Esempio n. 1
    def _where_dict(self, parent_method: Callable, column: str, operator: str = None, value: Any = None):
        # Not sure I want this code if I can't do where AND and where OR etc...
        # Maybe revisit later.
        found_dict_where = False
        if type(column) == str:
            # Swap operator and value
            if not value: value = operator; operator = '='
            if '.' in column:
                parts = column.split(".")
                if len(parts) == 2:
                    fieldname = parts[0]
                    fieldvalue = parts[1]
                    field = self.entity.modelfields.get(fieldname)  # Don't use modelfield() as it throws exception
                    relation = field.relation.fill(field)
                    if fieldvalue not in relation.entity.modelfields.keys():
                        dict_key = getvalue(relation, 'dict_key')
                        dict_value = getvalue(relation, 'dict_value')
                        if dict_key and type(dict_value) == str:
                            found_dict_where = True

        if found_dict_where:
            # Dict where found, convert to proper where based on dict_key
            return parent_method([
                (fieldname + '.' + dict_key, '=', fieldvalue),
                (fieldname + '.' + dict_value, operator, value)
            # Regular where, pass to parent ( where
            return parent_method(column, operator, value)
Esempio n. 2
    async def unlink(self,
                     relation_name: str,
                     models: Union[Any, List[Any]] = None) -> None:
        """Unlink records to relation using the Many-To-Many pivot table"""

        # NOTICE hooks:  We do NOT actuall need to fire hooks on relation tables!
        # Because there are no relation table models to listen for those hooks!

        # Get the entity of this model instance (which is the metaclass, aka self.__class__)
        entity = self.__class__

        # Get field and relation info
        field = entity.modelfield(relation_name)
        relation = field.relation.fill(field)

        # Ensure model is a list
        ids = []
        if models is not None:
            if type(models) != list: models = [models]
            ids = [getvalue(x, for x in models]

        if type(relation) == BelongsToMany:
            # Get table and start where on self ID
            table = relation.join_table
            query = table.delete().where(
                getattr(table.c, relation.left_key) == getattr(
            if models is not None:
                # Add in proper relation Ids
                query = query.where(
                    getattr(table.c, relation.right_key).in_(ids))
            await entity.execute(
            )  # No hooks needed, relation table are NOT models, no listeners

        elif type(relation) == MorphToMany:
            # Get table and start where on self ID
            table = relation.join_table
            query = (table.delete().where(
                getattr(table.c, relation.left_type) ==
                    getattr(table.c, relation.left_key) == getvalue(
            if models is not None:
                # Add in proper relation Ids
                query = query.where(
                    getattr(table.c, relation.right_key).in_(ids))
            await entity.execute(
            )  # No hooks needed, relation table are NOT models, no listeners
            raise Exception('Uninking is for Many-To-Many relations only.')
Esempio n. 3
    async def create(self, relation_name: str,
                     models: Union[Any, List[Any]]) -> None:
        """Create related child records and link them to this parent (self) model"""

        # Get the entity of this model instance (which is the metaclass, aka self.__class__)
        entity = self.__class__

        # Get field and relation info
        field = entity.modelfield(relation_name)
        relation = field.relation.fill(field)

        # Convert to list
        if type(models) != list: models = [models]

        # Assume each does not yet exists, so create all as BULK insert
        if type(relation) == HasOne or type(relation) == HasMany or type(
                relation) == MorphOne or type(relation) == MorphMany:
            # Fill in relation foreign key vlaue
            for model in models:
                # Set new relation value (works of model is a dict or a model class instance!)
                setvalue(model, relation.foreign_key,
                         getattr(self, relation.local_key))

                if type(relation) == MorphOne or type(relation) == MorphMany:
                    # For Polymorphic relations, also set type column
                    setvalue(model, relation.foreign_type, entity.tablename)

                    # # Check for Data types in values to serialize
                    # dict_values = getvalue(relation, 'dict_value')
                    # if dict_values:
                    #     if type(dict_values) != list: dict_values = [dict_values]
                    #     for dict_value in dict_values:
                    #         value = getvalue(model, dict_value)
                    #         if type(value) == dict or type(value) == list:
                    #             value = str(value)
                    #         setvalue(model, dict_value, value)

            # Bulk insert new values with proper keys
            await relation.entity.insert(models)

        # Cannot assume a record has been created or linked, so loop each and test
        # Because of this, we cannot bulk insert
        elif type(relation) == BelongsToMany or type(relation) == MorphToMany:
            for model in models:
                # If its PK is set, it already exists
                create = getvalue(model, == None
                if create:
                    pk_value = await relation.entity.insert(model)
                    setvalue(model,, pk_value)

                # Link in pivot table
                await, model)

            raise Exception(
                'Creating children does not work for this type of relation.')
Esempio n. 4
    def _row_to_model(self, row=None):
        """Convert a single table row (SQLAlchemy RowProxy) or DICT of table into a model instance"""
        if not row: row = self.args[0]
        prefix = None
        if len(self.args) == 2: prefix = self.args[1]
        fields = {}

        for field in self.instance.__modelfields__.values():
            if not field.column and not field.evaluate: continue

            # NO, because we added an override of show_writeonly() on query builder
            # So this is handled in selectable_columns instead
            # NO if field.write_only: continue

            if field.evaluate:
                if type(field.evaluate) == dict:
                    # Evaluate is a Dict with callback and named parameters
                    eval_method = field.evaluate['method']
                    del field.evaluate['method']
                    #dump('tuple here', field.evaluate)
                    fields[] = eval_method(row, **field.evaluate)

                elif type(field.evaluate) == tuple:
                    # Evaluate is a Tuple with callback and parameters
                    eval_method = field.evaluate[0]
                    fields[] = eval_method(row, *field.evaluate[1:])

                    # Evaluate is a callback
                    fields[] = field.evaluate(row)

                column = field.column
                if prefix: column = prefix + '__' + column
                # Use haskey instead of hasattr because data could be an SQLAlchemy row (which is class notation)
                # or a dictionary.  haskey and getvalue work the same on class models or dictionaries!
                if haskey(row, column):
                    fields[] = getvalue(row, column)
        return self.entity(**fields)
Esempio n. 5
    async def link(self, relation_name: str, models: Union[Any,
                                                           List[Any]]) -> None:
        """Link records to relation using the Many-To-Many pivot table"""

        # NOTICE hooks:  We do NOT actuall need to fire hooks on relation tables!
        # Because there are no relation table models to listen for those hooks!

        # NOTICE models:  Models can be single model, single dict, List[Model], List[Dict]
        # and I do NOT have to convert them to actual models.  Because I am using my custom getvalue
        # the pk is pulled regardless of model or dict!

        # Get the entity of this model instance (which is the metaclass, aka self.__class__)
        entity = self.__class__

        # Get field and relation info
        field = entity.modelfield(relation_name)
        relation = field.relation.fill(field)

        # Ensure models are always a list
        if type(models) != list: models = [models]

        # Insert linkage data one link at a time so we can gracefully skip duplicates
        if type(relation) == BelongsToMany:
            for model in models:
                # Set pivot relation data
                left_key_value = getvalue(self,
                right_key_value = getvalue(model,
                pivot = {
                    relation.left_key: left_key_value,
                    relation.right_key: right_key_value

                # Check if exists.
                # The encode/databases layer does NOT abstract each backend DB libraries exceptions
                # into a common interface so You cannot catch generic IntegrityError.  So instead of a
                # try catch, I will see if the record exists manually first :( - See
                table = relation.join_table
                query = ([
                    getattr(table.c, relation.left_key)
                    getattr(table.c, relation.left_key) == left_key_value
                    getattr(table.c, relation.right_key) == right_key_value))
                exists = await entity.fetchone(query
                                               )  # Returns None if not exists

                if not exists:
                    query = relation.join_table.insert().values(**pivot)
                    await entity.execute(
                    )  # No hooks needed, relation table are NOT models, no listeners

                # # Try insert, fail silently if exists
                # try:
                #     query = relation.join_table.insert().values(**pivot)
                #     await entity.execute(query)
                # except:
                #     # Ignore Integrity Errors
                #     pass

        elif type(relation) == MorphToMany:
            for model in models:
                # Set polymorphic pivor relation data
                left_type_value = entity.tablename
                left_key_value = getvalue(self,
                right_key_value = getvalue(model,
                pivot = {
                    relation.left_type: left_type_value,
                    relation.left_key: left_key_value,
                    relation.right_key: right_key_value

                # Check if exists.
                # The encode/databases layer does NOT abstract each backend DB libraries exceptions
                # into a common interface so You cannot catch generic IntegrityError.  So instead of a
                # try catch, I will see if the record exists manually first :( - See
                table = relation.join_table
                query = ([
                    getattr(table.c, relation.left_type)
                    getattr(table.c, relation.left_type) == left_type_value
                    getattr(table.c, relation.left_key) == left_key_value
                    getattr(table.c, relation.right_key) == right_key_value))
                exists = await entity.fetchone(query
                                               )  # Returns None if not exists

                if not exists:
                    query = relation.join_table.insert().values(**pivot)
                    await entity.execute(
                    )  # No hooks needed, relation table are NOT models, no listeners

                # Try insert, fail silently if exists
                # try:
                #     query = relation.join_table.insert().values(**pivot)
                #     await entity.execute(query)
                # except pymysql.err.IntegrityError:
                #     # Ignore Integrity Errors
                #     pass

            # Linking only works for Many-To-Many relations
            raise Exception('Linking is for Many-To-Many relations only.')
Esempio n. 6
    def _build_orm_results(self, query: Query, primary: List, secondary: Dict = {}) -> List[E]:
        # No primary results, return empty List
        if not primary: return []'Relations')
        self.log.dump(query.relations)'Primary Results')
        self.log.dump(primary)'Has Many Data')

        # Deepcopy relations Dict so I can remove relations I have already processed.
        # I process all secondary results first.  This means all left over relations are of
        # the primary results
        relations = deepcopy(query.relations)

        # Dictionary of all secondary converted models
        models = {}

        # Dictionary of all *One models as a cache to deduplicate class instantiation
        singles = {}

        # Full any *One relations method
        def fill_one_relations(rel_name: str, data: List):
            """Fill only the *One relations (One-To-One, One-To-Many)"""
  'Filling *One Relations for ' + rel_name)

            # Skip if no data
            if not data:
                #models[rel_name] = {}

            # Determin if data is primary or secondary
            primary = (rel_name == 'primary')

            # Split rel_name into __ parts
            rel_name_parts = rel_name.split('__')

            # Get the actual field, relation and entity for this relation rel_name
            entity = self.entity
            if not primary:
                for rnpart in rel_name_parts:
                    field: Field = entity.modelfield(rnpart)
                    entity = field.relation.fill(field).entity

            #self.log.item('Field: ' + str(field))
            self.log.item('Entity: ' + str(entity))
            self.log.item('Data Keys: ' + str(data[0].keys()))

            # Add a new List to our Dict of models
            models[rel_name] = {}

            # Pk field and column
            pk =
            pk_column = entity.mapper(pk).column()
            if not primary: pk_column = rel_name + '__' + pk_column

            # Track completed relations so I can remove from our relations list later
            completed_relations = {}

            # Loop each row of raw data
            i = 0
            for row in data:

                # Because of Many-To-Many we could have the same model multiple times.  But we only want
                # to convert and deal with it once based on unique PK
                if getattr(row, pk_column) in models[rel_name]: continue
                #if models[rel_name][getattr(row, pk_column)]: continue

                # Convert this one row to model (just the main fields, not relations)
                if primary:
                    root_model = entity.mapper(row).model()
                    #root_model = entity.mapper(row).row_to_model()
                    root_model = entity.mapper(row, rel_name).model()
                    #root_model = entity.mapper(row, rel_name).row_to_model()

                # Get pk value
                pk_value = getattr(root_model, pk)

                # Loop only *One relations that apply to this one "data" model
                relation: Relation
                for relation in relations.values():

                    # Only look at relations that begin with this relation__ and are *One
                    if not primary and rel_name + '__' not in continue

                    # Walk up relations and exclude if ANY relation is a *Many starting from rel_name and up
                    if relation.contains_many(query.relations, skip=rel_name_parts): continue

                    # Log output
                    if i == 0: self.log.item('Relation: ' + + ' - ' + str(relation))

                    # RowProxy results lookup prefix
                    prefix =

                    # Get all relation fieldnames from split
                    fieldnames ='__')
                    if not primary:
                        # Skip the first __ parts of rel_name
                        fieldnames = fieldnames[len(rel_name_parts):]
                    if i == 0: self.log.item2('  Fieldnames: ' + ', '.join(fieldnames))

                    # Walk down the root model by fieldnames until you reach the nested
                    # model that has the right field to hold this converted sub model
                    # Remember each relation has the full__nested__name so always start with the
                    # root_model for each relation and work your way down.
                    model = root_model
                    for f in range(0, len(fieldnames) - 1):
                        model = getattr(model, fieldnames[f])

                    # Actual fieldname is always the LAST of the fieldnames, but our model was walked down.
                    fieldname = fieldnames[-1] if fieldnames else

                    # Walkdown Log
                    if i == 0: self.log.item2('  Model Field: ' + fieldname)
                    if i == 0: self.log.item2('  Field Model: ' + str(model.__class__))

                    # Convert this one rows relation data into a sub_relation model
                    # Only convert each unique *One record just once, or else pull from singles cache
                    # The odd part about this cache is if you include many nested relations one one parent model
                    # And a child model also uses the same child, it too will include all nested relations
                    # Example if you do .include('', 'owner').  If owner is id=1 and id=1 was already
                    # a creator, that owner will also have the nested INFO filled out, because it pulls from the cache.
                    if relation.entity.tablename not in singles: singles[relation.entity.tablename] = {}
                    sub_model_pk = + '__' + relation.entity.mapper(
                    sub_model_pk_value = getattr(row, sub_model_pk)
                    if sub_model_pk_value is not None and sub_model_pk_value not in singles[relation.entity.tablename]:
                        singles[relation.entity.tablename][sub_model_pk_value] = relation.entity.mapper(row, prefix).model()
                        #singles[relation.entity.tablename][sub_model_pk_value] = relation.entity.mapper(row, prefix).row_to_model()

                    # Get sub_model from singles cache
                    if sub_model_pk_value is not None:
                        sub_model = singles[relation.entity.tablename][sub_model_pk_value]
                        #sub_model = relation.entity.mapper(row, prefix).model(False) # No cache version

                        # Add this converted sub_model to the walked down parent model
                        setattr(model, fieldname, sub_model)

                    # Mark relation as complete so I can delete from relations Dict later
                    completed_relations[] = 1

                # All *One relations have been converted and merged
                # Add this fully converted (including nested *One relations) model to List of models
                models[rel_name][pk_value] = root_model
                i += 1

            # Delete all completed relations from our relation deepcopy.  We will not need them again
            for completed_relation in completed_relations.keys():
                del relations[completed_relation]

        # Fill in all *One relations for all secondary results first.
        # as each relation is merged it will be removed from our local relations deepcopy.
        # All relations left will be those on the main results data.
        for rel_name, rel_data in secondary.items():
            fill_one_relations(rel_name, rel_data)
        #fill_one_relations(secondary['comments'], 'comments')

        # Fill in all *One relations for the primary results.
        fill_one_relations('primary', primary)

        # All relations left should be of *Many either for the primary results
        # or for any of the secondary results'Leftover Relations are *Many')

        # All records in models Dict are *Many and the main Primary dataset
        # All remaining relations are the *Many which should match the models Dict key
        # Looping the *Many relations in REVERSE gives us the deepest relations first which is critical'Combining Recursive *Many Models')

        relation: Relation
        for relation in reversed(relations.values()):

            # Relation name parts
            relation_parts ='__')
            field = relation_parts[-1]

            # If models does not contain this relation, skip the merge
            if not in models: continue

            # Get parent and child Dict of models
            children_name =
            children = models[]
            parents_name = 'primary'
            if len(relation_parts) > 1: parents_name = '__'.join(relation_parts[:-1])
            if parents_name in models:
                # Parent is a *Many so grab from models
                parents = models[parents_name]
                # Parent is a *One, so grap from singles cache
                parents = singles[query.relations.get(parents_name).entity.tablename]

            self.log.item('Combining child: ' + children_name + ' into parent: ' + parents_name)

            # Determine if child *Many results should be displayed as a Dict or List
            dict_key = getvalue(relation, 'dict_key')
            dict_value = getvalue(relation, 'dict_value')
            list_value = getvalue(relation, 'list_value')

            # Loop parents so we can at least set each child to empty [] instead of None.  We always want [] instead of None for empty children
            for parent in parents.values():
                # Set empty [] or {}
                if dict_key:
                    setattr(parent, field, {})
                    setattr(parent, field, [])

            # Merge in Many-To-Many by using the original RowProxy result which contains
            # The pivot tables joining column (left_key)
            if type(relation) == BelongsToMany or type(relation) == MorphToMany:
                left_key = + '__' + relation.left_key
                right_key = + '__' + relation.entity.mapper(

                # QUESTION, what is the differente from children.values() vs
                # secondary?  Look at the ELSE below that for child in children.values()
                # but this many* uses secondary?
                # Can I combine all relations into one large loop?
                # Because I am doing identical work in the dict_key stuff

                # ALSO all of this dict_key code may not work anyway
                # I bet the API will not know how to handle input and complain?
                # I may have to handle specially in the ModelRouter

                # Loop raw RowProxy to find proper pivot keys
                for row in secondary[]:
                    left_id = getattr(row, left_key)
                    right_id = getattr(row, right_key)

                    # Get parent value, the value of the main table
                    parent = parents[left_id]

                    # Get child value. The value of the many record
                    child = children[right_id]

                    # Set None field to empty List
                    if getattr(parent, field) is None:
                        setattr(parent, field, [])

                    # Add each *Many model as a Dict
                    if dict_key:
                        if dict_value:
                            if type(dict_value) == list:
                                value = {key:getattr(child, key) for key in dict_value}
                                value = getattr(child, dict_value)
                            value = child.dict()
                        getattr(parent, field)[getattr(child, dict_key)] = value

                    # Add each *Many model as a List of a single value
                    elif list_value:
                        getattr(parent, field).append(getattr(child, list_value))

                    # Add each *Many as a List of the actual Models
                        # Append to list using deepcopy
                        getattr(parent, field).append(
                            # We must deep copy the record becuase we dedup the *Many
                            # but they could be used multiple times
                            # ?? Hum maybe not, good if you change one it changes them all
                            # But all the *One will NOT be like this I don't believe, have to test


                for child in children.values():
                    parent_pk_value = getattr(child, relation.foreign_key)
                    if parent_pk_value not in parents: continue;

                    parent = parents[parent_pk_value]
                    field = relation_parts[-1]

                    # # Set None field to empty list
                    # if getattr(parent, field) is None:
                    #     setattr(parent, field, [])

                    # DUPLCATING work here, see above for nearly exact same thing
                    # need to optimize this code

                    # Add each *Many model as a Dict
                    if dict_key:
                        if dict_value:
                            if type(dict_value) == list:
                                # Dict value is a list.  Create a dictionary from the lists keys
                                value = {key:getattr(child, key) for key in dict_value}
                                # Dict value is a string, use just that fields value
                                value = getattr(child, dict_value)
                            # No dict value set, but there is a dict_key, so we want a dict.  Use the entire record as a dict
                            value = child.dict()
                        getattr(parent, field)[getattr(child, dict_key)] = value
                        #setattr(parent, field, 'x')

                    # Add each *Many model as a List of a single value
                    elif list_value:
                        getattr(parent, field).append(getattr(child, list_value))

                    # Add each *Many as a List of the actual Models
                        getattr(parent, field).append(child)
'Singles Cache')
        self.log.dump(singles)'Secondary *Many Models')

        # These models are already a Dict keyed by PK
        # Return existing primary model if user wanted keyby id
        if query.keyed_by ==
            return models['primary']

        # Key results by another column
        if query.keyed_by:
            keyed_entities = {}
            for entity in models['primary'].values():
                keyed_entities[getattr(entity, self.query.keyed_by)] = entity

            # Return Dictionary of Entities
            return keyed_entities

        # No keyby, convert primary models to a List
        return [x for x in models['primary'].values()]