Esempio n. 1
for i, (imgs, Labels) in enumerate(dataloader_FULL_te):
    data_all_te = imgs
    label_all_te = Labels

# Repeat experiments K times (K = 10) and report average test power (rejection rate)
for kk in range(K):
    torch.manual_seed(kk * 19 + N1)
    torch.cuda.manual_seed(kk * 19 + N1)
    np.random.seed(seed=1102 * (kk + 10) + N1)
    # Initialize deep networks for MMD-D (called featurizer), C2ST-S and C2ST-L (called discriminator)
    featurizer = Featurizer()
    discriminator = Discriminator()
    # Initialize parameters
    epsilonOPT = torch.log(
        MatConvert(np.random.rand(1) * 10**(-10), device, dtype))
    epsilonOPT.requires_grad = True
    sigmaOPT = MatConvert(np.ones(1) * np.sqrt(2 * 32 * 32), device, dtype)
    sigmaOPT.requires_grad = True
    sigma0OPT = MatConvert(np.ones(1) * np.sqrt(0.005), device, dtype)
    sigma0OPT.requires_grad = True
    if cuda:

    # Collect real MNIST images
    np.random.seed(seed=819 * (kk + 9) + N1)
    train_data = []
    ind_M_all = np.arange(4000)
    d0 = trans(data_T_tensor[i])
    data_trans[i] = TT(d0)
Ind_v4_all = np.arange(len(data_T))

# Repeat experiments K times (K = 10) and report average test power (rejection rate)
for kk in range(K):
    torch.manual_seed(kk * 19 + N1)
    torch.cuda.manual_seed(kk * 19 + N1)
    np.random.seed(seed=1102 * (kk + 10) + N1)
    # Initialize deep networks for MMD-D
    featurizer = Featurizer()
    discriminator = Discriminator()
    # Initialize parameters
    epsilonOPT = torch.log(
        MatConvert(np.random.rand(1) * 10**(-10), device, dtype))
    epsilonOPT.requires_grad = True
    sigmaOPT = MatConvert(np.ones(1) * np.sqrt(2 * 32 * 32), device, dtype)
    sigmaOPT.requires_grad = True
    sigma0OPT = MatConvert(np.ones(1) * np.sqrt(0.005), device, dtype)
    sigma0OPT.requires_grad = True
    TT_org = MatConvert(np.random.randn(J, 3, 64, 64), device, dtype)
    TT_org.requires_grad = True
    if cuda:

    # Collect CIFAR10 images
    Ind_tr = np.random.choice(len(data_all), N1, replace=False)
Esempio n. 3
    torch.cuda.manual_seed(kk * 19 + n)
    # Generate HDGM-D
    for i in range(Num_clusters):
        np.random.seed(seed=1102*kk + i + n)
        s1[n * (i):n * (i + 1), :] = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu_mx[i], sigma_mx_1, n)
    for i in range(Num_clusters):
        np.random.seed(seed=819*kk + 1 + i + n)
        s2[n * (i):n * (i + 1), :] = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu_mx[i], sigma_mx_2[i], n)
        # REPLACE above line with
        # s2[n * (i):n * (i + 1), :] = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu_mx[i], sigma_mx_1, n)
        # for validating type-I error (s1 ans s2 are from the same distribution)
    if kk==0:
        s1_o = s1
        s2_o = s2
    S = np.concatenate((s1, s2), axis=0)
    S = MatConvert(S, device, dtype)
    N1 = Num_clusters*n
    N2 = Num_clusters*n

    # Train C2ST-S
    y = (, 1), torch.ones(N2, 1)), 0)).squeeze(1).to(device, dtype).long()
    pred, STAT_C2ST_S, model_C2ST_S, w_C2ST_S, b_C2ST_S = C2ST_NN_fit(S, y, N1, x_in, H, x_out, 0.001, N_epoch_C,
                                                              batch_size, device, dtype)
    # Train C2ST-L
    np.random.seed(seed=819*kk + 1 + i + n)
    y = (, 1), torch.ones(N2, 1)), 0)).squeeze(1).to(device, dtype).long()
    pred, STAT_C2ST_L, model_C2ST_L, w_C2ST_L, b_C2ST_L = C2ST_NN_fit(S, y, N1, x_in, H, x_out, 0.001, N_epoch_C,
                                                              batch_size, device, dtype)

    # Train MMD-O
    for i in range(Num_clusters):
        np.random.seed(seed=1102 * kk + i + n)
        s1[n * (i):n * (i + 1), :] = np.random.multivariate_normal(
            mu_mx[i], sigma_mx_1, n)
    for i in range(Num_clusters):
        np.random.seed(seed=819 * kk + 1 + i + n)
        s2[n * (i):n * (i + 1), :] = np.random.multivariate_normal(
            mu_mx[i], sigma_mx_2[i], n)
        # REPLACE above line with
        # s2[n * (i):n * (i + 1), :] = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu_mx[i], sigma_mx_1, n)
        # for validating type-I error (s1 ans s2 are from the same distribution)
    if kk == 0:
        s1_o = s1
        s2_o = s2
    S = np.concatenate((s1, s2), axis=0)
    S = MatConvert(S, device, dtype)
    N1 = Num_clusters * n
    N2 = Num_clusters * n

    # Train deep networks for G+C and D+C
    y = (, 1), torch.ones(N2, 1)),
                   0)).squeeze(1).to(device, dtype).long()
    pred, STAT_C2ST, model_C2ST, w_C2ST, b_C2ST = C2ST_NN_fit(
        S, y, N1, x_in, H, x_out, learning_rate_C2ST, N_epoch_C, batch_size,
        device, dtype)
    # Train G+J
    for t in range(N_epoch):
        modelu1_output = model_u1(S)