def test(): print('enter test') log_fpath1 = utool.get_app_resource_dir('utool', 'test_logfile1.txt') log_fpath2 = utool.get_app_resource_dir('utool', 'test_logfile2.txt') utool.start_logging(log_fpath1, 'w') func1() func2() utool.stop_logging() print('\n\n') print('This line is NOT logged') print('\n\n') utool.start_logging(log_fpath2, 'w') print('This line is logged') utool.stop_logging() log1 = utool.read_from(log_fpath1, verbose=False) log2 = utool.read_from(log_fpath2, verbose=False) target1 = utool.unindent(''' <__LOG_START__> logging to log_fpath=%r [test][func1]enter func1 [test][func1]exit func1 [test][func2]enter func2 [test][func2][func1]enter func1 [test][func2][func1]exit func1 [test][func2]exit func2 <__LOG_STOP__>''' % log_fpath1).strip() target2 = utool.unindent(''' <__LOG_START__> logging to log_fpath=%r [test]This line is logged <__LOG_STOP__>''' % log_fpath2).strip() output1 = remove_timestamp(log1).strip() output2 = remove_timestamp(log2).strip() try: assert target1 == output1, 'target1 failed' assert target2 == output2, 'target2 failed' builtins.print('TEST PASSED') except AssertionError: builtins.print('\n<!!! TEST FAILED !!!>') builtins.print('\ntarget1:') builtins.print(target1) builtins.print('\noutput1:') builtins.print(output1) builtins.print('\ntarget2:') builtins.print(target2) builtins.print('\noutput2:') builtins.print(output2) builtins.print('</!!! TEST FAILED !!!>\n') raise
def parse_latex_comments_for_commmands(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.scripts.gen_cand_expts --exec-parse_latex_comments_for_commmands Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.scripts.gen_cand_expts import * # NOQA >>> parse_latex_comments_for_commmands() """ fname = ut.get_argval('--fname', type_=str, default='figdefexpt.tex') text = ut.read_from(ut.truepath('~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015/' + fname)) #text = ut.read_from(ut.truepath('~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015/figdefindiv.tex')) lines = text.split('\n') cmd_list = [''] in_comment = True for line in lines: if line.startswith('% ---'): # Keep separators toadd = line.replace('%', '#') if not (len(cmd_list) > 1 and cmd_list[-1].startswith('# ---')): cmd_list[-1] += (toadd) else: cmd_list.append(toadd) cmd_list.append('') if line.strip().startswith(r'\begin{comment}'): in_comment = True continue if in_comment: line = line.strip() if line == '' or line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('%'): in_comment = False else: cmd_list[-1] = cmd_list[-1] + line if not line.strip().endswith('\\'): cmd_list[-1] = cmd_list[-1] + ' $@' #cmd_list.append('') #cmd_list.append('#--') cmd_list.append('') in_comment = False else: cmd_list[-1] = cmd_list[-1] + '\n' cmd_list = [cmd.replace('--render', '').replace('--diskshow', '') for cmd in cmd_list] # formatting cmd_list2 = [] for cmd in cmd_list: #cmd = cmd.replace(' -t ', ' \\\n -t ') #cmd = cmd.replace('--db', '\\\n --db') #cmd = cmd.replace('python -m', './') cmd = cmd.replace('python -m -e', 'ibeis -e') cmd_list2.append(cmd) cmd_list = cmd_list2 print('cmd_list = %s' % (ut.list_str(cmd_list),)) from os.path import splitext script_fname = 'regen_' + splitext(fname)[0] + '.sh' fname, script, line_list = write_script_lines(cmd_list, script_fname)
def load_gztest(ibs): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query --test-load_gztest Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.devcases import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('GZ_ALL') """ from os.path import join from ibeis.algo.hots import match_chips4 as mc4 dir_ = ut.get_module_dir(mc4) eval_text = ut.read_from(join(dir_, 'GZ_TESTTUP.txt')) testcases = eval(eval_text) count_dict = ut.count_dict_vals(testcases) print(ut.dict_str(count_dict)) testtup_list = ut.flatten(ut.dict_take_list(testcases, ['vsone_wins', 'vsmany_outperformed', 'vsmany_dominates', 'vsmany_wins'])) qaid_list = [testtup.qaid_t for testtup in testtup_list] visual_uuids = ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids(qaid_list) visual_uuids
def clean_lprof_file(input_fname, output_fname=None): """ Reads a .lprof file and cleans it """ # Read the raw .lprof text dump text = ut.read_from(input_fname) # Sort and clean the text output_text = clean_line_profile_text(text) return output_text
def get_bibtex_dict(): import utool as ut # HACK: custom current bibtex file possible_bib_fpaths = [ ut.truepath('./My_Library_clean.bib'), #ut.truepath('~/latex/crall-thesis-2017/My_Library_clean.bib'), ] bib_fpath = None for bib_fpath_ in possible_bib_fpaths: if exists(bib_fpath_): bib_fpath = bib_fpath_ break if bib_fpath is None: raise Exception('cant find bibtex file') # import bibtexparser from bibtexparser import bparser parser = bparser.BibTexParser() parser.ignore_nonstandard_types = True bib_text = ut.read_from(bib_fpath) bibtex_db = parser.parse(bib_text) bibtex_dict = bibtex_db.get_entry_dict() return bibtex_dict
def ensure_explicit_namespace(fpath, namespace, varname_list): import re import utool as ut text = ut.read_from(fpath) orig_text = text new_text = text for varname in varname_list: regex = ''.join(( ut.named_field('prefix', '[^.]'), ut.named_field('var', ut.whole_word(varname)), )) repl = ''.join(( ut.bref_field('prefix'), namespace, '.', ut.bref_field('var') )) new_text = re.sub(regex, repl, new_text) textdiff = ut.get_textdiff(orig_text, new_text) print(textdiff) if ut.user_cmdline_prompt('Does the text look good?'): # if diff looks good write ut.write_to(fpath, new_text)
def load_gztest(ibs): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query --test-load_gztest Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.devcases import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('GZ_ALL') """ from os.path import join from ibeis.algo.hots import match_chips4 as mc4 dir_ = ut.get_module_dir(mc4) eval_text = ut.read_from(join(dir_, 'GZ_TESTTUP.txt')) testcases = eval(eval_text) count_dict = ut.count_dict_vals(testcases) print(ut.dict_str(count_dict)) testtup_list = ut.flatten( ut.dict_take_list(testcases, [ 'vsone_wins', 'vsmany_outperformed', 'vsmany_dominates', 'vsmany_wins' ])) qaid_list = [testtup.qaid_t for testtup in testtup_list] visual_uuids = ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids(qaid_list) visual_uuids
def update_wildbook_config(ibs, wildbook_tomcat_path, dryrun=False): wildbook_properteis_dpath = join(wildbook_tomcat_path, 'WEB-INF/classes/bundles/') print('[ibs.wildbook_signal_eid_list()] Wildbook properties=%r' % ( wildbook_properteis_dpath, )) # The src file is non-standard. It should be remove here as well wildbook_config_fpath_dst = join(wildbook_properteis_dpath, '') ut.assert_exists(wildbook_properteis_dpath) # for come reason the .default file is not there, that should be ok though orig_content = ut.read_from(wildbook_config_fpath_dst) content = orig_content content = re.sub('IBEIS_DB_path = .*', 'IBEIS_DB_path = ' + ibs.get_db_core_path(), content) content = re.sub('IBEIS_image_path = .*', 'IBEIS_image_path = ' + ibs.get_imgdir(), content) # Write to the configuration if it is different if orig_content != content: need_sudo = not ut.is_file_writable(wildbook_config_fpath_dst) if need_sudo: quoted_content = '"%s"' % (content, ) print('Attempting to gain sudo access to update wildbook config') command = ['sudo', 'sh', '-c', '\'', 'echo', quoted_content, '>', wildbook_config_fpath_dst, '\''] # ut.cmd(command, sudo=True) command = ' '.join(command) if not dryrun: os.system(command) else: ut.write_to(wildbook_config_fpath_dst, content)
def update_wildbook_ia_config(ibs, wildbook_tomcat_path, dryrun=False): """ #if use_config_file and wildbook_tomcat_path: # # Update the Wildbook configuration to see *THIS* wbia database # with lockfile.LockFile(lock_fpath): # update_wildbook_ia_config(ibs, wildbook_tomcat_path, dryrun) """ wildbook_properteis_dpath = join(wildbook_tomcat_path, 'WEB-INF/classes/bundles/')'[ibs.update_wildbook_ia_config()] Wildbook properties=%r' % (wildbook_properteis_dpath, )) # The src file is non-standard. It should be remove here as well wildbook_config_fpath_dst = join(wildbook_properteis_dpath, '') ut.assert_exists(wildbook_properteis_dpath) # for come reason the .default file is not there, that should be ok though orig_content = ut.read_from(wildbook_config_fpath_dst) content = orig_content # Make sure wildbook knows where to find us if False: # Old way of telling WB where to find IA content = re.sub('IBEIS_DB_path = .*', 'IBEIS_DB_path = ' + ibs.get_db_core_path(), content) content = re.sub('IBEIS_image_path = .*', 'IBEIS_image_path = ' + ibs.get_imgdir(), content) web_port = ibs.get_web_port_via_scan() if web_port is None: raise ValueError('IA web server is not running on any expected port') ia_hostport = 'http://localhost:%s' % (web_port, ) ia_rest_prefix = ut.named_field('prefix', 'IBEISIARestUrl.*') host_port = ut.named_field('host_port', 'http://.*?:[0-9]+') content = re.sub(ia_rest_prefix + host_port, ut.bref_field('prefix') + ia_hostport, content) # Write to the configuration if it is different if orig_content != content: need_sudo = not ut.is_file_writable(wildbook_config_fpath_dst) if need_sudo: quoted_content = '"%s"' % (content, ) 'Attempting to gain sudo access to update wildbook config') command = [ 'sudo', 'sh', '-c', "'", 'echo', quoted_content, '>', wildbook_config_fpath_dst, "'", ] # ut.cmd(command, sudo=True) command = ' '.join(command) if not dryrun: os.system(command) else: ut.write_to(wildbook_config_fpath_dst, content)
def multiline_grepfile(regex, fpath): found_matchtexts = [] found_linenos = [] text = ut.read_from(fpath, verbose=False) for match in re.finditer(regex, text, flags=re.MULTILINE): lineno = text[:match.start()].count('\n') matchtext = ut.get_match_text(match) found_linenos.append(lineno) found_matchtexts.append(matchtext) return found_matchtexts, found_linenos
def read_csv(csv_fpath): import utool as ut csv_text = ut.read_from(csv_fpath) csv_lines = csv_text.split('\n') print(ut.list_str(csv_lines[0:2])) csv_data = [[field.strip('"').strip('\r') for field in line.split(',')] for line in csv_lines if len(line) > 0] csv_header = csv_data[0] csv_data = csv_data[1:] return csv_data, csv_header
def change_doctestcommand_to_use_dashm_flag(): r""" VimRegex: # note sure how to execute replace command in vim in one lin %s/python\s*\([A-Za-z_]+[\\/]\S*\)\.py\(.*\)/python -m \1 \2 """ # # CANNOT USE [^ ] FOR SOME GOD DAMN REASON USE /S instead regex_list = ['python [A-Za-z_]+[\\/]\S* --allexamples'] dpath_list = [ ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/utool/utool')), ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/ibeis/ibeis')), ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/vtool/vtool')), ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/plottool/plottool')), ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/guitool/guitool')), ] #ut.named_field_repl(['python ', ('modrelpath',),]) #['python ', ('modrelpath', 'utool[\\/].*'), '--allexamples']) res = ut.grep(regex_list, recursive=True, dpath_list=dpath_list, verbose=True) found_filestr_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list = res fpath = res[0][0] import re keypat_list = [ ('prefix', 'python\s*'), ('modrelpath', '[A-Za-z_]+[\\/]\S*'), ('suffix', '.*'), ] namedregex = ut.named_field_regex(keypat_list) # Define function to pass to re.sub def replmodpath(matchobj): groupdict_ = matchobj.groupdict() relpath = groupdict_['modrelpath'] prefix = groupdict_['prefix'] suffix = groupdict_['suffix'] modname = relpath modname = modname.replace('\\', '.') modname = modname.replace('/', '.') modname = modname.replace('.py', '') return prefix + '-m ' + modname + suffix for fpath in found_filestr_list: text = ut.read_from(fpath) #matchobj =, text, flags=re.MULTILINE) #print(text) #for matchobj in re.finditer(namedregex, text): # print(ut.get_match_text(matchobj)) # print('--') newtext = re.sub(namedregex, replmodpath, text) # Perform replacement ut.write_to(fpath, newtext)
def inject_python_code(fpath, patch_code, tag=None, inject_location='after_imports'): """ DEPRICATE puts code into files on disk """ import utool as ut assert tag is not None, 'TAG MUST BE SPECIFIED IN INJECTED CODETEXT' text = ut.read_from(fpath) comment_start_tag = '# <util_inject:%s>' % tag comment_end_tag = '# </util_inject:%s>' % tag tagstart_txtpos = text.find(comment_start_tag) tagend_txtpos = text.find(comment_end_tag) text_lines = ut.split_python_text_into_lines(text) # split the file into two parts and inject code between them if tagstart_txtpos != -1 or tagend_txtpos != -1: assert tagstart_txtpos != -1, 'both tags must not be found' assert tagend_txtpos != -1, 'both tags must not be found' for pos, line in enumerate(text_lines): if line.startswith(comment_start_tag): tagstart_pos = pos if line.startswith(comment_end_tag): tagend_pos = pos part1 = text_lines[0:tagstart_pos] part2 = text_lines[tagend_pos + 1:] else: if inject_location == 'after_imports': first_nonimport_pos = 0 for line in text_lines: list_ = ['import ', 'from ', '#', ' '] isvalid = (len(line) == 0 or any(line.startswith(str_) for str_ in list_)) if not isvalid: break first_nonimport_pos += 1 part1 = text_lines[0:first_nonimport_pos] part2 = text_lines[first_nonimport_pos:] else: raise AssertionError('Unknown inject location') newtext = ( '\n'.join(part1 + [comment_start_tag]) + '\n' + patch_code + '\n' + '\n'.join( [comment_end_tag] + part2) ) text_backup_fname = fpath + '.' + ut.get_timestamp() + '.bak' ut.write_to(text_backup_fname, text) ut.write_to(fpath, newtext)
def inject_python_code(fpath, patch_code, tag=None, inject_location='after_imports'): """ DEPRICATE puts code into files on disk """ import utool as ut assert tag is not None, 'TAG MUST BE SPECIFIED IN INJECTED CODETEXT' text = ut.read_from(fpath) comment_start_tag = '# <util_inject:%s>' % tag comment_end_tag = '# </util_inject:%s>' % tag tagstart_txtpos = text.find(comment_start_tag) tagend_txtpos = text.find(comment_end_tag) text_lines = ut.split_python_text_into_lines(text) # split the file into two parts and inject code between them if tagstart_txtpos != -1 or tagend_txtpos != -1: assert tagstart_txtpos != -1, 'both tags must not be found' assert tagend_txtpos != -1, 'both tags must not be found' for pos, line in enumerate(text_lines): if line.startswith(comment_start_tag): tagstart_pos = pos if line.startswith(comment_end_tag): tagend_pos = pos part1 = text_lines[0:tagstart_pos] part2 = text_lines[tagend_pos + 1:] else: if inject_location == 'after_imports': first_nonimport_pos = 0 for line in text_lines: list_ = ['import ', 'from ', '#', ' '] isvalid = (len(line) == 0 or any(line.startswith(str_) for str_ in list_)) if not isvalid: break first_nonimport_pos += 1 part1 = text_lines[0:first_nonimport_pos] part2 = text_lines[first_nonimport_pos:] else: raise AssertionError('Unknown inject location') newtext = ('\n'.join(part1 + [comment_start_tag]) + '\n' + patch_code + '\n' + '\n'.join([comment_end_tag] + part2)) text_backup_fname = fpath + '.' + ut.get_timestamp() + '.bak' ut.write_to(text_backup_fname, text) ut.write_to(fpath, newtext)
def fix_section_common_errors(tex_fpath, dryrun=True): # Read in text and ensure ascii format text = ut.read_from(tex_fpath) new_text = text # Fix all capitals search_repl_list = constants_tex_fixes.CAPITAL_LIST for repl in search_repl_list: pattern = ut.regex_word(re.escape(repl)) new_text = re.sub(pattern, repl, new_text, flags=re.IGNORECASE) #new_text = re.sub(pattern, fix_capitalization, text, flags=re.MULTILINE) if not dryrun: ut.write_to(tex_fpath, new_text) else: ut.print_difftext(ut.get_textdiff(text, new_text, 0))
def dump_autogen_code(fpath, autogen_text, codetype='python', fullprint=None): """ Helper that write a file if -w is given on command line, otherwise it just prints it out. It has the opption of comparing a diff to the file. """ import utool as ut dowrite = ut.get_argflag(('-w', '--write')) show_diff = ut.get_argflag('--diff') num_context_lines = ut.get_argval('--diff', type_=int, default=None) show_diff = show_diff or num_context_lines is not None num_context_lines = ut.get_argval('--diff', type_=int, default=None) if fullprint is None: fullprint = True if fullprint is False: fullprint = ut.get_argflag('--print') print('[autogen] Autogenerated %s...\n+---\n' % (fpath,)) if not dowrite: if fullprint: ut.print_code(autogen_text, lexer_name=codetype) print('\nL___') else: print('specify --print to write to stdout') pass print('specify -w to write, or --diff to compare') print('...would write to: %s' % fpath) if show_diff: if ut.checkpath(fpath, verbose=True): prev_text = ut.read_from(fpath) textdiff = ut.get_textdiff(prev_text, autogen_text, num_context_lines=num_context_lines) try: ut.print_difftext(textdiff) except UnicodeDecodeError: import unicodedata textdiff = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', textdiff).encode('ascii', 'ignore') ut.print_difftext(textdiff) if dowrite: print('WARNING: Not writing. Remove --diff from command line') elif dowrite: ut.write_to(fpath, autogen_text)
def update_wildbook_ia_config(ibs, wildbook_tomcat_path, dryrun=False): """ #if use_config_file and wildbook_tomcat_path: # # Update the Wildbook configuration to see *THIS* ibeis database # with lockfile.LockFile(lock_fpath): # update_wildbook_ia_config(ibs, wildbook_tomcat_path, dryrun) """ wildbook_properteis_dpath = join(wildbook_tomcat_path, 'WEB-INF/classes/bundles/') print('[ibs.update_wildbook_ia_config()] Wildbook properties=%r' % ( wildbook_properteis_dpath, )) # The src file is non-standard. It should be remove here as well wildbook_config_fpath_dst = join(wildbook_properteis_dpath, '') ut.assert_exists(wildbook_properteis_dpath) # for come reason the .default file is not there, that should be ok though orig_content = ut.read_from(wildbook_config_fpath_dst) content = orig_content # Make sure wildbook knows where to find us if False: # Old way of telling WB where to find IA content = re.sub('IBEIS_DB_path = .*', 'IBEIS_DB_path = ' + ibs.get_db_core_path(), content) content = re.sub('IBEIS_image_path = .*', 'IBEIS_image_path = ' + ibs.get_imgdir(), content) ia_hostport = 'http://localhost:5000' ia_rest_prefix = ut.named_field('prefix', 'IBEISIARestUrl.*') host_port = ut.named_field('host_port', 'http://.*?:[0-9]+') content = re.sub(ia_rest_prefix + host_port, ut.bref_field('prefix') + ia_hostport, content) # Write to the configuration if it is different if orig_content != content: need_sudo = not ut.is_file_writable(wildbook_config_fpath_dst) if need_sudo: quoted_content = '"%s"' % (content, ) print('Attempting to gain sudo access to update wildbook config') command = ['sudo', 'sh', '-c', '\'', 'echo', quoted_content, '>', wildbook_config_fpath_dst, '\''] # ut.cmd(command, sudo=True) command = ' '.join(command) if not dryrun: os.system(command) else: ut.write_to(wildbook_config_fpath_dst, content)
def translate_fpath(py_fpath): """ creates a cython pyx file from a python file with cyth tags >>> from cyth.cyth_script import * # NOQA >>> py_fpath = utool.unixpath('~/code/vtool/vtool/') """ # If -a is given, generate cython html for each pyx file # Get cython pyx and benchmark output path cy_pyxpath = cyth_helpers.get_cyth_path(py_fpath) cy_pxdpath = cyth_helpers.get_cyth_pxd_path(py_fpath) cy_benchpath = cyth_helpers.get_cyth_bench_path(py_fpath) # Infer the python module name py_modname = cyth_helpers.get_py_module_name(py_fpath) # Read the python file py_text = utool.read_from(py_fpath, verbose=False) # dont parse files without tags if py_text.find('CYTH') == -1: return None print('\n___________________') print('[cyth.translate_fpath] py_fpath=%r' % py_fpath) # Parse the python file visitor = cyth_parser.CythVisitor(py_modname=py_modname) visitor.visit(ast.parse(py_text)) # Get the generated pyx file and benchmark file pyx_text, pxd_text = visitor.get_result() bench_text = visitor.get_benchmarks() # Write pyx and benchmark utool.write_to(cy_pyxpath, pyx_text) utool.write_to(cy_pxdpath, pxd_text, verbose=False) utool.write_to(cy_benchpath, bench_text, verbose=False) if CYTHON_HTML: print('[cyth.translate_fpath] generating annotation html') cython_exe = utool.get_cython_exe() os.system(cython_exe + ' -a ' + cy_pyxpath) if CYTHON_MAKE_C: print('[cyth.translate_fpath] generating cython c') cython_exe = utool.get_cython_exe() os.system(cython_exe + ' ' + cy_pyxpath) if CYTHON_BUILD: gcc_exe = 'gcc' print('[cyth.translate_fpath] generating c library') c_path = cyth_helpers.get_c_path(cy_pyxpath) #C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe -w -Wall -m32 -lpython27 -IC:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\include -IC:\Python27\include -IC:\Python27\PC -IC:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\include -LC:\Python27\libs -o _linalg_cyth.pyd -c _linalg_cyth.c os.system(gcc_exe + ' ' + c_path) return cy_benchpath
def find_used_citations(tex_fpath_list, return_inverse=False): """ fpaths = get_thesis_tex_fpaths() """ citekey_list = [] inverse = ut.ddict(list) for tex_fpath in tex_fpath_list: text = ut.read_from(tex_fpath) #print('\n\n+-----') local_cites = find_citations(text) citekey_list.extend(local_cites) for key in local_cites: inverse[key].append(tex_fpath) citekey_list = sorted(set(citekey_list)) if return_inverse: return citekey_list, inverse else: return citekey_list
def print_system_users(): r""" prints users on the system On unix looks for /bin/bash users in /etc/passwd CommandLine: python -m utool.util_cplat --test-print_system_users Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from utool.util_cplat import * # NOQA >>> result = print_system_users() >>> print(result) """ import utool as ut text = ut.read_from('/etc/passwd') userinfo_text_list = text.splitlines() userinfo_list = [uitext.split(':') for uitext in userinfo_text_list] #print(ut.list_str(sorted(userinfo_list))) bash_users = [tup for tup in userinfo_list if tup[-1] == '/bin/bash'] print(ut.list_str(sorted(bash_users)))
def print_system_users(): r""" prints users on the system On unix looks for /bin/bash users in /etc/passwd CommandLine: python -m utool.util_cplat --test-print_system_users Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from utool.util_cplat import * # NOQA >>> result = print_system_users() >>> print(result) """ import utool as ut text = ut.read_from('/etc/passwd') userinfo_text_list = text.splitlines() userinfo_list = [uitext.split(':') for uitext in userinfo_text_list] #print(ut.repr4(sorted(userinfo_list))) bash_users = [tup for tup in userinfo_list if tup[-1] == '/bin/bash'] print(ut.repr4(sorted(bash_users)))
def ensure_explicit_namespace(fpath, namespace, varname_list): import re import utool as ut text = ut.read_from(fpath) orig_text = text new_text = text for varname in varname_list: regex = ''.join(( ut.named_field('prefix', '[^.]'), ut.named_field('var', ut.whole_word(varname)), )) repl = ''.join( (ut.bref_field('prefix'), namespace, '.', ut.bref_field('var'))) new_text = re.sub(regex, repl, new_text) textdiff = ut.get_textdiff(orig_text, new_text) print(textdiff) if ut.user_cmdline_prompt('Does the text look good?'): # if diff looks good write ut.write_to(fpath, new_text)
def send_public_key_to_server(username, server): """ Can just use this instead ssh-copy-id id@server ssh-copy-id [email protected] ssh-copy-id [email protected] ssh-copy-id [email protected] ut.copy_text_to_clipboard(remote_cmdstr) chmod 700 ~git/.ssh chmod 600 ~git/.ssh/authorized_keys """ public_key = ut.read_from(ut.truepath('~/.ssh/')) fmtstr = 'ssh {user}@{server} "{remote_cmdstr}"' remote_cmdstr = 'echo {public_key} >> ~{username}/.ssh/authorized_keys'.format(public_key=public_key.replace( '\\', '\\\\'), username=username) sshcmdstr = fmtstr.format(server=server, remote_cmdstr=remote_cmdstr) ut.copy_text_to_clipboard(sshcmdstr) print('You need to run the command in your clipboard')
def send_public_key_to_server(username, server): """ Can just use this instead ssh-copy-id id@server ssh-copy-id [email protected] ssh-copy-id [email protected] ssh-copy-id [email protected] ut.copy_text_to_clipboard(remote_cmdstr) chmod 700 ~git/.ssh chmod 600 ~git/.ssh/authorized_keys """ public_key = ut.read_from(ut.truepath('~/.ssh/')) fmtstr = 'ssh {user}@{server} "{remote_cmdstr}"' remote_cmdstr = 'echo {public_key} >> ~{username}/.ssh/authorized_keys'.format( public_key=public_key.replace('\\', '\\\\'), username=username) sshcmdstr = fmtstr.format(server=server, remote_cmdstr=remote_cmdstr) ut.copy_text_to_clipboard(sshcmdstr) print('You need to run the command in your clipboard')
def fix_section_title_capitalization(tex_fpath, dryrun=True): # Read in text and ensure ascii format text = ut.read_from(tex_fpath) section_type_list = [ 'chapter', 'section', 'subsection', 'subsubsection', 'paragraph', ] re_section_type = ut.named_field('section_type', ut.regex_or(section_type_list)) re_section_title = ut.named_field('section_title', '[^}]*') re_spaces = ut.named_field('spaces', '^ *') pattern = re_spaces + re.escape( '\\') + re_section_type + '{' + re_section_title + '}' def fix_capitalization(match): dict_ = match.groupdict() section_title = dict_['section_title'] #if section_title == 'The Great Zebra Count': # return match.string[slice(*match.span())] # #return 'The Great Zebra Count' # general logic #words = section_title.split(' ') tokens = re.split(ut.regex_or([' ', '/']), section_title) #if 'Coverage' in section_title: # ut.embed() # pass #words = [word if count == 0 else word.lower() for count, word in enumerate(words)] #new_section_title = ' '.join(words) tokens = [ t if count == 0 else t.lower() for count, t in enumerate(tokens) ] new_section_title = ''.join(tokens) # hacks for caps of expanded titles search_repl_list = constants_tex_fixes.CAPITAL_TITLE_LIST for repl in search_repl_list: new_section_title = re.sub(re.escape(repl), repl, new_section_title, flags=re.IGNORECASE) # hacks fo acronyms for full, acro in constants_tex_fixes.ACRONYMN_LIST: new_section_title = re.sub(r'\b' + re.escape(acro) + r'\b', acro, new_section_title, flags=re.IGNORECASE) #'the great zebra and giraffe count' #new_section_title = section_title.lower() new_text = dict_['spaces'] + '\\' + dict_[ 'section_type'] + '{' + new_section_title + '}' VERBOSE = 0 if VERBOSE: old_text = match.string[slice(*match.span())] if new_text != old_text: print(ut.dict_str(dict_)) print('--- REPL ---') print(old_text) print(new_text) return new_text #for match in re.finditer(pattern, text, flags=re.MULTILINE): # fix_capitalization(match) new_text = re.sub(pattern, fix_capitalization, text, flags=re.MULTILINE) if not dryrun: ut.write_to(tex_fpath, new_text) else: ut.print_difftext(ut.get_textdiff(text, new_text, 0))
def autogenerate_nth_schema_version(schema_spec, n=-1): r""" dumps, prints, or diffs autogen schema based on command line Args: n (int): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control._sql_helpers --test-autogenerate_nth_schema_version Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.control._sql_helpers import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.control import DB_SCHEMA >>> # build test data >>> schema_spec = DB_SCHEMA >>> n = 1 >>> # execute function >>> tablename = autogenerate_nth_schema_version(schema_spec, n) >>> # verify results >>> result = str(tablename) >>> print(result) """ import utool as ut print('[_SQL] AUTOGENERATING CURRENT SCHEMA') db = get_nth_test_schema_version(schema_spec, n=n) # Auto-generate the version skip schema file schema_spec_dir, schema_spec_fname = split(schema_spec.__file__) schema_spec_fname = splitext(schema_spec_fname)[0] # HACK TO GET AUTOGEN COMMAND # FIXME: Make this autogen command a bit more sane and not completely # coupled with ibeis autogen_cmd = ut.codeblock( ''' python -m ibeis.control.{schema_spec_fname} --test-autogen_{funcname} --force-incremental-db-update --write python -m ibeis.control.{schema_spec_fname} --test-autogen_{funcname} --force-incremental-db-update --diff=1 python -m ibeis.control.{schema_spec_fname} --test-autogen_{funcname} --force-incremental-db-update ''' ).format(schema_spec_fname=schema_spec_fname, funcname=schema_spec_fname.lower()) autogen_text = db.get_schema_current_autogeneration_str(autogen_cmd) autogen_fname = '' % schema_spec_fname autogen_fpath = join(schema_spec_dir, autogen_fname) dowrite = ut.get_argflag(('-w', '--write', '--dump-autogen-schema')) show_diff = ut.get_argflag('--diff') num_context_lines = ut.get_argval('--diff', type_=int, default=None) show_diff = show_diff or num_context_lines is not None dowrite = dowrite and not show_diff if dowrite: ut.write_to(autogen_fpath, autogen_text) else: if show_diff: if ut.checkpath(autogen_fpath, verbose=True): prev_text = ut.read_from(autogen_fpath) textdiff = ut.util_str.get_textdiff(prev_text, autogen_text, num_context_lines=num_context_lines) ut.print_difftext(textdiff) else: ut.util_print.print_python_code(autogen_text) print('\nL___\n...would write to: %s' % autogen_fpath) print(' Run with -n=%r to get a specific schema version by index. -1 == latest') print(' Run with --write to autogenerate latest schema version') print(' Run with --diff or --diff=<numcontextlines> to see the difference between current and requested') return db
def get_file_stats(fpath): text = utool.read_from(fpath, verbose=False) lc = len(text.splitlines()) wc = len(text.split(' ')) return lc, wc
def ingest_oxford_style_db(dbdir, dryrun=False): """ Ingest either oxford or paris Args: dbdir (str): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.dbio.ingest_database --exec-ingest_oxford_style_db --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.dbio.ingest_database import * # NOQA >>> dbdir = '/raid/work/Oxford' >>> dryrun = True >>> ingest_oxford_style_db(dbdir) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() Ignore: >>> from ibeis.dbio.ingest_database import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> dbdir = '/raid/work/Oxford' >>> dbdir = '/raid/work/Paris' >>> #>>> ibeis.dbio.convert_db.ingest_oxford_style_db(dbdir) """ from PIL import Image print('Loading Oxford Style Images from: ' + dbdir) def _parse_oxsty_gtfname(gt_fname): """ parse gtfname for: (gt_name, quality_lbl, num) """ # num is an id, not a number of annots gt_format = '{}_{:d}_{:D}.txt' name, num, quality = parse.parse(gt_format, gt_fname) return (name, num, quality) def _read_oxsty_gtfile(gt_fpath, name, quality, img_dpath, ignore_list): oxsty_annot_info_list = [] # read the individual ground truth file with open(gt_fpath, 'r') as file: line_list = for line in line_list: if line == '': continue fields = line.split(' ') gname = fields[0].replace('oxc1_', '') + '.jpg' # >:( Because PARIS just cant keep paths consistent if gname.find('paris_') >= 0: paris_hack = gname[6:gname.rfind('_')] gname = join(paris_hack, gname) if gname in ignore_list: continue if len(fields) > 1: # if has bbox bbox = [int(round(float(x))) for x in fields[1:]] else: # Get annotation width / height gpath = join(img_dpath, gname) (w, h) = bbox = [0, 0, w, h] oxsty_annot_info = (gname, bbox) oxsty_annot_info_list.append(oxsty_annot_info) return oxsty_annot_info_list gt_dpath = ut.existing_subpath(dbdir, ['oxford_style_gt', 'gt_files_170407', 'oxford_groundtruth']) img_dpath = ut.existing_subpath(dbdir, ['oxbuild_images', 'images']) corrupted_file_fpath = join(gt_dpath, 'corrupted_files.txt') ignore_list = [] # Check for corrupted files (Looking at your Paris Buildings Dataset) if ut.checkpath(corrupted_file_fpath): ignore_list = ut.read_from(corrupted_file_fpath).splitlines() gname_list = ut.list_images(img_dpath, ignore_list=ignore_list, recursive=True, full=False) # just in case utool broke for ignore in ignore_list: assert ignore not in gname_list # Read the Oxford Style Groundtruth files print('Loading Oxford Style Names and Annots') gt_fname_list = os.listdir(gt_dpath) num_gt_files = len(gt_fname_list) query_annots = [] gname2_annots_raw = ut.ddict(list) name_set = set([]) print(' * num_gt_files = %d ' % num_gt_files) # # Iterate over each groundtruth file for gtx, gt_fname in enumerate(ut.ProgIter(gt_fname_list, 'parsed oxsty gtfile: ')): if gt_fname == 'corrupted_files.txt': continue #Get name, quality, and num from fname (name, num, quality) = _parse_oxsty_gtfname(gt_fname) gt_fpath = join(gt_dpath, gt_fname) name_set.add(name) oxsty_annot_info_sublist = _read_oxsty_gtfile( gt_fpath, name, quality, img_dpath, ignore_list) if quality == 'query': for (gname, bbox) in oxsty_annot_info_sublist: query_annots.append((gname, bbox, name, num)) else: for (gname, bbox) in oxsty_annot_info_sublist: gname2_annots_raw[gname].append((name, bbox, quality)) print(' * num_query images = %d ' % len(query_annots)) # # Remove duplicates img.jpg : (*1.txt, *2.txt, ...) -> (*.txt) gname2_annots = ut.ddict(list) multinamed_gname_list = [] for gname, val in gname2_annots_raw.iteritems(): val_repr = list(map(repr, val)) unique_reprs = set(val_repr) unique_indexes = [val_repr.index(urep) for urep in unique_reprs] for ux in unique_indexes: gname2_annots[gname].append(val[ux]) if len(gname2_annots[gname]) > 1: multinamed_gname_list.append(gname) # print some statistics query_gname_list = [tup[0] for tup in query_annots] gname_with_groundtruth_list = gname2_annots.keys() gname_with_groundtruth_set = set(gname_with_groundtruth_list) gname_set = set(gname_list) query_gname_set = set(query_gname_list) gname_without_groundtruth_list = list(gname_set - gname_with_groundtruth_set) print(' * num_images = %d ' % len(gname_list)) print(' * images with groundtruth = %d ' % len(gname_with_groundtruth_list)) print(' * images without groundtruth = %d ' % len(gname_without_groundtruth_list)) print(' * images with multi-groundtruth = %d ' % len(multinamed_gname_list)) #make sure all queries have ground truth and there are no duplicate queries # assert len(query_gname_list) == len(query_gname_set.intersection(gname_with_groundtruth_list)) assert len(query_gname_list) == len(set(query_gname_list)) #======================================================= # Build IBEIS database if not dryrun: ibs = ibeis.opendb(dbdir, allow_newdir=True) ibs.cfg.other_cfg.auto_localize = False print('adding to table: ') # Add images to ibeis gpath_list = [join(img_dpath, gname).replace('\\', '/') for gname in gname_list] gid_list = ibs.add_images(gpath_list) # 1) Add Query Annotations qgname_list, qbbox_list, qname_list, qid_list = zip(*query_annots) # get image ids of queries qgid_list = [gid_list[gname_list.index(gname)] for gname in qgname_list] qnote_list = ['query'] * len(qgid_list) # 2) Add nonquery database annots dgname_list = list(gname2_annots.keys()) # NOQA dgid_list = [] dname_list = [] dbbox_list = [] dnote_list = [] for gname in gname2_annots.keys(): gid = gid_list[gname_list.index(gname)] annots = gname2_annots[gname] for name, bbox, quality in annots: dgid_list.append(gid) dbbox_list.append(bbox) dname_list.append(name) dnote_list.append(quality) # 3) Add distractors: TODO: 100k ugid_list = [gid_list[gname_list.index(gname)] for gname in gname_without_groundtruth_list] ubbox_list = [[0, 0, w, h] for (w, h) in ibs.get_image_sizes(ugid_list)] unote_list = ['distractor'] * len(ugid_list) # TODO Annotation consistency in terms of duplicate bounding boxes qaid_list = ibs.add_annots(qgid_list, bbox_list=qbbox_list, name_list=qname_list, notes_list=qnote_list) daid_list = ibs.add_annots(dgid_list, bbox_list=dbbox_list, name_list=dname_list, notes_list=dnote_list) uaid_list = ibs.add_annots(ugid_list, bbox_list=ubbox_list, notes_list=unote_list) print('Added %d query annototations' % len(qaid_list)) print('Added %d database annototations' % len(daid_list)) print('Added %d distractor annototations' % len(uaid_list)) update = False if update: # TODO: integrate this into normal ingest pipeline 'Oxford' ibs = ibeis.opendb(dbdir) aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() notes_list = ibs.get_annot_notes(aid_list) _dict = { 'ok': ibs.const.QUAL_OK, 'good': ibs.const.QUAL_GOOD, 'junk': ibs.const.QUAL_JUNK, #'distractor': ibs.const.QUAL_JUNK } qual_text_list = [_dict.get(note, ibs.const.QUAL_UNKNOWN) for note in notes_list] ibs.set_annot_quality_texts(aid_list, qual_text_list) ibs._overwrite_all_annot_species_to('building') tags_list = [[note] if note in ['query', 'distractor'] else [] for note in notes_list] from ibeis import tag_funcs tag_funcs.append_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list, tags_list) #ibs._set # tags_ = ibs.get_annot_case_tags(aid_list) # pass """
print('---------------------') print('Cyth Visit Simple') visitor = CythVisitor() visitor.visit(pt) print('---------------------') print(visitor.get_result()) # More complicated test import vtool import utool from os.path import join py_fpath = join(vtool.__path__[0], '') py_text = utool.read_from(py_fpath) parse_tree = ast.parse(py_text) print(py_fpath) print('---------------------') #print('Abstract Syntax Tree 2:') #print(ast.dump(parse_tree)) print('---------------------') print('Cyth Visit Complex 2') visitor2 = CythVisitor() visitor2.visit(parse_tree) print('---------------------') print(visitor2.get_result()) print('---------------------')
def sort_module_functions(): from os.path import dirname, join import utool as ut import ibeis.control import re #import re #regex = r'[^@]*\ndef' modfpath = dirname(ibeis.control.__file__) fpath = join(modfpath, '') #fpath = join(modfpath, '') #fpath = join(modfpath, '') #fpath = join(modfpath, '') text = ut.read_from(fpath, verbose=False) lines = text.splitlines() indent_list = [ut.get_indentation(line) for line in lines] isfunc_list = [line.startswith('def ') for line in lines] isblank_list = [len(line.strip(' ')) == 0 for line in lines] isdec_list = [line.startswith('@') for line in lines] tmp = ['def' if isfunc else indent for isfunc, indent in zip(isfunc_list, indent_list)] tmp = ['b' if isblank else t for isblank, t in zip(isblank_list, tmp)] tmp = ['@' if isdec else t for isdec, t in zip(isdec_list, tmp)] #print('\n'.join([str((t, count + 1)) for (count, t) in enumerate(tmp)])) block_list = re.split('\n\n\n', text, flags=re.MULTILINE) #for block in block_list: # print('#====') # print(block) isfunc_list = ['^def ', block, re.MULTILINE) is not None for block in block_list] whole_varname = ut.whole_word(ut.REGEX_VARNAME) funcname_regex = r'def\s+' + ut.named_field('funcname', whole_varname) def findfuncname(block): match =, block) return'funcname') funcnameblock_list = [findfuncname(block) if isfunc else None for isfunc, block in zip(isfunc_list, block_list)] funcblock_list = ut.filter_items(block_list, isfunc_list) funcname_list = ut.filter_items(funcnameblock_list, isfunc_list) nonfunc_list = ut.filterfalse_items(block_list, isfunc_list) nonfunc_list = ut.filterfalse_items(block_list, isfunc_list) ismain_list = ['^if __name__ == ["\']__main__["\']', nonfunc) is not None for nonfunc in nonfunc_list] mainblock_list = ut.filter_items(nonfunc_list, ismain_list) nonfunc_list = ut.filterfalse_items(nonfunc_list, ismain_list) newtext_list = [] for nonfunc in nonfunc_list: newtext_list.append(nonfunc) newtext_list.append('\n') #funcname_list for funcblock in ut.sortedby(funcblock_list, funcname_list): newtext_list.append(funcblock) newtext_list.append('\n') for mainblock in mainblock_list: newtext_list.append(mainblock) newtext = '\n'.join(newtext_list) print('newtext = %s' % (newtext,)) print('len(newtext) = %r' % (len(newtext),)) print('len(text) = %r' % (len(text),)) backup_fpath = ut.augpath(fpath, augext='.bak', augdir='_backup', ensure=True) ut.write_to(backup_fpath, text) ut.write_to(fpath, newtext)
def sort_module_functions(): from os.path import dirname, join import utool as ut import ibeis.control import re #import re #regex = r'[^@]*\ndef' modfpath = dirname(ibeis.control.__file__) fpath = join(modfpath, '') #fpath = join(modfpath, '') #fpath = join(modfpath, '') #fpath = join(modfpath, '') text = ut.read_from(fpath, verbose=False) lines = text.splitlines() indent_list = [ut.get_indentation(line) for line in lines] isfunc_list = [line.startswith('def ') for line in lines] isblank_list = [len(line.strip(' ')) == 0 for line in lines] isdec_list = [line.startswith('@') for line in lines] tmp = [ 'def' if isfunc else indent for isfunc, indent in zip(isfunc_list, indent_list) ] tmp = ['b' if isblank else t for isblank, t in zip(isblank_list, tmp)] tmp = ['@' if isdec else t for isdec, t in zip(isdec_list, tmp)] #print('\n'.join([str((t, count + 1)) for (count, t) in enumerate(tmp)])) block_list = re.split('\n\n\n', text, flags=re.MULTILINE) #for block in block_list: # print('#====') # print(block) isfunc_list = ['^def ', block, re.MULTILINE) is not None for block in block_list ] whole_varname = ut.whole_word(ut.REGEX_VARNAME) funcname_regex = r'def\s+' + ut.named_field('funcname', whole_varname) def findfuncname(block): match =, block) return'funcname') funcnameblock_list = [ findfuncname(block) if isfunc else None for isfunc, block in zip(isfunc_list, block_list) ] funcblock_list = ut.filter_items(block_list, isfunc_list) funcname_list = ut.filter_items(funcnameblock_list, isfunc_list) nonfunc_list = ut.filterfalse_items(block_list, isfunc_list) nonfunc_list = ut.filterfalse_items(block_list, isfunc_list) ismain_list = ['^if __name__ == ["\']__main__["\']', nonfunc) is not None for nonfunc in nonfunc_list ] mainblock_list = ut.filter_items(nonfunc_list, ismain_list) nonfunc_list = ut.filterfalse_items(nonfunc_list, ismain_list) newtext_list = [] for nonfunc in nonfunc_list: newtext_list.append(nonfunc) newtext_list.append('\n') #funcname_list for funcblock in ut.sortedby(funcblock_list, funcname_list): newtext_list.append(funcblock) newtext_list.append('\n') for mainblock in mainblock_list: newtext_list.append(mainblock) newtext = '\n'.join(newtext_list) print('newtext = %s' % (newtext, )) print('len(newtext) = %r' % (len(newtext), )) print('len(text) = %r' % (len(text), )) backup_fpath = ut.augpath(fpath, augext='.bak', augdir='_backup', ensure=True) ut.write_to(backup_fpath, text) ut.write_to(fpath, newtext)
def parse_latex_comments_for_commmands(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.scripts.gen_cand_expts --exec-parse_latex_comments_for_commmands Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.scripts.gen_cand_expts import * # NOQA >>> parse_latex_comments_for_commmands() """ fname = ut.get_argval('--fname', type_=str, default='figdefexpt.tex') text = ut.read_from(ut.truepath('~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015/' + fname)) #text = ut.read_from(ut.truepath('~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015/figdefindiv.tex')) lines = text.split('\n') cmd_list = [''] in_comment = True for line in lines: if line.startswith('% ---'): # Keep separators toadd = line.replace('%', '#') if not (len(cmd_list) > 1 and cmd_list[-1].startswith('# ---')): cmd_list[-1] += (toadd) else: cmd_list.append(toadd) cmd_list.append('') if line.strip().startswith(r'\begin{comment}'): in_comment = True continue if in_comment: line = line.strip() if line == '' or line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('%'): in_comment = False else: cmd_list[-1] = cmd_list[-1] + line if not line.strip().endswith('\\'): cmd_list[-1] = cmd_list[-1] + ' $@' #cmd_list.append('') #cmd_list.append('#--') cmd_list.append('') in_comment = False else: cmd_list[-1] = cmd_list[-1] + '\n' cmd_list = [cmd.replace('--render', '').replace('--diskshow', '') for cmd in cmd_list] # formatting cmd_list2 = [] for cmd in cmd_list: #cmd = cmd.replace(' -t ', ' \\\n -t ') #cmd = cmd.replace('--db', '\\\n --db') #cmd = cmd.replace('python -m', './') cmd = cmd.replace('python -m -e', 'ibeis -e') cmd_list2.append(cmd) cmd_list = cmd_list2 print('cmd_list = %s' % (ut.repr2(cmd_list),)) from os.path import splitext script_fname = 'regen_' + splitext(fname)[0] + '.sh' fname, script, line_list = write_script_lines(cmd_list, script_fname)
def git_sequence_editor_squash(fpath): """ squashes wip messages CommandLine: python -m utool.util_git --exec-git_sequence_editor_squash Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> import utool as ut >>> from utool.util_git import * # NOQA >>> fpath = ut.get_argval('--fpath', str, default=None) >>> git_sequence_editor_squash(fpath) Ignore: text = ut.codeblock( ''' pick 852aa05 better doctest for tips pick 3c779b8 wip pick 02bc21d wip pick 1853828 Fixed root tablename pick 9d50233 doctest updates pick 66230a5 wip pick c612e98 wip pick b298598 Fixed tablename error pick 1120a87 wip pick f6c4838 wip pick 7f92575 wip ''') Ignore: def squash_consecutive_commits_with_same_message(): # # Can do interactively with this. Can it be done automatically and pay attention to # Timestamps etc? git rebase --interactive HEAD~40 --autosquash git rebase --interactive $(git merge-base HEAD master) --autosquash # Lookbehind correct version %s/\([a-z]* [a-z0-9]* wip\n\)\@<=pick \([a-z0-9]*\) wip/squash \2 wip/gc # THE FULL NON-INTERACTIVE AUTOSQUASH SCRIPT # TODO: Dont squash if there is a one hour timedelta between commits GIT_EDITOR="cat $1" GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="python -m utool.util_git --exec-git_sequence_editor_squash \ --fpath $1" git rebase -i $(git rev-list HEAD | tail -n 1) --autosquash --no-verify GIT_EDITOR="cat $1" GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="python -m utool.util_git --exec-git_sequence_editor_squash \ --fpath $1" git rebase -i HEAD~10 --autosquash --no-verify GIT_EDITOR="cat $1" GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="python -m utool.util_git --exec-git_sequence_editor_squash \ --fpath $1" git rebase -i $(git merge-base HEAD master) --autosquash --no-verify # 14d778fa30a93f85c61f34d09eddb6d2cafd11e2 # c509a95d4468ebb61097bd9f4d302367424772a3 # b0ffc26011e33378ee30730c5e0ef1994bfe1a90 # GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=<script> git rebase -i <params> # GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="echo 'FOOBAR $1' " git rebase -i HEAD~40 --autosquash # git checkout master # git branch -D tmp # git checkout -b tmp # option to get the tail commit $(git rev-list HEAD | tail -n 1) # GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="python -m utool.util_git --exec-git_sequence_editor_squash \ --fpath $1" git rebase -i HEAD~40 --autosquash # GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="python -m utool.util_git --exec-git_sequence_editor_squash \ --fpath $1" git rebase -i HEAD~40 --autosquash --no-verify <params> """ # print(sys.argv) import utool as ut text = ut.read_from(fpath) # print('fpath = %r' % (fpath,)) print(text) # Doesnt work because of fixed witdth requirement # search = (ut.util_regex.positive_lookbehind('[a-z]* [a-z0-9]* wip\n') + 'pick ' + # ut.reponamed_field('hash', '[a-z0-9]*') + ' wip') # repl = ('squash ' + ut.bref_field('hash') + ' wip') # import re # new_text = re.sub(search, repl, text, flags=re.MULTILINE) # print(new_text) prev_msg = None prev_dt = None new_lines = [] def get_commit_date(hashid): out, err, ret = ut.cmd("git show -s --format=%ci " + hashid, verbose=False, quiet=True, pad_stdout=False) # from datetime import datetime from dateutil import parser # print('out = %r' % (out,)) stamp = out.strip("\n") # print('stamp = %r' % (stamp,)) dt = parser.parse(stamp) # dt = datetime.strptime(stamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z') # print('dt = %r' % (dt,)) return dt for line in text.split("\n"): commit_line = line.split(" ") if len(commit_line) < 3: prev_msg = None prev_dt = None new_lines += [line] continue action = commit_line[0] hashid = commit_line[1] msg = " ".join(commit_line[2:]) try: dt = get_commit_date(hashid) except ValueError: prev_msg = None prev_dt = None new_lines += [line] continue orig_msg = msg can_squash = action == "pick" and msg == "wip" and prev_msg == "wip" if prev_dt is not None and prev_msg == "wip": tdelta = dt - prev_dt # Only squash closely consecutive commits threshold_minutes = 45 td_min = tdelta.total_seconds() / 60.0 # print(tdelta) can_squash &= td_min < threshold_minutes msg = msg + " -- tdelta=%r" % (ut.get_timedelta_str(tdelta),) if can_squash: new_line = " ".join(["squash", hashid, msg]) new_lines += [new_line] else: new_lines += [line] prev_msg = orig_msg prev_dt = dt new_text = "\n".join(new_lines) def get_commit_date(hashid): out = ut.cmd("git show -s --format=%ci " + hashid, verbose=False) print("out = %r" % (out,)) # print('Dry run') # ut.dump_autogen_code(fpath, new_text) print(new_text) ut.write_to(fpath, new_text, n=None)
def fix_sentences(): """ fixtex --fixsent """ text = ut.read_from('main.tex') root = latex_parser.LatexDocPart.parse_text(text, debug=None) document = root.find_descendant_type('document') chapters = list(document.find_descendant_types('chapter')) def separate_math(line): # Break line into math and english parts mathsep = ut.negative_lookbehind(re.escape('\\')) + re.escape('$') pos = [0] for count, match in enumerate(re.finditer(mathsep, line)): pos.append(match.start() if count % 2 == 0 else match.end()) pos.append(len(line)) english = [] math = [] for count, (l, r) in enumerate(ut.itertwo(pos)): if count % 2 == 0 and line[l:r]: english.append(line[l:r]) else: math.append(line[l:r]) return english, math def print_acronymn_def(english_line): words = re.split('[~\s]', english_line.rstrip('.')) words = [w.rstrip(',').rstrip('.') for w in words] flag = 0 for count, word in enumerate(words): if re.match('\\([A-Z]+\\)', word): ut.cprint(word, 'blue') flag = True if flag: print(re.sub('\\\\cite{[^}]*}', '', line)) def has_consec_cap_words(words): for count, (u, v) in enumerate(ut.itertwo(words)): if u[0].isupper() and v[0].isupper(): if count > 0: return True def gen_sentences(): for chapter in chapters: # ut.cprint(chapter.fpath_root(), 'yellow') for line in chapter.find_sentences(): context = {'chapter': chapter} yield line, context import re found = ut.ddict(list) for line, context in gen_sentences(): english, math = separate_math(line) english_line = ' '.join(english).replace(',', '').rstrip('.').strip(' ') words = re.split('[~\s]+', english_line) words = [w.rstrip(',').rstrip('.') for w in words] if has_consec_cap_words(words): print(line) # print_acronymn_def(english_line) if 'locality sensitive' in line: print("LSH NEEDS DASH") multicap_words = [] for count, word in enumerate(words): word = word.strip(')').strip('(') if sum(c.isupper() for c in word) > 1: if word.startswith('\\') and word.endswith('{}'): continue if word.startswith('\\Cref') and word.endswith('}'): if count != 0: print("FIX CREF UPPER") print(line) continue if word.startswith('\\cref') and word.endswith('}'): if count == 0: print("FIX CREF LOWER") print(line) continue if not word.isalpha(): continue multicap_words.append(word) if multicap_words: found[context['chapter']].append(multicap_words) # print(ut.repr4(ut.dict_hist(found))) def english_tokens(line): # Break line into math and english parts mathsep = ut.negative_lookbehind(re.escape('\\')) + re.escape('$') def clean_word(word): if word.startswith('``'): word = word[2:] if word.endswith("''"): word = word[:-2] return word.strip(',').rstrip('.') prev = 0 tokens = [] for count, match in enumerate(re.finditer(mathsep, line)): if count % 2 == 0: curr = match.start() english = line[prev:curr] parts = re.split('[~\s]+', english) parts = (clean_word(p) for p in parts) parts = (p for p in parts if p) tokens.extend(parts) else: curr = match.end() math = line[prev:curr] tokens.append(math) prev = curr return tokens from fixtex.svn_converter.latexparser import DocParser from fixtex.svn_converter.docnodes import CaptionNode, FigureNode from fixtex.svn_converter.tokenizer import Tokenizer def caption_sentences(fpath): text = ut.readfrom(fpath) tokenstream = Tokenizer(text).tokenize() self = DocParser(tokenstream, fpath) tree = self.parse() for node in tree.walk(): if isinstance(node, FigureNode): for x in node.walk(): if isinstance(x, CaptionNode): for sent in ut.split_sentences2(x.resolve()): yield sent def gen_cap(): fpaths = [ ut.truepath('~/latex/crall-thesis-2017/figdef1.tex'), ut.truepath('~/latex/crall-thesis-2017/figdef2.tex'), ut.truepath('~/latex/crall-thesis-2017/figdef3.tex'), ut.truepath('~/latex/crall-thesis-2017/figdef4.tex'), ut.truepath('~/latex/crall-thesis-2017/figdef5.tex'), ] for fpath in fpaths: context = {'fpath': fpath} for sent in caption_sentences(fpath): yield sent, context # Find A, An grammar errors # Define special cases: cons_sounds = { 'unit', 'user', 'unique', 'one', 'uniform', 'unified', 'useful' } vowel_sounds = {'roc', 'mcc', 'lnbnn', 'l1', 'hour'} def startswith_vowel_sound(after): # do our best guess if after.startswith('$'): if after[1] == '8': return True if after[1] == 'x': return True if after in vowel_sounds: return True if after in cons_sounds: return False return after[0] in 'aeiou' cmd_map, cmd_map1 = latex_parser.LatexDocPart.read_static_defs() simple_cmd_re = re.compile('\\\\[A-Za-z]*{}') print('\nCHECK FOR A / AN ERRORS') import itertools as it generators = [ # gen_sentences(), gen_cap(), ] for line, context in it.chain(*generators): words = english_tokens(line) for u, v in ut.itertwo(words): v_orig = v if simple_cmd_re.match(v): key = v[:-2] try: v = cmd_map[key] except: print(line) raise v = v.split('-')[0] article = u.lower() if article in {'a', 'an'}: after = v.lower() # TODO ensure v is a singular countable noun is_vowel_sound = startswith_vowel_sound(after) flag = False if article == 'a' and is_vowel_sound: flag = 'after is a consonent sound should start with a' if article == 'an' and not is_vowel_sound: flag = 'after is a vowel sound should start with an' if flag: print('---------') print(flag) print(article, after) print('{} {}'.format(u, v_orig)) print(line)
def git_sequence_editor_squash(fpath): """ squashes wip messages CommandLine: python -m utool.util_git --exec-git_sequence_editor_squash Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> import utool as ut >>> from utool.util_git import * # NOQA >>> fpath = ut.get_argval('--fpath', str, default=None) >>> git_sequence_editor_squash(fpath) Ignore: text = ut.codeblock( ''' pick 852aa05 better doctest for tips pick 3c779b8 wip pick 02bc21d wip pick 1853828 Fixed root tablename pick 9d50233 doctest updates pick 66230a5 wip pick c612e98 wip pick b298598 Fixed tablename error pick 1120a87 wip pick f6c4838 wip pick 7f92575 wip ''') Ignore: def squash_consecutive_commits_with_same_message(): # # Can do interactively with this. Can it be done automatically and pay attention to # Timestamps etc? git rebase --interactive HEAD~40 --autosquash git rebase --interactive $(git merge-base HEAD master) --autosquash # Lookbehind correct version %s/\([a-z]* [a-z0-9]* wip\n\)\@<=pick \([a-z0-9]*\) wip/squash \2 wip/gc # THE FULL NON-INTERACTIVE AUTOSQUASH SCRIPT # TODO: Dont squash if there is a one hour timedelta between commits GIT_EDITOR="cat $1" GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="python -m utool.util_git --exec-git_sequence_editor_squash \ --fpath $1" git rebase -i $(git rev-list HEAD | tail -n 1) --autosquash --no-verify GIT_EDITOR="cat $1" GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="python -m utool.util_git --exec-git_sequence_editor_squash \ --fpath $1" git rebase -i HEAD~10 --autosquash --no-verify GIT_EDITOR="cat $1" GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="python -m utool.util_git --exec-git_sequence_editor_squash \ --fpath $1" git rebase -i $(git merge-base HEAD master) --autosquash --no-verify # 14d778fa30a93f85c61f34d09eddb6d2cafd11e2 # c509a95d4468ebb61097bd9f4d302367424772a3 # b0ffc26011e33378ee30730c5e0ef1994bfe1a90 # GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=<script> git rebase -i <params> # GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="echo 'FOOBAR $1' " git rebase -i HEAD~40 --autosquash # git checkout master # git branch -D tmp # git checkout -b tmp # option to get the tail commit $(git rev-list HEAD | tail -n 1) # GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="python -m utool.util_git --exec-git_sequence_editor_squash \ --fpath $1" git rebase -i HEAD~40 --autosquash # GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="python -m utool.util_git --exec-git_sequence_editor_squash \ --fpath $1" git rebase -i HEAD~40 --autosquash --no-verify <params> """ # print(sys.argv) import utool as ut text = ut.read_from(fpath) # print('fpath = %r' % (fpath,)) print(text) # Doesnt work because of fixed witdth requirement # search = (ut.util_regex.positive_lookbehind('[a-z]* [a-z0-9]* wip\n') + 'pick ' + # ut.reponamed_field('hash', '[a-z0-9]*') + ' wip') # repl = ('squash ' + ut.bref_field('hash') + ' wip') # import re # new_text = re.sub(search, repl, text, flags=re.MULTILINE) # print(new_text) prev_msg = None prev_dt = None new_lines = [] def get_commit_date(hashid): out, err, ret = ut.cmd('git show -s --format=%ci ' + hashid, verbose=False, quiet=True, pad_stdout=False) # from datetime import datetime from dateutil import parser # print('out = %r' % (out,)) stamp = out.strip('\n') # print('stamp = %r' % (stamp,)) dt = parser.parse(stamp) # dt = datetime.strptime(stamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z') # print('dt = %r' % (dt,)) return dt for line in text.split('\n'): commit_line = line.split(' ') if len(commit_line) < 3: prev_msg = None prev_dt = None new_lines += [line] continue action = commit_line[0] hashid = commit_line[1] msg = ' ' .join(commit_line[2:]) try: dt = get_commit_date(hashid) except ValueError: prev_msg = None prev_dt = None new_lines += [line] continue orig_msg = msg can_squash = action == 'pick' and msg == 'wip' and prev_msg == 'wip' if prev_dt is not None and prev_msg == 'wip': tdelta = dt - prev_dt # Only squash closely consecutive commits threshold_minutes = 45 td_min = (tdelta.total_seconds() / 60.) # print(tdelta) can_squash &= td_min < threshold_minutes msg = msg + ' -- tdelta=%r' % (ut.get_timedelta_str(tdelta),) if can_squash: new_line = ' ' .join(['squash', hashid, msg]) new_lines += [new_line] else: new_lines += [line] prev_msg = orig_msg prev_dt = dt new_text = '\n'.join(new_lines) def get_commit_date(hashid): out = ut.cmd('git show -s --format=%ci ' + hashid, verbose=False) print('out = %r' % (out,)) # print('Dry run') # ut.dump_autogen_code(fpath, new_text) print(new_text) ut.write_to(fpath, new_text, n=None)
def autogen_sphinx_apidoc(): r""" Ignore: C:\Python27\Scripts\ pip uninstall sphinx pip install sphinx pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon pip install sphinx --upgrade pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon --upgrade cd C:\Python27\Scripts ls C:\Python27\Scripts python -c "import sphinx; print(sphinx.__version__)" CommandLine: python -m utool.util_setup --exec-autogen_sphinx_apidoc Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from utool.util_setup import * # NOQA >>> autogen_sphinx_apidoc() """ # TODO: assert sphinx-apidoc exe is found # TODO: make find_exe work? import utool as ut def build_sphinx_apidoc_cmdstr(): print('') print('if this fails try: sudo pip install sphinx') print('') apidoc = 'sphinx-apidoc' if ut.WIN32: winprefix = 'C:/Python27/Scripts/' sphinx_apidoc_exe = winprefix + apidoc + '.exe' else: sphinx_apidoc_exe = apidoc apidoc_argfmt_list = [ sphinx_apidoc_exe, '--force', '--full', '--maxdepth="{maxdepth}"', '--doc-author="{author}"', '--doc-version="{doc_version}"', '--doc-release="{doc_release}"', '--output-dir="_doc"', #'--separate', # Put documentation for each module on its own page '--private', # Include "_private" modules '{pkgdir}', ] outputdir = '_doc' author = ut.parse_author() packages = ut.find_packages(maxdepth=1) assert len( packages) != 0, 'directory must contain at least one package' if len(packages) > 1: assert len(packages) == 1,\ ('FIXME I dont know what to do with more than one root package: %r' % (packages,)) pkgdir = packages[0] version = ut.parse_package_for_version(pkgdir) modpath = dirname(ut.truepath(pkgdir)) apidoc_fmtdict = { 'author': author, 'maxdepth': '8', 'pkgdir': pkgdir, 'doc_version': version, 'doc_release': version, 'outputdir': outputdir, } ut.assert_exists('') ut.ensuredir('_doc') apidoc_fmtstr = ' '.join(apidoc_argfmt_list) apidoc_cmdstr = apidoc_fmtstr.format(**apidoc_fmtdict) print('[util_setup] autogenerate sphinx docs for %r' % (pkgdir, )) if ut.VERBOSE: print(ut.dict_str(apidoc_fmtdict)) return apidoc_cmdstr, modpath, outputdir def build_conf_replstr(): # # Make custom edits to # FIXME: #ext_search_text = ut.unindent( # r''' # extensions = [ # [^\]]* # ] # ''') ext_search_text = r'extensions = \[[^/]*\]' # TODO: #'sphinx.ext.mathjax', exclude_modules = [] # ['ibeis.all_imports'] ext_repl_text = ut.codeblock(''' MOCK_MODULES = {exclude_modules} if len(MOCK_MODULES) > 0: import mock for mod_name in MOCK_MODULES: sys.modules[mod_name] = mock.Mock() extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', # For LaTeX 'sphinx.ext.pngmath', # For Google Sytle Docstrs # 'sphinxcontrib.napoleon', #'sphinx.ext.napoleon', ] ''').format(exclude_modules=str(exclude_modules)) #theme_search = 'html_theme = \'default\'' theme_search = 'html_theme = \'[a-zA-Z_1-3]*\'' theme_repl = ut.codeblock(''' import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme" html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] ''') head_text = ut.codeblock(''' from sphinx.ext.autodoc import between import sphinx_rtd_theme import sys import os # Dont parse IBEIS args os.environ['IBIES_PARSE_ARGS'] = 'OFF' os.environ['UTOOL_AUTOGEN_SPHINX_RUNNING'] = 'ON' sys.path.append('{modpath}') sys.path.append(sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../"))) autosummary_generate = True modindex_common_prefix = ['_'] ''').format(modpath=ut.truepath(modpath)) tail_text = ut.codeblock(''' def setup(app): # Register a sphinx.ext.autodoc.between listener to ignore everything # between lines that contain the word IGNORE app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', between('^.*IGNORE.*$', exclude=True)) return app ''') return (ext_search_text, ext_repl_text, theme_search, theme_repl, head_text, tail_text) apidoc_cmdstr, modpath, outputdir = build_sphinx_apidoc_cmdstr() ext_search_text, ext_repl_text, theme_search, theme_repl, head_text, tail_text = build_conf_replstr( ) dry = ut.get_argflag('--dry') if not dry: # Execute sphinx-apidoc ut.cmd(apidoc_cmdstr, shell=True) # sphinx-apidoc outputs to <outputdir>, add custom commands # # Change dir to <outputdir> print('chdir' + outputdir) os.chdir(outputdir) conf_fname = '' conf_text = ut.read_from(conf_fname) conf_text = conf_text.replace('import sys', 'import sys # NOQA') conf_text = conf_text.replace('import os', 'import os # NOQA') conf_text = ut.regex_replace(theme_search, theme_repl, conf_text) conf_text = ut.regex_replace(ext_search_text, ext_repl_text, conf_text) conf_text = head_text + '\n' + conf_text + tail_text ut.write_to(conf_fname, conf_text) # Make the documentation #if ut.LINUX: # ut.cmd('make html', shell=True) #if ut.WIN32: #raw_input('waiting') if not ut.get_argflag('--nomake'): ut.cmd('make', 'html', shell=True) else: print(apidoc_cmdstr) print('cd ' + outputdir) print('manual edits of') print('make html')
def autogen_sphinx_apidoc(): r""" Ignore: C:\Python27\Scripts\ pip uninstall sphinx pip install sphinx pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon pip install sphinx --upgrade pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon --upgrade cd C:\Python27\Scripts ls C:\Python27\Scripts python -c "import sphinx; print(sphinx.__version__)" CommandLine: python -m utool.util_setup --exec-autogen_sphinx_apidoc Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from utool.util_setup import * # NOQA >>> autogen_sphinx_apidoc() """ # TODO: assert sphinx-apidoc exe is found # TODO: make find_exe work? import utool as ut def build_sphinx_apidoc_cmdstr(): print('') print('if this fails try: sudo pip install sphinx') print('') apidoc = 'sphinx-apidoc' if ut.WIN32: winprefix = 'C:/Python27/Scripts/' sphinx_apidoc_exe = winprefix + apidoc + '.exe' else: sphinx_apidoc_exe = apidoc apidoc_argfmt_list = [ sphinx_apidoc_exe, '--force', '--full', '--maxdepth="{maxdepth}"', '--doc-author="{author}"', '--doc-version="{doc_version}"', '--doc-release="{doc_release}"', '--output-dir="_doc"', #'--separate', # Put documentation for each module on its own page '--private', # Include "_private" modules '{pkgdir}', ] outputdir = '_doc' author = ut.parse_author() packages = ut.find_packages(maxdepth=1) assert len(packages) != 0, 'directory must contain at least one package' if len(packages) > 1: assert len(packages) == 1,\ ('FIXME I dont know what to do with more than one root package: %r' % (packages,)) pkgdir = packages[0] version = ut.parse_package_for_version(pkgdir) modpath = dirname(ut.truepath(pkgdir)) apidoc_fmtdict = { 'author': author, 'maxdepth': '8', 'pkgdir': pkgdir, 'doc_version': version, 'doc_release': version, 'outputdir': outputdir, } ut.assert_exists('') ut.ensuredir('_doc') apidoc_fmtstr = ' '.join(apidoc_argfmt_list) apidoc_cmdstr = apidoc_fmtstr.format(**apidoc_fmtdict) print('[util_setup] autogenerate sphinx docs for %r' % (pkgdir,)) if ut.VERBOSE: print(ut.dict_str(apidoc_fmtdict)) return apidoc_cmdstr, modpath, outputdir def build_conf_replstr(): # # Make custom edits to # FIXME: #ext_search_text = ut.unindent( # r''' # extensions = [ # [^\]]* # ] # ''') ext_search_text = r'extensions = \[[^/]*\]' # TODO: #'sphinx.ext.mathjax', exclude_modules = [] # ['ibeis.all_imports'] ext_repl_text = ut.codeblock( ''' MOCK_MODULES = {exclude_modules} if len(MOCK_MODULES) > 0: import mock for mod_name in MOCK_MODULES: sys.modules[mod_name] = mock.Mock() extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', # For LaTeX 'sphinx.ext.pngmath', # For Google Sytle Docstrs # 'sphinxcontrib.napoleon', #'sphinx.ext.napoleon', ] ''' ).format(exclude_modules=str(exclude_modules)) #theme_search = 'html_theme = \'default\'' theme_search = 'html_theme = \'[a-zA-Z_1-3]*\'' theme_repl = ut.codeblock( ''' import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme" html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] ''') head_text = ut.codeblock( ''' from sphinx.ext.autodoc import between import sphinx_rtd_theme import sys import os # Dont parse IBEIS args os.environ['IBIES_PARSE_ARGS'] = 'OFF' os.environ['UTOOL_AUTOGEN_SPHINX_RUNNING'] = 'ON' sys.path.append('{modpath}') sys.path.append(sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../"))) autosummary_generate = True modindex_common_prefix = ['_'] ''' ).format(modpath=ut.truepath(modpath)) tail_text = ut.codeblock( ''' def setup(app): # Register a sphinx.ext.autodoc.between listener to ignore everything # between lines that contain the word IGNORE app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', between('^.*IGNORE.*$', exclude=True)) return app ''' ) return (ext_search_text, ext_repl_text, theme_search, theme_repl, head_text, tail_text) apidoc_cmdstr, modpath, outputdir = build_sphinx_apidoc_cmdstr() ext_search_text, ext_repl_text, theme_search, theme_repl, head_text, tail_text = build_conf_replstr() dry = ut.get_argflag('--dry') if not dry: # Execute sphinx-apidoc ut.cmd(apidoc_cmdstr, shell=True) # sphinx-apidoc outputs to <outputdir>, add custom commands # # Change dir to <outputdir> print('chdir' + outputdir) os.chdir(outputdir) conf_fname = '' conf_text = ut.read_from(conf_fname) conf_text = conf_text.replace('import sys', 'import sys # NOQA') conf_text = conf_text.replace('import os', 'import os # NOQA') conf_text = ut.regex_replace(theme_search, theme_repl, conf_text) conf_text = ut.regex_replace(ext_search_text, ext_repl_text, conf_text) conf_text = head_text + '\n' + conf_text + tail_text ut.write_to(conf_fname, conf_text) # Make the documentation #if ut.LINUX: # ut.cmd('make html', shell=True) #if ut.WIN32: #raw_input('waiting') if not ut.get_argflag('--nomake'): ut.cmd('make', 'html', shell=True) else: print(apidoc_cmdstr) print('cd ' + outputdir) print('manual edits of') print('make html')
def findcite(): """ prints info about used and unused citations """ tex_fpath_list = testdata_fpaths() citekey_list = find_used_citations(tex_fpath_list) # Find uncited entries #bibtexparser = ut.tryimport('bibtexparser') bib_fpath = 'My_Library_clean.bib' bibtex_str = ut.read_from(bib_fpath) bib_database = bibtexparser.loads(bibtex_str) bibtex_dict = bib_database.get_entry_dict() for key in bibtex_dict.keys(): entry = bibtex_dict[key] entry = ut.map_dict_keys(six.text_type, entry) entry = ut.map_dict_keys(six.text_type.lower, entry) bibtex_dict[key] = entry print('ALL') ignore = ['JP', '?'] citekey_list = ut.setdiff_ordered(sorted(ut.unique(citekey_list)), ignore) #print(ut.indentjoin(citekey_list)) print('len(citekey_list) = %r' % (len(citekey_list), )) unknown_keys = list(set(citekey_list) - set(bibtex_dict.keys())) unused_keys = list(set(bibtex_dict.keys()) - set(citekey_list)) try: if len(unknown_keys) != 0: print('\nUNKNOWN KEYS:') print(ut.list_str(unknown_keys)) raise AssertionError('unknown keys') except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, iswarning=True, keys=['unknown_keys']) @ut.argv_flag_dec(indent=' ') def close_keys(): if len(unknown_keys) > 0: bibtex_dict.keys() print('\nDid you mean:') for key in unknown_keys: print('---') print(key) print(ut.closet_words(key, bibtex_dict.keys(), 3)) print('L___') else: print('no unkown keys') close_keys() @ut.argv_flag_dec(indent=' ') def print_unused(): print(ut.indentjoin(ut.sortedby(unused_keys, map(len, unused_keys)))) print('len(unused_keys) = %r' % (len(unused_keys), )) print_unused() all_authors = [] for key in bibtex_dict.keys(): entry = bibtex_dict[key] toremove = ['author', '{', '}', r'\\textbackslash'] author = ut.multi_replace(entry.get('author', ''), toremove, '') authors = author.split(' and ') all_authors.extend(authors) @ut.argv_flag_dec(indent=' ') def author_hist(): #print(all_authors) hist_ = ut.dict_hist(all_authors, ordered=True) hist_[''] = None del hist_[''] print('Author histogram') print(ut.dict_str(hist_)[-1000:]) author_hist() @ut.argv_flag_dec(indent=' ') def unused_important(): important_authors = [ 'hinton', 'chum', 'Jegou', 'zisserman', 'schmid', 'sivic', 'matas', 'lowe', 'perronnin', 'douze', ] for key in unused_keys: entry = bibtex_dict[key] author = entry.get('author', '') #authors = author.split(' and ') hasimportant = any(auth in author.lower() for auth in important_authors) if hasimportant or 'smk' in str(entry).lower(): toremove = [ 'note', 'month', 'type', 'pages', 'urldate', 'language', 'volume', 'number', 'publisher' ] entry = ut.delete_dict_keys(entry, toremove) print( ut.dict_str(entry, strvals=True, key_order=['title', 'author', 'id'])) unused_important()
def update_wildbook_install_config(webapps_dpath, unpacked_war_dpath): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis ensure_local_war python -m ibeis update_wildbook_install_config python -m ibeis update_wildbook_install_config --show Example: >>> from ibeis.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> tomcat_dpath = find_installed_tomcat() >>> webapps_dpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'webapps') >>> wb_target = ibeis.const.WILDBOOK_TARGET >>> unpacked_war_dpath = join(webapps_dpath, wb_target) >>> locals_ = ut.exec_func_src(update_wildbook_install_config, globals()) >>> #update_wildbook_install_config(webapps_dpath, unpacked_war_dpath) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> ut.vd(unpacked_war_dpath) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['permission_fpath']) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['jdoconfig_fpath']) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['asset_store_fpath']) """ mysql_mode = not ut.get_argflag('--nomysql') #if ut.get_argflag('--vd'): # ut.vd(unpacked_war_dpath) #find_installed_tomcat # Make sure permissions are correctly set in wildbook # Comment out the line that requires authentication permission_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'WEB-INF/web.xml') ut.assertpath(permission_fpath) permission_text = ut.readfrom(permission_fpath) lines_to_remove = [ # '/ImageSetSetMarkedIndividual = authc, roles[admin]' '/EncounterSetMarkedIndividual = authc, roles[admin]' ] new_permission_text = permission_text[:] for line in lines_to_remove:, permission_text) prefix = ut.named_field('prefix', '\\s*') suffix = ut.named_field('suffix', '\\s*\n') pattern = ('^' + prefix + re.escape(line) + suffix) match =, permission_text, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if match is None: continue newline = '<!--%s -->' % (line, ) repl = ut.bref_field('prefix') + newline + ut.bref_field('suffix') new_permission_text = re.sub(pattern, repl, permission_text, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) assert new_permission_text != permission_text, ( 'text should have changed') if new_permission_text != permission_text: print('Need to write new permission texts') ut.writeto(permission_fpath, new_permission_text) else: print('Permission file seems to be ok') # Make sure we are using a non-process based database jdoconfig_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'WEB-INF/classes/bundles/') print('Fixing backend database config') print('jdoconfig_fpath = %r' % (jdoconfig_fpath, )) ut.assertpath(jdoconfig_fpath) jdoconfig_text = ut.readfrom(jdoconfig_fpath) #ut.vd(dirname(jdoconfig_fpath)) #ut.editfile(jdoconfig_fpath) if mysql_mode: jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'mysql', False) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'derby', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'sqlite', 1) mysql_user = '******' mysql_passwd = 'somepassword' mysql_dbname = 'ibeiswbtestdb' # Use mysql jdoconfig_text = re.sub('datanucleus.ConnectionUserName = .*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionUserName = '******'datanucleus.ConnectionPassword = .*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionPassword = '******'datanucleus.ConnectionURL *= *jdbc:mysql:.*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionURL = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/' + mysql_dbname, jdoconfig_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) jdoconfig_text = re.sub('^.*jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/shepherd.*$', '', jdoconfig_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) else: # Use SQLIIte jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'derby', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'mysql', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'sqlite', False) ut.writeto(jdoconfig_fpath, jdoconfig_text) # Need to make sure wildbook can store information in a reasonalbe place #tomcat_data_dir = join(tomcat_startup_dir, 'webapps', 'wildbook_data_dir') tomcat_data_dir = join(webapps_dpath, 'wildbook_data_dir') ut.ensuredir(tomcat_data_dir) ut.writeto(join(tomcat_data_dir, 'test.txt'), 'A hosted test file') asset_store_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'createAssetStore.jsp') asset_store_text = ut.read_from(asset_store_fpath) #data_path_pat = ut.named_field('data_path', 'new File(".*?").toPath') new_line = 'LocalAssetStore as = new LocalAssetStore("example Local AssetStore", new File("%s").toPath(), "%s", true);' % ( tomcat_data_dir, 'http://localhost:8080/' + basename(tomcat_data_dir)) # HACKY asset_store_text2 = re.sub('^LocalAssetStore as = .*$', new_line, asset_store_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) ut.writeto(asset_store_fpath, asset_store_text2)
def update_wildbook_install_config(webapps_dpath, unpacked_war_dpath): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis ensure_local_war python -m ibeis update_wildbook_install_config python -m ibeis update_wildbook_install_config --show Example: >>> from ibeis.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> tomcat_dpath = find_installed_tomcat() >>> webapps_dpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'webapps') >>> wb_target = ibeis.const.WILDBOOK_TARGET >>> unpacked_war_dpath = join(webapps_dpath, wb_target) >>> locals_ = ut.exec_func_src(update_wildbook_install_config, globals()) >>> #update_wildbook_install_config(webapps_dpath, unpacked_war_dpath) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> ut.vd(unpacked_war_dpath) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['permission_fpath']) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['jdoconfig_fpath']) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['asset_store_fpath']) """ mysql_mode = not ut.get_argflag('--nomysql') #if ut.get_argflag('--vd'): # ut.vd(unpacked_war_dpath) #find_installed_tomcat # Make sure permissions are correctly set in wildbook # Comment out the line that requires authentication permission_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'WEB-INF/web.xml') ut.assertpath(permission_fpath) permission_text = ut.readfrom(permission_fpath) lines_to_remove = [ # '/ImageSetSetMarkedIndividual = authc, roles[admin]' '/EncounterSetMarkedIndividual = authc, roles[admin]' ] new_permission_text = permission_text[:] for line in lines_to_remove:, permission_text) prefix = ut.named_field('prefix', '\\s*') suffix = ut.named_field('suffix', '\\s*\n') pattern = ('^' + prefix + re.escape(line) + suffix) match =, permission_text, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if match is None: continue newline = '<!--%s -->' % (line,) repl = ut.bref_field('prefix') + newline + ut.bref_field('suffix') new_permission_text = re.sub(pattern, repl, permission_text, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) assert new_permission_text != permission_text, ( 'text should have changed') if new_permission_text != permission_text: print('Need to write new permission texts') ut.writeto(permission_fpath, new_permission_text) else: print('Permission file seems to be ok') # Make sure we are using a non-process based database jdoconfig_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'WEB-INF/classes/bundles/') print('Fixing backend database config') print('jdoconfig_fpath = %r' % (jdoconfig_fpath,)) ut.assertpath(jdoconfig_fpath) jdoconfig_text = ut.readfrom(jdoconfig_fpath) #ut.vd(dirname(jdoconfig_fpath)) #ut.editfile(jdoconfig_fpath) if mysql_mode: jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'mysql', False) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'derby', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'sqlite', 1) mysql_user = '******' mysql_passwd = 'somepassword' mysql_dbname = 'ibeiswbtestdb' # Use mysql jdoconfig_text = re.sub( 'datanucleus.ConnectionUserName = .*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionUserName = '******'datanucleus.ConnectionPassword = .*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionPassword = '******'datanucleus.ConnectionURL *= *jdbc:mysql:.*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionURL = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/' + mysql_dbname, jdoconfig_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) jdoconfig_text = re.sub( '^.*jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/shepherd.*$', '', jdoconfig_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) else: # Use SQLIIte jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'derby', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'mysql', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'sqlite', False) ut.writeto(jdoconfig_fpath, jdoconfig_text) # Need to make sure wildbook can store information in a reasonalbe place #tomcat_data_dir = join(tomcat_startup_dir, 'webapps', 'wildbook_data_dir') tomcat_data_dir = join(webapps_dpath, 'wildbook_data_dir') ut.ensuredir(tomcat_data_dir) ut.writeto(join(tomcat_data_dir, 'test.txt'), 'A hosted test file') asset_store_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'createAssetStore.jsp') asset_store_text = ut.read_from(asset_store_fpath) #data_path_pat = ut.named_field('data_path', 'new File(".*?").toPath') new_line = 'LocalAssetStore as = new LocalAssetStore("example Local AssetStore", new File("%s").toPath(), "%s", true);' % ( tomcat_data_dir, 'http://localhost:8080/' + basename(tomcat_data_dir) ) # HACKY asset_store_text2 = re.sub('^LocalAssetStore as = .*$', new_line, asset_store_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) ut.writeto(asset_store_fpath, asset_store_text2)