def run_steps(self): self.backend.build_main( + '.eblif') self.backend.build_main( + '.net') self.backend.build_main( + '.place') self.backend.build_main( + '.route') self.backend.build_main( + '.fasm') with Timed(self, 'bitstream'): self.backend.build_main( + '.bit') with Timed(self, 'fasm2bels'): self.backend.build_main('timing_summary.rpt')
def run(self): with Timed(self, 'prepare'): os.makedirs(self.out_dir, exist_ok=True) for f in self.srcs: if f.endswith(".vhd") or f.endswith(".vhdl"): self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath(f), 'file_type': 'vhdlSource' }) elif f.endswith(".v"): self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath(f), 'file_type': 'verilogSource' }) self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath(self.xdc), 'file_type': 'xdc' }) chip = + self.device + self.package vivado_settings = os.getenv('VIVADO_SETTINGS') self.edam = { 'files': self.files, 'name': self.project_name, 'toplevel':, 'parameters': { 'VIVADO': { 'paramtype': 'vlogdefine', 'datatype': 'int', 'default': 1, }, }, 'tool_options': { 'vivado': { 'part': chip, 'synth': self.synthtool, 'vivado-settings': vivado_settings, 'yosys_synth_options': self.synthoptions, } } } self.backend = edalize.get_edatool('vivado')( edam=self.edam, work_root=self.out_dir) self.backend.configure("") with Timed(self, 'total'): self.add_runtimes() self.add_maximum_memory_use()
def run_steps(self): self.backend.build_main( + '.eblif') with Timed(self, 'pack_all', unprinted_runtime=True): self.backend.build_main( + '.net') with Timed(self, 'place_all', unprinted_runtime=True): self.backend.build_main( + '.place') with Timed(self, 'route_all', unprinted_runtime=True): self.backend.build_main( + '.route') self.backend.build_main( + '.fasm') with Timed(self, 'bitstream'): self.backend.build_main( + '.bit')
def __init__(self, rootdir): self.rootdir = rootdir self.runtimes = collections.OrderedDict() self.toolchain = None self.verbose = False self.cmds = [] self.pcf = None self.sdc = None self.xdc = None self.params_file = None self.params_string = None self._strategy = None self._carry = None self.seed = None = None self.build_type = None = datetime.datetime.utcnow() = None self.device = None self.package = None self.part = None self.board = None self.project_name = None self.srcs = None = None self.out_dir = None self.clocks = None with Timed(self, 'nop'): subprocess.check_call("true", shell=True, cwd=self.out_dir)
def run(self, pnr, args): with Timed(self, 'total'): os.makedirs(self.out_dir, exist_ok=True) for f in self.srcs: self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath(f), 'file_type': 'verilogSource' }) if self.pcf is not None: self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath(self.pcf), 'file_type': 'PCF' }) self.edam = { 'files': self.files, 'name': self.project_name, 'toplevel':, 'tool_options': { 'icestorm': { 'nextpnr_options': args.split(), 'arachne_pnr_options': args.split(), 'pnr': pnr, 'part': self.device } } } self.backend = edalize.get_edatool('icestorm')( edam=self.edam, work_root=self.out_dir) self.backend.configure("") self.backend.build_main('timing')
def cmd(self, cmd, argstr, env=None): print("Running: %s %s" % (cmd, argstr)) self.cmds.append('%s %s' % (cmd, argstr)) # Use this to checkpoint various stages # If a command fails, we'll have everything up to it self.write_metadata(all=False) cmd_base = os.path.basename(cmd) with open("%s/%s.txt" % (self.out_dir, cmd_base), "w") as f: f.write("Running: %s %s\n\n" % (cmd_base, argstr)) with Timed(self, cmd_base): if self.verbose: cmdstr = "(%s %s) |&tee -a %s.txt; (exit $PIPESTATUS )" % ( cmd, argstr, cmd ) print("Running: %s" % cmdstr) print(" cwd: %s" % self.out_dir) else: cmdstr = "(%s %s) >& %s.txt" % (cmd, argstr, cmd_base) subprocess.check_call( cmdstr, shell=True, executable='bash', cwd=self.out_dir, env=env )
def run(self): with Timed(self, 'bit-all'): print('top: %s' % env = os.environ.copy() env["SRCS"] = ' '.join(self.srcs) env["TOP"] = env["ICECUBEDIR"] = self.icecubedir #env["ICEDEV"] = 'hx8k-ct256' env["ICEDEV"] = self.device + '-' + self.package args = "--syn %s" % (self.syn(), ) if self.strategy: args += " --strategy %s" % (self.strategy, ) self.cmd(root_dir + "/", args, env=env) self.cmd("iceunpack", "my.bin my.asc") self.cmd("icetime", "-tmd %s my.asc" % (self.device, ))
def run_steps(self): with Timed(self, 'synthesis'): self.backend.build_main( + '.eblif') with Timed(self, 'pack'): self.backend.build_main( + '.net') with Timed(self, 'place'): self.backend.build_main( + '.place') with Timed(self, 'route'): self.backend.build_main( + '.route') with Timed(self, 'fasm'): self.backend.build_main( + '.fasm') with Timed(self, 'bitstream'): self.backend.build_main( + '.bit')
def run(self): # acceptable for either device assert (self.device, self.package) in [('up3k', 'uwg30'), ('up5k', 'uwg30'), ('up5k', 'sg48')] with Timed(self, 'bit-all'): env = os.environ.copy() env["SRCS"] = ' '.join(self.srcs) env["TOP"] = env["RADIANTDIR"] = self.radiantdir env["RADDEV"] = self.device + '-' + self.package syn = self.syn() args = "--syn %s" % (syn, ) if self.strategy: args += " --strategy %s" % self.strategy self.cmd(root_dir + "/", args, env=env) self.cmd("iceunpack", "my.bin my.asc") self.cmd("icetime", "-tmd up5k my.asc")
def train(args): # initalize dataset with Timed('Loading dataset'): ds = tiny_words(max_text_length=hp.max_text_length, max_audio_length=hp.max_audio_length, max_dataset_size=args.data_size) # initialize model with Timed('Initializing model.'): encoder = Encoder(ds.lang.num_chars, hp.embedding_dim, hp.encoder_bank_k, hp.encoder_bank_ck, hp.encoder_proj_dims, hp.encoder_highway_layers, hp.encoder_highway_units, hp.encoder_gru_units, dropout=hp.dropout, use_cuda=hp.use_cuda) decoder = AttnDecoder(hp.max_text_length, hp.attn_gru_hidden_size, hp.n_mels, hp.rf, hp.decoder_gru_hidden_size, hp.decoder_gru_layers, dropout=hp.dropout, use_cuda=hp.use_cuda) postnet = PostNet(hp.n_mels, 1 + hp.n_fft // 2, hp.post_bank_k, hp.post_bank_ck, hp.post_proj_dims, hp.post_highway_layers, hp.post_highway_units, hp.post_gru_units, use_cuda=hp.use_cuda) if args.multi_gpus: all_devices = list(range(torch.cuda.device_count())) encoder = nn.DataParallel(encoder, device_ids=all_devices) decoder = nn.DataParallel(decoder, device_ids=all_devices) postnet = nn.DataParallel(postnet, device_ids=all_devices) if hp.use_cuda: encoder.cuda() decoder.cuda() postnet.cuda() # initialize optimizers and criterion all_paramters = (list(encoder.parameters()) + list(decoder.parameters()) + list(postnet.parameters())) optimizer = optim.Adam(all_paramters, criterion = nn.L1Loss() # configuring traingin print_every = 100 save_every = 1000 # Keep track of time elapsed and running averages start = time.time() print_loss_total = 0 # Reset every print_every for epoch in range(1, hp.n_epochs + 1): # get training data for this cycle mels, mags, indexed_texts = ds.next_batch(hp.batch_size) mels_v = Variable(torch.from_numpy(mels).float()) mags_v = Variable(torch.from_numpy(mags).float()) texts_v = Variable(torch.from_numpy(indexed_texts)) if hp.use_cuda: mels_v = mels_v.cuda() mags_v = mags_v.cuda() texts_v = texts_v.cuda() loss = train_batch(mels_v, mags_v, texts_v, encoder, decoder, postnet, optimizer, criterion, multi_gpus=args.multi_gpus) # Keep track of loss print_loss_total += loss if epoch == 0: continue if epoch % print_every == 0: print_loss_avg = print_loss_total / print_every print_loss_total = 0 print_summary = '%s (%d %d%%) %.4f' % \ (time_since(start, epoch / hp.n_epochs), epoch, epoch / hp.n_epochs * 100, print_loss_avg) print(print_summary) if epoch % save_every == 0: save_checkpoint({ 'epoch': epoch + 1, 'encoder': encoder.state_dict(), 'decoder': decoder.state_dict(), 'postnet': postnet.state_dict(), 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(), })
def run_steps(self): with Timed(self, 'bitstream'): self.backend.build_main(self.project_name + '.bit') with Timed(self, 'fasm2bels'): self.backend.build_main('timing_summary.rpt')
def run(self): with Timed(self, 'total'): with Timed(self, 'prepare'): os.makedirs(self.out_dir, exist_ok=True) for f in self.srcs: self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath(f), 'file_type': 'verilogSource' }) if self.xdc: self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath(self.xdc), 'file_type': 'xdc' }) if self.pcf: self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath(self.pcf), 'file_type': 'PCF' }) chip = + self.device chipdb = os.path.join( self.rootdir, 'env', 'conda', 'pkgs', 'nextpnr-xilinx*', 'share', 'nextpnr-xilinx', '{}{}.bin'.format(, self.part)) self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath(chipdb), 'file_type': 'bba' }) if self.fasm2bels: symbiflow = os.getenv('SYMBIFLOW', None) assert symbiflow device_aliases = {"a35t": "a50t"} chip_replace = chip for k, v in device_aliases.items(): chip_replace = chip.replace(k, v) device_path = os.path.join(symbiflow, 'share', 'symbiflow', 'arch', '{}_test'.format(chip_replace)) self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath( os.path.join(device_path, '*rr_graph.real.bin')), 'file_type': 'RRGraph' }) self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath( os.path.join(device_path, 'vpr_grid_map.csv')), 'file_type': 'VPRGrid' }) self.edam = { 'files': self.files, 'name': self.project_name, 'toplevel':, 'tool_options': { 'symbiflow': { 'part': chip, 'package': self.package, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'builddir': '.', 'pnr': 'nextpnr', 'yosys_synth_options': ["-flatten", "-nowidelut", "-abc9", "-arch xc7"], 'fasm2bels': self.fasm2bels, 'dbroot': self.dbroot, 'clocks': self.clocks, } } } self.backend = edalize.get_edatool('symbiflow')( edam=self.edam, work_root=self.out_dir) self.backend.configure("") self.backend.build_main(self.project_name + '.fasm') self.run_steps() self.add_runtimes()
def run_steps(self): with Timed(self, 'bitstream'): self.backend.build_main(self.project_name + '.bit')
def run(self): with Timed(self, 'total'): with Timed(self, 'prepare'): os.makedirs(self.out_dir, exist_ok=True) for f in self.srcs: self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath(f), 'file_type': 'verilogSource' }) if self.pcf: self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath(self.pcf), 'file_type': 'PCF' }) if self.sdc: self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath(self.sdc), 'file_type': 'SDC' }) if self.xdc: self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath(self.xdc), 'file_type': 'xdc' }) chip = + self.device tool_params = self.get_tool_params() if self.fasm2bels: symbiflow = os.getenv('SYMBIFLOW', None) assert symbiflow device_aliases = {"a35t": "a50t"} chip_replace = chip for k, v in device_aliases.items(): chip_replace = chip.replace(k, v) device_path = os.path.join(symbiflow, 'share', 'symbiflow', 'arch', '{}_test'.format(chip_replace)) self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath( os.path.join(device_path, '*rr_graph.real.bin')), 'file_type': 'RRGraph' }) self.files.append({ 'name': os.path.realpath( os.path.join(device_path, 'vpr_grid_map.csv')), 'file_type': 'VPRGrid' }) self.edam = { 'files': self.files, 'name': self.project_name, 'toplevel':, 'tool_options': { 'symbiflow': { 'part': chip, 'package': self.package, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'builddir': '.', 'pnr': 'vpr', 'options': tool_params, 'fasm2bels': self.fasm2bels, 'dbroot': self.dbroot, 'clocks': self.clocks, } } } self.backend = edalize.get_edatool('symbiflow')( edam=self.edam, work_root=self.out_dir) self.backend.configure("") self.run_steps()
def run(self): with Timed(self, 'total'): with Timed(self, 'prepare'): os.makedirs(self.out_dir, exist_ok=True) for f in self.srcs: self.files.append( { 'name': os.path.realpath(f), 'file_type': 'verilogSource' } ) assert self.xdc self.files.append( { 'name': os.path.realpath(self.xdc), 'file_type': 'xdc' } ) chip = + self.device out = ["find", ".", "-name", "nextpnr-xilinx"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) nextpnr_locations = out.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n') for location in nextpnr_locations: if "/bin/nextpnr-xilinx" in location: nextpnr_location = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(location) ) break assert nextpnr_location share_dir = os.path.join(nextpnr_location, '..', 'share') chipdb = os.path.join( share_dir, 'nextpnr-xilinx', '{}{}.bin'.format(, self.part) ) self.files.append( { 'name': os.path.realpath(chipdb), 'file_type': 'bba' } ) if self.fasm2bels: symbiflow = os.getenv('SYMBIFLOW', None) assert symbiflow device_aliases = {"a35t": "a50t"} chip_replace = chip for k, v in device_aliases.items(): chip_replace = chip.replace(k, v) device_path = os.path.join( symbiflow, 'share', 'symbiflow', 'arch', '{}_test'.format(chip_replace) ) self.files.append( { 'name': os.path.realpath( os.path.join( device_path, '*rr_graph.real.bin' ) ), 'file_type': 'RRGraph' } ) self.files.append( { 'name': os.path.realpath( os.path.join( device_path, 'vpr_grid_map.csv' ) ), 'file_type': 'VPRGrid' } ) symbiflow_options = { 'part': chip, 'package': self.package, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'builddir': '.', 'pnr': 'nextpnr', 'yosys_synth_options': [ "-flatten", "-nowidelut", "-abc9", "-arch xc7", "-nocarry", "-nodsp" ], 'fasm2bels': self.fasm2bels, 'dbroot': self.dbroot, 'clocks': self.clocks, 'environment_script': os.path.abspath('') + ' nextpnr xilinx-' + self.device, 'options': '--timing-allow-fail' } if self.fasm2bels: bitstream_device = None if self.device.startswith('a'): bitstream_device = 'artix7' if self.device.startswith('z'): bitstream_device = 'zynq7' if self.device.startswith('k'): bitstream_device = 'kintex7' assert bitstream_device part_json = os.path.join( self.dbroot, bitstream_device, + self.part, 'part.json' ) symbiflow_options['yosys_additional_commands'] = [ "plugin -i xdc", "yosys -import", "read_xdc -part_json {} {}".format( part_json, os.path.realpath(self.xdc) ), "clean", "write_blif -attr -param {}.eblif".format( self.project_name ), ] self.edam = { 'files': self.files, 'name': self.project_name, 'toplevel':, 'tool_options': { 'symbiflow': symbiflow_options, } } self.backend = edalize.get_edatool('symbiflow')( edam=self.edam, work_root=self.out_dir ) self.backend.configure("") self.backend.build_main(self.project_name + '.fasm') self.run_steps() self.add_runtimes() self.add_wirelength()
def run(self): with Timed(self, 'total'): with Timed(self, 'prepare'): os.makedirs(self.out_dir, exist_ok=True) for f in self.srcs: self.files.append( { 'name': os.path.realpath(f), 'file_type': 'verilogSource' } ) if self.pcf: self.files.append( { 'name': os.path.realpath(self.pcf), 'file_type': 'PCF' } ) if self.sdc: self.files.append( { 'name': os.path.realpath(self.sdc), 'file_type': 'SDC' } ) if self.xdc: self.files.append( { 'name': os.path.realpath(self.xdc), 'file_type': 'xdc' } ) chip = + self.device tool_params = [] symbiflow_options = { 'part': self.device, 'package': self.package, 'vendor': 'quicklogic', 'builddir': '.', 'pnr': 'vpr', 'options': tool_params, 'fasm2bels': self.fasm2bels, 'dbroot': self.dbroot, 'clocks': self.clocks, 'seed': self.seed, 'environment_script': os.path.abspath('') + ' quicklogic', } self.edam = { 'files': self.files, 'name': self.project_name, 'toplevel':, 'tool_options': { 'symbiflow': symbiflow_options } } self.backend = edalize.get_edatool('symbiflow')( edam=self.edam, work_root=self.out_dir ) self.backend.configure("") self.run_steps()