class RNN_Model(): def load_data(self): """Loads train/dev/test data and builds vocabulary.""" self.train_data, self.dev_data, self.test_data = tr.simplified_data( 300, 70, 100) # build vocab from training data self.vocab = Vocab() train_sents = [t.get_words() for t in self.train_data] self.vocab.construct(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(train_sents))) self.w2v_vocab, w2v_embd, embedding_dict = self.load_w2v() self.embedding_dim = len(w2v_embd[0]) self.w2v_vocab_size = len(self.w2v_vocab) self.vocab_size = len(self.vocab) embeddings_tmp = [] for i in range(self.vocab_size): item = self.vocab.decode(i) if item in self.w2v_vocab: embeddings_tmp.append(embedding_dict[item]) # print("Found word {}".format(item)) else: # print("Couldn't find {}.".format(item)) rand_num = np.random.uniform(low=-0.2, high=0.2, size=self.embedding_dim) embeddings_tmp.append(rand_num) self.embed = np.asarray(embeddings_tmp) def inference(self, tree, predict_only_root=True): """For a given tree build the RNN models computation graph up to where it may be used for inference. Args: tree: a Tree object on which to build the computation graph for the RNN Returns: softmax_linear: Output tensor with the computed logits. """ node_tensors = self.add_model(tree.root) if predict_only_root: node_tensors = node_tensors[tree.root] else: node_tensors = [ tensor for node, tensor in node_tensors.items() if node.label != 2 ] node_tensors = tf.concat(node_tensors, 0) return self.add_projections(node_tensors) def add_model_vars(self): ''' You model contains the following parameters: embedding: tensor(vocab_size, embed_size) W1: tensor(2* embed_size, embed_size) b1: tensor(1, embed_size) U: tensor(embed_size, output_size) bs: tensor(1, output_size) Hint: Add the tensorflow variables to the graph here and *reuse* them while building the compution graphs for composition and projection for each tree Hint: Use a variable_scope "Composition" for the composition layer, and "Projection") for the linear transformations preceding the softmax. Hint: Look up tf.get_variable ''' with tf.variable_scope('Composition'): ### YOUR CODE HERE # embedding = tf.get_variable( # "embedding", (len(self.vocab), self.config.embed_size)) embedding = tf.get_variable( "embedding", shape=[self.vocab_size, self.embedding_dim], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(self.embed), trainable=False) # embedding = tf.Variable( # tf.constant(0.0, shape=[self.vocab_size, self.embedding_dim]), # trainable=False, # name="embedding") # self.embedding_placeholder = tf.placeholder( # tf.float32, [self.vocab_size, self.embedding_dim]) # self.embedding_init = embedding.assign(self.embedding_placeholder) # embedding = tf.get_variable("embedding", shape=[self.w2v_vocab_size, self.config.embed_size], # initializaer=tf.constant_initializer(self.embed), trainable=False) W1 = tf.get_variable("W1", (self.embedding_dim, self.embedding_dim)) b1 = tf.get_variable("b1", (1, self.embedding_dim)) ### END YOUR CODE with tf.variable_scope('Projection'): ### YOUR CODE HERE U = tf.get_variable("U", (self.embedding_dim, self.config.label_size)) bs = tf.get_variable("bs", (1, self.config.label_size)) ### END YOUR CODE def add_model(self, node): """Recursively build the model to compute the phrase embeddings in the tree Hint: Refer to and before you start. Refer to the model's vocab with self.vocab Hint: Reuse the "Composition" variable_scope here Hint: Store a node's vector representation in node.tensor so it can be used by its parent Hint: If node is a leaf node, it's vector representation is just that of the word vector (see tf.gather()). Args: node: a Node object Returns: node_tensors: Dict: key = Node, value = tensor(1, embed_size) """ with tf.variable_scope('Composition', reuse=True): ### YOUR CODE HERE embedding = tf.get_variable("embedding") W1 = tf.get_variable("W1") b1 = tf.get_variable("b1") # the variables are already stored in self? ## END YOUR CODE node_tensors = dict() curr_node_tensor = None if node.isLeaf: ### YOUR CODE HERE # word_id = self.vocab.encode(node.word) # embedded_chars = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, word_id) # curr_node_tensor = tf.unstack(embedded_chars, 1, 1) word_id = self.vocab.encode(node.word) curr_node_tensor = tf.expand_dims(tf.gather(embedding, word_id), 0) ### END YOUR CODE else: node_input = tf.zeros((1, self.embedding_dim)) for child in node.children: node_tensors.update(self.add_model(child)) node_input = tf.add(node_input, node_tensors[child]) ### YOUR CODE HERE curr_node_tensor = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(node_input, W1) + b1) ### END YOUR CODE node_tensors[node] = curr_node_tensor return node_tensors def add_projections(self, node_tensors): """Add projections to the composition vectors to compute the raw sentiment scores Hint: Reuse the "Projection" variable_scope here Args: node_tensors: tensor(?, embed_size) Returns: output: tensor(?, label_size) """ logits = None ### YOUR CODE HERE with tf.variable_scope('Projection', reuse=True): U = tf.get_variable("U") bs = tf.get_variable("bs") logits = tf.matmul(node_tensors, U) + bs ### END YOUR CODE return logits def loss(self, logits, labels): """Adds loss ops to the computational graph. Hint: Use sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits Hint: Remember to add l2_loss (see tf.nn.l2_loss) Args: logits: tensor(num_nodes, output_size) labels: python list, len = num_nodes Returns: loss: tensor 0-D """ loss = None # YOUR CODE HERE with tf.variable_scope('Composition', reuse=True): W1 = tf.get_variable("W1") with tf.variable_scope('Projection', reuse=True): U = tf.get_variable("U") loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=labels, logits=logits)) + self.config.l2 * tf.nn.l2_loss( W1) + self.config.l2 * tf.nn.l2_loss(U) # END YOUR CODE return loss def training(self, loss): """Sets up the training Ops. Creates an optimizer and applies the gradients to all trainable variables. The Op returned by this function is what must be passed to the `` call to cause the model to train. See for more information. Hint: Use tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer for this model. Calling optimizer.minimize() will return a train_op object. Args: loss: tensor 0-D Returns: train_op: tensorflow op for training. """ train_op = None # YOUR CODE HERE train_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( # END YOUR CODE return train_op def predictions(self, y): """Returns predictions from sparse scores Args: y: tensor(?, label_size) Returns: predictions: tensor(?,1) """ predictions = None # YOUR CODE HERE predictions = tf.argmax(y, axis=1) # END YOUR CODE return predictions def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.load_data() def predict(self, trees, weights_path, get_loss=False): """Make predictions from the provided model.""" results = [] losses = [] for i in range(int(math.ceil(len(trees) / float(RESET_AFTER)))): with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess: self.add_model_vars() # # self.embedding_init, # feed_dict={self.embedding_placeholder: self.embed}) saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, weights_path) for tree in trees[i * RESET_AFTER:(i + 1) * RESET_AFTER]: logits = self.inference(tree, True) predictions = self.predictions(logits) root_prediction =[0] if root_prediction == 1: root_prediction = 4 if get_loss: root_label = tree.root.label loss =, [root_label])) losses.append(loss) results.append(root_prediction) return results, losses def run_epoch(self, new_model=False, verbose=True): step = 0 loss_history = [] while step < len(self.train_data): with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess: self.add_model_vars() # # self.embedding_init, # feed_dict={self.embedding_placeholder: self.embed}) if new_model: init = tf.global_variables_initializer() else: saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, './weights/%s.temp' % self.config.model_name) for _ in range(RESET_AFTER): if step >= len(self.train_data): break tree = self.train_data[step] logits = self.inference(tree) # print( labels = [l for l in tree.labels if l != 2] if labels[0] == 4: labels = [1] # print(labels) loss = self.loss(logits, labels) train_op = loss, _ =[loss, train_op]) loss_history.append(loss) if verbose: sys.stdout.write('\r{} / {} : loss = {}'.format( step, len(self.train_data), np.mean(loss_history))) sys.stdout.flush() step += 1 saver = tf.train.Saver() if not os.path.exists("./weights"): os.makedirs("./weights"), './weights/%s.temp' % self.config.model_name) train_preds, _ = self.predict( self.train_data, './weights/%s.temp' % self.config.model_name) val_preds, val_losses = self.predict(self.dev_data, './weights/%s.temp1' % self.config.model_name, get_loss=True) train_labels = [t.root.label for t in self.train_data] val_labels = [t.root.label for t in self.dev_data] train_acc = np.equal(train_preds, train_labels).mean() val_acc = np.equal(val_preds, val_labels).mean() print() print('Training acc (only root node): {}'.format(train_acc)) print('Validation acc (only root node): {}'.format(val_acc)) print('Confusion matrix:') print(self.make_conf(train_labels, train_preds)) print(self.make_conf(val_labels, val_preds)) return train_acc, val_acc, loss_history, np.mean(val_losses) def train(self, verbose=True): complete_loss_history = [] train_acc_history = [] val_acc_history = [] prev_epoch_loss = float('inf') best_val_loss = float('inf') best_val_epoch = 0 stopped = -1 for epoch in range(self.config.max_epochs): print('epoch %d' % epoch) if epoch == 0: train_acc, val_acc, loss_history, val_loss = self.run_epoch( new_model=True) else: train_acc, val_acc, loss_history, val_loss = self.run_epoch() complete_loss_history.extend(loss_history) train_acc_history.append(train_acc) val_acc_history.append(val_acc) #lr annealing epoch_loss = np.mean(loss_history) if epoch_loss > prev_epoch_loss * self.config.anneal_threshold: /= self.config.anneal_by print('annealed lr to %f' % prev_epoch_loss = epoch_loss # save if model has improved on val if val_loss < best_val_loss: best_val_loss = val_loss best_val_epoch = epoch # if model has not improved for a while stop if epoch - best_val_epoch > self.config.early_stopping: stopped = epoch # break if verbose: sys.stdout.write('\r') sys.stdout.flush() print('\n\nstopped at %d\n' % stopped) return { 'loss_history': complete_loss_history, 'train_acc_history': train_acc_history, 'val_acc_history': val_acc_history, } def make_conf(self, labels, predictions): confmat = np.zeros([2, 2]) labels = [l if l != 4 else 1 for l in labels] predictions = [p if p != 4 else 1 for p in predictions] for l, p in zip(labels, predictions): confmat[l, p] += 1 return confmat def load_w2v(self): vocab = [] embd = [] e_dict = {} # change 100d to 50d for smaller-dimension GloVe embedding file = open("./glove.6B.100d.txt", 'r', encoding='UTF-8') for line in file.readlines(): row = line.strip().split(' ') vocab.append(row[0]) embd.append(row[1:]) e_dict[row[0]] = [float(i) for i in row[1:]] print("Loaded word2vec!") file.close() return vocab, embd, e_dict
print('-' * 20) print('epoch: {}'.format(epoch + 1)) for (x, t) in train_dataloader: train_step(x, t, depth_t) for (x, t) in val_dataloader: val_step(x, t, depth_t) print('loss: {:.3f}, val_loss: {:.3}'.format(train_loss.result(), val_loss.result())) for idx, (x, t) in enumerate(test_dataloader): preds = test_step(x) source = x.numpy().reshape(-1) target = t.numpy().reshape(-1) out = tf.argmax(preds, axis=-1).numpy().reshape(-1) source = ' '.join(en_vocab.decode(source)) target = ' '.join(ja_vocab.decode(target)) out = ' '.join(ja_vocab.decode(out)) print('>', source) print('=', target) print('<', out) print() if idx >= 9: break
class StarTrekCharGenerationDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, hparams: HyperParams, data_split: str, sep_line="\n"): assert Splits.check_split(data_split) self.hparams = hparams self.root = Path(self.hparams.root) self.data_split = data_split self.sep_line = sep_line self.path_data = self.lines = self.preprocess_data() self.vocab = Vocab(list(self.sep_line.join(self.lines))) self.text = self.train_val_test_split() self.tensor = self.get_sequences() if self.hparams.verbose: self.show_samples() print(dict(vocab_size=len(self.vocab))) def download(self) -> List[str]: url = "" path = self.root / Path(url).name if not path.exists(): download_url(url, str(self.root), assert path.exists() return path def preprocess_data(self) -> List[str]: with open(str(self.path_data)) as f: return [ line.strip().strip(",") for line in f if "NEXTEPISODE" not in line ] def train_val_test_split(self, fractions=(0.8, 0.1, 0.1)) -> str: indices_all = list(range(len(self.lines))) indices_split = shuffle_multi_split(indices_all, fractions) indices = indices_split[[Splits.train, Splits.val, Splits.test].index(self.data_split)] lines = [self.lines[i] for i in indices] text = self.sep_line.join(lines) if self.hparams.verbose: print(dict(lines=len(lines), text=len(text))) return text def get_sequences(self) -> torch.Tensor: path_cache = self.root / f"cache_tensor_{self.data_split}.pt" token_start = self.vocab.stoi[self.vocab.start] if not path_cache.exists(): encoded = self.vocab.encode(list(self.text)) sequences = [] for i in tqdm(range(len(encoded) - self.hparams.seq_len)): sequences.append([token_start] + encoded[i:i + self.hparams.seq_len]) tensor = torch.from_numpy(np.array(sequences)).type(torch.long), str(path_cache)) tensor = torch.load(str(path_cache)) if self.hparams.verbose: print(dict(tensor=tensor.shape)) return tensor def __len__(self): return self.tensor.shape[0] def __getitem__(self, i): sequence = self.tensor[i, :] return sequence[:-1], sequence[1:] def sequence_to_text(self, sequence: torch.Tensor): assert sequence.ndim == 1 return "".join(self.vocab.decode(sequence.numpy())) def show_samples(self, num=3): print(self.__class__.__name__, dict(show_samples=num)) indices = np.random.choice(len(self), size=num, replace=False) for i in indices: sequence = self.tensor[i, :] print(dict(text=self.sequence_to_text(sequence), raw=sequence)) def extract_quotes(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]: def check_speaker_start(s: str) -> bool: for char in s: if char.isupper(): pass elif char == ":": return True else: return False return False def handle_newlines(_lines: List[str]) -> List[str]: out = [] for line in _lines: out.extend(line.split(self.sep_line)) return out def check_line_finish(s: str) -> bool: return s[-1] in "!.?" lines = handle_newlines(lines) quotes = [] for row in csv.reader(lines, delimiter=",", quotechar='"'): for part in row: if not part: continue if not check_line_finish(part): continue if not check_speaker_start(part): continue quotes.append(part) if self.hparams.verbose: print(dict(extract_quotes=len(quotes))) return quotes