Esempio n. 1
 def render(self):
     if (utils.sum_points_inside_flat_poly(*self.parent.canvas) <= 4):
     color = random.choice(self.colors)
     for x in utils.iterate_points_inside_flat_poly(*self.parent.canvas):
         self.parent.parent.setblock(x + self.parent.loc, self.mat)
         if ((x.x + x.z) & 1 == 1):
             self.parent.parent.blocks[x + self.parent.loc].data = color[0]
             self.parent.parent.blocks[x + self.parent.loc].data = color[1]
     # Runined
     if (self.ruin is False):
     pn = perlin.SimplexNoise(256)
     c = self.parent.canvasCenter()
     y = self.parent.canvasHeight()
     r = random.randint(1, 1000)
     maxd = max(1, self.parent.canvasWidth(), self.parent.canvasLength())
     for x in utils.iterate_points_inside_flat_poly(*self.parent.canvas):
         p = x + self.parent.loc
         d = ((Vec2f(x.x, x.z) - c).mag()) / maxd
         n = (pn.noise3((p.x + r) / 4.0, y / 4.0, p.z / 4.0) + 1.0) / 2.0
         if (n < d):
             self.parent.parent.setblock(p, materials._floor)
             self.parent.parent.blocks[p].data = 0
Esempio n. 2
 def ruinrender(self, ruinfactor=2.0):
     c = self.parent.canvasCenter()
     y = self.parent.canvasHeight()
     r = random.randint(1, 1000)
     maxd = max(1, self.parent.canvasWidth(), self.parent.canvasLength())
     pn = perlin.SimplexNoise(256)
     for x in utils.iterate_points_inside_flat_poly(*self.parent.canvas):
         p = x + self.parent.loc
         d = ((Vec2f(x.x, x.z) - c).mag()) / maxd
         n = (pn.noise3((p.x + r) / 4.0, y / 4.0, p.z / 4.0) + 1.0)
         n = n / ruinfactor
         if (n < d):
             self.parent.parent.setblock(p, materials._floor)
             self.parent.parent.blocks[p].data = 0
Esempio n. 3
 def render(self):
     pn = perlin.SimplexNoise(256)
     if (utils.sum_points_inside_flat_poly(*self.parent.canvas) <= 4):
     c = self.parent.canvasCenter()
     y = self.parent.canvasHeight()
     r = random.randint(1, 1000)
     maxd = max(1, self.parent.canvasWidth(), self.parent.canvasLength())
     for x in utils.iterate_points_inside_flat_poly(*self.parent.canvas):
         p = x + self.parent.loc
         d = ((Vec2f(x.x, x.z) - c).mag()) / maxd
         n = (pn.noise3((p.x + r) / 4.0, y / 4.0, p.z / 4.0) + 1.0) / 2.0
         if (n >= d + .20):
             self.parent.parent.setblock(p, materials.Sand)
         elif (n >= d + .10):
             self.parent.parent.setblock(p, materials.Sandstone)
         elif (n >= d):
             self.parent.parent.setblock(p, materials.Gravel)
Esempio n. 4
 def render(self):
     pn = perlin.SimplexNoise(256)
     if (utils.sum_points_inside_flat_poly(*self.parent.canvas) <= 4):
     c = self.parent.canvasCenter()
     y = self.parent.canvasHeight()
     r = random.randint(1, 1000)
     maxd = max(1, self.parent.canvasWidth(), self.parent.canvasLength())
     for x in utils.iterate_points_inside_flat_poly(*self.parent.canvas):
         p = x + self.parent.loc
         d = ((Vec2f(x.x, x.z) - c).mag()) / maxd
         n = (pn.noise3((p.x + r) / 4.0, y / 4.0, p.z / 4.0) + 1.0) / 2.0
         if (n >= d + .50):
             self.parent.parent.setblock(p, materials.Water)
         elif (n >= d + .30):
             self.parent.parent.setblock(p, materials.SoulSand)
         elif (n >= d + .20):
             self.parent.parent.setblock(p, materials.Farmland)
             self.parent.parent.blocks[p].data = random.randint(0, 1)
         elif (n >= d + .10):
             self.parent.parent.setblock(p, materials.Podzol)
             self.parent.parent.blocks[p].data = 2  # Podzol data val
         elif (n >= d):
             self.parent.parent.setblock(p, materials.Dirt)
Esempio n. 5
 def render(self):
     pn = perlin.SimplexNoise(256)
     # Find all the valid halls. These are halls with a size > 0.
     # We'll store a random position within the range of the hall.
     halls = [0, 0, 0, 0]
     hallcount = 0
     wires = set()
     #wirehooks = set()
     for h in xrange(4):
         if (self.parent.halls[h].size > 0):
             halls[h] = \
                 self.parent.halls[h].offset + 1 + \
                 random.randint(0, self.parent.halls[h].size - 3)
             hallcount += 1
     # We won't draw just half a bridge, unless this is a sandpit. (yet)
     if (hallcount < 2 and self.sandpit is False):
     midpoint = self.parent.parent.room_size / 2
     y = self.parent.canvasHeight()
     offset = self.parent.loc
     # Look for the X bounds between halls.
     if (halls[0] != 0 and halls[2] != 0):
         x1 = halls[0]
         x2 = halls[2]
     elif (halls[0] != 0):
         x1 = halls[0]
         x2 = x1
     elif (halls[2] != 0):
         x2 = halls[2]
         x1 = x2
         x1 = midpoint
         x2 = midpoint
     # Look for the Z bounds between halls.
     if (halls[1] != 0 and halls[3] != 0):
         z1 = halls[1]
         z2 = halls[3]
     elif (halls[1] != 0):
         z1 = halls[1]
         z2 = z1
     elif (halls[3] != 0):
         z2 = halls[3]
         z1 = z2
         z1 = midpoint
         z2 = midpoint
     # Now construct our points.
     # c1-4 are the corners of the connecting
     # box. h0-3 are the start points of the halls.
     c1 = Vec(x1, y, z1)
     c2 = Vec(x2, y, z1)
     c3 = Vec(x2, y, z2)
     c4 = Vec(x1, y, z2)
     h0 = Vec(x1, y, self.parent.hallLength[0])
     h1 = Vec(self.parent.parent.room_size - self.parent.hallLength[1] - 1,
              y, z1)
     h2 = Vec(x2, y,
              self.parent.parent.room_size - self.parent.hallLength[2] - 1)
     h3 = Vec(self.parent.hallLength[3], y, z2)
     # Sandpit?
     mat = random.choice(self.slabtypes)
     if (self.sandpit is True):
         # Draw the false sand floor
         mat = materials.Sand
         c = self.parent.canvasCenter()
         y = self.parent.canvasHeight()
         r = random.randint(1, 1000)
         maxd = max(1, self.parent.canvasWidth(),
         for x in utils.iterate_points_inside_flat_poly(
             p = x + self.parent.loc
             d = ((Vec2f(x.x, x.z) - c).mag()) / maxd
             n = (pn.noise3(
                 (p.x + r) / 4.0, y / 4.0, p.z / 4.0) + 1.0) / 2.0
             if (n >= d + .10):
                 self.parent.parent.setblock(p, materials.Sand)
             elif (n >= d):
                 self.parent.parent.setblock(p, materials.Gravel)
                 self.parent.parent.setblock(p, materials._floor)
         # Find wire locations
         # h0
         # Cool fact: in 12w30c tripwires will trigger sand without hooks.
         if (halls[0] != 0):
             for x in xrange(1, self.parent.halls[0].size - 1):
                 p = Vec(self.parent.halls[0].offset + x, y - 1,
                 # if x == 0:
                 #    wirehooks.add((p, 4+3))
                 # elif x == self.parent.halls[0].size-1:
                 #    wirehooks.add((p, 4+1))
                 # else:
                 #    wires.add(p)
         # h1
         if (halls[1] != 0):
             for x in xrange(1, self.parent.halls[1].size - 1):
                     Vec((self.parent.parent.room_size -
                          self.parent.hallLength[1] - 1), y - 1,
                         self.parent.halls[1].offset + x))
         # h2
         if (halls[2] != 0):
             for x in xrange(1, self.parent.halls[2].size - 1):
                     Vec(self.parent.halls[2].offset + x, y - 1,
                         (self.parent.parent.room_size -
                          self.parent.hallLength[2] - 1)))
         # h3
         if (halls[3] != 0):
             for x in xrange(1, self.parent.halls[3].size - 1):
                     Vec(self.parent.hallLength[3], y - 1,
                         self.parent.halls[3].offset + x))
         for p in wires:
             self.parent.parent.setblock(offset + p.down(1),
             self.parent.parent.setblock(offset + p,
         # for p in wirehooks:
         #    self.parent.parent.setblock(offset+p[0].down(1), mat)
         #    self.parent.parent.setblock(offset+p[0],
         #                                materials.TripwireHook, p[1])
     # Draw the bridges, if a hallway exists.
     # h0 -> c1
     # h1 -> c2
     # h2 -> c3
     # h3 -> c4
     if (halls[0] != 0):
         for p in utils.iterate_cube(offset + h0, offset + c1):
             self.parent.parent.setblock(p, mat)
     if (halls[1] != 0):
         for p in utils.iterate_cube(offset + h1, offset + c2):
             self.parent.parent.setblock(p, mat)
     if (halls[2] != 0):
         for p in utils.iterate_cube(offset + h2, offset + c3):
             self.parent.parent.setblock(p, mat)
     if (halls[3] != 0):
         for p in utils.iterate_cube(offset + h3, offset + c4):
             self.parent.parent.setblock(p, mat)
     # Draw the connecting bridges.
     # c1 -> c2
     # c2 -> c3
     # c3 -> c4
     for p in utils.iterate_cube(offset + c1, offset + c2):
         self.parent.parent.setblock(p, mat)
     for p in utils.iterate_cube(offset + c2, offset + c3):
         self.parent.parent.setblock(p, mat)
     for p in utils.iterate_cube(offset + c3, offset + c4):
         self.parent.parent.setblock(p, mat)
Esempio n. 6
    def render(self):
        if (utils.sum_points_inside_flat_poly(*self.parent.canvas) <= 4):
        color_profile = random.choice(self.colors)

        min_x = utils.floor(min([p.x for p in self.parent.canvas]))
        max_x = utils.ceil(max([p.x for p in self.parent.canvas]))
        min_z = utils.floor(min([p.z for p in self.parent.canvas]))
        max_z = utils.ceil(max([p.z for p in self.parent.canvas]))
        min_y = utils.floor(min([p.y for p in self.parent.canvas]))

        # Cut the canvas into quarters and fill one quarter with colors.
        # Then, copy that quarter into the other three quarters.
        width = utils.floor(((max_x - min_x + 1) + 1) / 2)
        depth = utils.floor(((max_z - min_z + 1) + 1) / 2)

        points = [[-1 for j in xrange(depth)] for i in xrange(width)]
        points_left = []
        for i in xrange(width):
            for j in xrange(depth):
                points_left.append((i, j))
        bounds = utils.Box(Vec(0, 0, 0), width, 1, depth)
        p = Vec(0, 0, 0)
        color_num = 0
        prev_dir = random.randint(0, 3)
        next_dir = random.randint(0, 3)
        while len(points_left) > 0:
            # pick random starting point and walk around the matrix
            point_index = random.randint(0, len(points_left) - 1)
            p = Vec(points_left[point_index][0], 0,

            while (bounds.containsPoint(p) and points[p.x][p.z] == -1
                   and len(points_left) > 0):
                points[p.x][p.z] = color_num
                points_left.remove((p.x, p.z))

                # pick random direction to walk, try to keep walking same
                # direction
                if random.randint(0, self._walk_weight) != 0:
                    next_dir = prev_dir
                    while next_dir == prev_dir:
                        next_dir = random.randint(0, 3)
                if next_dir == 0:  # right
                    p += Vec(1, 0, 0)
                elif next_dir == 1:  # down
                    p += Vec(0, 0, 1)
                elif next_dir == 2:  # left
                    p += Vec(-1, 0, 0)
                else:  # up
                    p += Vec(0, 0, -1)
                prev_dir = next_dir
            color_num = (color_num + 1) % len(color_profile)

        for j in xrange(max_z - min_z + 1):
            for i in xrange(max_x - min_x + 1):
                p = self.parent.loc + Vec(min_x + i, min_y, min_z + j)
                self.parent.parent.setblock(p, self.mat)
                if i < width:
                    i_adj = i
                    i_adj = 2 * width - 1 - i
                if j < depth:
                    j_adj = j
                    j_adj = 2 * depth - 1 - j
                self.parent.parent.blocks[p].data = \

        if not self.ruin:
        # this chunk of code is copied from CheckerRug's render() method
        pn = perlin.SimplexNoise(256)
        c = self.parent.canvasCenter()
        y = self.parent.canvasHeight()
        r = random.randint(1, 1000)
        maxd = max(1, self.parent.canvasWidth(), self.parent.canvasLength())
        for x in utils.iterate_points_inside_flat_poly(*self.parent.canvas):
            p = x + self.parent.loc
            d = ((Vec2f(x.x, x.z) - c).mag()) / maxd
            n = (pn.noise3((p.x + r) / 4.0, y / 4.0, p.z / 4.0) + 1.0) / 2.0
            if (n < d):
                self.parent.parent.setblock(p, materials._floor)
                self.parent.parent.blocks[p].data = 0