def check_importable(repo): import utool as ut # import utool as ut found = False tried = [] errors = [] for modname in repo.aliases: tried.append(modname) try: ut.import_modname(modname) except ImportError as ex: # NOQA tried[-1] += " but got ImportError" errors.append(ex) pass except AttributeError as ex: # NOQA tried[-1] += " but got AttributeError" errors.append(ex) else: found = True errors.append(None) tried[-1] += " and it worked" break msg = "tried %s" % (", ".join(tried)) return found, msg, errors
def find_expt_func(e): import utool as ut import for tup in modname, funcname = tup[:2] aliases = tup[2] if len(tup) == 3 else [] if e == funcname or e in aliases: module = ut.import_modname(modname) func = module.__dict__[funcname] return func # hack in --tf magic func = ut.find_testfunc('ibeis', funcname)[0] return func
def check_importable(repo): import utool as ut # import utool as ut found = False tried = [] errors = [] for modname in repo.aliases: tried.append(modname) try: ut.import_modname(modname) except ImportError as ex: # NOQA tried[-1] += ' but got ImportError' errors.append(ex) pass except AttributeError as ex: # NOQA tried[-1] += ' but got AttributeError' errors.append(ex) else: found = True errors.append(None) tried[-1] += ' and it worked' break msg = 'tried %s' % (', '.join(tried)) return found, msg, errors
def print_module_info(modname): print('Checking modname = %r' % (modname,)) # Handles special cases for certain modules if modname.lower() == 'pillow': from PIL import Image import PIL pil_path = PIL.__path__ infodict = module_stdinfo_dict(Image, versionattr='PILLOW_VERSION', image_version=Image.VERSION, pil_path=pil_path) elif modname.lower() == 'pyqt4': from PyQt4 import QtCore infodict = module_stdinfo_dict(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION_STR') elif modname.lower() == 'pyqt5': from PyQt5 import QtCore infodict = module_stdinfo_dict(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION_STR') else: # Handle normal modules module = ut.import_modname(modname) infodict = module_stdinfo_dict(module) if any([infodict['__file__'].endswith(ext) for ext in ut.LIB_EXT_LIST]): infodict['libdep'] = ut.get_dynlib_dependencies(infodict['__file__']) return print(ut.repr4(infodict, strvals=True))
ibeis_rman.issue( 'git push --set-upstream origin {upstream_push}'.format(**locals())) if GET_ARGFLAG('--test'): failures = [] for repo_dpath in ibeis_rman.repo_dirs: # ut.getp_ mod_dpaths = ut.get_submodules_from_dpath(repo_dpath, recursive=False, only_packages=True) modname_list = ut.lmap(ut.get_modname_from_modpath, mod_dpaths) print('Checking modules = %r' % (modname_list, )) for modname in modname_list: try: ut.import_modname(modname) print(modname + ' success') except ImportError as ex: failures += [modname] print(modname + ' failure') print('failures = %s' % (ut.repr3(failures), )) # print('repo_dpath = %r' % (repo_dpath,)) # print('modules = %r' % (modules,)) # import ibeis # print('found ibeis=%r' % (ibeis,)) if False: try: from six.moves import input except ImportError:
def _exec_doctest_func(modname, funcname): module = ut.import_modname(modname) func = module.__dict__[funcname] testsrc = ut.get_doctest_examples(func)[0][0] exec(testsrc, globals(), locals())
def checkstdmod_version(): mod = ut.import_modname(modname) return module_stdinfo_dict(mod)
# Dont use this if you are a developer. Use develop instead. ut.set_project_repos(IBEIS_REPO_URLS, IBEIS_REPO_DIRS) ut.gg_command('python install'.format(**locals())) if GET_ARGFLAG('--test'): failures = [] for repo_dpath in IBEIS_REPO_DIRS: # ut.getp_ mod_dpaths = ut.get_submodules_from_dpath(repo_dpath, recursive=False, only_packages=True) modname_list = ut.lmap(ut.get_modname_from_modpath, mod_dpaths) print('Checking modules = %r' % (modname_list,)) for modname in modname_list: try: ut.import_modname(modname) print(modname + ' success') except ImportError as ex: failures += [modname] print(modname + ' failure') print('failures = %s' % (ut.repr3(failures),)) # print('repo_dpath = %r' % (repo_dpath,)) # print('modules = %r' % (modules,)) # import ibeis # print('found ibeis=%r' % (ibeis,)) if GET_ARGFLAG('--push'): ut.gg_command('git push')
def run_ibeis(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis python -m ibeis find_installed_tomcat python -m ibeis get_annot_groundtruth:1 """ #ut.set_process_title('IBEIS_main') #main_locals = ibeis.main() #ibeis.main_loop(main_locals) #ut.set_process_title('IBEIS_main') cmdline_varags = ut.get_cmdline_varargs() if len(cmdline_varags) > 0 and cmdline_varags[0] == 'rsync': from ibeis.scripts import rsync_ibeisdb rsync_ibeisdb.rsync_ibsdb_main() sys.exit(0) if ut.get_argflag('--devcmd'): # Hack to let devs mess around when using an installer version # TODO: add more hacks #import utool.tests.run_tests #utool.tests.run_tests.run_tests() ut.embed() # Run the tests of other modules elif ut.get_argflag('--run-utool-tests'): import utool.tests.run_tests retcode = utool.tests.run_tests.run_tests() print('... exiting') sys.exit(retcode) elif ut.get_argflag('--run-vtool-tests'): import vtool.tests.run_tests retcode = vtool.tests.run_tests.run_tests() print('... exiting') sys.exit(retcode) elif ut.get_argflag(('--run-ibeis-tests', '--run-tests')): from ibeis.tests import run_tests retcode = run_tests.run_tests() print('... exiting') sys.exit(retcode) if ut.get_argflag('-e'): """ ibeis -e print -a default -t default """ # Run dev script if -e given import # NOQA print('... exiting') sys.exit(0) # Attempt to run a test using the funciton name alone # with the --tf flag import ibeis.tests.run_tests import ibeis.tests.reset_testdbs ignore_prefix = [ #'ibeis.tests', 'ibeis.control.__SQLITE3__', '_autogen_explicit_controller'] ignore_suffix = ['_grave'] func_to_module_dict = { 'demo_bayesnet': 'ibeis.algo.hots.demobayes', } ut.main_function_tester('ibeis', ignore_prefix, ignore_suffix, func_to_module_dict=func_to_module_dict) #if ut.get_argflag('-e'): # import ibeis # expt_kw = ut.get_arg_dict(ut.get_func_kwargs(ibeis.run_experiment), # prefix_list=['--', '-']) # ibeis.run_experiment(**expt_kw) # sys.exit(0) doctest_modname = ut.get_argval( ('--doctest-module', '--tmod', '-tm', '--testmod'), type_=str, default=None, help_='specify a module to doctest') if doctest_modname is not None: """ Allow any doctest to be run the main ibeis script python -m ibeis --tmod utool.util_str --test-align:0 python -m ibeis --tmod ibeis.algo.hots.pipeline --test-request_ibeis_query_L0:0 --show python -m ibeis --tf request_ibeis_query_L0:0 --show ./dist/ibeis/IBEISApp --tmod ibeis.algo.hots.pipeline --test-request_ibeis_query_L0:0 --show # NOQA ./dist/ibeis/IBEISApp --tmod utool.util_str --test-align:0 ./dist/ --tmod utool.util_str --test-align:0 ./dist/ --run-utool-tests ./dist/ --run-vtool-tests """ print('[ibeis] Testing module') mod_alias_list = { 'exptdraw': 'ibeis.expt.experiment_drawing' } doctest_modname = mod_alias_list.get(doctest_modname, doctest_modname) module = ut.import_modname(doctest_modname) (nPass, nTotal, failed_list, error_report_list) = ut.doctest_funcs(module=module) retcode = 1 - (len(failed_list) == 0) #print(module) sys.exit(retcode) import ibeis main_locals = ibeis.main() execstr = ibeis.main_loop(main_locals) # <DEBUG CODE> if 'back' in main_locals and CMD: #from ibeis.all_imports import * # NOQA back = main_locals['back'] front = getattr(back, 'front', None) # NOQA #front = back.front #ui = front.ui ibs = main_locals['ibs'] # NOQA exec(execstr)
def execute_commands(tpl_rman, wbia_rman): import utool as ut GET_ARGVAL = ut.get_argval ut.init_catch_ctrl_c() if 0: print('Version Check Source:') for repo in tpl_rman.repos: print('python -c "import {0}; print({0}.__file__)"'.format( repo.modname)) print('python -c "import {0}; print({0}.__version__)"'.format( repo.modname)) # ----------- # Execute Commands on Core Repos # ----------- CODE_DIR, pythoncmd, WIN32, PY2, PY3 = get_sysinfo() print('wbia_rman = %r' % (wbia_rman, )) wildme_ssh_flags = GET_ARGFLAG('--move-wildme') or GET_ARGFLAG( '--move-wildme-ssh') wildme_https_flags = GET_ARGFLAG('--move-wildme-https') or GET_ARGFLAG( '--move-wildme-http') if wildme_ssh_flags or wildme_https_flags: fmt = 'ssh' if wildme_ssh_flags else 'https' move_wildme(wbia_rman, fmt) # Commands on global git repos if GET_ARGFLAG('--status'): wbia_rman.issue('git status') sys.exit(0) wbia_rman.ensure() if GET_ARGFLAG('--dump') or GET_ARGFLAG('--dump-scripts'): dpath = '_super_scripts/' + 'scripts' + get_plat_specifier() ut.ensuredir(dpath) dumps = [ (tpl_rman, 'cv2', 'build'), (tpl_rman, 'cv2', 'install'), (wbia_rman, 'flann', 'build'), (wbia_rman, 'flann', 'install'), (wbia_rman, 'hesaff', 'build'), (tpl_rman, 'PyQt', 'system_to_venv'), (tpl_rman, 'libgpuarray', 'build'), ] for rman, mod, sname in dumps: from os.path import join # if mod not in rman: # print('mod=%r not available in rman=%r' % (mod, rman)) # continue script = rman[mod].get_script(sname).text suffix = get_plat_specifier() sh_fpath = join(dpath, mod + '_' + sname + suffix + '.sh') ut.write_to(sh_fpath, script) if GET_ARGFLAG('--requirements'): ut.cmd('pip install -r requirements.txt') # HACKED IN SCRIPTS WHILE IM STILL FIGURING OUT TPL DEPS if GET_ARGFLAG('--opencv'): # There is now a pypi for opencv! Yay # ut.cmd('pip install opencv-python') # Bummer, but we need opencv source for pyhessaff # we should just make a wheel for pyhessaff cv_repo = tpl_rman['cv2'] cv_repo.clone() script = cv_repo.get_script('build') script.exec_() cv_repo = tpl_rman['cv2'] script = cv_repo.get_script('install') script.exec_() if GET_ARGFLAG('--flann'): script = wbia_rman['flann'].get_script('build') script.exec_() script = wbia_rman['flann'].get_script('install') script.exec_() if GET_ARGFLAG('--pyqt'): script = tpl_rman['PyQt'].get_script('system_to_venv') script.exec_() if GET_ARGFLAG('--hesaff'): script = wbia_rman['hesaff'].get_script('build') script.exec_() if GET_ARGFLAG('--pydarknet'): script = wbia_rman['pydarknet'].get_script('build') script.exec_() if GET_ARGFLAG('--pyrf'): script = wbia_rman['pyrf'].get_script('build') script.exec_() if GET_ARGFLAG('--torch'): # Theano and lasange code should be moved to pytorch tpl_rman['pytorch'].clone(recursive=True) tpl_rman['pytorch'].issue('git submodule update --init') tpl_rman['pytorch'].issue('python setup install') tpl_rman['pytorch'].issue('pip install torchvision') # tpl_rman['pytorch'].issue('NO_CUDNN=TRUE && python setup install') # tpl_rman['pytorch'].issue('pip install -e .') if GET_ARGFLAG('--libgpuarray') or GET_ARGFLAG('--dcnn'): tpl_rman['libgpuarray'].clone() script = tpl_rman['libgpuarray'].get_script('build') script.exec_() if GET_ARGFLAG('--dcnn'): tpl_rman['theano'].clone() # tpl_rman['pylearn2'].clone() tpl_rman['lasagne'].clone() tpl_rman['theano'].issue('pip install -e .') # tpl_rman['pylearn2'].issue('pip install -e .') tpl_rman['lasagne'].issue('pip install -e .') # tpl_rman['pylearn2'].python_develop() # tpl_rman['theano'].python_develop() # tpl_rman['lasagne'].python_develop() # _=== if GET_ARGFLAG('--fix') or GET_ARGFLAG('--check'): missing_dynlib = tpl_rman.check_cpp_build() missing_dynlib += wbia_rman.check_cpp_build() missing_install = tpl_rman.check_installed() missing_install += wbia_rman.check_installed() problems = [] problems += wbia_rman.check_importable() problems += tpl_rman.check_importable() if GET_ARGFLAG('--fix'): print('Trying to fix problems') for repo in missing_dynlib: repo.custom_build() for repo, recommended_fix in problems: print('Trying to fix repo = %r' % (repo, )) print(' * recommended_fix = %r' % (recommended_fix, )) if recommended_fix == 'rebuild': repo.custom_build() print( 'Can currently only fix one module at a time. Please re-run' ) sys.exit(1) else: print('Not sure how to fix %r' % (repo, )) if GET_ARGFLAG('--pull'): wbia_rman.issue('git pull') if GET_ARGFLAG('--build'): # Build tpl repos # tpl_rman.custom_build() # wbia_rman.custom_build() # Build only IBEIS repos with _rman = wbia_rman.only_with_pysetup() _rman.issue('{pythoncmd} build'.format(pythoncmd=pythoncmd)) # Like install, but better if you are developing if GET_ARGFLAG('--develop'): _rman = wbia_rman.only_with_pysetup() # # _rman.issue('{pythoncmd} develop'.format(pythoncmd=pythoncmd), # # sudo=not ut.in_virtual_env()) _rman.issue( '{pythoncmd} -m pip install -e .'.format(pythoncmd=pythoncmd), sudo=not ut.in_virtual_env(), ) if GET_ARGFLAG('--clean'): _rman = wbia_rman.only_with_pysetup() _rman.issue('{pythoncmd} clean'.format(pythoncmd=pythoncmd)) if GET_ARGFLAG('--install'): print( 'WARNING: Dont use install if you are a developer. Use develop instead.' ) _rman = wbia_rman.only_with_pysetup() _rman.issue('{pythoncmd} install'.format(pythoncmd=pythoncmd)) if GET_ARGFLAG('--push'): wbia_rman.issue('git push') if GET_ARGFLAG('--branch'): wbia_rman.issue('git branch') sys.exit(0) if GET_ARGFLAG('--tag-status'): wbia_rman.issue('git tag') # Tag everything tag_name = GET_ARGVAL('--newtag', type_=str, default=None) if tag_name is not None: wbia_rman.issue( 'git tag -a "{tag_name}" -m "super_setup autotag {tag_name}"'. format(**locals())) wbia_rman.issue('git push --tags') if GET_ARGFLAG('--bext'): wbia_rman.issue('{pythoncmd} build_ext --inplace'.format( pythoncmd=pythoncmd)) commit_msg = GET_ARGVAL('--commit', type_=str, default=None) if commit_msg is not None: wbia_rman.issue('git commit -am "{commit_msg}"'.format(**locals())) # Change Branch branch_name = GET_ARGVAL('--checkout', type_=str, default=None) if branch_name is not None: try: wbia_rman.issue('git checkout "{branch_name}"'.format(**locals())) except Exception: print('ERROR: Could not checkout branch: %r' % (branch_name, )) # Creates new branches newbranch_name = GET_ARGVAL('--newbranch', type_=str, default=None) if newbranch_name is not None: # rman.issue('git stash"'.format(**locals())) wbia_rman.issue( 'git checkout -b "{newbranch_name}"'.format(**locals())) wbia_rman.issue( 'git push --set-upstream origin {newbranch_name}'.format( **locals())) # rman.issue('git stash pop"'.format(**locals())) # Creates new branches newlocalbranch_name = GET_ARGVAL('--newlocalbranch', type_=str, default=None) if newlocalbranch_name is not None: # rman.issue('git stash"'.format(**locals())) wbia_rman.issue( 'git checkout -b "{newlocalbranch_name}"'.format(**locals())) # rman.issue('git push --set-upstream origin {newlocalbranch_name}'.format(**locals())) # rman.issue('git stash pop"'.format(**locals())) # Creates new branches mergebranch_name = GET_ARGVAL('--merge', type_=str, default=None) if mergebranch_name is not None: wbia_rman.issue('git merge "{mergebranch_name}"'.format(**locals())) # Change ownership if GET_ARGFLAG('--serverchmod'): wbia_rman.issue('chmod -R 755 *') if GET_ARGFLAG('--chown'): # Fixes problems where repos are checked out as root username = os.environ.get('USERNAME', ut.get_argval('--username')) if username is None: username = os.environ.get('USER', None) if username is None: raise AssertionError( 'cannot find username in commandline or environment vars') usergroup = username wbia_rman.issue('chown -R {username}:{usergroup} *'.format(**locals()), sudo=True) upstream_branch = GET_ARGVAL('--set-upstream', type_=str, default=None) if upstream_branch is not None: # git 2.0 wbia_rman.issue( 'git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/{upstream_branch} {upstream_branch}' .format(**locals())) upstream_push = GET_ARGVAL('--upstream-push', type_=str, default=None) if upstream_push is not None: wbia_rman.issue( 'git push --set-upstream origin {upstream_push}'.format( **locals())) if GET_ARGFLAG('--test'): failures = [] for repo_dpath in wbia_rman.repo_dirs: # ut.getp_ mod_dpaths = ut.get_submodules_from_dpath(repo_dpath, recursive=False, only_packages=True) modname_list = ut.lmap(ut.get_modname_from_modpath, mod_dpaths) print('Checking modules = %r' % (modname_list, )) for modname in modname_list: try: ut.import_modname(modname) print(modname + ' success') except ImportError: failures += [modname] print(modname + ' failure') print('failures = %s' % (ut.repr3(failures), )) if False: try: from six.moves import input except ImportError: input = raw_input # NOQA # General global git command gg_cmd = GET_ARGVAL('--gg', None) # global command if gg_cmd is not None: ans = ('yes' if GET_ARGFLAG('-y') else input( 'Are you sure you want to run: %r on all directories? ' % (gg_cmd, ))) if ans == 'yes': wbia_rman.issue(gg_cmd)
def run_ibeis(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis python -m ibeis find_installed_tomcat python -m ibeis get_annot_groundtruth:1 """ #ut.set_process_title('IBEIS_main') #main_locals = ibeis.main() #ibeis.main_loop(main_locals) #ut.set_process_title('IBEIS_main') cmdline_varags = ut.get_cmdline_varargs() if len(cmdline_varags) > 0 and cmdline_varags[0] == 'rsync': from ibeis.scripts import rsync_ibeisdb rsync_ibeisdb.rsync_ibsdb_main() sys.exit(0) if ut.get_argflag('--devcmd'): # Hack to let devs mess around when using an installer version # TODO: add more hacks #import utool.tests.run_tests #utool.tests.run_tests.run_tests() ut.embed() # Run the tests of other modules elif ut.get_argflag('--run-utool-tests'): import utool.tests.run_tests retcode = utool.tests.run_tests.run_tests() print('... exiting') sys.exit(retcode) elif ut.get_argflag('--run-vtool-tests'): import vtool.tests.run_tests retcode = vtool.tests.run_tests.run_tests() print('... exiting') sys.exit(retcode) elif ut.get_argflag(('--run-ibeis-tests', '--run-tests')): from ibeis.tests import run_tests retcode = run_tests.run_tests() print('... exiting') sys.exit(retcode) if ut.get_argflag('-e'): """ ibeis -e print -a default -t default """ # Run dev script if -e given import # NOQA print('... exiting') sys.exit(0) # Attempt to run a test using the funciton name alone # with the --tf flag import ibeis.tests.run_tests import ibeis.tests.reset_testdbs import ibeis.scripts.thesis ignore_prefix = [ #'ibeis.tests', 'ibeis.control.__SQLITE3__', '_autogen_explicit_controller' ] ignore_suffix = ['_grave'] func_to_module_dict = { 'demo_bayesnet': 'ibeis.unstable.demobayes', } ut.main_function_tester('ibeis', ignore_prefix, ignore_suffix, func_to_module_dict=func_to_module_dict) #if ut.get_argflag('-e'): # import ibeis # expt_kw = ut.get_arg_dict(ut.get_func_kwargs(ibeis.run_experiment), # prefix_list=['--', '-']) # ibeis.run_experiment(**expt_kw) # sys.exit(0) doctest_modname = ut.get_argval( ('--doctest-module', '--tmod', '-tm', '--testmod'), type_=str, default=None, help_='specify a module to doctest') if doctest_modname is not None: """ Allow any doctest to be run the main ibeis script python -m ibeis --tmod utool.util_str --test-align:0 python -m ibeis --tmod ibeis.algo.hots.pipeline --test-request_ibeis_query_L0:0 --show python -m ibeis --tf request_ibeis_query_L0:0 --show ./dist/ibeis/IBEISApp --tmod ibeis.algo.hots.pipeline --test-request_ibeis_query_L0:0 --show # NOQA ./dist/ibeis/IBEISApp --tmod utool.util_str --test-align:0 ./dist/ --tmod utool.util_str --test-align:0 ./dist/ --run-utool-tests ./dist/ --run-vtool-tests """ print('[ibeis] Testing module') mod_alias_list = {'exptdraw': 'ibeis.expt.experiment_drawing'} doctest_modname = mod_alias_list.get(doctest_modname, doctest_modname) module = ut.import_modname(doctest_modname) (nPass, nTotal, failed_list, error_report_list) = ut.doctest_funcs(module=module) retcode = 1 - (len(failed_list) == 0) #print(module) sys.exit(retcode) import ibeis main_locals = ibeis.main() execstr = ibeis.main_loop(main_locals) # <DEBUG CODE> if 'back' in main_locals and CMD: back = main_locals['back'] front = getattr(back, 'front', None) # NOQA #front = back.front #ui = front.ui ibs = main_locals['ibs'] # NOQA exec(execstr)