Esempio n. 1
    def getDomains(self, sparkContext):

        # recover the species name for using in temp files
        self.species = Utils.getSpecies(self.source_path)
        domainFinder = DomainFinder.DomainFinder()

        # load source sequences into a single list
        if ("fasta" in self.source_type):
            list, file_content = Parsers.parseFastaToList(self.source_path, "")
        elif ("genbank" in self.source_type):
            list = Parsers.genBankToAminoacid(self.source_path)

        print('Processing domains...')

        # create RDD with source sequences
        sourceRDD = sparkContext.parallelize(file_content, numSlices=2000)

        if ("nucleotide" in self.source_type):
            # execute sixFrame translation for each sequence in RDD
            sourceRDD = x: SixFrameTranslator.main(x))

        # execute Pfam domain prediction for each sixFrame translation in RDD
        domainsRDD = x: domainFinder.main(x[0], x[1]))
        processedRDD =
            lambda x: self.processDomainOutput(x[0], x[1]))

        # recover Pfam domain prediction results from RDD
        result = processedRDD.collectAsMap()


        return result
Esempio n. 2
    def extractRewardPerFeat(self, dataPath, outputPath, featType, sourceType,

        rewardperfeat = {}
        # tuple of shape {(file, content, id),'kmers'}
        resultLabel = Parsers.parseDatasetContents(dataPath, featType,
        fileindex = list(set([i[0][0] for i in resultLabel]))

        for item in resultLabel:
            filename = item[0][0]
            label = Utils.getLabel(filename)
            content = item[0][1]
            idx = fileindex.index(filename)
            occ = 1 if label == 1 else -1

            if (content in rewardperfeat):
                if ('label' in rewardType):
                    rewardperfeat[content][idx] = occ
                    rewardperfeat[content][idx] += occ
                rewardperfeat[content] = [0] * len(fileindex)
                if ('label' in rewardType):
                    rewardperfeat[content][idx] = occ
                    rewardperfeat[content][idx] += occ

        outputstr = ''
        for k, v in rewardperfeat.items():
            outputstr += k + '\t' + (',').join(map(str, v)) + '\n'
        Utils.writeFile(outputPath, outputstr[:-1])

        return rewardperfeat
Esempio n. 3
    def protAnalysis(self, content):
        result, resultFlexDic = dict(), dict()
        content = Parsers.normalizeSequence(content, self.sourceType)
        protein = ProteinAnalysis(content)

        result['proteinMWeight'] = protein.molecular_weight()
        result['proteinAroma'] = protein.aromaticity()
        result['proteinInstab'] = protein.instability_index()
        result['proteinIsoelec'] = protein.isoelectric_point()
        result['proteinGravy'] = protein.gravy()

        proteinStructure = protein.secondary_structure_fraction()
        protStruct = self.flatten('proteinSecstruc', proteinStructure)

        result = {**protStruct, **result}

        # merge result and protein Structure
        flexibility = protein.flexibility()
        flexibFlat = self.flatten('proteinFlex', flexibility)
        flexibAmino = self.flatten(list(content), flexibility)

        flattened = {**flexibFlat, **result}
        flattenedFlexDic = {**flexibAmino, **result}

        return result, flattened, flattenedFlexDic,
Esempio n. 4
 def prepareData(self, path, sparkContext):
     dataset = Parsers.parseDatasetContents(path, 'domains_pfam', 'domains')
     contentRDD = sparkContext.parallelize(dataset, numSlices=1000)
     perinstanceRDD = x:
                                     (x[0][2], [x[0][1]])).reduceByKey(add)
     # format tuple {filename, ([domains], fastaID(genes))}
     return perinstanceRDD.collect()
Esempio n. 5
    def createNegShuffle(self, posPerc):
        files = Utils.listFilesExt(self.source_path, self.ext)
        negPerc = 100 - posPerc
        positives = len(files)
        negativeSize = int((negPerc * positives) / posPerc)
        print('Negative percentage: ' + str(negPerc) + '% \n' +
              'Negative instances: ' + str(negativeSize) + '\n' +
              'Positive percentage: ' + str(posPerc) + '% \n' +
              'Positive instances: ' + str(positives) + '\n' +
              'Total corpus size: ' + str(negativeSize + positives))

        thisDecRatio = 0.0
        count = 0
        ratio = (negativeSize / positives)
        decRatio = ratio - int(ratio)

        for file in files:
            # add up the decimal ratio part
            thisDecRatio += round(decRatio, 2)
            # reset range
            ratioRange = int(negativeSize / positives)

            # check if decimal ratio added up to a duplicate
            if (thisDecRatio >= 1):
                ratioRange = int(ratio + thisDecRatio)
                thisDecRatio = 0

            for i in range(0, ratioRange):
                name = os.path.basename(file)
                result_file = name.split('.')[0] + '_' + str(
                    i) + '.shuffled.negative.fasta'

                if ('nuc' in self.seqType):
                    content = Parsers.genBankToNucleotide(file)
                if ('amino' in self.seqType):
                    list, content = Parsers.genBankToAminoacid(file)
                content = Utils.charGramShuffle(content, 2)
                content = '>' + name + '\n' + content

                count += 1

                Utils.writeFile(self.result_path + result_file, content)

        print('Total generated: ' + str(count) + '. Done!')
Esempio n. 6
    def loadGeneMap(self, sparkContext):
        content = Parsers.parseDatasetContents(self.geneMapPath, 'domains',
        contentRDD = sparkContext.parallelize(content, numSlices=1000)
        genemapRDD =
            lambda x: (x[0][2], x[0][1].split('\n'))).reduceByKey(add)
        genemap = genemapRDD.collectAsMap()

        return genemap
 def __init__(self):
     # class like singleton
     # we have all parsers here
     # all records blueprints
     # last record id as well here
     self.console_logger = True
     self.prs = Parsers()
     self.account_opened = False
     self.record_id = 0
     self.logger.debug("Created multiplexer for user's commands")
Esempio n. 8
    def loadFilterMap(self, sparkContext):
        filterList = Utils.readFileLines(self.filterList)
        # returns tuple (((file, content), 'domains'))
        content = Parsers.parseDatasetContents(self.filterMap, 'domains',

        domRDD = sparkContext.parallelize(content, numSlices=1000)
        domainsRDD = x: (Utils.getFileName(x[0][0]).replace(
            '.domains', ''), x[0][1]))

        # lists genes that have any domains in filterList
        # discards ".\d+" end of Pfam ID
        filter = domainsRDD.filter(lambda x: any(
            domain in filterList for domain in re.split("[\n.]", x[1])))

        result = filter.collectAsMap().keys()
        genes = sorted([i for i in result])

        print('Loaded filter:', len(genes), ' genes will be filtered from',
              len(filterList), 'domains.')
        return genes
Esempio n. 9
    def countOccurrence(self, dataPath, sparkContext):
        feats = self.loadFeatures()
        contentIds = []

        listContents = Parsers.parseDatasetContents(dataPath, self.featType,
        parentDir = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(listContents[0][0][0]))[1]

        for info in listContents:
            filename = info[0][0]
            content = info[0][1]
            type = info[1]
            firstLine = Utils.readFileLines(filename)[0]
            id = firstLine.replace(
                '') if '|' in firstLine else firstLine.split('.')[0].replace(
                    '>', '')
            label = Utils.getLabel(filename)

            # avoid cases in which test synthetic genes are long and
            # in the split different clusters share same (gene) id
            for item in contentIds:
                if (id in item[0] and type in item[1]):
                    id = id + '|'

            contentIds.append(tuple([id, type, content, label]))

        sourceRDD = sparkContext.parallelize(contentIds, numSlices=1000)
        occRDD = x: self.occurrence(x, feats))

        # combine features with same ID and filter out instances with not enough features
        reducedRDD = occRDD.reduceByKey(
            lambda x, y: self.mergeFeatsSameId(x, y))

        ids = x: x[0]).collect()
        occ = x: x[1][0]).collect()
        labels = x: x[1][1]).collect()

        print('Features loaded.')
        return np.array(ids), np.array(occ), np.array(labels), parentDir
Esempio n. 10
    def buildDataset(self, path, sparkContext):
        result, ids, labels = [], [], []
        #files = Utils.listFilesExt(path, 'fasta')
        # define pickle protocol to bypass 4GiB pickling limit
        broadcast.Broadcast.dump = self.broadcast_dump

        dataset = Parsers.parseDatasetContents(path, self.featType, self.sourceType)
        parentDir = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(dataset[0][0][0]))[1]

        listRDD = sparkContext.parallelize(dataset, numSlices=5000)
        # X tuple in format:
        # ((fileName, content, sequenceID), featureType)
        featuresRDD = x: (x[0][2], self.extractor.getFeatures(x)))

        concatRDD = ''
        if("pfam" in self.featType): # concatenate by pfam ID: label positive if at least one file contains domain
            concatRDD = x: (''.join(x[1]), [x[0]])).reduceByKey(add)
            # concatenate contents by file ID
            concatRDD = x: (x)).reduceByKey(add)

        # add instance
        # X tuple in format: (file ID, [feature, feature, ...]])
        datasetRDD = x: self.addInstance(x))
        dataset = datasetRDD.collectAsMap() #if "pfam" not in self.featType else datasetRDD.collect()

        # get max length among all
        maxLen = 1 if "pfam" in self.featType else int(datasetRDD.sortBy(lambda x: x[0][1], False).first()[0][1])
        self.maxLength = maxLen if maxLen > self.maxLength else self.maxLength

        # 0 =, 1 = instance length, 2 = file name, 3 = label
        for k, v in dataset.items():
            id, label = k[0], int(k[2])
        print('Done building dataset.')

        return ids, result, labels, parentDir
Esempio n. 11
    def createGoDataset(self):
        source_type = self.config.get('dataPipeline', 'source.type')
        blastPath = self.config.get('blaster', 'blastdb.path')
        blastPath = Utils.normalizePath(blastPath)
        blastName = self.config.get('blaster', '')
        blastMapping = blastPath + blastName + '.tab'

        datapipe = DataPipeline.DataPipeline(source_type=source_type,
        list, file_content = Parsers.parseFastaToList(self.source_path, "")
        file_content = [
            content for content in file_content if not os.path.isfile(
                self.result_path +
                os.path.basename(content[0]).replace('.fasta', '.go'))

        sparkContext = SparkContext(conf=datapipe.initSpark("goDataset"))
        goterms = datapipe.getBLAST(file_content,

        count = 0
        notFound = 0
        for file, content in goterms.items():

            length = content.split('\n')
            if (len(length) == 2 and not str(length[1])):
                notFound += 1
                filename = os.path.basename(file)
                resultFile = self.result_path + filename
                resultFile = resultFile.replace('.fasta', '.go')
                Utils.writeFile(resultFile, content)
                count += 1

        print('Done generating',
              str(count), 'GO term files. \nNo GO terms found for',
              str(notFound), 'files.')
Esempio n. 12
    def extractFeatures(self, dataPath, sparkContext, featPerInst):
        files, feats, kmerCounts, featPerInstance = [], [], [], []
        useKmer = True if 'kmers' in self.featType else False
        useProt = True if 'prot' in self.featType else False
        useDistinct = True if 'dist' in self.featType else False
        listContents = Parsers.parseDatasetContents(dataPath, self.featType,

        if ('dictionary' in self.featType):
            feats += sorted(self.loadDictionary(self.dictPath))
            #if('domains' in self.featType or 'kmers' in self.featType):
            featRDD = sparkContext.parallelize(listContents, numSlices=1000)
            featuresRDD = x: (x[1], self.getFeatures(x)))

            if (featPerInst):
                # get a list of features per instance for embeddings
                featPerInstance = featuresRDD.values().collect()
                print(len(featPerInstance), 'instances processed.')

            if (not os.path.isfile(self.featFile)):
                if (useKmer):
                    # filter RDD and return only kmers, "flatten" arrays to single list of kmers
                    kmerRDD = featuresRDD.filter(
                        lambda x: "kmer" in x[0]).flatMap(lambda x: x[1])

                    # change each element to (k, v), reduce list by keys to group
                    # + count features, filter features by minOcc
                    minOcc = int(self.minOcc)
                    countAndFilter = x: (x, 1)).reduceByKey(
                        add).filter(lambda x: x[1] >= minOcc)

                    # remove counts and collect only keys
                    kmerCounts = sorted(countAndFilter.collect())
                    feats += sorted(countAndFilter.keys().collect())

                    # filter out kmers already processed
                    featuresRDD = featuresRDD.filter(
                        lambda x: "kmer" not in x[0])

                if (useProt):
                    # filter RDD and return only prot properties
                    protRDD = featuresRDD.filter(
                        lambda x: "protanalys" in x[0])
                    # select (unique) feature names
                    feats += sorted(
                        protRDD.flatMap(lambda x: x[1]).distinct().collect())
                    featuresRDD = featuresRDD.filter(
                        lambda x: "protanalys" not in x[0])

                # get a flat list of all features
                #   completeFeatures = featuresRDD.flatMap(lambda x: x[1]).distinct()
                #completeFeatures = featuresRDD.flatMap(lambda x: x[1])
                completeFeatures = featuresRDD.flatMap(
                    lambda x: x[1]).distinct()
                feats += completeFeatures.collect()

                if (len(feats) > 1):
                    allFeatures = ''.join(str(i) + '\n' for i in feats)
                    Utils.writeFile(self.featFile, allFeatures)

                if (len(kmerCounts) > 1):
                    kmerCounts = ''.join(
                        str(i).replace('(\'', '').replace('\',', '\t').replace(
                            ')', '') + '\n' for i in kmerCounts)
                    Utils.writeFile(self.featFile + 'count', kmerCounts)

                print(len(feats), 'features extracted.')

                feats = self.loadFeatures()

        return feats, featPerInstance, kmerCounts
Esempio n. 13
    def splitAsClusters(self):
        self.source_path = Utils.normalizePath(self.source_path)
        slimIDs = self.config.getboolean('corpusPrep', '')
        files = Utils.listFilesExt(self.source_path, self.ext)
        result = []

        overlap = int((self.windowOverlap / 100) * self.length)

        for file in files:
            fileName = os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0]

            self.result_path = self.result_path + fileName + '_len' + str(
                self.length) + '_overlap' + str(self.windowOverlap)
            if (slimIDs):
                self.result_path += '_slimIDs'
            #self.result_path += '/'
            self.result_path += '.fasta'

            if (os.path.isfile(self.result_path)):
                print('File already exists: ' + self.result_path + '.\nDone.')

                file = Parsers.sortFasta(file)
                sequences = Parsers.parseFasta(file)
                content, ids, entry, overlapIds = '', '', '', ''
                for fasta in sequences:
                    content += str(fasta.seq.upper())
                    ids += str( if not ids else '|' + str(

                    if (slimIDs):
                        allIds = ids.split('|')
                        ids = allIds[0] + '|to|' + allIds[len(allIds) - 1]

                    while (len(content) > 0):
                        varSize = self.length - (len(entry))
                        if (varSize <= overlap):
                            overlapIds += str(
                       if not overlapIds else '|' + str(
                        entry += content[0:varSize]

                        if (len(entry) == self.length):
                            # move cursor on real sequence according to variable length added
                            content = content[varSize:]
                            # add chunk to list
                            if (slimIDs):
                                allIds = ids.split("|")
                                ids = allIds[0] + '|to|' + allIds[len(allIds) -
                            result.append('>' + ids + '\n' + entry)
                            # make sure that entry contains overlap
                            entry = entry[len(entry) - overlap:]

                            if (len(content) > 0):
                                ids = overlapIds
                                overlapIds = ''
                                ids = ''

                        elif (len(content) > 0 and len(entry) < self.length):
                            content = content[len(entry):]

                prev = 0
                pos = self.length

            result = '\n'.join(result)
            Utils.writeFile(self.result_path, result)

class CmdMux(object):
    '''This is the main control unit, sends command to all units'''
    # use our logger metaclass
    __metaclass__ = CmdLog

    def __init__(self):
        # class like singleton
        # we have all parsers here
        # all records blueprints
        # last record id as well here
        self.console_logger = True
        self.prs = Parsers()
        self.account_opened = False
        self.record_id = 0
        self.logger.debug("Created multiplexer for user's commands")

    # switcher for loggers
    def debug(self, params):
        debug_toggle = self.prs.debug_check(params)
        if debug_toggle:
            if self.console_logger and debug_toggle == 'on':
                return msg.logger_error_on
            elif self.console_logger and debug_toggle == 'off':
                self.console_logger = False
                return msg.logger_off
            elif not self.console_logger and debug_toggle == 'off':
                return msg.logger_error_off
                self.console_logger = True
                return msg.logger_on
            return msg.logger_error

    # info methods that do not need any value or calculation
    def hello(self):
        self.logger.debug("Wallet program initiated")
        return msg.hello_message

    def quit(self):
        self.logger.debug("Exiting from wallet")
        return msg.quit_message

    def help(self):
        self.logger.debug("Asking for help")
        return msg.help_message

    def tutorial(self):
        self.logger.debug("Asking for tutorial")
        return msg.tutorial_message

    def no_account(self):
        self.logger.error("No accounts opened")
        return msg.no_account_message

    # main work with accounts creation/initialization
    def new_account(self, params):
        '''method that parses already have dict object for new account
        it should create all memory units, records stores, save them
        and write first history records for new account'''
        last_record_id = 0
        self.logger.debug("Creating new clean account")
        # shortest way for now
        # since all store(cash, debit, credit, savings) are
        # secure, I do not assgin values on instance creation
        # only by setters

        # if not all(i is not None and isinstance(i, str) for i in
        # [name, cash, debit, credit, savings]):
        # cannot check cause
        # UnboundLocalError: local variable 'cash' referenced before assignment
        blueprint = self.prs.new_account_check(params)
        if blueprint:
            self.account_opened = True
            # creating temp objects
            tmpname = blueprint['name']

            # true for credit means it will be
            # initiate like if we already own money
            # of course you can set value 0
            tmpcash, tmpdebit, tmpcredit, tmpsavings = \
                Cash(), Debit(), Credit(True), Savings()

            tmppayments, tmphistory = PayHistory(), BalanceHistory()

            # assigning values
            tmpcash.value = int(blueprint['cash'])
            tmpdebit.value = int(blueprint['debit'])
            tmpcredit.value = int(blueprint['credit'])
            tmpsavings.value = int(blueprint['savings'])

            # saving complete object (new account, everything is empty)
            self.account = {
                'name': tmpname,
                'cash': tmpcash,
                'debit': tmpdebit,
                'credit': tmpcredit,
                'savings': tmpsavings,
                'payments': tmppayments,
                'history': tmphistory,
                'last_record_id': last_record_id,
            # in fact, this is first record of
            # account's life
            return msg.new_account_message
            # if we here, blueprint is not correct
            # we send new_account_error
            return msg.new_account_error

    def open_account(self, params):
        '''method to open pickle file, and load just one
        big dict object with all our Cash(), BalanceRecords(), etc'''
        self.logger.debug("Opening your account")
        account_name = self.prs.open_account_check(params)
        if account_name:
                with open(account_name + '.pickle', 'rb') as f:
                    # in fact we load everything quite easy
                    # into dict object so all methods can work with it
                    self.account = pickle.load(f)
                    # last_record_id is stored in account itself
                    self.record_id = self.account['last_record_id']
                    self.account_opened = True
                    return msg.open_account_message
            except TypeError:
                self.logger.error("Failure during opening")
                return msg.open_account_error
            except IOError:
                self.logger.error("Account does not exist")
                return msg.no_exists_error
            self.account_opened = False
            return msg.open_account_name_error

    # status methdos, that needs objects of accounts and record
    def balance(self):
        self.logger.debug("Getting current balance")
        account_name = self.account['name']
        out = [, self.debit(),, self.savings()]
        return "{0} of {1} account\n {2}".format(msg.balance_message,
                                                 account_name, out)

    def cash(self):
        self.logger.debug("Getting your cash")
        account_cash = self.account['cash'].value
        return "{0}: {1}".format(msg.cash_message, account_cash)

    def debit(self):
        self.logger.debug("Getting your debit account")
        account_debit = self.account['debit'].value
        return "{0}: {1}".format(msg.debit_message, account_debit)

    def credit(self):
        self.logger.debug("Getting your credit account")
        account_credit = self.account['credit'].value
        return "{0}: {1}".format(msg.credit_message, account_credit)

    def savings(self):
        self.logger.debug("Getting your savings")
        account_savings = self.account['savings'].value
        return "{0}: {1}".format(msg.savings_message, account_savings)

    # history methods, for last payments and balance history
    def history(self, params):
        self.logger.debug("Getting your last balance history")
        num = self.prs.history_check(params)
        if num:
            # return list of balance record objects
            records = self.account['history'].get_record(int(num))
            # each record is BalanceRecord
            out = ''
            for record in records:
                line = "|{}|{}|cash:{}|debit:{}|credit:{}|safe:{}|\n".format(
                out += line
            return msg.history_message+'\n'+out
            return msg.history_error

    def payments(self, params):
        self.logger.debug("Getting you last payments")
        num = self.prs.payments_check(params)
        if num:
            # return list of payments objects
            records = self.account['payments'].get_payment(int(num))
            # each record is PayRecord
            out = ''
            for record in records:
                line = "|{}|{}|from:{}|sum:{}{}|comment:{}|\n".format(
                 , record.category,
                           record.sign, record.value, record.comment,)
                out += line
            return msg.payments_message+'\n'+out
            return msg.payments_error
        return msg.payments_message

    # real operation methods
    def pay(self, params):
        self.logger.debug("Spending money")
        blueprint = self.prs.pay_check(params)
        if blueprint:
            money_i_have = self.account[blueprint['category']].value
            if blueprint['category'] not in category_list:
                return msg.pay_category_error
            elif ((blueprint['category'] != 'credit') and
                  int(blueprint['value']) > int(money_i_have)):
                return msg.pay_no_money_error
                pay = PayRecord(blueprint['category'], blueprint['value'],

                # incrementing ids
                self.record_id += 1
                pay.last_id += self.record_id
                pay.sign = '-'
                self.account['last_record_id'] = self.record_id

                # when we pay, account always decreasing
                # it's up to Credit class to identify
                # that '-' means increase debt
                # or we can specify credit limit and
                # show limit - value in view
                self.account[blueprint['category']].value -= \

                # we always making snapshow in history
                # and alway save pickle file
                return msg.pay_message
            return msg.pay_error

    def income(self, params):
        self.logger.debug("Great, we got money now")
        blueprint = self.prs.income_check(params)
        if blueprint:
            if blueprint['category'] not in category_list:
                return msg.income_category_error
                income = PayRecord(blueprint['category'], blueprint['value'],

                self.record_id += 1
                income.last_id += self.record_id
                income.sign = '+'
                self.account['last_record_id'] = self.record_id

                # when we got money it's alway '+'
                # and it's also up to Credit account to
                # parse it as debt decreasing
                self.account[blueprint['category']].value += \

                return msg.income_message
            return msg.income_error

    def withdraw(self, params):
        self.logger.debug("Taking money from acoount to cash")
        blueprint = self.prs.withdraw_check(params)
        if blueprint:
            if blueprint['category'] not in withdraw_category_list:
                return msg.withdraw_category_error
                pay = PayRecord(blueprint['category'], blueprint['value'],

                self.record_id += 1
                pay.last_id += self.record_id
                self.account['last_record_id'] = self.record_id

                # withdraw is alway taking money from any account
                # into cash
                # therefore, we check limit and check
                self.account[blueprint['category']].value -= \
                self.account['cash'].value += int(blueprint['value'])

                return msg.succes_withdraw_message
            return msg.withdraw_error
        return msg.withdraw_message

    # sync method to update pickle file
    def __save(self):
        self.logger.debug("Saving all to pickle file")
        with open(self.account['name'] + ".pickle", 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(self.account, f, -1)
        return msg.save_message

    # sync method place stats for balance history
    def __snapshot_history(self):
        self.logger.debug("Updating balance history")
        last_record = BalanceRecord(self.account['cash'].value,

        # here we never just call snapshot_history_message
        # without doing nothing
        # alway payment, or withdraw or income
        last_record.last_id = self.record_id
        return msg.snapshot_history_message