_text( debug_image, brect, handedness, keypoint_classifier_labels[most_common_keypoint_id[0] [0]], point_history_classifier_labels[most_common_fg_id[0] [0]], ) resttime = time.time() else: point_history.append([0, 0]) debug_image = draw_point_history(debug_image, point_history) debug_image = draw_info(debug_image, fps, mode, number) # 偵測是否有手勢 ######################################### if left_id + right_id > -2: if time.time() - presstime > 1: # change mode if most_common_ms_id[0][0] == 3 and most_common_ms_id[0][ 1] == 40: #Gesture six changes to the different mode print('Mode has changed') detect_mode = (detect_mode + 1) % 3 if detect_mode == 0: what_mode = 'Sleep' playsound('rest.mp3', block=False) if detect_mode == 1: what_mode = 'Keyboard' playsound('keyboard.mp3', block=False) if detect_mode == 2: what_mode = 'Mouse' playsound('mouse.mp3', block=False) print(f'Current mode => {what_mode}') presstime = time.time() + 1 # control keyboard elif detect_mode == 1: if time.time() - presstime_2 > 1: # 靜態手勢控制 control_keyboard(most_common_keypoint_id, 2, 'K', keyboard_TF=True, print_TF=False) # control_keyboard(most_common_keypoint_id, 0, 'right', keyboard_TF=True, print_TF=False) # control_keyboard(most_common_keypoint_id, 7, 'left', keyboard_TF=True, print_TF=False) control_keyboard(most_common_keypoint_id, 9, 'C', keyboard_TF=True, print_TF=False) control_keyboard(most_common_keypoint_id, 5, 'up', keyboard_TF=True, print_TF=False) control_keyboard(most_common_keypoint_id, 6, 'down', keyboard_TF=True, print_TF=False) presstime_2 = time.time() # right右鍵 if most_common_keypoint_id[0][ 0] == 0 and most_common_keypoint_id[0][1] == 5: # print(i, time.time() - presstime_4) if i == 3 and time.time() - presstime_4 > 0.3:'right') i = 0 presstime_4 = time.time() elif i == 3 and time.time() - presstime_4 > 0.25:'right') presstime_4 = time.time() elif time.time() - presstime_4 > 1:'right') i += 1 presstime_4 = time.time() # left左鍵 if most_common_keypoint_id[0][ 0] == 7 and most_common_keypoint_id[0][1] == 5: # print(i, time.time() - presstime_4) if i == 3 and time.time() - presstime_4 > 0.3:'left') i = 0 presstime_4 = time.time() elif i == 3 and time.time() - presstime_4 > 0.25:'left') presstime_4 = time.time() elif time.time() - presstime_4 > 1:'left') i += 1 presstime_4 = time.time() # 動態手勢控制 if most_common_fg_id[0][ 0] == 1 and most_common_fg_id[0][1] > 12: if time.time() - presstime_3 > 1.5:['shift', '>']) pyautogui.hotkey('shift', '>') print('speed up') presstime_3 = time.time() elif most_common_fg_id[0][ 0] == 2 and most_common_fg_id[0][1] > 12: if time.time() - presstime_3 > 1.5:['shift', '<']) pyautogui.hotkey('shift', '<') print('speed down') presstime_3 = time.time() if detect_mode == 2: if mouse_id == 0: # Point gesture # print(landmark_list[8]) #index finger # print(landmark_list[12]) #middle finger x1, y1 = landmark_list[8] # cv.rectangle(debug_image, (frameR, frameR), (cap_width - frameR, cap_height - frameR), # (255, 0, 255), 2) cv.rectangle(debug_image, (50, 30), (cap_width - 50, cap_height - 170), (255, 0, 255), 2) #座標轉換 #x軸: 鏡頭上50~(cap_width - 50)轉至螢幕寬0~wScr #y軸: 鏡頭上30~(cap_height - 170)轉至螢幕長0~hScr x3 = np.interp(x1, (50, (cap_width - 50)), (0, wScr)) y3 = np.interp(y1, (30, (cap_height - 170)), (0, hScr)) # print(x3, y3) # 6. Smoothen Values clocX = plocX + (x3 - plocX) / smoothening clocY = plocY + (y3 - plocY) / smoothening # 7. Move Mouse pyautogui.moveTo(clocX, clocY), (x1, y1), 15, (255, 0, 255), cv.FILLED) plocX, plocY = clocX, clocY if mouse_id == 1: length, img, lineInfo = findDistance( landmark_list[8], landmark_list[12], debug_image) # 10. Click mouse if distance short if time.time() - clicktime > 0.5: if length < 40:, (lineInfo[4], lineInfo[5]), 15, (0, 255, 0), cv.FILLED) print('click') clicktime = time.time() # if length > 70: #, (lineInfo[4], lineInfo[5]), # 15, (0, 255, 0), cv.FILLED) # # print('click*2') # clicktime = time.time() if most_common_keypoint_id[0][ 0] == 5 and most_common_keypoint_id[0][1] == 5: pyautogui.scroll(20) if most_common_keypoint_id[0][ 0] == 6 and most_common_keypoint_id[0][1] == 5: pyautogui.scroll(-20) #if left_id == 7 or right_id == 7: if most_common_keypoint_id[0][ 0] == 0 and most_common_keypoint_id[0][1] == 5: if time.time() - clicktime > 1: clicktime = time.time() if most_common_keypoint_id[0][ 0] == 9 and most_common_keypoint_id[0][1] == 5: if time.time() - clicktime > 2: pyautogui.hotkey('alt', 'left') clicktime = time.time() cv.putText(debug_image, what_mode, (400, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 0, 0), 4, cv.LINE_AA) # Screen reflection ###################################JL########################## cv.imshow('Hand Gesture Recognition', debug_image) self.trigger.emit(detect_mode) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): # 引数 ##################################################################### args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height max_num_faces = args.max_num_faces min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence # カメラ準備 ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # モデルロード ############################################################# face_mesh = FaceMesh( max_num_faces, min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence, ) iris_detector = IrisLandmark() # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) while True: display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() # カメラキャプチャ ##################################################### ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) # ミラー表示 debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) # 検出実施 ############################################################# # Face Mesh検出 face_results = face_mesh(image) for face_result in face_results: # 目周辺のバウンディングボックス計算 left_eye, right_eye = face_mesh.calc_around_eye_bbox(face_result) # 虹彩検出 left_iris, right_iris = detect_iris(image, iris_detector, left_eye, right_eye) # 虹彩の外接円を計算 left_center, left_radius = calc_min_enc_losingCircle(left_iris) right_center, right_radius = calc_min_enc_losingCircle(right_iris) # デバッグ描画 debug_image = draw_debug_image( debug_image, left_iris, right_iris, left_center, left_radius, right_center, right_radius, ) cv.putText(debug_image, "FPS:" + str(display_fps), (10, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) # キー処理(ESC:終了) ################################################# key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break # 画面反映 ############################################################# cv.imshow('Iris(tflite) Demo', debug_image) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows() return
def main(): # 引数解析 (Argument parsing) (Parameter analysis) ################################################################# args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height upper_body_only = args.upper_body_only min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence use_brect = args.use_brect # カメラ準備 (Camera preparation) ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # モデルロード (Model load) ############################################################# mp_holistic = holistic = mp_holistic.Holistic( upper_body_only=upper_body_only, min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=min_tracking_confidence, ) # FPS計測モジュール (Measurement module) ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) while True: display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() # カメラキャプチャ (Camera capture) ##################################################### ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) # ミラー表示 debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) # 検出実施 (Detection implementation) ############################################################# image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image.flags.writeable = False results = holistic.process(image) image.flags.writeable = True # Face Mesh ########################################################### face_landmarks = results.face_landmarks if face_landmarks is not None: # 外接矩形の計算 (Calculation of circumscribed rectangle) brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, face_landmarks) # 描画 (drawing) debug_image = draw_face_landmarks(debug_image, face_landmarks) debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) # Pose ############################################################### pose_landmarks = results.pose_landmarks if pose_landmarks is not None: # 外接矩形の計算 (Calculation of circumscribed rectangle) brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, pose_landmarks) # 描画 (drawing) debug_image = draw_pose_landmarks(debug_image, pose_landmarks, upper_body_only) debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) # Hands ############################################################### left_hand_landmarks = results.left_hand_landmarks right_hand_landmarks = results.right_hand_landmarks # 左手 (left hand) if left_hand_landmarks is not None: # 手の平重心計算 (Calculation of the center of gravity of the palm) cx, cy = calc_palm_moment(debug_image, left_hand_landmarks) # 外接矩形の計算 (Calculation of circumscribed rectangle) brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, left_hand_landmarks) # 描画 (drawing) debug_image = draw_hands_landmarks(debug_image, cx, cy, left_hand_landmarks, upper_body_only, 'R') debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) # 右手 (right hand) if right_hand_landmarks is not None: # 手の平重心計算 (Calculation of the center of gravity of the palm) cx, cy = calc_palm_moment(debug_image, right_hand_landmarks) # 外接矩形の計算 (Calculation of circumscribed rectangle) brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, right_hand_landmarks) # 描画 (drawing) debug_image = draw_hands_landmarks(debug_image, cx, cy, right_hand_landmarks, upper_body_only, 'L') debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) cv.putText(debug_image, "FPS:" + str(display_fps), (10, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) # キー処理 (Key processing) (ESC:終了) (ESC: End)################################################# key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break # 画面反映 (Screen reflection)############################################################# cv.imshow('MediaPipe Holistic Demo', debug_image) cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): mp_drawing = mp_hands = # Argument parsing in_flight = False # For webcam input: hands = mp_hands.Hands(static_image_mode=True, max_num_hands=2, min_detection_confidence=0.8, min_tracking_confidence=0.8) # Camera preparation tello = Tello() tello.connect() tello.streamon() # FPS Measurement cv_fps_calc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=5) frame_read = tello.get_frame_read() while True: fps = cv_fps_calc.get() battery_status = tello.get_battery() # In reality you want to display frames in a seperate thread. Otherwise # they will freeze while the drone moves. image = frame_read.frame # Flip the image horizontally for a later selfie-view display, and convert # the BGR image to RGB. image = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.flip(image, 1), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # To improve performance, optionally mark the image as not writeable to # pass by reference. image.flags.writeable = False results = hands.process(image) # Draw the hand annotations on the image. image.flags.writeable = True image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) if results.multi_hand_landmarks: for hand_landmarks in results.multi_hand_landmarks: mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(image, hand_landmarks, mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS) # Process Key (ESC: end) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xff if key == 27: # ESCArgument parsing break elif key == 32: if not in_flight: # Take-off drone tello.takeoff() in_flight = True tello.move_up(50) elif in_flight: # Land tello in_flight = False elif key == ord('w'): tello.move_forward(30) elif key == ord('s'): tello.move_back(30) elif key == ord('a'): tello.move_left(30) elif key == ord('d'): tello.move_right(30) elif key == ord('e'): tello.rotate_clockwise(30) elif key == ord('q'): tello.rotate_counter_clockwise(30) elif key == ord('r'): tello.move_up(30) elif key == ord('f'): tello.move_down(30) # Battery status and image rendering cv2.putText(image, "Battery: {} / fps:{}".format(battery_status, fps), (5, 720 - 5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.imshow('DK_Drone', image) tello.end() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): # my add variable value ################################################ # is_concentrated = False # frame_length = 256 sampling_time = 0.1 detecting_time = 0 not_detecting_time = 0 window_size = 100 list_zeros_window = [0 for i in range(window_size)] list_detect_window = list_zeros_window detect_count = 0 border_face_detect = 0.1 # alert_time = 60 * 30 alert_time = 20 alert_title = "Alert" alert_message = "Let's move the body.\nYou have been concentrating on your work for more than 25 minutes." # Reset Param ############################################################ # reset_work_boarder = 60 * 3 reset_work_boarder = 3 # Exercise ############################################################### # exercise_boarder = 60*5 exercise_boarder = 5 is_exercise_state = False is_init_exercise_state = True finish_alert_title = "Congratulation!" finish_alert_message= "Finished Your Exercise Time." # Repeat Alert ########################################################### repeat_alert_time = 1 # repeat_boarder = 60 repeat_boarder = 10 repeat_alert_title = "Repeat Alerm" repeat_alert_message = "Let's move the body.\n" # investigation param #################################################### output_list = [['time[s]', '顔検出値[0 or 1]']] output_count = 0 # plot param ############################################################# x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) y = np.zeros(x.size) plt.ion() figure, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,6)) line1, = ax.plot(x, y) plt.title("Dynamic Plot of face detection",fontsize=25) plt.xlabel("time",fontsize=18) plt.ylabel("is detected value",fontsize=18) plt.ylim(-1.1,1.1) updated_y = y plot_data = 0 # border prot yb = np.full((1,100), border_face_detect)[0] plt.plot(x, yb, color = 'red') # 引数解析 ################################################################# args = get_args() cap_device = args.device cap_width = args.width cap_height = args.height max_num_faces = args.max_num_faces min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence use_brect = args.use_brect # カメラ準備 ############################################################### cap = cv.VideoCapture(cap_device) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width) cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height) # モデルロード ############################################################# mp_face_mesh = face_mesh = mp_face_mesh.FaceMesh( max_num_faces=max_num_faces, min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence, min_tracking_confidence=min_tracking_confidence, ) # FPS計測モジュール ######################################################## cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) while True: display_fps = cvFpsCalc.get() # カメラキャプチャ ##################################################### ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv.flip(image, 1) # ミラー表示 debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image) # 検出実施 ############################################################# image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) results = face_mesh.process(image) # 描画 ################################################################ if results.multi_face_landmarks is not None: for face_landmarks in results.multi_face_landmarks: # 外接矩形の計算 brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, face_landmarks) # 描画 debug_image = draw_landmarks(debug_image, face_landmarks) debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image, brect) list_detect_window[detect_count]=1 output_list.append([output_count, 1]) plot_data=1 else: list_detect_window[detect_count]=0 output_list.append([output_count, 0]) plot_data=0 cv.putText(debug_image, "FPS:" + str(display_fps), (10, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) # キー処理(ESC:終了) ################################################# key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: # ESC break # 画面反映 ############################################################# cv.imshow('MediaPipe Face Mesh Demo', debug_image) # calculate the mean of list_detect_window ############################ mean_list_detect_window = statistics.mean(list_detect_window) if mean_list_detect_window > border_face_detect: detecting_time += sampling_time not_detecting_time = 0 if detecting_time >= alert_time: is_exercise_state = True is_init_exercise_state = True if repeat_alert_time % repeat_boarder == 0: print("repeat alert") do_alert(repeat_alert_title, repeat_alert_message) elif repeat_alert_time ==1: do_alert(alert_title, alert_message) repeat_alert_time = round(repeat_alert_time + sampling_time, 1) # print(repeat_alert_time) else: if is_exercise_state: # if is_init_exercise_state: # mean_list_detect_window = list_zeros_window # is_init_exercise_state = False not_detecting_time += sampling_time if not_detecting_time >= exercise_boarder: do_alert(finish_alert_title, finish_alert_message) # Reset Param ################################################ detecting_time = 0 not_detecting_time=0 repeat_alert_time=1 is_exercise_state = False else: ### Personal function ######################################## ### 作業していない期間が一定時間を超えたら作業タイマーをリセットする ############################################################## not_detecting_time += sampling_time if not_detecting_time >= reset_work_boarder: # Reset Param ############################################ detecting_time = 0 not_detecting_time=0 repeat_alert_time=1 if is_exercise_state and is_init_exercise_state: # print("test test test") list_detect_window = list_zeros_window is_init_exercise_state = False detect_count = 0 if detect_count == window_size-1 else detect_count+1 time.sleep(sampling_time) output_count += sampling_time # Update Plot ######################################################## # updated_y = enqueue(updated_y, plot_data) updated_y = enqueue(updated_y, mean_list_detect_window) line1.set_xdata(x) line1.set_ydata(updated_y) figure.canvas.draw() figure.canvas.flush_events() cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows() export_list_csv(output_list, 'face_detected.csv')
def main(): # init global vars global gesture_buffer global gesture_id # Argument parsing KEYBOARD_CONTROL = True WRITE_CONTROL = False in_flight = False # Camera preparation tello = Tello() tello.connect() tello.streamon() cap = tello.get_frame_read() # Init Tello Controllers gesture_controller = TelloGestureController(tello) keyboard_controller = TelloKeyboardController(tello) gesture_detector = GestureRecognition(min_detection_confidence=0.7, min_tracking_confidence=0.5) gesture_buffer = GestureBuffer(buffer_len=5) def tello_control(key, keyboard_controller, gesture_controller): global gesture_buffer if KEYBOARD_CONTROL: keyboard_controller.control(key) else: gesture_controller.gesture_control(gesture_buffer) # FPS Measurement cv_fps_calc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10) mode = 0 number = -1 battery_status = -1 while True: fps = cv_fps_calc.get() battery_status = tello.get_battery() # Process Key (ESC: end) key = cv.waitKey(1) & 0xff if key == 27: # ESC break elif key == 32: # Space if not in_flight: # Take-off drone tello.takeoff() in_flight = True tello.move_up(50) elif in_flight: # Land tello in_flight = False elif key == ord('k'): mode = 0 KEYBOARD_CONTROL = True WRITE_CONTROL = False tello.send_rc_control(0, 0, 0, 0) # Stop moving elif key == ord('g'): KEYBOARD_CONTROL = False elif key == ord('n'): mode = 1 WRITE_CONTROL = True KEYBOARD_CONTROL = True if WRITE_CONTROL: number = -1 if 48 <= key <= 57: # 0 ~ 9 number = key - 48 # Camera capture image = cap.frame debug_image, gesture_id = gesture_detector.recognize( image, number, mode) gesture_buffer.add_gesture(gesture_id) # Start control thread threading.Thread(target=tello_control, args=( key, keyboard_controller, gesture_controller, )).start() threading.Thread(target=battery_status, args=(tello, )).start() debug_image = gesture_detector.draw_info(debug_image, fps, mode, number) # Battery status and image rendering cv.putText(debug_image, "Battery: {}".format(battery_status), (5, 720 - 5), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv.imshow('Tello Gesture Recognition', debug_image) tello.end() cv.destroyAllWindows()