Esempio n. 1
def _make_grads_fn(model,
    """Returns gradient computation function w.r.t. layer outputs or weights.
    NOTE: gradients will be clipped if `clipnorm` or `clipvalue` were set.

    `params` can be layer weights or outputs; cannot supply along `layers`.
    `mode` is irrelevant if passing `params`.
    `return_names`: whether to return parameter names along grads_fn.
    def _validate_args(layers, params, mode):
        got_both = (layers is not None and params is not None)
        got_neither = (layers is None and params is None)
        if got_both or got_neither:
            raise ValueError("one (and only one) of `layers` or `weights` "
                             "must be set")
        if mode not in ('outputs', 'weights'):
            raise ValueError("`mode` must be one of: 'outputs', 'weights'")

        if layers is not None and not isinstance(layers, list):
            layers = [layers]
        if params is not None and not isinstance(params, list):
            params = [params]
        return layers, params

    def _get_params(layers, mode):
        if mode == 'outputs':
            return [l.output for l in layers]
        weights = []
        _ = [weights.extend(l.trainable_weights) for l in layers]
        return weights

    layers, params = _validate_args(layers, params, mode)
    if params is None:
        params = _get_params(layers, mode)
    grads = model.optimizer.get_gradients(model.total_loss, params)

    if TF_KERAS:
        inputs = [model.inputs[0], model._feed_targets[0]]
        inputs = [
            model.inputs[0], model.sample_weights[0], model._feed_targets[0],

    if not return_names:
        return K.function(inputs=inputs, outputs=grads)
        return (K.function(inputs=inputs,
                           outputs=grads), [ for p in params])
Esempio n. 2
def get_rnn_weights(model,
    """Retrievers RNN layer weights.

        model: keras.Model/tf.keras.Model.
        idx: int. Index of layer to fetch, via model.layers[idx].
        name: str. Name of layer (can be substring) to be fetched. Returns
              earliest match if multiple found.
        layer: keras.Layer/tf.keras.Layer. Layer whose gradients to return.
               Overrides `idx` and `name`.
        as_tensors: If True, returns weight tensors instead of array values.
               NOTE: in Eager, both are returned.
        concat_gates: If True, returns kernel weights are signle concatenated
               matrices, instead of individual per-gate weight lists.

    names, idxs, *_ = _validate_args(_id, layer)
    name = names[0] if names is not None else None
    idx = idxs[0] if idxs is not None else None

    if layer is None:
        layer = get_layer(model, name or idx)
    rnn_type = _validate_rnn_type(layer, return_value=True)
    IS_CUDNN = 'CuDNN' in rnn_type

    if hasattr(layer, 'backward_layer'):
        l = layer
        forward_cell = l.forward_layer if IS_CUDNN else l.forward_layer.cell
        backward_cell = l.backward_layer if IS_CUDNN else l.backward_layer.cell

        forward_cell_weights = _get_cell_weights(forward_cell, as_tensors,
        backward_cell_weights = _get_cell_weights(backward_cell, as_tensors,
        return forward_cell_weights + backward_cell_weights
        cell = layer if IS_CUDNN else layer.cell
        return _get_cell_weights(cell, as_tensors, concat_gates)
Esempio n. 3
def get_full_name(model, _id):
    """Given full or partial (substring) layer name, or layer index, or list
    containing either, return complete layer name(s).

        model: keras.Model / tf.keras.Model.
        _id: str/int/(list of str/int). int -> idx; str -> name
            idx: int. Index of layer to fetch, via model.layers[idx].
            name: str. Name of layer (full or substring) to be fetched.
                       Returns earliest match if multiple found.
            list of str/int -> treat each str element as name, int as idx.
                      Ex: ['gru', 2] gets full names of first layer w/ name
                      substring 'gru', and of layer w/ idx 2.

        Full name of layer specified by `_id`.
    names, idxs, _, one_requested = _validate_args(_id)

    fullnames = []
    if idxs is not None:
        fullnames = [model.layers[i].name for i in idxs]
        if names is None:
            return fullnames[0] if one_requested else fullnames

    for layer in model.layers:
        for n in names:
            if n in
                _ = names.pop(names.index(n))  # get at most one per match
            # note that above doesn't avoid duplicates, since `names` doesn't

    if len(fullnames) == 0:
        raise Exception(f"layer w/ identifier '{_id}' not found")
    return fullnames[0] if one_requested else fullnames
Esempio n. 4
def get_layer(model, _id):
    """Returns layer by index or name.
    If multiple matches are found, returns earliest.
    names, idxs, _, one_requested = _validate_args(_id)

    layers = []
    if idxs is not None:
        layers = [model.layers[i] for i in idxs]
        if names is None:
            return layers if len(layers) > 1 else layers[0]

    for layer in model.layers:
        for n in names:
            if (n in
                _ = names.pop(names.index(n))  # get at most one per match
            # note that above doesn't avoid duplicates, since `names` doesn't

    if len(layers) == 0:
        raise Exception("no layers found w/ names matching substring(s):",
                        ', '.join(names))
    return layers[0] if one_requested else layers
Esempio n. 5
def get_outputs(model,
    """Retrieves layer outputs given input data and layer info.

        model: keras.Model/tf.keras.Model.
        _id: str/int/(list of str/int). int -> idx; str -> name
            idx: int. Index of layer to fetch, via model.layers[idx].
            name: str. Name of layer (full or substring) to be fetched.
                       Returns earliest match if multiple found.
            list of str/int -> treat each str element as name, int as idx.
                      Ex: ['gru', 2] gets outputs of first layer with name
                      substring 'gru', then of layer w/ idx 2
            '*': wildcard -> get outputs of all layers (except input) with
                      'output' attribute. Overrides `layer`.
        input_data: np.ndarray & supported formats(1). Data w.r.t. which loss is
               to be computed for the gradient. Only for mode=='grads'.
        layer: keras.Layer/tf.keras.Layer. Layer whose outputs to return.
               Overrides `_id`.
        learning_phase: bool. 1: use model in train mode
                              0: use model in inference mode
        as_dict: bool. True:  return output fullname-value pairs in a dict
                       False: return output values as list in order fetched

        Layer output values or name-value pairs (see `as_dict`).

    (1):, generators, .tfrecords, & other supported TensorFlow
         input data formats
    def _get_outs_tensors(model, names, idxs, layers):
        if layers is None:
            _id = [x for var in (names, idxs) if var for x in var] or None
            layers = get_layer(model, _id)
        if not isinstance(layers, list):
            layers = [layers]
        return [l.output for l in layers]

    if _id != '*':
        names, idxs, layers, one_requested = _validate_args(_id, layer)
        # exclude input layer & non-output layers
        names = [
   for l in model.layers[1:]
            if getattr(l, 'output', None) is not None
        idxs, layers = None, None
        one_requested = len(_id) == 1

    layer_outs = _get_outs_tensors(model, names, idxs, layers)

    if TF_KERAS:
        outs_fn = K.function([model.input], layer_outs)
        outs_fn = K.function([model.input, K.learning_phase()], layer_outs)

    outs = outs_fn([input_data, learning_phase])

    if as_dict:
        return {
            get_full_name(model, i): x
            for i, x in zip(names or idxs, outs)
    return outs[0] if (one_requested and len(outs) == 1) else outs
Esempio n. 6
def get_weights(model, _id, omit_names=None, as_tensors=False, as_dict=False):
    """Given full or partial (substring) weight name(s), return weight values
    (and corresponding names if as_list=False).

        model: keras.Model / tf.keras.Model
        _id: str/int/tuple of int/(list of str/int/tuple of int).
                      int/tuple of int -> idx; str -> name
            idx: int/tuple of int. Index of layer weights to fetch.
                       int -> all weights of model.layer[idx]
                       tuple of int -> e.g. (idx, wi0, wi1) -> weights indexed
                       wi0, wi1, of model.layer[idx].
            name: str. Name of layer (full or substring) to be fetched.
                       Returns earliest match if multiple found.
                       Can specify a weight (full or substring) in format
            list of str/int/tuple of int -> treat each str element as name,
                       int/tuple of int as idx. Ex: ['gru', 2, (3, 1, 2)] gets
                       weights of first layer with name substring 'gru', then all
                       weights of layer w/ idx 2, then weights w/ idxs 1 and 2 of
                       layer w/ idx 3.
            '*': wildcard -> get weights of all layers with 'weights' attribute.
        omit_names: str/str list. List of names (can be substring) of weights
                                  to omit from fetching.
        as_tensors: bool. True:  return weight tensors.
                          False: return weight values.
        as_dict: bool. True:  return weight fullname-value pairs in a dict
                       False: return weight values as list in order fetched

        Layer weight values or name-value pairs (see `as_dict`).
    def _get_weights_tensors(model, _id):
        def _get_by_idx(model, idx):
            if isinstance(idx, tuple) and len(idx) == 2:
                layer_idx, weight_idxs = idx
                layer_idx, weight_idxs = idx, None

            layer = model.get_layer(index=layer_idx)
            if weight_idxs is None:
                weight_idxs = list(range(len(layer.weights)))  # get all
            if not isinstance(weight_idxs, (tuple, list)):
                weight_idxs = [weight_idxs]

            return {
                for i, w in enumerate(layer.weights) if i in weight_idxs

        def _get_by_name(model, name):
            # weight_name == weight part of the full weight name
            if len(name.split('/')) == 2:
                layer_name, weight_name = name.split('/')
                layer_name, weight_name = name.split('/')[0], None
            layer_name = get_full_name(model, layer_name)
            layer = model.get_layer(name=layer_name)

            if weight_name is not None:
                _weights = {}
                for w in layer.weights:
                    if weight_name in
                        _weights[] = w
                _weights = { w for w in layer.weights}
            if len(_weights) == 0:
                raise Exception(f"weight w/ name '{name}' not found")
            return _weights

        if isinstance(_id, str):
            _weights = _get_by_name(model, _id)
            _weights = _get_by_idx(model, _id)

        w_names = list(_weights)
        for w_name in w_names:
            if any(to_omit in w_name for to_omit in omit_names):
                del _weights[w_name]
        return _weights

    if _id != '*':
        names, idxs, *_ = _validate_args(_id)
        _ids = [x for var in (names, idxs) if var for x in var] or None
        # exclude input layer & non-weight layers
        _ids = [
   for l in model.layers[1:]
            if getattr(l, 'weights', None) not in (None, [])
    if not isinstance(omit_names, list):
        omit_names = [omit_names] if omit_names else []

    weights = {}
    for _id in _ids:
        weights.update(_get_weights_tensors(model, _id))

    if not as_tensors:
        weights = {
            name: value
            for name, value in zip(weights,
    if as_dict:
        return weights
    weights = list(weights.values())
    return weights[0] if (len(_ids) == 1 and len(_ids) == 1) else weights
Esempio n. 7
 def _validate_args_(_id, layer, mode):
     if mode not in ['outputs', 'weights']:
         raise Exception("`mode` must be one of: 'outputs', 'weights'")
     return _validate_args(_id, layer)