def remove_corrupted_queries(qresdir, qres, dryrun=True): # This qres must be corrupted! cfgstr = qres.cfgstr hash_id = ut.hashstr(cfgstr) qres_dir = qresdir testres_dir = join(qresdir, '..', 'experiment_harness_results') ut.remove_files_in_dir(testres_dir, dryrun=dryrun) ut.remove_files_in_dir(qres_dir, '*' + cfgstr + '*', dryrun=dryrun) ut.remove_files_in_dir(qres_dir, '*' + hash_id + '*', dryrun=dryrun)
def remove_corrupted_queries(qresdir, qres, dryrun=True): # This qres must be corrupted! cfgstr = qres.cfgstr hash_id = ut.hashstr(cfgstr) qres_dir = qresdir testres_dir = join(qresdir, '..', 'harness_results') ut.remove_files_in_dir(testres_dir, dryrun=dryrun) ut.remove_files_in_dir(qres_dir, '*' + cfgstr + '*', dryrun=dryrun) ut.remove_files_in_dir(qres_dir, '*' + hash_id + '*', dryrun=dryrun)
def clean_pyinstaller(): print('[installer] clean_pyinstaller()') cwd = get_setup_dpath() utool.remove_files_in_dir(cwd, 'IBEISApp.pkg', recursive=False) utool.remove_files_in_dir(cwd, 'qt_menu.nib', recursive=False) utool.remove_files_in_dir(cwd, 'qt_menu.nib', recursive=False) utool.delete(join(cwd, 'dist')) utool.delete(join(cwd, 'build')) utool.delete(join(cwd, 'pyrf')) utool.delete(join(cwd, 'pyhesaff')) print('[installer] finished clean_pyinstaller()')
def clean_pyinstaller(): print('[installer] +--- CLEAN_PYINSTALLER ---') cwd = get_setup_dpath() ut.remove_files_in_dir(cwd, 'IBEISApp.pkg', recursive=False) ut.remove_files_in_dir(cwd, 'qt_menu.nib', recursive=False) ut.remove_files_in_dir(cwd, 'qt_menu.nib', recursive=False) ut.delete(join(cwd, 'dist/ibeis')) ut.delete(join(cwd, 'ibeis-win32-setup.exe')) ut.delete(join(cwd, 'build')) #ut.delete(join(cwd, 'pyrf')) #ut.delete(join(cwd, 'pyhesaff')) print('[installer] L___ FINSHED CLEAN_PYINSTALLER ___')
def clear_distinctivness_cache(j): global_distinctdir = sysres.get_global_distinctiveness_modeldir() ut.remove_files_in_dir(global_distinctdir)
def demo2(): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo demo2 --viz python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo demo2 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.demo import * # NOQA >>> result = demo2() >>> print(result) """ import wbia.plottool as pt from wbia.scripts.thesis import TMP_RC import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams.update(TMP_RC) # ---- Synthetic data params params = { 'redun.pos': 2, 'redun.neg': 2, } # oracle_accuracy = .98 # oracle_accuracy = .90 # oracle_accuracy = (.8, 1.0) oracle_accuracy = (0.85, 1.0) # oracle_accuracy = 1.0 # --- draw params VISUALIZE = ut.get_argflag('--viz') # QUIT_OR_EMEBED = 'embed' QUIT_OR_EMEBED = 'quit' TARGET_REVIEW = ut.get_argval('--target', type_=int, default=None) START = ut.get_argval('--start', type_=int, default=None) END = ut.get_argval('--end', type_=int, default=None) # ------------------ # rng = np.random.RandomState(42) # infr = demodata_infr(num_pccs=4, size=3, size_std=1, p_incon=0) # infr = demodata_infr(num_pccs=6, size=7, size_std=1, p_incon=0) # infr = demodata_infr(num_pccs=3, size=5, size_std=.2, p_incon=0) infr = demodata_infr(pcc_sizes=[5, 2, 4]) infr.verbose = 100 # apply_dummy_viewpoints(infr) # infr.ensure_cliques() infr.ensure_cliques() infr.ensure_full() # infr.apply_edge_truth() # Dummy scoring infr.init_simulation(oracle_accuracy=oracle_accuracy, name='demo2') # infr_gt = infr.copy() dpath = ut.ensuredir(ut.truepath('~/Desktop/demo')) ut.remove_files_in_dir(dpath) fig_counter = it.count(0) def show_graph(infr, title, final=False, selected_edges=None): if not VISUALIZE: return # TODO: rich colored text? latest = '\n'.join(infr.latest_logs()) showkw = dict( # fontsize=infr.graph.graph['fontsize'], # fontname=infr.graph.graph['fontname'], show_unreviewed_edges=True, show_inferred_same=False, show_inferred_diff=False, outof=(len(infr.aids)), # show_inferred_same=True, # show_inferred_diff=True, selected_edges=selected_edges, show_labels=True, simple_labels=True, # show_recent_review=not final, show_recent_review=False, # splines=infr.graph.graph['splines'], reposition=False, # with_colorbar=True ) verbose = infr.verbose infr.verbose = 0 infr_ = infr.copy() infr_ = infr infr_.verbose = verbose, verbose=0, **showkw) infr.verbose = verbose #'status ' + ut.repr4(infr_.status())) #**showkw) ax = pt.gca() pt.set_title(title, fontsize=20) fig = pt.gcf() fontsize = 22 if True: # postprocess xlabel lines = [] for line in latest.split('\n'): if False and line.startswith('ORACLE ERROR'): lines += ['ORACLE ERROR'] else: lines += [line] latest = '\n'.join(lines) if len(lines) > 10: fontsize = 16 if len(lines) > 12: fontsize = 14 if len(lines) > 14: fontsize = 12 if len(lines) > 18: fontsize = 10 if len(lines) > 23: fontsize = 8 if True: pt.adjust_subplots(top=0.95, left=0, right=1, bottom=0.45, fig=fig) ax.set_xlabel('\n' + latest) xlabel = ax.get_xaxis().get_label() xlabel.set_horizontalalignment('left') # xlabel.set_x(.025) xlabel.set_x(-0.6) # xlabel.set_fontname('CMU Typewriter Text') xlabel.set_fontname('Inconsolata') xlabel.set_fontsize(fontsize) ax.set_aspect('equal') # ax.xaxis.label.set_color('red') from os.path import join fpath = join(dpath, 'demo_{:04d}.png'.format(next(fig_counter))) fig.savefig( fpath, dpi=300, # transparent=True, edgecolor='none', ) # pt.save_figure(dpath=dpath, dpi=300) infr.latest_logs() if VISUALIZE: infr.update_visual_attrs(groupby='name_label') infr.set_node_attrs('pin', 'true') node_dict = ut.nx_node_dict(infr.graph)[1])) if VISUALIZE: infr.latest_logs() # Pin Nodes into the target groundtruth position show_graph(infr, 'target-gt') infr.clear_feedback() infr.clear_name_labels() infr.clear_edges() infr.latest_logs() if VISUALIZE: infr.update_visual_attrs() infr.prioritize('prob_match') if VISUALIZE or TARGET_REVIEW is None or TARGET_REVIEW == 0: show_graph(infr, 'initial state') def on_new_candidate_edges(infr, edges): # hack updateing visual attrs as a callback infr.update_visual_attrs() infr.on_new_candidate_edges = on_new_candidate_edges infr.params.update(**params) infr.refresh_candidate_edges() VIZ_ALL = VISUALIZE and TARGET_REVIEW is None and START is None'VIZ_ALL = %r' % (VIZ_ALL, )) if VIZ_ALL or TARGET_REVIEW == 0: show_graph(infr, 'find-candidates') # _iter2 = enumerate(infr.generate_reviews(**params)) # _iter2 = list(_iter2) # assert len(_iter2) > 0 # prog = ut.ProgIter(_iter2, label='demo2', bs=False, adjust=False, # enabled=False) count = 1 first = 1 for edge, priority in infr._generate_reviews(data=True): msg = 'review #%d, priority=%.3f' % (count, priority)'\n----------') infr.print('pop edge {} with priority={:.3f}'.format(edge, priority)) #'remaining_reviews = %r' % (infr.remaining_reviews()),) # Make the next review if START is not None: VIZ_ALL = count >= START if END is not None and count >= END: break infr.print(msg) if ut.allsame(infr.pos_graph.node_labels(*edge)) and first: # Have oracle make a mistake early feedback = infr.request_oracle_review(edge, accuracy=0) first -= 1 else: feedback = infr.request_oracle_review(edge) AT_TARGET = TARGET_REVIEW is not None and count >= TARGET_REVIEW - 1 SHOW_CANDIATE_POP = True if SHOW_CANDIATE_POP and (VIZ_ALL or AT_TARGET): # import utool # utool.embed() infr.print( ut.repr2(infr.task_probs['match_state'][edge], precision=4, si=True)) infr.print('len(queue) = %r' % (len(infr.queue))) # Show edge selection infr.print('Oracle will predict: ' + feedback['evidence_decision']) show_graph(infr, 'pre' + msg, selected_edges=[edge]) if count == TARGET_REVIEW: infr.EMBEDME = QUIT_OR_EMEBED == 'embed' infr.add_feedback(edge, **feedback) infr.print('len(queue) = %r' % (len(infr.queue))) # infr.apply_nondynamic_update() # Show the result if VIZ_ALL or AT_TARGET: show_graph(infr, msg) # import sys # sys.exit(1) if count == TARGET_REVIEW: break count += 1 infr.print('status = ' + ut.repr4(infr.status(extended=False))) show_graph(infr, 'post-review (#reviews={})'.format(count), final=True) # ROUND 2 FIGHT # if TARGET_REVIEW is None and round2_params is not None: # # HACK TO GET NEW THINGS IN QUEUE # infr.params = round2_params # _iter2 = enumerate(infr.generate_reviews(**params)) # prog = ut.ProgIter(_iter2, label='round2', bs=False, adjust=False, # enabled=False) # for count, (aid1, aid2) in prog: # msg = 'reviewII #%d' % (count) #'\n----------') # #'remaining_reviews = %r' % (infr.remaining_reviews()),) # # Make the next review evidence_decision # feedback = infr.request_oracle_review(edge) # if count == TARGET_REVIEW: # infr.EMBEDME = QUIT_OR_EMEBED == 'embed' # infr.add_feedback(edge, **feedback) # # Show the result # if PRESHOW or TARGET_REVIEW is None or count >= TARGET_REVIEW - 1: # show_graph(infr, msg) # if count == TARGET_REVIEW: # break # show_graph(infr, 'post-re-review', final=True) if not getattr(infr, 'EMBEDME', False): if ut.get_computer_name().lower() in ['hyrule', 'ooo']: pt.all_figures_tile(monitor_num=0, percent_w=0.5) else: pt.all_figures_tile() ut.show_if_requested()