Esempio n. 1
    def test_thruster_custom(self):
        input_values = np.linspace(-50, 50, 10)
        output_values = np.linspace(-10000, 10000, 10)

        gain = 20000.0 / 100.0

        # Use random positions and quaternions
        for axis in AXES:
            pos = np.random.rand(3)
            q = transformations.random_quaternion()
            thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(

            self.assertEqual(thruster.index, IDX)
            self.assertEqual(thruster.topic, TOPIC)
            self.assertTrue((thruster.tam_column == get_force_vector(pos, q, axis)).all())

            self.assertTrue(np.isclose(thruster.get_thrust_value(0), 0))
            self.assertTrue(np.isclose(thruster.get_command_value(0), 0))

            x = random.random() * 10
            self.assertTrue(np.isclose(thruster.get_thrust_value(x), gain * x))
            y = random.random() * 10000
            self.assertTrue(np.isclose(thruster.get_command_value(y), y / gain))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_thruster_proportional(self):
        # Use random positions and quaternions
        for axis in AXES:
            pos = np.random.rand(3)
            q = transformations.random_quaternion()
            gain = random.random()
            thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(

            self.assertEqual(thruster.index, IDX)
            self.assertEqual(thruster.topic, TOPIC)
            self.assertTrue((thruster.tam_column == get_force_vector(pos, q, axis)).all())

            self.assertEqual(thruster.get_thrust_value(0), 0)
            self.assertEqual(thruster.get_command_value(0), 0)

            command = np.linspace(-100, 100, 10)
            for x in command:
                y = thruster.get_thrust_value(x)
                self.assertEqual(y, gain * np.abs(x) * x)

            thrust = np.linspace(-50000, 50000, 10)
            for x in thrust:
                y = thruster.get_command_value(x)
                self.assertEqual(y, np.sign(x) * np.sqrt(np.abs(x) / gain))
    def _init_async_impl(self):
        base = '%s/%s' % (self.namespace, self.base_link)

        frame = '%s/%s%d' % (self.namespace,
                             self.thruster_config['frame_base'], 0)

        self.get_logger().info('Lookup: Thruster transform found %s -> %s' %
                               (base, frame))
        trans = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(base, frame, rclpy.time.Time(),
        pos = np.array([
            trans.transform.translation.x, trans.transform.translation.y,
        quat = np.array([
            trans.transform.rotation.x, trans.transform.rotation.y,
            trans.transform.rotation.z, trans.transform.rotation.w
        self.get_logger().info('Thruster transform found %s -> %s' %
                               (base, frame))
        self.get_logger().info('pos=' + str(pos))
        self.get_logger().info('rot=' + str(quat))

        # Read transformation from thruster
        # params = {key: val.value for key, val in params.items()}
        self.thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
            self, self.thruster_config['conversion_fcn'], 0,
            self.thruster_topic, pos, quat,

        self.get_logger().info('Thruster configuration=\n' +
        self.get_logger().info('Thruster input topic=' + self.thruster_topic)

        self.pub_cmd = list()

        for i in range(self.n_fins):
            topic = self.build_fin_topic_name(self.fin_topic_prefix, i,
            #topic = '%s/id_%d/%s' % (self.fin_topic_prefix, i, self.fin_topic_suffix)
            self.pub_cmd.append(self.create_publisher(FloatStamped, topic, 10))

        self.odometry_sub = self.create_subscription(Odometry, 'odom',

        self.reference_pub = self.create_publisher(TrajectoryPoint,
                                                   'reference', 1)

        # Publish error (for debugging)
        self.error_pub = self.create_publisher(TrajectoryPoint, 'error', 1)

        self._ready = True
        self.get_logger().info('AUV geometric tracking controller: ready')
Esempio n. 4
    def test_thruster(self):
        # Use random positions and quaternions
        for axis in AXES:
            pos = np.random.rand(3)
            q = transformations.random_quaternion()

            thruster = Thruster(index=IDX,

            self.assertEqual(thruster.index, IDX)
            self.assertEqual(thruster.topic, TOPIC)
                (thruster.tam_column == get_force_vector(pos, q, axis)).all())
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self):

        #Default sim_time to True
        sim_time = rclpy.parameter.Parameter('use_sim_time', rclpy.Parameter.Type.BOOL, True)

        self.get_logger().info('FinnedUUVControllerNode: initializing node')
        self._ready = False

        # Test if any of the needed parameters are missing
        param_labels = ['n_fins', 'gain_roll', 'gain_pitch', 'gain_yaw',
                        'thruster_model.max_thrust', '',
                        'fin_topic_suffix', 'thruster_topic',
                        'axis_thruster', 'axis_roll', 'axis_pitch', 'axis_yaw']

        for label in param_labels:
            if not self.has_parameter('%s' % label):
                raise Exception('Parameter missing, label=%s' % label)

        # Number of fins
        self._n_fins = self.get_parameter('n_fins').get_parameter_value().integer_value

        # Thruster joy axis gain
        self._thruster_joy_gain = 1
        if self.has_parameter('thruster_joy_gain'):
            self._thruster_joy_gain = self.get_parameter('thruster_joy_gain').value

        # Read the vector for contribution of each fin on the change on
        # orientation
        gain_roll = self.get_parameter('gain_roll').value
        gain_pitch = self.get_parameter('gain_pitch').value
        gain_yaw = self.get_parameter('gain_yaw').value

        if len(gain_roll) != self._n_fins or len(gain_pitch) != self._n_fins \
            or len(gain_yaw) != self._n_fins:
            raise Exception('Input gain vectors must have length '
                                     'equal to the number of fins')

        # Create the command angle to fin angle mapping
        self._rpy_to_fins = numpy.vstack((gain_roll, gain_pitch, gain_yaw)).T

        # Read the joystick mapping
        self._joy_axis = dict(axis_thruster=self.get_parameter('axis_thruster').get_parameter_value().integer_value,

        # Subscribe to the fin angle topics
        self._pub_cmd = list()
        self._fin_topic_prefix = self.get_parameter('fin_topic_prefix').get_parameter_value().string_value
        self._fin_topic_suffix = self.get_parameter('fin_topic_suffix').get_parameter_value().string_value
        for i in range(self._n_fins):
            topic = self.build_topic_name(self._fin_topic_prefix, i, self._fin_topic_suffix)
            #topic = self._fin_topic_prefix + str(i) + self._fin_topic_suffix
            self._pub_cmd.append(self.create_publisher(FloatStamped, topic, 10))

        # Create the thruster model object
            self._thruster_topic = self.get_parameter('thruster_topic').get_parameter_value().string_value
            self._thruster_params = self.get_parameters_by_prefix('thruster_model')
            self._thruster_params = parse_nested_params_to_dict(self._thruster_params, '.')
            if 'params' not in self._thruster_params:
                raise Exception('No thruster params given')
            #Should not happen
            if 'max_thrust' not in self._thruster_params:
                raise Exception('No limit to thruster output was given')
            self._thruster_model = Thruster.create_thruster(
                        self, self._thruster_params['name'].value, 0,
                        self._thruster_topic, None, None,
                        **{key: val.value for key, val in self._thruster_params['params'].items()})
        except Exception as e:
            raise RuntimeError('Thruster model could not be initialized: ' + str(e))
        # Subscribe to the joystick topic
        self.sub_joy = self.create_subscription(Joy, 'joy', self.joy_callback, 10)

        self._ready = True
    def find_actuators(self):
        """Calculate the control allocation matrix, if one is not given."""

        self.ready = False
        self.get_logger().infos('ControlAllocator: updating thruster poses')

        base = '%s/%s' % (self.namespace, self.base_link)

        frame = '%s/%s%d' % (self.namespace,
                             self.thruster_config['frame_base'], 0)

        self.get_logger().info('Lookup: Thruster transform found %s -> %s' %
                               (base, frame))
        trans = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(base, frame, rclpy.time.Time(),
        pos = np.array([
            trans.transform.translation.x, trans.transform.translation.y,
        quat = np.array([
            trans.transform.rotation.x, trans.transform.rotation.y,
            trans.transform.rotation.z, trans.transform.rotation.w
        self.get_logger().info('Thruster transform found %s -> %s' %
                               (base, frame))
        self.get_logger().info('pos=' + str(pos))
        self.get_logger().info('rot=' + str(quat))

        # Read transformation from thruster
        #params = {key: val.value for key, val in params.items()}
        self.thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
            self.thruster_config['conversion_fcn'], 0, self.thruster_topic,
            pos, quat, **self.thruster_config['conversion_fcn_params'])

        for i in range(self.MAX_FINS):
                frame = '%s/%s%d' % (self.namespace,
                                     self.fin_config['frame_base'], i)

                self.get_logger().info('Lookup: Fin transform found %s -> %s' %
                                       (base, frame))
                trans = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(
                    base, frame, rclpy.time.Time(),
                pos = np.array([
                quat = np.array([
                    trans.transform.rotation.x, trans.transform.rotation.y,
                    trans.transform.rotation.z, trans.transform.rotation.w
                self.get_logger().info('Fin transform found %s -> %s' %
                                       (base, frame))
                self.get_logger().info('pos=' + str(pos))
                self.get_logger().info('quat=' + str(quat))

                fin_topic = build_topic_name(self.namespace,

                self.fins[i] = FinModel(i, pos, quat, fin_topic, self)

            except (tf2.LookupException, tf2.ConnectivityException,
                    'Could not get transform from %s to %s ' % (base, frame))

        self.n_fins = len(self.fins.keys())
        self.get_logger().info('# fins found: %d' % len(self.fins.keys()))

        for i in range(self.n_fins):

        self.ready = True
        return True
    def __init__(self, node_name, **kwargs):

        # sim_time = rclpy.parameter.Parameter('use_sim_time', rclpy.Parameter.Type.BOOL, True)
        # self.set_parameters([sim_time])

        self.namespace = self.get_namespace().replace('/', '')
        self.get_logger().info('Initialize control for vehicle <%s>' %

        self.local_planner = DPControllerLocalPlanner(full_dof=True,

        self.base_link = self.get_parameter_or_helper(
            'base_link', 'base_link').get_parameter_value().string_value

        # Reading the minimum thrust generated
        self.min_thrust = self.get_parameter_or_helper('min_thrust', 0.0).value
        assert self.min_thrust >= 0
        self.get_logger().info('Min. thrust [N]=%.2f' % self.min_thrust)

        # Reading the maximum thrust generated
        self.max_thrust = self.get_parameter_or_helper('max_thrust', 0.0).value
        assert self.max_thrust > 0 and self.max_thrust > self.min_thrust
        self.get_logger().info('Max. thrust [N]=%.2f' % self.max_thrust)

        # Reading the thruster topic
        self.thruster_topic = self.get_parameter_or_helper(
        assert len(self.thruster_topic) > 0

        # Reading the thruster gain
        self.p_gain_thrust = self.get_parameter_or_helper(
            'thrust_p_gain', 0.0).value
        assert self.p_gain_thrust > 0

        self.d_gain_thrust = self.get_parameter_or_helper(
            'thrust_d_gain', 0.0).value
        assert self.d_gain_thrust >= 0

        # Reading the roll gain
        self.p_roll = self.get_parameter_or_helper('p_roll', 0.0).value
        assert self.p_roll > 0

        # Reading the pitch P gain
        self.p_pitch = self.get_parameter_or_helper('p_pitch', 0.0).value
        assert self.p_pitch > 0

        # Reading the pitch D gain
        self.d_pitch = self.get_parameter_or_helper('d_pitch', 0.0).value
        assert self.d_pitch >= 0

        # Reading the yaw P gain
        self.p_yaw = self.get_parameter_or_helper('p_yaw', 0.0).value
        assert self.p_yaw > 0

        # Reading the yaw D gain
        self.d_yaw = self.get_parameter_or_helper('d_yaw', 0.0).value
        assert self.d_yaw >= 0

        # Reading the saturation for the desired pitch
        self.desired_pitch_limit = self.get_parameter_or_helper(
            'desired_pitch_limit', 15 * np.pi / 180).value
        assert self.desired_pitch_limit > 0

        # Reading the saturation for yaw error
        self.yaw_error_limit = self.get_parameter_or_helper(
            'yaw_error_limit', 1.0).value
        assert self.yaw_error_limit > 0

        # Reading the number of fins
        self.n_fins = self.get_parameter_or_helper(
            'n_fins', 0).get_parameter_value().integer_value
        assert self.n_fins > 0

        # Reading the mapping for roll commands
        self.map_roll = self.get_parameter_or_helper('map_roll',
                                                     [0, 0, 0, 0]).value
        assert isinstance(self.map_roll, list)
        assert len(self.map_roll) == self.n_fins

        # Reading the mapping for the pitch commands
        self.map_pitch = self.get_parameter_or_helper('map_pitch',
                                                      [0, 0, 0, 0]).value
        assert isinstance(self.map_pitch, list)
        assert len(self.map_pitch) == self.n_fins

        # Reading the mapping for the yaw commands
        self.map_yaw = self.get_parameter_or_helper('map_yaw',
                                                    [0, 0, 0, 0]).value
        assert isinstance(self.map_yaw, list)
        assert len(self.map_yaw) == self.n_fins

        # Retrieve the thruster configuration parameters
        self.thruster_config = self.get_parameter_by_prefix('thruster_config')
        #Parse parameters to dictionary and unpack params to values
        self.thruster_config = parse_nested_params_to_dict(
            thruster_config, '.', True)

        # Check if all necessary thruster model parameter are available
        thruster_params = [
            'conversion_fcn_params', 'conversion_fcn', 'topic_prefix',
            'topic_suffix', 'frame_base', 'max_thrust'
        for p in thruster_params:
            if p not in self.thruster_config:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Parameter <%s> for thruster conversion function is '
                    'missing' % p)

        # Setting up the thruster topic name
        self.thruster_topic = build_thruster_topic_name(
            self.namespace, self.thruster_config['topic_prefix'], 0,
        # self.thruster_topic = '/%s/%s/id_%d/%s' %  (self.namespace,
        #     self.thruster_config['topic_prefix'], 0,
        #     self.thruster_config['topic_suffix'])

        base = '%s/%s' % (self.namespace, self.base_link)

        frame = '%s/%s%d' % (self.namespace,
                             self.thruster_config['frame_base'], 0)

        self.tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
        self.listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tf_buffer, self)

        self.get_logger().info('Lookup: Thruster transform found %s -> %s' %
                               (base, frame))
        trans = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(base, frame, rclpy.time.Time(),
        pos = np.array([
            trans.transform.translation.x, trans.transform.translation.y,
        quat = np.array([
            trans.transform.rotation.x, trans.transform.rotation.y,
            trans.transform.rotation.z, trans.transform.rotation.w
        self.get_logger().info('Thruster transform found %s -> %s' %
                               (base, frame))
        self.get_logger().info('pos=' + str(pos))
        self.get_logger().info('rot=' + str(quat))

        # Read transformation from thruster
        #params = {key: val.value for key, val in params.items()}
        self.thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
            self.thruster_config['conversion_fcn'], 0, self.thruster_topic,
            pos, quat, **self.thruster_config['conversion_fcn_params'])

        self.get_logger().info('Thruster configuration=\n' +
        self.get_logger().info('Thruster input topic=' + self.thruster_topic)

        self.max_fin_angle = self.get_parameter_or_helper(
            'max_fin_angle', 0.0).value
        assert self.max_fin_angle > 0

        # Reading the fin input topic prefix
        self.fin_topic_prefix = self.get_parameter_or_helper(
            'fin_topic_prefix', 'fins').get_parameter_value().string_value
        self.fin_topic_suffix = self.get_parameter_or_helper(
            'fin_topic_suffix', 'input').get_parameter_value().string_value

        self.rpy_to_fins = np.vstack(
            (self.map_roll, self.map_pitch, self.map_yaw)).T

        self.pub_cmd = list()

        for i in range(self.n_fins):
            topic = self.build_fin_topic_name(self.fin_topic_prefix, i,
            #topic = '%s/id_%d/%s' % (self.fin_topic_prefix, i, self.fin_topic_suffix)
            self.pub_cmd.append(self.create_publisher(FloatStamped, topic, 10))

        self.odometry_sub = self.create_subscription(Odometry, 'odom',

        self.reference_pub = self.create_publisher(TrajectoryPoint,
                                                   'reference', 1)

        # Publish error (for debugging)
        self.error_pub = self.create_publisher(TrajectoryPoint, 'error', 1)
    def __init__(self):
        self.namespace = rospy.get_namespace().replace('/', '')
        rospy.loginfo('Initialize control for vehicle <%s>' % self.namespace)

        self.local_planner = DPControllerLocalPlanner(full_dof=True,

        self.base_link = rospy.get_param('~base_link', 'base_link')

        # Reading the minimum thrust generated
        self.min_thrust = rospy.get_param('~min_thrust', 0)
        assert self.min_thrust >= 0
        rospy.loginfo('Min. thrust [N]=%.2f', self.min_thrust)

        # Reading the maximum thrust generated
        self.max_thrust = rospy.get_param('~max_thrust', 0)
        assert self.max_thrust > 0 and self.max_thrust > self.min_thrust
        rospy.loginfo('Max. thrust [N]=%.2f', self.max_thrust)

        # Reading the thruster topic
        self.thruster_topic = rospy.get_param('~thruster_topic',
        assert len(self.thruster_topic) > 0

        # Reading the thruster gain
        self.p_gain_thrust = rospy.get_param('~thrust_p_gain', 0.0)
        assert self.p_gain_thrust > 0

        self.d_gain_thrust = rospy.get_param('~thrust_d_gain', 0.0)
        assert self.d_gain_thrust >= 0

        # Reading the roll gain
        self.p_roll = rospy.get_param('~p_roll', 0.0)
        assert self.p_roll > 0

        # Reading the pitch P gain
        self.p_pitch = rospy.get_param('~p_pitch', 0.0)
        assert self.p_pitch > 0

        # Reading the pitch D gain
        self.d_pitch = rospy.get_param('~d_pitch', 0.0)
        assert self.d_pitch >= 0

        # Reading the yaw P gain
        self.p_yaw = rospy.get_param('~p_yaw', 0.0)
        assert self.p_yaw > 0

        # Reading the yaw D gain
        self.d_yaw = rospy.get_param('~d_yaw', 0.0)
        assert self.d_yaw >= 0

        # Reading the saturation for the desired pitch
        self.desired_pitch_limit = rospy.get_param('~desired_pitch_limit',
                                                   15 * np.pi / 180)
        assert self.desired_pitch_limit > 0

        # Reading the saturation for yaw error
        self.yaw_error_limit = rospy.get_param('~yaw_error_limit', 1.0)
        assert self.yaw_error_limit > 0

        # Reading the number of fins
        self.n_fins = rospy.get_param('~n_fins', 0)
        assert self.n_fins > 0

        # Reading the mapping for roll commands
        self.map_roll = rospy.get_param('~map_roll', [0, 0, 0, 0])
        assert isinstance(self.map_roll, list)
        assert len(self.map_roll) == self.n_fins

        # Reading the mapping for the pitch commands
        self.map_pitch = rospy.get_param('~map_pitch', [0, 0, 0, 0])
        assert isinstance(self.map_pitch, list)
        assert len(self.map_pitch) == self.n_fins

        # Reading the mapping for the yaw commands
        self.map_yaw = rospy.get_param('~map_yaw', [0, 0, 0, 0])
        assert isinstance(self.map_yaw, list)
        assert len(self.map_yaw) == self.n_fins

        # Retrieve the thruster configuration parameters
        self.thruster_config = rospy.get_param('~thruster_config')

        # Check if all necessary thruster model parameter are available
        thruster_params = [
            'conversion_fcn_params', 'conversion_fcn', 'topic_prefix',
            'topic_suffix', 'frame_base', 'max_thrust'
        for p in thruster_params:
            if p not in self.thruster_config:
                raise rospy.ROSException(
                    'Parameter <%s> for thruster conversion function is '
                    'missing' % p)

        # Setting up the thruster topic name
        self.thruster_topic = '/%s/%s/%d/%s' % (
            self.namespace, self.thruster_config['topic_prefix'], 0,

        base = '%s/%s' % (self.namespace, self.base_link)

        frame = '%s/%s%d' % (self.namespace,
                             self.thruster_config['frame_base'], 0)

        self.tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
        self.listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tf_buffer)

        rospy.loginfo('Lookup: Thruster transform found %s -> %s' %
                      (base, frame))
        trans = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(base, frame, rospy.Time(),
        pos = np.array([
            trans.transform.translation.x, trans.transform.translation.y,
        quat = np.array([
            trans.transform.rotation.x, trans.transform.rotation.y,
            trans.transform.rotation.z, trans.transform.rotation.w
        rospy.loginfo('Thruster transform found %s -> %s' % (base, frame))
        rospy.loginfo('pos=' + str(pos))
        rospy.loginfo('rot=' + str(quat))

        # Read transformation from thruster
        self.thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
            self.thruster_config['conversion_fcn'], 0, self.thruster_topic,
            pos, quat, **self.thruster_config['conversion_fcn_params'])

        rospy.loginfo('Thruster configuration=\n' + str(self.thruster_config))
        rospy.loginfo('Thruster input topic=' + self.thruster_topic)

        self.max_fin_angle = rospy.get_param('~max_fin_angle', 0.0)
        assert self.max_fin_angle > 0

        # Reading the fin input topic prefix
        self.fin_topic_prefix = rospy.get_param('~fin_topic_prefix', 'fins')
        self.fin_topic_suffix = rospy.get_param('~fin_topic_suffix', 'input')

        self.rpy_to_fins = np.vstack(
            (self.map_roll, self.map_pitch, self.map_yaw)).T

        self.pub_cmd = list()

        for i in range(self.n_fins):
            topic = '%s/%d/%s' % (self.fin_topic_prefix, i,
                rospy.Publisher(topic, FloatStamped, queue_size=10))

        self.odometry_sub = rospy.Subscriber('odom', Odometry,

        self.reference_pub = rospy.Publisher('reference',

        # Publish error (for debugging)
        self.error_pub = rospy.Publisher('error',
    def __init__(self, *args):
        # Start the super class
        DPControllerBase.__init__(self, *args)'Initializing: AUV Geometric Tracking Controller')

        # Thrust gain
        self._thrust_gain = 0.0

        if rospy.has_param('~thrust_gain'):
            self._thrust_gain = rospy.get_param('~thrust_gain')

        if self._thrust_gain <= 0:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Thrust gain must be greater than zero')'Thrust gain=' + str(self._thrust_gain))

        # Maximum absolute fin angle displacement should be given in radians
        self._max_fin_angle = 0.0

        if rospy.has_param('~max_fin_angle'):
            self._max_fin_angle = rospy.get_param('~max_fin_angle')

        if self._max_fin_angle <= 0.0:
            raise rospy.ROSException(
                'Max. fin displacement angle must be greater than zero')

        # Proportional gain for the roll angle
        self._roll_gain = 0.0
        if rospy.has_param('~roll_gain'):
            self._roll_gain = rospy.get_param('~roll_gain')

        if self._roll_gain <= 0:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Roll gain must be greater than zero')'Roll gain=' + str(self._roll_gain))

        # Proportional gain for the pitch angle
        self._pitch_gain = 0.0
        if rospy.has_param('~pitch_gain'):
            self._pitch_gain = rospy.get_param('~pitch_gain')

        if self._pitch_gain <= 0:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Pitch gain must be greater than zero')'Pitch gain=' + str(self._pitch_gain))

        # Proportional gain for the yaw angle
        self._yaw_gain = 0.0
        if rospy.has_param('~yaw_gain'):
            self._yaw_gain = rospy.get_param('~yaw_gain')

        if self._yaw_gain <= 0:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Yaw gain must be greater than zero')'Yaw gain=' + str(self._yaw_gain))

        # Number of fins
        self._n_fins = 4
        if rospy.has_param('~n_fins'):
            self._n_fins = rospy.get_param('~n_fins')

        if self._n_fins <= 0:
            raise rospy.ROSException(
                'Number of fins must be greater than zero')'Number of fins=' + str(self._n_fins))

        # Contribution of each fin to the orientation angles (roll, pitch and
        # yaw)
        self._fin_contribution_roll = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        self._fin_contribution_pitch = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        self._fin_contribution_yaw = [0, 0, 0, 0]

        if rospy.has_param('~fin_contribution_roll'):
            self._fin_contribution_roll = np.array(

        if self._fin_contribution_roll.size != self._n_fins:
            raise rospy.ROSException(
                'Number of elements in the roll contribution vector must be'
                ' equal to the number of fins')

        if np.max(self._fin_contribution_roll) > 1 or \
            np.min(self._fin_contribution_roll) < -1:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Values in the roll contribution vector'
                                     ' must be -1 <= i <= 1')

        if rospy.has_param('~fin_contribution_pitch'):
            self._fin_contribution_pitch = np.array(

        if self._fin_contribution_pitch.size != self._n_fins:
            raise rospy.ROSException(
                'Number of elements in the pitch contribution vector must be'
                ' equal to the number of fins')

        if np.max(self._fin_contribution_pitch) > 1 or \
            np.min(self._fin_contribution_pitch) < -1:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Values in the pitch contribution vector'
                                     ' must be -1 <= i <= 1')

        if rospy.has_param('~fin_contribution_yaw'):
            self._fin_contribution_yaw = np.array(

        if self._fin_contribution_yaw.size != self._n_fins:
            raise rospy.ROSException(
                'Number of elements in the yaw contribution vector must be'
                ' equal to the number of fins')

        if np.max(self._fin_contribution_yaw) > 1 or \
            np.min(self._fin_contribution_yaw) < -1:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Values in the yaw contribution vector'
                                     ' must be -1 <= i <= 1')

        # Generating vehicle orientation to fins conversion matrix
        self._rpy_to_fins = np.vstack(
            (self._fin_contribution_roll, self._fin_contribution_pitch,

        # Prefix to the fin command topic relative to the robot model
        self._fin_topic_prefix = 'fins/'

        if rospy.has_param('~fin_topic_prefix'):
            self._fin_topic_prefix = rospy.get_param('~fin_topic_prefix')

        # Fin command topic suffix
        self._fin_topic_suffix = '/input'

        if rospy.has_param('~fin_topic_suffix'):
            self._fin_topic_suffix = rospy.get_param('~fin_topic_suffix')

        # Initialize fin command publishers
        self._fin_pubs = list()
        for i in range(self._n_fins):
            topic = self._fin_topic_prefix + str(i) + self._fin_topic_suffix
                rospy.Publisher(topic, FloatStamped, queue_size=10))
  'Publishing command to #%i fin=%s' % (i, topic))

        # Suffix for the thruster topic relative to the robot model
        self._thruster_topic = 'thrusters/0/input'

        if rospy.has_param('~thruster_topic'):
            self._thruster_topic = rospy.get_param('~thruster_topic')

        # Get thruster parameters
        if not rospy.has_param('~thruster_model'):
            raise rospy.ROSException('Thruster parameters were not provided')

        self._thruster_params = rospy.get_param('~thruster_model')

        if 'max_thrust' not in self._thruster_params:
            raise rospy.ROSException('No limit to thruster output was given')
        self._thruster_model = Thruster.create_thruster(
            self._thruster_params['name'], 0, self._thruster_topic, None, None,
            **self._thruster_params['params'])'Publishing to thruster=%s' % self._thruster_topic)

        self._is_init = True'AUV Geometric Tracking Controller ready!')
    def __init__(self):
        print('FinnedUUVControllerNode: initializing node')

        self._ready = False

        # Test if any of the needed parameters are missing
        param_labels = [
            'n_fins', 'gain_roll', 'gain_pitch', 'gain_yaw', 'thruster_model',
            'fin_topic_prefix', 'fin_topic_suffix', 'thruster_topic',
            'axis_thruster', 'axis_roll', 'axis_pitch', 'axis_yaw'

        for label in param_labels:
            if not rospy.has_param('~%s' % label):
                raise rospy.ROSException('Parameter missing, label=%s' % label)

        # Number of fins
        self._n_fins = rospy.get_param('~n_fins')

        # Thruster joy axis gain
        self._thruster_joy_gain = 1
        if rospy.has_param('~thruster_joy_gain'):
            self._thruster_joy_gain = rospy.get_param('~thruster_joy_gain')

        # Read the vector for contribution of each fin on the change on
        # orientation
        gain_roll = rospy.get_param('~gain_roll')
        gain_pitch = rospy.get_param('~gain_pitch')
        gain_yaw = rospy.get_param('~gain_yaw')

        if len(gain_roll) != self._n_fins or len(gain_pitch) != self._n_fins \
            or len(gain_yaw) != self._n_fins:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Input gain vectors must have length '
                                     'equal to the number of fins')

        # Create the command angle to fin angle mapping
        self._rpy_to_fins = numpy.vstack((gain_roll, gain_pitch, gain_yaw)).T

        # Read the joystick mapping
        self._joy_axis = dict(axis_thruster=rospy.get_param('~axis_thruster'),

        # Subscribe to the fin angle topics
        self._pub_cmd = list()
        self._fin_topic_prefix = rospy.get_param('~fin_topic_prefix')
        self._fin_topic_suffix = rospy.get_param('~fin_topic_suffix')
        for i in range(self._n_fins):
            topic = self._fin_topic_prefix + str(i) + self._fin_topic_suffix
                rospy.Publisher(topic, FloatStamped, queue_size=10))

        # Create the thruster model object
            self._thruster_topic = rospy.get_param('~thruster_topic')
            self._thruster_params = rospy.get_param('~thruster_model')
            if 'max_thrust' not in self._thruster_params:
                raise rospy.ROSException(
                    'No limit to thruster output was given')
            self._thruster_model = Thruster.create_thruster(
                self._thruster_params['name'], 0, self._thruster_topic, None,
                None, **self._thruster_params['params'])
            raise rospy.ROSException('Thruster model could not be initialized')

        # Subscribe to the joystick topic
        self.sub_joy = rospy.Subscriber('joy', numpy_msg(Joy),

        self._ready = True
    def __init__(self, *args):
        # Start the super class
        DPControllerBase.__init__(self, *args)'Initializing: AUV Geometric Tracking Controller')

        # Thrust gain
        self._thrust_gain = 0.0

        if rospy.has_param('~thrust_gain'):
            self._thrust_gain = rospy.get_param('~thrust_gain')

        self._min_thrust = 0.0
        if rospy.has_param('~min_thrust'):
            self._min_thrust = rospy.get_param('~min_thrust')

        self._min_thrust = max(0.0, self._min_thrust)

        if self._thrust_gain <= 0:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Thrust gain must be greater than zero')'Thrust gain=' + str(self._thrust_gain))

        # Maximum absolute fin angle displacement should be given in radians
        self._max_fin_angle = 0.0

        if rospy.has_param('~max_fin_angle'):
            self._max_fin_angle = rospy.get_param('~max_fin_angle')

        if self._max_fin_angle <= 0.0:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Max. fin displacement angle must be greater than zero')

        # Proportional gain for the roll angle
        self._roll_gain = 0.0
        if rospy.has_param('~roll_gain'):
            self._roll_gain = rospy.get_param('~roll_gain')

        if self._roll_gain <= 0:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Roll gain must be greater than zero')'Roll gain=' + str(self._roll_gain))

        # Proportional gain for the pitch angle
        self._pitch_gain = 0.0
        if rospy.has_param('~pitch_gain'):
            self._pitch_gain = rospy.get_param('~pitch_gain')

        if self._pitch_gain <= 0:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Pitch gain must be greater than zero')'Pitch gain=' + str(self._pitch_gain))

        if not rospy.has_param('~pitch_abs_saturation'):
            raise rospy.ROSException('Pitch absolute saturation missing')

        self._pitch_abs_saturation = rospy.get_param('~pitch_abs_saturation')

        if self._pitch_abs_saturation <= 0:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Absolute saturation for pitch must be'
                                     ' greater than zero')

        # Proportional gain for the yaw angle
        self._yaw_gain = 0.0
        if rospy.has_param('~yaw_gain'):
            self._yaw_gain = rospy.get_param('~yaw_gain')

        if self._yaw_gain <= 0:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Yaw gain must be greater than zero')'Yaw gain=' + str(self._yaw_gain))

        if not rospy.has_param('~yaw_abs_saturation'):
            raise rospy.ROSException('Yaw absolute saturation missing')

        self._yaw_abs_saturation = rospy.get_param('~yaw_abs_saturation')

        if self._yaw_abs_saturation <= 0:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Absolute saturation for yaw must be'
                                     ' greater than zero')

        # Number of fins
        self._n_fins = 4
        if rospy.has_param('~n_fins'):
            self._n_fins = rospy.get_param('~n_fins')

        if self._n_fins <= 0:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Number of fins must be greater than zero')'Number of fins=' + str(self._n_fins))

        # Contribution of each fin to the orientation angles (roll, pitch and
        # yaw)
        self._fin_contribution_roll = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        self._fin_contribution_pitch = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        self._fin_contribution_yaw = [0, 0, 0, 0]

        if rospy.has_param('~fin_contribution_roll'):
            self._fin_contribution_roll = np.array(

        if self._fin_contribution_roll.size != self._n_fins:
            raise rospy.ROSException(
                'Number of elements in the roll contribution vector must be'
                ' equal to the number of fins')

        if np.max(self._fin_contribution_roll) > 1 or \
            np.min(self._fin_contribution_roll) < -1:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Values in the roll contribution vector'
                ' must be -1 <= i <= 1')

        if rospy.has_param('~fin_contribution_pitch'):
            self._fin_contribution_pitch = np.array(

        if self._fin_contribution_pitch.size != self._n_fins:
            raise rospy.ROSException(
                'Number of elements in the pitch contribution vector must be'
                ' equal to the number of fins')

        if np.max(self._fin_contribution_pitch) > 1 or \
            np.min(self._fin_contribution_pitch) < -1:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Values in the pitch contribution vector'
                ' must be -1 <= i <= 1')

        if rospy.has_param('~fin_contribution_yaw'):
            self._fin_contribution_yaw = np.array(

        if self._fin_contribution_yaw.size != self._n_fins:
            raise rospy.ROSException(
                'Number of elements in the yaw contribution vector must be'
                ' equal to the number of fins')

        if np.max(self._fin_contribution_yaw) > 1 or \
            np.min(self._fin_contribution_yaw) < -1:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Values in the yaw contribution vector'
                ' must be -1 <= i <= 1')

        # Generating vehicle orientation to fins conversion matrix
        self._rpy_to_fins = np.vstack((self._fin_contribution_roll,

        # Prefix to the fin command topic relative to the robot model
        self._fin_topic_prefix = 'fins/'

        if rospy.has_param('~fin_topic_prefix'):
            self._fin_topic_prefix = rospy.get_param('~fin_topic_prefix')

        # Fin command topic suffix
        self._fin_topic_suffix = '/input'

        if rospy.has_param('~fin_topic_suffix'):
            self._fin_topic_suffix = rospy.get_param('~fin_topic_suffix')

        # Initialize fin command publishers
        self._fin_pubs = list()
        for i in range(self._n_fins):
            topic = self._fin_topic_prefix + str(i) + self._fin_topic_suffix
            self._fin_pubs.append(rospy.Publisher(topic, FloatStamped,
  'Publishing command to #%i fin=%s' % (i, topic))

        # Suffix for the thruster topic relative to the robot model
        self._thruster_topic = 'thrusters/0/input'

        if rospy.has_param('~thruster_topic'):
            self._thruster_topic = rospy.get_param('~thruster_topic')

        # Get thruster parameters
        if not rospy.has_param('~thruster_model'):
            raise rospy.ROSException('Thruster parameters were not provided')

        self._thruster_params = rospy.get_param('~thruster_model')

        if 'max_thrust' not in self._thruster_params:
            raise rospy.ROSException('No limit to thruster output was given')
        self._thruster_model = Thruster.create_thruster(
                    self._thruster_params['name'], 0,
                    self._thruster_topic, None, None,
                    **self._thruster_params['params'])'Publishing to thruster=%s' % self._thruster_topic)

        self._is_init = True'AUV Geometric Tracking Controller ready!')
    def __init__(self):
        self.namespace = rospy.get_namespace().replace('/', '')
        rospy.loginfo('Initialize control for vehicle <%s>' % self.namespace)

        self.local_planner = DPControllerLocalPlanner(full_dof=True, thrusters_only=False,

        self.base_link = rospy.get_param('~base_link', 'base_link')

        # Reading the minimum thrust generated
        self.min_thrust = rospy.get_param('~min_thrust', 0)
        assert self.min_thrust >= 0
        rospy.loginfo('Min. thrust [N]=%.2f', self.min_thrust)

        # Reading the maximum thrust generated
        self.max_thrust = rospy.get_param('~max_thrust', 0)
        assert self.max_thrust > 0 and self.max_thrust > self.min_thrust
        rospy.loginfo('Max. thrust [N]=%.2f', self.max_thrust)

        # Reading the thruster topic
        self.thruster_topic = rospy.get_param('~thruster_topic', 'thrusters/0/input')
        assert len(self.thruster_topic) > 0

        # Reading the thruster gain
        self.p_gain_thrust = rospy.get_param('~thrust_p_gain', 0.0)
        assert self.p_gain_thrust > 0

        self.d_gain_thrust = rospy.get_param('~thrust_d_gain', 0.0)
        assert self.d_gain_thrust >= 0

        # Reading the roll gain
        self.p_roll = rospy.get_param('~p_roll', 0.0)
        assert self.p_roll > 0

        # Reading the pitch P gain
        self.p_pitch = rospy.get_param('~p_pitch', 0.0)
        assert self.p_pitch > 0

        # Reading the pitch D gain
        self.d_pitch = rospy.get_param('~d_pitch', 0.0)
        assert self.d_pitch >= 0

        # Reading the yaw P gain
        self.p_yaw = rospy.get_param('~p_yaw', 0.0)
        assert self.p_yaw > 0

        # Reading the yaw D gain
        self.d_yaw = rospy.get_param('~d_yaw', 0.0)
        assert self.d_yaw >= 0

        # Reading the saturation for the desired pitch
        self.desired_pitch_limit = rospy.get_param('~desired_pitch_limit', 15 * np.pi / 180)
        assert self.desired_pitch_limit > 0

        # Reading the saturation for yaw error
        self.yaw_error_limit = rospy.get_param('~yaw_error_limit', 1.0)
        assert self.yaw_error_limit > 0

        # Reading the number of fins
        self.n_fins = rospy.get_param('~n_fins', 0)
        assert self.n_fins > 0

        # Reading the mapping for roll commands
        self.map_roll = rospy.get_param('~map_roll', [0, 0, 0, 0])
        assert isinstance(self.map_roll, list)
        assert len(self.map_roll) == self.n_fins

        # Reading the mapping for the pitch commands
        self.map_pitch = rospy.get_param('~map_pitch', [0, 0, 0, 0])
        assert isinstance(self.map_pitch, list)
        assert len(self.map_pitch) == self.n_fins

        # Reading the mapping for the yaw commands
        self.map_yaw = rospy.get_param('~map_yaw', [0, 0, 0, 0])
        assert isinstance(self.map_yaw, list)
        assert len(self.map_yaw) == self.n_fins

        # Retrieve the thruster configuration parameters
        self.thruster_config = rospy.get_param('~thruster_config')

        # Check if all necessary thruster model parameter are available
        thruster_params = ['conversion_fcn_params', 'conversion_fcn',
            'topic_prefix', 'topic_suffix', 'frame_base', 'max_thrust']
        for p in thruster_params:
            if p not in self.thruster_config:
                raise rospy.ROSException(
                    'Parameter <%s> for thruster conversion function is '
                    'missing' % p)

        # Setting up the thruster topic name
        self.thruster_topic = '/%s/%s/%d/%s' %  (self.namespace,
            self.thruster_config['topic_prefix'], 0,

        base = '%s/%s' % (self.namespace, self.base_link)

        frame = '%s/%s%d' % (self.namespace, self.thruster_config['frame_base'], 0)

        self.tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
        self.listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tf_buffer)

        rospy.loginfo('Lookup: Thruster transform found %s -> %s' % (base, frame))
        trans = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(base, frame, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(5))
        pos = np.array([trans.transform.translation.x,
        quat = np.array([trans.transform.rotation.x,
        rospy.loginfo('Thruster transform found %s -> %s' % (base, frame))
        rospy.loginfo('pos=' + str(pos))
        rospy.loginfo('rot=' + str(quat))

        # Read transformation from thruster
        self.thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
            self.thruster_config['conversion_fcn'], 0,
            self.thruster_topic, pos, quat,

        rospy.loginfo('Thruster configuration=\n' + str(self.thruster_config))
        rospy.loginfo('Thruster input topic=' + self.thruster_topic)

        self.max_fin_angle = rospy.get_param('~max_fin_angle', 0.0)
        assert self.max_fin_angle > 0

        # Reading the fin input topic prefix
        self.fin_topic_prefix = rospy.get_param('~fin_topic_prefix', 'fins')
        self.fin_topic_suffix = rospy.get_param('~fin_topic_suffix', 'input')

        self.rpy_to_fins = np.vstack((self.map_roll, self.map_pitch, self.map_yaw)).T

        self.pub_cmd = list()

        for i in range(self.n_fins):
            topic = '%s/%d/%s' % (self.fin_topic_prefix, i, self.fin_topic_suffix)
              rospy.Publisher(topic, FloatStamped, queue_size=10))

        self.odometry_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
            'odom', Odometry, self.odometry_callback)

        self.reference_pub = rospy.Publisher(
            'reference', TrajectoryPoint, queue_size=1)

        # Publish error (for debugging)
        self.error_pub = rospy.Publisher(
            'error', TrajectoryPoint, queue_size=1)
    def __init__(self):
        print('FinnedUUVControllerNode: initializing node')

        self._ready = False

        # Test if any of the needed parameters are missing
        param_labels = ['n_fins', 'gain_roll', 'gain_pitch', 'gain_yaw',
                        'thruster_model', 'fin_topic_prefix',
                        'fin_topic_suffix', 'thruster_topic',
                        'axis_thruster', 'axis_roll', 'axis_pitch', 'axis_yaw']

        for label in param_labels:
            if not rospy.has_param('~%s' % label):
                raise rospy.ROSException('Parameter missing, label=%s' % label)

        # Number of fins
        self._n_fins = rospy.get_param('~n_fins')

        # Thruster joy axis gain
        self._thruster_joy_gain = 1
        if rospy.has_param('~thruster_joy_gain'):
            self._thruster_joy_gain = rospy.get_param('~thruster_joy_gain')

        # Read the vector for contribution of each fin on the change on
        # orientation
        gain_roll = rospy.get_param('~gain_roll')
        gain_pitch = rospy.get_param('~gain_pitch')
        gain_yaw = rospy.get_param('~gain_yaw')

        if len(gain_roll) != self._n_fins or len(gain_pitch) != self._n_fins \
            or len(gain_yaw) != self._n_fins:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Input gain vectors must have length '
                                     'equal to the number of fins')

        # Create the command angle to fin angle mapping
        self._rpy_to_fins = numpy.vstack((gain_roll, gain_pitch, gain_yaw)).T

        # Read the joystick mapping
        self._joy_axis = dict(axis_thruster=rospy.get_param('~axis_thruster'),

        # Subscribe to the fin angle topics
        self._pub_cmd = list()
        self._fin_topic_prefix = rospy.get_param('~fin_topic_prefix')
        self._fin_topic_suffix = rospy.get_param('~fin_topic_suffix')
        for i in range(self._n_fins):
            topic = self._fin_topic_prefix + str(i) + self._fin_topic_suffix
              rospy.Publisher(topic, FloatStamped, queue_size=10))

        # Create the thruster model object
            self._thruster_topic = rospy.get_param('~thruster_topic')
            self._thruster_params = rospy.get_param('~thruster_model')
            if 'max_thrust' not in self._thruster_params:
                raise rospy.ROSException('No limit to thruster output was given')
            self._thruster_model = Thruster.create_thruster(
                        self._thruster_params['name'], 0,
                        self._thruster_topic, None, None,
            raise rospy.ROSException('Thruster model could not be initialized')

        # Subscribe to the joystick topic
        self.sub_joy = rospy.Subscriber('joy', numpy_msg(Joy),

        self._ready = True