Esempio n. 1
def query_result_fname(qaid, qauuid, cfgstr, ext='.npz', hack27=False):
    Builds a filename for a queryresult

        qaid (int): query annotation rowid
        qauuid (uuid.UUID): query annotation unique universal id
        cfgstr (str): query parameter configuration string
        ext (str): filetype extension
    import warnings
    warnings.warn('Should be using new chip_match structure')
    #fname_fmt = 'res_{cfgstr}_qaid={qaid}_qauuid={quuid}{ext}'
    fname_fmt = 'qaid={qaid}_res_{cfgstr}_quuid={quuid}{ext}'
    quuid_str = str(qauuid)[0:8] if TRUNCATE_UUIDS else str(qauuid)
    fmt_dict = dict(cfgstr=cfgstr, qaid=qaid, quuid=quuid_str, ext=ext)
    #fname = fname_fmt.format(**fmt_dict)
    fname = ut.long_fname_format(fname_fmt, fmt_dict, ['cfgstr'], max_len=MAX_FNAME_LEN, hack27=hack27)
    # condence the filename if it is too long (grumble grumble windows)
    #if (not FORCE_LONGNAME) and len(fname) > 64:
    #if len(fname) > MAX_FNAME_LEN:
    #    hash_id = ut.hashstr(cfgstr)
    #    fname = fname_fmt.format(
    #        cfgstr=hash_id, qaid=qaid, quuid=quuid_str, ext=ext)
    return fname
Esempio n. 2
def query_result_fname(qaid, qauuid, cfgstr, ext='.npz', hack27=False):
    Builds a filename for a queryresult

        qaid (int): query annotation rowid
        qauuid (uuid.UUID): query annotation unique universal id
        cfgstr (str): query parameter configuration string
        ext (str): filetype extension
    import warnings
    warnings.warn('Should be using new chip_match structure')
    #fname_fmt = 'res_{cfgstr}_qaid={qaid}_qauuid={quuid}{ext}'
    fname_fmt = 'qaid={qaid}_res_{cfgstr}_quuid={quuid}{ext}'
    quuid_str = str(qauuid)[0:8] if TRUNCATE_UUIDS else str(qauuid)
    fmt_dict = dict(cfgstr=cfgstr, qaid=qaid, quuid=quuid_str, ext=ext)
    #fname = fname_fmt.format(**fmt_dict)
    fname = ut.long_fname_format(fname_fmt, fmt_dict, ['cfgstr'], max_len=MAX_FNAME_LEN, hack27=hack27)
    # condence the filename if it is too long (grumble grumble windows)
    #if (not FORCE_LONGNAME) and len(fname) > 64:
    #if len(fname) > MAX_FNAME_LEN:
    #    hash_id = ut.hashstr(cfgstr)
    #    fname = fname_fmt.format(
    #        cfgstr=hash_id, qaid=qaid, quuid=quuid_str, ext=ext)
    return fname
Esempio n. 3
def get_word_dname(wx, metrics):
    stats_ = metrics.wx2_wdist_stats[wx]
    wname_clean = 'wx=%06d' % wx
    stats1 = 'max={max},min={min},mean={mean},'.format(**stats_)
    stats2 = 'std={std},nMaxMin=({nMax},{nMin}),shape={shape}'.format(**stats_)
    fname_fmt = wname_clean + '_{stats1}{stats2}'
    fmt_dict = dict(stats1=stats1, stats2=stats2)
    word_dname = ut.long_fname_format(fname_fmt, fmt_dict, ['stats2', 'stats1'], max_len=250, hashlen=4)
    return word_dname
Esempio n. 4
def prepare_figure_fpath(fig,
    if fpath is None or usetitle:
        if fig._suptitle is not None:
            # safer than using the canvas window title
            # that only works in qt
            title = 'fig(%r) ' % (fig.number, ) + fig._suptitle.get_text()
            title = fig.canvas.get_window_title()
    if fpath is None:
        fpath = sanitize_img_fname(title)
    elif usetitle:
        title = sanitize_img_fname(title)
        fpath = join(fpath, title)
    # Split into dpath, fname, and extension
    dpath_, fname_ = split(fpath)
    if dpath is None:
        dpath = dpath_
    fname, ext = splitext(fname_)
    # Add the extension back if it wasnt a real extension
    if ext not in ut.IMG_EXTENSIONS and ext != '.pdf':
        fname += ext
        ext = ''
    # Add in DPI information
    # size_suffix = 'DPI=%r_WH=%d,%d' % (custom_constants.DPI, custom_constants.FIGSIZE[0], custom_constants.FIGSIZE[1])
    add_render_suffix = False
    if add_render_suffix:
        size_suffix = 'DPI=%r_WH=%d,%d' % (
        size_suffix = ''
    # Sanatize
    fname = sanitize_img_fname(fname)
    ext = sanitize_img_ext(ext, defaultext)
    # Format safely
    fname_fmt = '{fname}_{size_suffix}{ext}'
    fmt_dict = dict(fname=fname, ext=ext, size_suffix=size_suffix)
    if verbose > 1:
        print('[custom_figure] Formating long name')
    fname_clean = ut.long_fname_format(fname_fmt,
                                       fmt_dict, ['size_suffix', 'fname'],
    # Normalize extension
    fpath_clean = join(dpath, fname_clean)
    return fpath_clean
Esempio n. 5
def get_word_dname(wx, metrics):
    stats_ = metrics.wx2_wdist_stats[wx]
    wname_clean = 'wx=%06d' % wx
    stats1 = 'max={max},min={min},mean={mean},'.format(**stats_)
    stats2 = 'std={std},nMaxMin=({nMax},{nMin}),shape={shape}'.format(**stats_)
    fname_fmt = wname_clean + '_{stats1}{stats2}'
    fmt_dict = dict(stats1=stats1, stats2=stats2)
    word_dname = ut.long_fname_format(fname_fmt,
                                      fmt_dict, ['stats2', 'stats1'],
    return word_dname
Esempio n. 6
 def append_copy_task(self, fpath_orig, dstdir=None):
     """ helper which copies a summary figure to root dir """
     fname_orig, ext = splitext(basename(fpath_orig))
     outdir = dirname(fpath_orig)
     fdir_clean, cfgdir = split(outdir)
     if dstdir is None:
         dstdir = fdir_clean
     #aug = cfgdir[0:min(len(cfgdir), 10)]
     aug = cfgdir
     fname_fmt = '{aug}_{fname_orig}{ext}'
     fmt_dict = {'aug': aug, 'fname_orig': fname_orig, 'ext': ext}
     fname_clean = ut.long_fname_format(fname_fmt, fmt_dict, ['fname_orig'], max_len=128)
     fdst_clean = join(dstdir, fname_clean)
     self.cp_task_list.append((fpath_orig, fdst_clean))
Esempio n. 7
 def append_copy_task(self, fpath_orig, dstdir=None):
     """ helper which copies a summary figure to root dir """
     fname_orig, ext = splitext(basename(fpath_orig))
     outdir = dirname(fpath_orig)
     fdir_clean, cfgdir = split(outdir)
     if dstdir is None:
         dstdir = fdir_clean
     #aug = cfgdir[0:min(len(cfgdir), 10)]
     aug = cfgdir
     fname_fmt = '{aug}_{fname_orig}{ext}'
     fmt_dict = {'aug': aug, 'fname_orig': fname_orig, 'ext': ext}
     fname_clean = ut.long_fname_format(fname_fmt,
                                        fmt_dict, ['fname_orig'],
     fdst_clean = join(dstdir, fname_clean)
     self.cp_task_list.append((fpath_orig, fdst_clean))
Esempio n. 8
def prepare_figure_fpath(fig, fpath, fnum, usetitle, defaultext, verbose,
    if fpath is None or usetitle:
        if fig._suptitle is not None:
            # safer than using the canvas window title
            # that only works in qt
            title = 'fig(%r) ' % (fig.number,) + fig._suptitle.get_text()
            title = fig.canvas.get_window_title()
    if fpath is None:
        fpath = sanitize_img_fname(title)
    elif usetitle:
        title = sanitize_img_fname(title)
        fpath = join(fpath, title)
    # Split into dpath, fname, and extension
    dpath_, fname_ = split(fpath)
    if dpath is None:
        dpath = dpath_
    fname, ext = splitext(fname_)
    # Add the extension back if it wasnt a real extension
    if ext not in ut.IMG_EXTENSIONS and ext != '.pdf':
        fname += ext
        ext = ''
    # Add in DPI information
    #size_suffix = 'DPI=%r_WH=%d,%d' % (custom_constants.DPI, custom_constants.FIGSIZE[0], custom_constants.FIGSIZE[1])
    add_render_suffix = False
    if add_render_suffix:
        size_suffix = 'DPI=%r_WH=%d,%d' % (fig.dpi, int(fig.get_figwidth()), int(fig.get_figheight()))
        size_suffix = ''
    # Sanatize
    fname = sanitize_img_fname(fname)
    ext = sanitize_img_ext(ext, defaultext)
    # Format safely
    fname_fmt = '{fname}_{size_suffix}{ext}'
    fmt_dict = dict(fname=fname, ext=ext, size_suffix=size_suffix)
    if verbose > 1:
        print('[custom_figure] Formating long name')
    fname_clean = ut.long_fname_format(fname_fmt, fmt_dict, ['size_suffix', 'fname'], max_len=155, hashlen=8)
    # Normalize extension
    fpath_clean = join(dpath, fname_clean)
    return fpath_clean