Esempio n. 1
def wiedemann1(les: LinearEquationSystem):
    a, b, p, n = les.a, M.t(les.b)[0], les.p, les.n
    for trial in range(MAX_TRIALS):
        bs = [b]
        ys = [[0] * n]
        ds = [0]
        k = 0

        while bs[k] !=
            u = [random.randint(0, p - 1) for _idx in range(n)]
            seq = []
            for i in range(2 * (n - ds[k])):
                ai = M.power(a, i, p)
                aib = M.mul_vec(ai, b, p)
                uaib = V.mul_sum(u, aib, p)

            if not len(seq):
            f = berlekamp(seq, p)
            if f is None:

            ys.append(V.add(ys[k], M.mul_vec(f_tilda(f, a, p), b, p), p))
            bs.append(V.add(b, M.mul_vec(a, ys[k + 1], p), p))
            ds.append(ds[k] + len(f))
            k += 1
        if bs[k] !=
            print(trial, end='\r')
        return V.mul_scalar(ys[k], -1, p)
Esempio n. 2
  def make_asteroid():
    # We don't want 70 < x < 130, or 40 < y < 60, so first we generate the values
    # with the appropriate ranges, then bump them up if they're above the minimum.
    # This creates a gap in the middle, and doesn't require re-generating.
    x = random.randint(0, 140)
    y = random.randint(0, 80)
    #TODO: Make this actually avoid the ship(s), so we can simply add new asteroids to start a new level.
    if x > 70:
      x += 60
    if y > 40:
      y += 20
    center = Point(x, y)
    direction = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
    abs_speed = random.random() / 50
    speed =, direction)
    size = 8 + random.random() * 2
    num_children = random.randint(2, 3)
    return Asteroid(center = center, speed = speed, size = size, num_children = num_children)

Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, pos=Vector(0, 0), rot=0.0):
        """Creates a new Ship

            pos: the position of the ship
            rot: the rotation of the ship

            a new Ship instance

        # Get the initial direction of the ship using the rotation
        direction = Vector(cos(radians(rot)), sin(radians(rot)))

        # Initially, the ship isn't moving
        self._movement =

        # Initialize bullet list
        self.bullets = []
        self._last_shoot = self._shoot_delay
        self._last_teleport = self._teleport_delay
        self.teleport_up = True
        self.effect_player = EffectPlayer.instance()
        Entity.__init__(self, (20, 0, -30, 20, -30, -20), direction,
                        lin_speed=1.0, rot_speed=2.0, pos=pos, rot=rot,
Esempio n. 4
def lanczos(les: LinearEquationSystem):
    assert les.n == les.m
    for row in range(les.n):
        for col in range(row + 1):
            if les.a[row][col] != les.a[col][row]:
                print('Алгоритм Ланцоша : определен только для симмтеричных матриц, '
                      'см. индексы ({0},{1}) и ({1},{0})'.format(row + 1, col + 1))
    p = les.p
    ws = [M.column(les.b, 0)]
    vs = [None, M.mul_vec(les.a, ws[0], p)]
                                   ratio(V.mul_sum(vs[1], vs[1], p),
                                         V.mul_sum(ws[0], vs[1], p), p), p), p))

    for trial in range(max(MAX_TRIALS, les.n)):
        if V.mul_sum(ws[-1], M.mul_vec(les.a, ws[-1], p), p) == 0:
            if V.is_zero(ws[-1]):
                x =
                for i in range(len(ws) - 1):
                    bi = ratio(V.mul_sum(ws[i], ws[0], p),
                               V.mul_sum(ws[i], vs[i + 1], p), p)
                    x = V.add(x, V.mul_scalar(ws[i], bi, p), p)
                return x

        vs.append(M.mul_vec(les.a, ws[-1], p))
        w1 = V.mul_scalar(ws[-1], ratio(V.mul_sum(vs[-1], vs[-1], p),
                                        V.mul_sum(ws[-1], vs[-1], p), p), p)
        w2 = V.mul_scalar(ws[-2], ratio(V.mul_sum(vs[-1], vs[-2], p),
                                        V.mul_sum(ws[-2], vs[-2], p), p), p)
        w_end = V.minus(V.minus(vs[-1], w1, p),
                        w2, p)
Esempio n. 5
 def solution(t):
     t.insert(s, dlam)
     # t[s:s] = dlam
     x =
     for sol_i in range(n):
             x = V.add(x, V.mul_scalar(M.column(c, sol_i), t[sol_i], p), p)
     return x
Esempio n. 6
def wiedemann2(les: LinearEquationSystem):
    a, b, p, n = les.a, M.t(les.b)[0], les.p, les.n
    a_powers = [M.unit(n, n)]
    for i in range(1, 2 * n):
        a_powers.append(M.mul(a_powers[-1], a, p))
    aib = [M.mul_vec(ai, b, p) for ai in a_powers]
    k = 0
    gs = [[1]]
    uk1 = [0, 1] + ([0] * (n - 2))
    while Poly.deg(gs[k]) < n and k < n:
        seq = []
        for i in range(2 * n - Poly.deg(gs[k])):
            gab = M.mul_vec(fa(gs[k], a, p), aib[i], p)
            ugab = V.mul_sum(uk1, gab, p)

        assert len(seq)
        f = berlekamp(seq, p)
        gs.append(Poly.mul(f, gs[k], p))
        k += 1
        uk1 = ([0] * k) + [1] + ([0] * (n - k - 1))

    print('k =', k)
    g = gs[-1]
    x =
    for i in range(Poly.deg(g)):
        x = V.add(x, V.mul_scalar(aib[i], -g[i], p), p)
    return x