Esempio n. 1
    def _check_outputs_open(self):
        """checks that output video and event datasets files are open"""

        if self.video_output_file is not None:

        if not self.height or not self.width:
            raise ValueError('height and width not set for output video')

        if self.output_path is None and self.video_output_file is str:
            logger.warning('output_path is None; will not write DVS video')

        if self.output_path and type(self.video_output_file_name) is str:
            fn = checkAddSuffix(
                os.path.join(self.output_path, self.video_output_file_name),
  'opening DVS video output file ' + fn)
            self.video_output_file = video_writer(
                fn, self.height, self.width, frame_rate=self.avi_frame_rate)
            fn = checkAddSuffix(
                os.path.join(self.output_path, self.video_output_file_name),
  'opening DVS frame times file ' + fn)
            self.frame_times_output_file = open(fn, 'w')
            s = '# frame times for {}\n# frame# time(s)\n'.format(
Esempio n. 2
    def render(self):
        """Render event frames."""
        (event_arr, time_list, pos_list,
         num_frames, height, width) = self._get_events()

        output_ts = np.linspace(
            num_frames / self.input_fps,
            int(num_frames / self.input_fps * self.output_fps),
        clip_value = 2
        histrange = [(0, v) for v in (height, width)]
        out = video_writer(
            os.path.join(self.output_path, 'output.avi'),
            width=width, height=height, frame_rate=self.avi_frame_rate)
        for ts_idx in range(output_ts.shape[0] - 1):
            # assume time_list is sorted.
            start = np.searchsorted(time_list,
            end = np.searchsorted(time_list,
                                  output_ts[ts_idx + 1],
            # select events, assume that pos_list is sorted
            if end < len(pos_list):
                events = event_arr[pos_list[start]: pos_list[end], :]
                events = event_arr[pos_list[start]:, :]

            pol_on = (events[:, 3] == 1)
            pol_off = np.logical_not(pol_on)
            img_on, _, _ = np.histogram2d(
                events[pol_on, 2], events[pol_on, 1],
                bins=(height, width), range=histrange)
            img_off, _, _ = np.histogram2d(
                events[pol_off, 2], events[pol_off, 1],
                bins=(height, width), range=histrange)
            if clip_value is not None:
                integrated_img = np.clip(
                    (img_on - img_off), -clip_value, clip_value)
                integrated_img = (img_on - img_off)
            img = (integrated_img + clip_value) / float(clip_value * 2)
                (img * 255).astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR))
            # if self.preview:
            #     cv2.namedWindow(__name__, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
            #     cv2.imshow(__name__, img)
            #     if not self.preview_resized:
            #         cv2.resizeWindow(__name__, 800, 600)
            #         self.preview_resized = True
            #     cv2.waitKey(30)  # 30 hz playback
            if ts_idx % 20 == 0:
      'Rendered {} frames'.format(ts_idx))
            # if cv2.waitKey(int(1000 / 30)) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
            #     break
Esempio n. 3
    def interpolate(self, source_frame_path, output_folder, frame_size):
        """Run interpolation. \
            Interpolated frames will be saved in folder self.output_path.

        source_frame_path: path that contains source file
        output_folder:str, folder that stores the interpolated images,
            numbered 1:N*slowdown_factor.
        frame_size: tuple (width, height)

        Frames will include the input frames, i.e.
        if there are 2 input frames and slowdown_factor=10,
        there will be 10 frames written,
        starting with the first input frame, and ending before
        the 2nd input frame.

        If  slowdown factor=2, then the first output frame will be
        the first input frame, and the 2nd output frame will be
        a new synthetic frame halfway to the 2nd frame.

        If the slowdown_factor is 3, then there will
        the first input frame followed by 2 more interframes.

        The output will never include the 2nd input frame.

        i.e. if there are 2 input frames and slowdown_factor=10,
        there will be 10 frames written, frame0 is the first input frame, and frame9 is the 9th interpolated frame.
        Frame1 is *not* included, so that it can be fed as input for the next interpolation.

        deltaTimes: np.array,
            Array of delta times relative to src frame intervals. This array must be multiplied by the source frame interval to obtain the times of the frames. There will be a variable number of times depending on auto_upsample and upsampling_factor.
        avg_upsampling_factor: float,
            Average upsampling factor, which can be used to compute the average timestamp resolution.
        if not output_folder:
            raise ValueError(
                'output_folder is None; it must be supplied to store '
                'the interpolated frames')

        del ls
        if nframes/self.batch_size<2:
            logger.warning(f'only {nframes} input frames with batch_size={self.batch_size}, automatically reducing batch size to provide at least 2 batches')
            while nframes/self.batch_size<2:
  'using batch_size={self.batch_size}')
        video_frame_loader, dim, ori_dim = self.__load_data(
            source_frame_path, frame_size)
        if not self.model_loaded:
            (self.flow_estimator, self.warper,
             self.interpolator) = self.__model(dim)
            self.model_loaded = True

        # construct AVI video output writer now that we know the frame size
        if self.video_path is not None and self.vid_orig is not None and \
                self.ori_writer is None:
            self.ori_writer = video_writer(
                os.path.join(self.video_path, self.vid_orig),
                ori_dim[0], frame_rate=self.avi_frame_rate

        if self.video_path is not None and self.vid_slomo is not None and \
                self.slomo_writer is None:
            self.slomo_writer = video_writer(
                os.path.join(self.video_path, self.vid_slomo),
                ori_dim[0], frame_rate=self.avi_frame_rate

        numUpsamplingReportsLeft=3 # number of times to report automatic upsampling

        # prepare preview
        if self.preview:
   = str(__file__)
            cv2.namedWindow(, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)

        outputFrameCounter=0 # counts frames written out (input + interpolated)
        inputFrameCounter=0 # counts source video input frames
        # torch.cuda.empty_cache()
        upsamplingSum=0 #stats
        with torch.no_grad():
            #  logger.debug(
            #      "using " + str(output_folder) +
            #      " to store interpolated frames")
            nImages = len(video_frame_loader)
  'interpolating {len(video_frame_loader)} batches of frames using batch_size={self.batch_size} with auto_upsample={self.auto_upsample} and minimum upsampling_factor={self.upsampling_factor}')
            if nImages<2:
                raise Exception('there are only {} batches in {} and we need at least 2; maybe you need to reduce batch size or increase number of input frames'.format(nImages, source_frame_path))

            interpTimes=None # array to hold times normalized to 1 unit per input frame interval

            unit = ' fr' if self.batch_size == 1 \
                else ' batch of '+str(self.batch_size)+' fr'
            for _, (frame0, frame1) in enumerate(
                    tqdm(video_frame_loader, desc='slomo-interp',
                         unit=unit), 0):
                # video_frame_loader delivers self.batch_size batch of frame0 and frame1
                # frame0 is actually frame0, frame1,.... frameN
                # frame1 is actually frame1, frame2, .... frameN+1, where N is batch_size-1
                # that way the slomo computes in parallel the flow from 0->1, 1->2, 2->3... N-1->N

                I0 =
                I1 =
                # actual number of frames, account for < batch_size
                num_batch_frames = I0.shape[0]

                flowOut = self.flow_estimator(, I1), dim=1))
                F_0_1 = flowOut[:, :2, :, :] # flow from 0 to 1
                F_1_0 = flowOut[:, 2:, :, :] # flow from 1 to 0
                # dimensions [batch, flow[vx,vy], loc_x,loc_y]

                if self.preview:
                    start_frame_count = outputFrameCounter

                # compute the upsampling factor
                if self.auto_upsample:
                    # compute automatic sample time from maximum flow magnitude such that
                    #                 #  dt(s)*speed(pix/s)=1pix,
                    #                 #  i.e., dt(s)=1pix/speed(pix/s)
                    # we have no time here, so our flow is computed in pixels of motion between frames
                    # we need to compute speed, so first compute the sum square of x and y vel components
                    vFlat=torch.flatten(flowOut,2,3) # [batch, [v01x, v01y, v10x, v10y] ]
                    maxSpeed= torch.max(torch.max(sp,dim=1)[0]).cpu().item() # this is maximimum movement between frames in pixels dim [batch]
                    # dim=1 gets max over all pixels
                    # [0] gets value of max, rather than idx which would be 1
                    # outer max get max over entire batch
                    # .cpu() moves to cpu to get actual value as float
                    # outer .item() gets first element of 0-dim tensor which is the speed
                    upsampling_factor=int(np.ceil(maxSpeed)) # use ceil to ensure oversampling. compute overall maximum needed upsampling ratio
                    # it is shared over all frames in batch so just use max value for all of them
                    #'upsampling factor={}'.format(upsampling_factor))
                    if self.upsampling_factor is not None and self.upsampling_factor>upsampling_factor:
                    if numUpsamplingReportsLeft>0:
              'upsampled by factor {}'.format(upsampling_factor))

                if upsampling_factor<2:
                    logger.warning('upsampling_factor was less than 2 (maybe very slow motion caused this); set it to 2')

                # compute normalized frame times where 1 is full interval between frames
                # each src frame increments time by 1 unit, interframes fill between.
                numOutputFramesThisBatch= upsampling_factor*num_batch_frames
                interframeTime = 1/upsampling_factor
                # compute the times of *all* the new frames, covering upsampling_factor * numFramesThisBatch total frames
                # they all share the same upsampling_factor within this batch, hence same interframeTime
                interframeTimes = inputFrameCounter + np.array(range(numOutputFramesThisBatch))*interframeTime
                interframeTimes = interframeTimes.squeeze() # remove trailing , dimension
                if interpTimes is None:

                # Generate intermediate frames using upsampling_factor
                # this part is also done in batch mode
                for intermediateIndex in range(0, upsampling_factor):
                    t = (intermediateIndex + 0.5) / upsampling_factor
                    temp = -t * (1 - t)
                    fCoeff = [temp, t * t, (1 - t) * (1 - t), temp]

                    F_t_0 = fCoeff[0] * F_0_1 + fCoeff[1] * F_1_0
                    F_t_1 = fCoeff[2] * F_0_1 + fCoeff[3] * F_1_0

                    g_I0_F_t_0 = self.warper(I0, F_t_0)
                    g_I1_F_t_1 = self.warper(I1, F_t_1)

                    intrpOut = self.interpolator(
                            (I0, I1, F_0_1, F_1_0,
                             F_t_1, F_t_0, g_I1_F_t_1,
                             g_I0_F_t_0), dim=1))

                    F_t_0_f = intrpOut[:, :2, :, :] + F_t_0
                    F_t_1_f = intrpOut[:, 2:4, :, :] + F_t_1
                    V_t_0 = torch.sigmoid(intrpOut[:, 4:5, :, :])
                    V_t_1 = 1 - V_t_0

                    g_I0_F_t_0_f = self.warper(I0, F_t_0_f)
                    g_I1_F_t_1_f = self.warper(I1, F_t_1_f)

                    wCoeff = [1 - t, t]

                    Ft_p = (wCoeff[0] * V_t_0 * g_I0_F_t_0_f +
                            wCoeff[1] * V_t_1 * g_I1_F_t_1_f) / \
                           (wCoeff[0] * V_t_0 + wCoeff[1] * V_t_1)

                    # Save intermediate frames from this particular upsampling point between src frames
                    for batchIndex in range(num_batch_frames):
                        img = self.to_image(Ft_p[batchIndex].cpu().detach())
                        img_resize = img.resize(ori_dim, Image.BILINEAR)
                        # the output frame index is computed
                        outputFrameIdx=outputFrameCounter + upsampling_factor * batchIndex + intermediateIndex
                        save_path = os.path.join(
                            str(outputFrameIdx) + ".png")

                # for preview
                if self.preview:
                    stop_frame_count = outputFrameCounter

                    for frame_idx in range(
                            stop_frame_count + upsampling_factor * (num_batch_frames - 1)):
                        frame_path = os.path.join(
                            output_folder, str(frame_idx) + ".png")
                        frame = cv2.imread(frame_path)
                        cv2.imshow(, frame)
                        if not self.preview_resized:
                            cv2.resizeWindow(, 800, 600)
                            self.preview_resized = True
                        # wait minimally since interp takes time anyhow
                # Set counter accounting for batching of frames
                inputFrameCounter += num_batch_frames # batch_size-1 because we repeat frame1 as frame0
                outputFrameCounter += numOutputFramesThisBatch # batch_size-1 because we repeat frame1 as frame0

            # write input frames into video
            # don't duplicate each frame if called using rotating buffer
            # of two frames in a row
            if self.ori_writer:
                src_files = sorted(
                    glob.glob("{}".format(source_frame_path) + "/*.npy"))

                # write original frames into stop-motion video
                for frame_idx, src_file_path in enumerate(
                        tqdm(src_files, desc='write-orig-avi',
                             unit='fr'), 0):
                    src_frame = np.load(src_file_path)
                        cv2.cvtColor(src_frame, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR))
                    self.numOrigVideoFramesWritten += 1

            frame_paths = self.__all_images(output_folder)
            if self.slomo_writer:
                for path in tqdm(frame_paths,desc='write-slomo-vid',unit='fr'):
                    frame = self.__read_image(path)
                        cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR))
                    self.numSlomoVideoFramesWritten += 1
        avgUpsampling=upsamplingSum/nUpsamplingSamples'Wrote {} frames and returning {} frame times.\nAverage upsampling factor={:5.1f}'.format(nFramesWritten,nTimePoints,avgUpsampling))
        return interpTimes, avgUpsampling