def validate(model, dataloader, criterion): """ Compute the loss and accuracy of a model on some validation dataset. Args: model: A torch module for which the loss and accuracy must be computed. dataloader: A DataLoader object to iterate over the validation data. criterion: A loss criterion to use for computing the loss. epoch: The number of the epoch for which validation is performed. device: The device on which the model is located. Returns: epoch_time: The total time to compute the loss and accuracy on the entire validation set. epoch_loss: The loss computed on the entire validation set. epoch_accuracy: The accuracy computed on the entire validation set. """ # Switch to evaluate mode. model.eval() device = model.device epoch_start = time.time() running_loss = 0.0 running_accuracy = 0.0 total_num = 0 sub_len = 0 bc = BertClient(check_length=False) batch = dataloader # Deactivate autograd for evaluation. with torch.no_grad(): for batch_index in range(len(dataloader['labels'])): # Move input and output data to the GPU if one is used. # try: premises = torch.tensor(bc.encode( batch["premises"][batch_index])).to(device) hypotheses = torch.tensor( bc.encode(batch["hypotheses"][batch_index])).to(device) labels = torch.tensor(batch["labels"][batch_index]).to(device) logits, probs, adv_logits = model(premises, hypotheses) # print(logits.size()) loss = criterion(logits, labels) running_loss += loss.item() running_accuracy += correct_predictions(probs, labels) total_num += len(labels) # except: # sub_len += 1 # print('encoding error!') epoch_time = time.time() - epoch_start epoch_loss = running_loss / (len(dataloader['labels']) - sub_len) epoch_accuracy = running_accuracy / total_num return epoch_time, epoch_loss, epoch_accuracy
def test(model, dataloader): """ Test the accuracy of a model on some labelled test dataset. Args: model: The torch module on which testing must be performed. dataloader: A DataLoader object to iterate over some dataset. Returns: batch_time: The average time to predict the classes of a batch. total_time: The total time to process the whole dataset. accuracy: The accuracy of the model on the input data. """ # Switch the model to eval mode. model.eval() device = model.device time_start = time.time() batch_time = 0.0 accuracy = 0.0 all_labels = [] all_out_classes = [] # Deactivate autograd for evaluation. with torch.no_grad(): for batch in dataloader: batch_start = time.time() # Move input and output data to the GPU if one is used. premises = batch["premise"].to(device) premises_lengths = batch["premise_length"].to(device) hypotheses = batch["hypothesis"].to(device) hypotheses_lengths = batch["hypothesis_length"].to(device) labels = batch["label"] all_labels.extend(labels.tolist()) labels = _, probs = model(premises, premises_lengths, hypotheses, hypotheses_lengths) _, out_classes = probs.max(dim=1) all_out_classes.extend(out_classes.tolist()) accuracy += correct_predictions(probs, labels) batch_time += time.time() - batch_start batch_time /= len(dataloader) total_time = time.time() - time_start accuracy /= (len(dataloader.dataset)) accuracy_score = metrics.accuracy_score(all_labels, all_out_classes) precision_score = metrics.precision_score(all_labels, all_out_classes) recall_score = metrics.recall_score(all_labels, all_out_classes) f1_score = metrics.f1_score(all_labels, all_out_classes) return batch_time, total_time, accuracy, accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score
def validate(model, dataloader, criterion): """ Compute the loss and accuracy of a model on some validation dataset. Args: model: A torch module for which the loss and accuracy must be computed. dataloader: A DataLoader object to iterate over the validation data. criterion: A loss criterion to use for computing the loss. epoch: The number of the epoch for which validation is performed. device: The device on which the model is located. Returns: epoch_time: The total time to compute the loss and accuracy on the entire validation set. epoch_loss: The loss computed on the entire validation set. epoch_accuracy: The accuracy computed on the entire validation set. """ # Switch to evaluate mode. model.eval() device = model.device epoch_start = time.time() running_loss = 0.0 running_accuracy = 0.0 # Deactivate autograd for evaluation. with torch.no_grad(): for batch in dataloader: # Move input and output data to the GPU if one is used. premises = batch["premise"].to(device) premises_lengths = batch["premise_length"].to(device) hypotheses = batch["hypothesis"].to(device) hypotheses_lengths = batch["hypothesis_length"].to(device) labels = batch["label"].to(device) logits, probs, _, _ = model(premises, premises_lengths, hypotheses, hypotheses_lengths) loss = criterion(logits, labels) running_loss += loss.item() running_accuracy += correct_predictions(probs, labels) epoch_time = time.time() - epoch_start epoch_loss = running_loss / len(dataloader) epoch_accuracy = running_accuracy / (len(dataloader.dataset)) return epoch_time, epoch_loss, epoch_accuracy
def train_loss(model, dataloader, optimizer, criterion, epoch_number, max_gradient_norm): """ Train a model for one epoch on some input data with a given optimizer and criterion. Args: model: A torch module that must be trained on some input data. dataloader: A DataLoader object to iterate over the training data. optimizer: A torch optimizer to use for training on the input model. criterion: A loss criterion to use for training. epoch_number: The number of the epoch for which training is performed. max_gradient_norm: Max. norm for gradient norm clipping. Returns: epoch_time: The total time necessary to train the epoch. epoch_loss: The training loss computed for the epoch. epoch_accuracy: The accuracy computed for the epoch. """ # Switch the model to train mode. model[0].train() model[1].train() device = model[0].device epoch_start = time.time() batch_time_avg = 0.0 running_loss = 0.0 correct_preds = 0 total_num = 0 sub_len = 0 loss_list = [] bc = BertClient(check_length=False) batch = dataloader tqdm_batch_iterator = tqdm(range(len(dataloader['labels']))) for batch_index in tqdm_batch_iterator: batch_start = time.time() # Move input and output data to the GPU if it is used. premises = torch.tensor(bc.encode( batch["premises"][batch_index])).to(device) hypotheses = torch.tensor(bc.encode( batch["hypotheses"][batch_index])).to(device) labels = torch.tensor(batch["labels"][batch_index]).to(device) _, probabilities, esim_logits = model[0](premises, hypotheses) preds = torch.argmax(probabilities, dim=1) premises_adv, hypotheses_adv = fgsm(premises, hypotheses, preds, model[0], criterion, eps=2e-2) _, _, adv_logits = model[0](premises_adv, hypotheses_adv) vulnerability = [esim_logits - adv_logits, esim_logits, adv_logits], dim=1) logits, probs = model[1](premises, hypotheses, vulnerability) optimizer.zero_grad() loss = criterion(logits, labels) loss.backward() # nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model[0].parameters(), max_gradient_norm) nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model[1].parameters(), max_gradient_norm) optimizer.step() batch_time_avg += time.time() - batch_start running_loss += loss.item() loss_list.append(loss.item()) correct_preds += correct_predictions(probs, labels) total_num += len(labels) description = "Avg. batch proc. time: {:.4f}s, loss: {:.4f}"\ .format(batch_time_avg/(batch_index+1), running_loss/(batch_index+1)) tqdm_batch_iterator.set_description(description) return loss_list
def validate(model, tokenizer, dataloader): """ Compute the loss and accuracy of a model on some validation dataset. Args: model: A torch module for which the loss and accuracy must be computed. dataloader: A DataLoader object to iterate over the validation data. criterion: A loss criterion to use for computing the loss. epoch: The number of the epoch for which validation is performed. device: The device on which the model is located. Returns: epoch_time: The total time to compute the loss and accuracy on the entire validation set. epoch_loss: The loss computed on the entire validation set. epoch_accuracy: The accuracy computed on the entire validation set. """ # Switch to evaluate mode. model.eval() device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") epoch_start = time.time() running_loss = 0.0 running_accuracy = 0.0 total_num = 0 sub_len = 0 batch = dataloader # Deactivate autograd for evaluation. with torch.no_grad(): for batch_index in range(len(dataloader['labels'])): input_ids = [] max_length = 0 pad_token = 0 labels = torch.tensor(batch["labels"][batch_index]).to(device) for i in range(len(labels)): inputs = tokenizer.encode(batch["premises"][batch_index][i], batch["hypotheses"][batch_index], add_special_tokens=True, max_length=128) input_ids.append(inputs) max_length = max(max_length, len(inputs)) input_ids_new = [] # pad on right for inputs in input_ids: padding_length = max_length - len(inputs) inputs = inputs + ([pad_token] * padding_length) input_ids_new.append(inputs) input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids_new).to(device) outputs = model(input_ids, labels=labels) loss, logits = outputs[:2] running_loss += loss.item() running_accuracy += correct_predictions(F.softmax(logits, dim=-1), labels) total_num += len(labels) epoch_time = time.time() - epoch_start epoch_loss = running_loss / (len(dataloader['labels']) - sub_len) epoch_accuracy = running_accuracy / total_num return epoch_time, epoch_loss, epoch_accuracy
def train(model, tokenizer, dataloader, optimizer, scheduler, max_grad_norm): """ Train a model for one epoch on some input data with a given optimizer and criterion. Args: model: A torch module that must be trained on some input data. dataloader: A DataLoader object to iterate over the training data. optimizer: A torch optimizer to use for training on the input model. criterion: A loss criterion to use for training. epoch_number: The number of the epoch for which training is performed. max_gradient_norm: Max. norm for gradient norm clipping. Returns: epoch_time: The total time necessary to train the epoch. epoch_loss: The training loss computed for the epoch. epoch_accuracy: The accuracy computed for the epoch. """ # Switch the model to train mode. model.train() device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") epoch_start = time.time() batch_time_avg = 0.0 running_loss = 0.0 correct_preds = 0 total_num = 0 sub_len = 0 batch = dataloader tqdm_batch_iterator = tqdm(range(len(dataloader['labels']))) for batch_index in tqdm_batch_iterator: batch_start = time.time() input_ids = [] max_length = 0 pad_token = 0 labels = torch.tensor(batch["labels"][batch_index]).to(device) for i in range(len(labels)): inputs = tokenizer.encode(batch["premises"][batch_index][i], batch["hypotheses"][batch_index], add_special_tokens=True, max_length=128) input_ids.append(inputs) max_length = max(max_length, len(inputs)) input_ids_new = [] # pad on right for inputs in input_ids: padding_length = max_length - len(inputs) inputs = inputs + ([pad_token] * padding_length) input_ids_new.append(inputs) input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids_new).to(device) outputs = model(input_ids, labels=labels) loss, logits = outputs[:2] optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), max_grad_norm) optimizer.step() scheduler.step() batch_time_avg += time.time() - batch_start running_loss += loss.item() correct_preds += correct_predictions(F.softmax(logits, dim=-1), labels) total_num += len(labels) description = "Avg. batch proc. time: {:.4f}s, loss: {:.4f}"\ .format(batch_time_avg/(batch_index+1), running_loss/(batch_index+1)) tqdm_batch_iterator.set_description(description) epoch_time = time.time() - epoch_start epoch_loss = running_loss / (len(dataloader['labels']) - sub_len) epoch_accuracy = correct_preds / total_num return epoch_time, epoch_loss, epoch_accuracy
def train(model, dataloader, optimizer, criterion, epoch_number, max_gradient_norm): """ Train a model for one epoch on some input data with a given optimizer and criterion. Args: model: A torch module that must be trained on some input data. dataloader: A DataLoader object to iterate over the training data. optimizer: A torch optimizer to use for training on the input model. criterion: A loss criterion to use for training. epoch_number: The number of the epoch for which training is performed. max_gradient_norm: Max. norm for gradient norm clipping. Returns: epoch_time: The total time necessary to train the epoch. epoch_loss: The training loss computed for the epoch. epoch_accuracy: The accuracy computed for the epoch. """ # Switch the model to train mode. model.train() device = model.device epoch_start = time.time() batch_time_avg = 0.0 running_loss = 0.0 correct_preds = 0 total_num = 0 sub_len = 0 bc = BertClient(check_length=False) batch = dataloader tqdm_batch_iterator = tqdm(range(len(dataloader['labels']))) for batch_index in tqdm_batch_iterator: batch_start = time.time() # try: # Move input and output data to the GPU if it is used. premises = torch.tensor(bc.encode( batch["premises"][batch_index])).to(device) hypotheses = torch.tensor(bc.encode( batch["hypotheses"][batch_index])).to(device) labels = torch.tensor(batch["labels"][batch_index]).to(device) optimizer.zero_grad() logits, probs, adv_logits = model(premises, hypotheses) loss = criterion(logits, labels) loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), max_gradient_norm) optimizer.step() batch_time_avg += time.time() - batch_start running_loss += loss.item() correct_preds += correct_predictions(probs, labels) total_num += len(labels) description = "Avg. batch proc. time: {:.4f}s, loss: {:.4f}"\ .format(batch_time_avg/(batch_index+1), running_loss/(batch_index+1)) tqdm_batch_iterator.set_description(description) # except: # sub_len += 1 # print('encoding error!') epoch_time = time.time() - epoch_start epoch_loss = running_loss / (len(dataloader['labels']) - sub_len) epoch_accuracy = correct_preds / total_num return epoch_time, epoch_loss, epoch_accuracy
def validate(model, dataloader): """ Compute the loss and accuracy of a model on some validation dataset. Args: model: A torch module for which the loss and accuracy must be computed. dataloader: A DataLoader object to iterate over the validation data. criterion: A loss criterion to use for computing the loss. epoch: The number of the epoch for which validation is performed. device: The device on which the model is located. Returns: epoch_time: The total time to compute the loss and accuracy on the entire validation set. epoch_loss: The loss computed on the entire validation set. epoch_accuracy: The accuracy computed on the entire validation set. """ criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') criterion_all = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # Switch to evaluate mode. adv_loss_pos, adv_loss_neg = None, None model.train() device = model.device epoch_start = time.time() running_loss = 0.0 running_accuracy = 0.0 total_num = 0 # Deactivate autograd for evaluation. for batch_index, batch in enumerate(dataloader): premises = batch["premise"].to(device) premises_lengths = batch["premise_length"].to(device) hypotheses = batch["hypothesis"].to(device) hypotheses_lengths = batch["hypothesis_length"].to(device) labels = batch["label"].to(device) logits, probs, _, embed = model(premises, premises_lengths, hypotheses, hypotheses_lengths) preds = torch.argmax(probs, dim=1) premises_adv, hypotheses_adv = fgsm_esim(embed[0], embed[1], preds, model, criterion_all, premises_lengths, hypotheses_lengths, embed[2], embed[3], eps=2e-2, if_infnity=False) logits_adv, probs_adv, _, _ = model(premises_adv, premises_lengths, hypotheses_adv, hypotheses_lengths, True, embed[2], embed[3]) loss = criterion(logits, labels) running_loss += loss.sum().item() total_num += len(labels) np_labels = labels.cpu().numpy() np_loss = loss.detach().cpu().numpy() running_accuracy += correct_predictions(probs, labels) adv_loss = ShannonEntropy(logits_adv, probs) # adv_loss = criterion(logits_adv, preds) #- criterion(logits, preds) np_adv_loss = adv_loss.detach().cpu().numpy() # np_probs_adv = torch.max(probs_adv, dim=1)[0].detach().cpu().numpy() if batch_index == 0: adv_loss_pos = np_adv_loss[np_labels == 1] adv_loss_neg = np_adv_loss[np_labels == 0] else: adv_loss_pos = np.concatenate( (adv_loss_pos, np_adv_loss[(np_labels == 1)]), axis=0) adv_loss_neg = np.concatenate( (adv_loss_neg, np_adv_loss[(np_labels == 0)]), axis=0) epoch_time = time.time() - epoch_start epoch_accuracy = running_accuracy / (len(dataloader.dataset)) # epoch_accuracy = running_accuracy / total_num print(np.mean(adv_loss_pos), np.mean(adv_loss_neg)) losses = np.concatenate((adv_loss_pos, adv_loss_neg), axis=0) labels = np.concatenate( (np.ones_like(adv_loss_pos), np.zeros_like(adv_loss_neg)), axis=0) auc_score = roc_auc(labels, losses) creterion_func(adv_loss_pos, adv_loss_neg, loss_num_respectively=400) print('[ROC_AUC] score: %.2f%%' % (100. * auc_score)) return epoch_time, epoch_accuracy
def validate(model, dataloader): """ Compute the loss and accuracy of a model on some validation dataset. Args: model: A torch module for which the loss and accuracy must be computed. dataloader: A DataLoader object to iterate over the validation data. criterion: A loss criterion to use for computing the loss. epoch: The number of the epoch for which validation is performed. device: The device on which the model is located. Returns: epoch_time: The total time to compute the loss and accuracy on the entire validation set. epoch_loss: The loss computed on the entire validation set. epoch_accuracy: The accuracy computed on the entire validation set. """ criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') criterion_all=nn.CrossEntropyLoss() l2dist = PairwiseDistance(2) # Switch to evaluate mode. running_loss_pos, running_loss_neg = 0.0, 0.0 adv_loss_pos, adv_loss_neg = None, None model.train() device = model.device epoch_start = time.time() running_loss = 0.0 running_accuracy = 0.0 total_num = 0 bc = BertClient(check_length=False) batch = dataloader # Deactivate autograd for evaluation. for batch_index in range(len(dataloader['labels'])): # Move input and output data to the GPU if one is used. premises = torch.tensor(bc.encode(batch["premises"][batch_index])).to(device) hypotheses = torch.tensor(bc.encode(batch["hypotheses"][batch_index])).to(device) labels = torch.tensor(batch["labels"][batch_index]).to(device) logits, probs, _ = model(premises, hypotheses) pred = torch.argmax(logits, dim=1) loss = criterion(logits, labels) running_loss += loss.sum().item() total_num += len(labels) np_labels = labels.cpu().numpy() np_loss = loss.detach().cpu().numpy() np_pred = pred.detach().cpu().numpy() # adv # premises_adv, hypotheses_adv = fgsm(premises, hypotheses, pred, model, criterion_all, eps=2e-2, if_infnity=True) premises_adv, hypotheses_adv = fgsm(premises, hypotheses, pred, model, criterion_all, eps=1e-1) logits_adv, probs_adv, _ = model(premises_adv, hypotheses_adv) running_accuracy += correct_predictions(probs, labels) # adv_loss = ShannonEntropy(logits_adv, probs) adv_loss = criterion(logits_adv, pred) np_adv_loss = adv_loss.detach().cpu().numpy() running_loss_pos += np_adv_loss[(np_labels==1)].sum() # &(np_pred==0) running_loss_neg += np_adv_loss[(np_labels==0)].sum() # &(np_pred==1) if batch_index == 0: adv_loss_pos = np_adv_loss[np_labels==1] adv_loss_neg = np_adv_loss[np_labels==0] else: adv_loss_pos = np.concatenate((adv_loss_pos, np_adv_loss[(np_labels==1)]), axis=0) adv_loss_neg = np.concatenate((adv_loss_neg, np_adv_loss[(np_labels==0)]), axis=0) epoch_time = time.time() - epoch_start epoch_accuracy = running_accuracy / total_num print(running_loss_pos, running_loss_neg) losses = np.concatenate((adv_loss_pos, adv_loss_neg), axis=0) labels = np.concatenate((np.ones_like(adv_loss_pos), np.zeros_like(adv_loss_neg)), axis=0) auc_score = roc_auc(labels, losses) creterion_func(adv_loss_pos, adv_loss_neg) print('[ROC_AUC] score: %.2f%%' % (100. * auc_score)) return epoch_time, epoch_accuracy
def train(model, dataloader, optimizer, criterion, epoch_number, max_gradient_norm): """ Train a model for one epoch on some input data with a given optimizer and criterion. Args: model: A torch module that must be trained on some input data. dataloader: A DataLoader object to iterate over the training data. optimizer: A torch optimizer to use for training on the input model. criterion: A loss criterion to use for training. epoch_number: The number of the epoch for which training is performed. max_gradient_norm: Max. norm for gradient norm clipping. Returns: epoch_time: The total time necessary to train the epoch. epoch_loss: The training loss computed for the epoch. epoch_accuracy: The accuracy computed for the epoch. """ # Switch the model to train mode. model[0].train() model[1].train() device = model[0].device epoch_start = time.time() batch_time_avg = 0.0 running_loss = 0.0 correct_preds = 0 tqdm_batch_iterator = tqdm(dataloader) for batch_index, batch in enumerate(tqdm_batch_iterator): batch_start = time.time() # Move input and output data to the GPU if it is used. premises = batch["premise"].to(device) premises_lengths = batch["premise_length"].to(device) hypotheses = batch["hypothesis"].to(device) hypotheses_lengths = batch["hypothesis_length"].to(device) labels = batch["label"].to(device) _, probabilities, esim_logits, embed = model[0](premises, premises_lengths, hypotheses, hypotheses_lengths) preds = torch.argmax(probabilities, dim=1) premises_adv, hypotheses_adv = fgsm_esim(embed[0], embed[1], preds, model[0], criterion, premises_lengths, hypotheses_lengths, embed[2], embed[3], eps=2e-2, if_infnity=False) _, _, adv_logits, _ = model[0](premises_adv, premises_lengths, hypotheses_adv, hypotheses_lengths, True, embed[2], embed[3]) vulnerability = [esim_logits - adv_logits, esim_logits, adv_logits], dim=1) logits, probs = model[1](premises_adv, premises_lengths, hypotheses_adv, hypotheses_lengths, vulnerability, embed[2], embed[3]) optimizer.zero_grad() loss = criterion(logits, labels) loss.backward() # nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model[0].parameters(), max_gradient_norm) nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model[1].parameters(), max_gradient_norm) optimizer.step() batch_time_avg += time.time() - batch_start running_loss += loss.item() correct_preds += correct_predictions(probs, labels) description = "Avg. batch proc. time: {:.4f}s, loss: {:.4f}"\ .format(batch_time_avg/(batch_index+1), running_loss/(batch_index+1)) tqdm_batch_iterator.set_description(description) epoch_time = time.time() - epoch_start epoch_loss = running_loss / len(dataloader) epoch_accuracy = correct_preds / len(dataloader.dataset) return epoch_time, epoch_loss, epoch_accuracy
def validate(model, dataloader, criterion): """ Compute the loss and accuracy of a model on some validation dataset. Args: model: A torch module for which the loss and accuracy must be computed. dataloader: A DataLoader object to iterate over the validation data. criterion: A loss criterion to use for computing the loss. epoch: The number of the epoch for which validation is performed. device: The device on which the model is located. Returns: epoch_time: The total time to compute the loss and accuracy on the entire validation set. epoch_loss: The loss computed on the entire validation set. epoch_accuracy: The accuracy computed on the entire validation set. """ # Switch to evaluate mode. model[0].train() model[1].eval() device = model[0].device epoch_start = time.time() running_loss = 0.0 running_accuracy = 0.0 # Deactivate autograd for evaluation. for batch in dataloader: # Move input and output data to the GPU if one is used. premises = batch["premise"].to(device) premises_lengths = batch["premise_length"].to(device) hypotheses = batch["hypothesis"].to(device) hypotheses_lengths = batch["hypothesis_length"].to(device) labels = batch["label"].to(device) _, probabilities, esim_logits, embed = model[0](premises, premises_lengths, hypotheses, hypotheses_lengths) preds = torch.argmax(probabilities, dim=1) premises_adv, hypotheses_adv = fgsm_esim(embed[0], embed[1], preds, model[0], criterion, premises_lengths, hypotheses_lengths, embed[2], embed[3]) _, _, adv_logits, _ = model[0](premises_adv, premises_lengths, hypotheses_adv, hypotheses_lengths, True, embed[2], embed[3]) vulnerability = [esim_logits - adv_logits, esim_logits, adv_logits], dim=1) logits, probs = model[1](premises_adv, premises_lengths, hypotheses_adv, hypotheses_lengths, vulnerability, embed[2], embed[3]) loss = criterion(logits, labels) running_loss += loss.item() running_accuracy += correct_predictions(probs, labels) epoch_time = time.time() - epoch_start epoch_loss = running_loss / len(dataloader) epoch_accuracy = running_accuracy / (len(dataloader.dataset)) return epoch_time, epoch_loss, epoch_accuracy