def E_step(S):
    :param S : the Cayley-Gibbs-Rodrigu representation of camera rotation parameters
    :return: weights, pixel_assignments
    R = emhelp.vector2matrix(S)  # Note that the 'S' is just for optimization, it has to be converted to R during computation
    pixel_assignments = []
    scores = []
    # E-step: Assign each pixel to one of the VPs by finding argmax of log-posterior
    for pixel in pixel_indices: # compute log likelihood over all pixels, to avoid underflow
        theta_grad = Gdir_pixels[int(pixel[0])][int(pixel[1])]
        ori_pixel = np.array([pixel[1]*5+4, pixel[0]*5+4, 1])
        theta_norm = emhelp.vp2dir(K, R, ori_pixel)
        err = theta_norm - theta_grad # [4,]
        err = emhelp.remove_polarity(err)
        prob = np.zeros(4)
        # normal distribution
        prob[:3] = scipy.stats.norm.pdf(err,mu,sig)      # TODO or can write your own normal
        prob[3] = 1/(2*np.pi) # the last prob is given by unifrom distribution
        score = prob*P_m_prior
        #print('pixel score', pixel, ' ', score)
        scores.append(score) #appends the probability that a pixel u belongs to each of the 4 cases (vp models)
        pixel_assignments.append(np.argmax(score, axis=0))
    # normalize scores
    scores = np.array(scores)
    weights=scores/np.sum(scores,axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    # weights=scores/np.sum(scores,axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    return weights, pixel_assignments
def error_fun(S, K, pixels, Gdir_pixels, weights):
    :param S : the variable we are going to optimize over
    :param w_pm : weights from E-step
    :return: error : the error we are going to minimize
    error = 0.0  # initial error setting to zero
    R = emhelp.vector2matrix(
    )  # Note that the 'S' is just for optimization, it has to be converted to R during computation
    sum_of_weighted_errors = 0.0
    for i in range(len(pixels)):
        pixel = pixels[i]
        theta_grad = Gdir_pixels[int(pixel[0])][int(pixel[1])]
        pixel = np.array([pixel[1] * 5, pixel[0] * 5, 1])
        theta_norm = emhelp.vp2dir(K, R, pixel)
        err = theta_norm - theta_grad  # [4,]
        err = emhelp.remove_polarity(err)
        prob = np.zeros(4)
        # normal distribution
        prob[:3] = scipy.stats.norm.pdf(err, mu, sig)
        prob[3] = 1 / (2 * np.pi
                       )  # the last prob is given by unifrom distribution
        log_likelihood = np.log(prob)
        sum_of_weighted_errors += weights[i].dot(log_likelihood)
    return sum_of_weighted_errors
def calculate_pixel_evidence(a, b, g, pixel, theta_grad):
    # return a list of evidence scores over all 4 models for a single pixel
    R = emhelp.angle2matrix(a,b,g)
    theta_norm = emhelp.vp2dir(K, R, pixel) # only calculate 3 evidence scores, the last one is give by uniform distribution
    err = theta_norm - theta_grad # [4,]
    err = emhelp.remove_polarity(err)
    prob = np.zeros(4)
    # normal distribution
    prob[:3] = scipy.stats.norm.pdf(err,mu,sig)
    prob[3] = 1/(2*np.pi) # the last prob is given by unifrom distribution
    # TODO I normalized prob to make it sums to 1
    prob = prob/prob.sum()
    return prob
def error_fun(S, K, pixels, Gdir_pixels, weights):
    :param S : the variable we are going to optimize over
    :param w_pm : weights from E-step
    :return: error : the error we are going to minimize
    R = emhelp.vector2matrix(S) # Note that the 'S' is just for optimization, it has to be converted to R during computation
    sum_of_weighted_errors = 0.0
    for i in range(len(pixels)):
        pixel = pixels[i]
        theta_grad = Gdir_pixels[int(pixel[0])][int(pixel[1])]
        ori_pixel = np.array([pixel[1]*5+4, pixel[0]*5+4, 1])
        theta_norm = emhelp.vp2dir(K, R, ori_pixel)
        err = theta_norm - theta_grad # [3,]
        err = emhelp.remove_polarity(err)
        sum_of_weighted_errors += weights[i,:3].dot(err**2)
    return sum_of_weighted_errors
def downsample_image(img_path): 
    # Load a jpeg figure and convert it to grayscale
    image = cv2.imread(img_path)
    image_gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    sobelx = cv2.Sobel(image_gray,cv2.CV_64F,1,0)#,ksize=3)
    sobely = cv2.Sobel(image_gray,cv2.CV_64F,0,1)#,ksize=3)
    # Calculate gradient magnitude
    gradmag = np.sqrt(sobelx**2+sobely**2)
    # Calculate gradient direction
    graddir = np.arctan2(sobely, sobelx)
    # Downsample the grayscale image
    Gdir, idx = emhelp.down_sample(gradmag, graddir)
    return Gdir, idx
Created on Sat Nov  2 20:58:25 2019

@author: olive

# visualization, done in local machine not on server
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import numpy as np
from utils import EM_help_fucntions as emhelp

camparam = 'cameraParameters.mat'
vp_dir = np.array(
    [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]],
    dtype=np.float32)  # (4,3)
K = emhelp.cam_intrinsics(camparam)

res_file = 'outputs2'
npzfile = np.load(res_file + '.npz')
pixel_indices_ori = npzfile['arr_0']
pixel_assignments = npzfile['arr_1']
vp_trans = npzfile['arr_2']
vp_trans_init = npzfile['arr_3']
# Convert vp to non-homogeneous coordinates [x, y]
vp_trans = vp_trans.transpose()
vp_final = np.array([[p[0] / p[2], p[1] / p[2]] for p in vp_trans])
pt_0 = []
pt_1 = []
pt_2 = []
pt_3 = []
for i in range(len(pixel_assignments)):
    imgpath = 'P1080055.jpg'
    camparam = 'cameraParameters.mat'
    # Load and downsample image to use only the 1999 (TODO should be 2000) edge pixels (which are of the highest gradient magnitudes)
    #Gdir_pixels, pixel_indices_ori = downsample_image(args.imgpath)
    Gdir_pixels, pixel_indices_ori = downsample_image(imgpath)
    # Convert indices to homogeneous coordinates
    sh = pixel_indices_ori.shape
    pixel_indices = np.ones((sh[0],sh[1]+1))
    pixel_indices[:,:-1] = pixel_indices_ori
    # print('Gdir_pixels ', Gdir_pixels.shape)                                 # (96, 128)
    # print('pixel_indices ', pixel_indices.shape)                         # (1999, 3)
    # Initialize K
    #K = emhelp.cam_intrinsics(args.camparam)
    K = emhelp.cam_intrinsics(camparam)
    print('Initialized K: ', K.shape, ' ', K )        # (3, 3)

    # Initialize R, by adopting [1] a coarse-to-fine search over combinations of a, b, and g that maximizes towards a MAP objective
    # STEP 1: find optimal b around the y-axis, fixing a, g to 0
    print('========== Start step 1 ==============')
    #search_step =0
    max_score = -np.infty
    score = 0
    a_c = 0
    #a_optimal = 0
    #g_optimal = 0
    for a in tqdm(np.arange(-np.pi/3, np.pi/3, np.pi/45)):
        for u in pixel_indices:
            gdir_u = Gdir_pixels[int(u[0])][int(u[1])]
            # Represent downsampled pixel arrays in original image coordinates