Esempio n. 1
 def test_pop_2(self):
     q = Queue()
     self.assertEqual(q.pop(), 2)
     self.assertEqual(q.pop(), 1)
Esempio n. 2
class EventsHub:
    """Implements an event aggregator to gather events from both interfaces as well as the application itself.
    Similar to an Observer pattern.

        Events need to be processed regularly by calling `.handle_events()`
        to avoid overflowing the event queue.

    Events types:
     - pygame events (mouse / key press / quit)
     - tkinter events (mouse / key press / quit)
        - all buttons
     - application events, like "AnimationFinished" event
    def __init__(self):
        self._events = Queue()
        self._callbacks = {}

    def raise_event(self, event):

    def add_callback(self, event_name, callback):
        self._callbacks.setdefault(event_name, []).append(callback)

    def handle_events(self):
        while not self._events.empty():
            event = self._events.pop()
            if event.type in [Event.QUIT, Event.NEWFRAME]:
                # print("Handling", event, self._callbacks.get(event.type, []))
            for callback in self._callbacks.get(event.type, []):
Esempio n. 3
def solve(board, robots, dest, dest_color, num_sols=3, max_depth=20):
	Robots denotes the position and orientation (above or below a diag) of the robots.
	The robot of color DEST_COLOR must get to the square given by DEST (an (x, y) tuple).
	A list of Solution objects are returned, NUM_SOLS many of them (the best, second best, etc.)
	If we haven't found a solution less than MAX_DEPTH, give up

    assert len(robots) == 4, "there must be 4 robots"
    assert dest_color in ["yellow", "red", "green", "blue"]
    assert num_sols >= 0 and max_depth >= 0, "Cannot have a negative number of solutions or max depth"

    print "Trying to move", dest_color, "robot to", dest

    solutions = []
    if num_sols == 0:
        return solutions

    # initialize the BFS fringe
    initial_sol = Solution(robots)
    bfs_fringe = Queue()

    # in loop: dequeue, check if solution, add all next positions to queue
    curr_depth = 0
    num_sols_at_depth = 0
    while True:
        assert not bfs_fringe.empty(), "BFS fringe is empty"

        # dequeue the Solution at the front of the stack
        curr_sol = bfs_fringe.dequeue()

        # if it is a valid solution for the board, add it to the list of solutions to return
        if board.isSolution(curr_sol, dest, dest_color):
            if len(solutions) == num_sols:
                return solutions

        if curr_sol.depth > curr_depth:
            print "Examined", num_sols_at_depth, "solutions at depth", curr_depth
            curr_depth = curr_sol.depth
            num_sols_at_depth = 0

        # check that the depth of this solution does not exceed max depth
        num_sols_at_depth += 1
        if num_sols_at_depth % 100 == 0:
            print "Examined", num_sols_at_depth, "solutions at depth", curr_depth

        if curr_sol.depth > max_depth:

        # for each of the possible robot moves, make the move, grab the new Solution and enqueue it
        next_moves = board.allNextMoves(curr_sol)
        for next_move in next_moves:

    return solutions
Esempio n. 4
 def print_weights(self):
     q = Queue()
     layer = 0
     for neuron in self.input_layer:
         q.put((neuron, layer + 1))
     while not q.empty():
         neuron, cur_layer = q.pop()
         if cur_layer > layer and cur_layer < self.nlayers:
             print "\nlayer %d:" % cur_layer,
             layer = cur_layer
             for connection in neuron.outputs:
                 q.put((connection.tar, layer + 1))
         for connection in neuron.outputs:
             print connection.w,
     print  # print new line
Esempio n. 5
 def test_put_2(self):
     q = Queue()
     self.assertEqual(, 2)