Esempio n. 1
    def get_heuristic_info(card):
        hueristic category label (fetch-land, removal, creature)
        heuristic_types = []
        heuristic_subtypes = []
        if ut.is_subset(['Basic', 'Land'], card.types):
            heuristic_types += ['basic']

        RuleHeuristics = mtgrules.RuleHeuristics

        for block in RuleHeuristics._iter_blocks(card):
            if RuleHeuristics.is_tapland(block, card):
                heuristic_types += ['tap']

            if RuleHeuristics.is_tangoland(block, card):
                heuristic_types += ['tango']

            if RuleHeuristics.is_triland(block, card):
                heuristic_types += ['tri']

            if RuleHeuristics.is_painland(block, card):
                heuristic_types += ['pain']

            if mtgrules.is_fetchland(block, card):
                heuristic_types += ['fetch']

        return heuristic_types, heuristic_subtypes
Esempio n. 2
def get_fetch_search_targets(effect, card, deck=None):
    from mtgmonte import mtgobjs
    valid_types = RuleHeuristics.get_fetched_lands(effect, card)
    targets = []
    for type_ in valid_types:
        if deck is None:
            # Infer normal sort of thing out of deck context
            card = mtgobjs.lookup_card(type_)
            for card in deck.library:
                alltypes = card.subtypes + card.types
                alltypes = [x.lower() for x in alltypes]
                if ut.is_subset(type_, alltypes):
                    targets += [card]
    return targets