def observe_and_learn(cfg, model_path, vae_path=None): global ctr time_steps = 5000 time_steps = 10000 try: time.sleep(5) vae = None device = None if vae_path: # init vae print('Initializing vae...') device = torch.device( 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') vae = VAE(image_channels=cfg.IMAGE_CHANNELS, z_dim=cfg.VARIANTS_SIZE) vae.load_state_dict( torch.load(vae_path, map_location=torch.device(device))) # create agent; wrapper for environment; later we can add vae to the agent agent = DonkeyAgent(cam, time_step=0.05, frame_skip=1, env_type='simulator', controller=ctr, vae=vae, device=device) print('DonkeyAgent created...') model = CustomSAC(CustomSACPolicy, agent, verbose=cfg.VERBOSE, batch_size=cfg.BATCH_SIZE, buffer_size=cfg.BUFFER_SIZE, learning_starts=cfg.LEARNING_STARTS, gradient_steps=cfg.GRADIENT_STEPS, train_freq=cfg.TRAIN_FREQ, ent_coef=cfg.ENT_COEF, learning_rate=cfg.LEARNING_RATE) print('CustomSAC Initialized.') print('learning...') ctr.mode = 'local' model.learn(total_timesteps=cfg.TIME_STEPS, log_interval=cfg.LOG_INTERVAL) print('Model finished.') except Exception as e: print('error:no new model generated. %s' % e) traceback.print_exc()
def show_reconstruction(cfg, args): vae_path = args['--vae'] print('vae_path: %s' % vae_path) if not vae_path: print('Error: No vae path specified') sys.exit(0) # init vae print('Initializing vae...') device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') vae = VAE(image_channels=cfg.IMAGE_CHANNELS, z_dim=cfg.VARIANTS_SIZE) vae.load_state_dict(torch.load(vae_path, map_location=torch.device(device))) for i in range(cfg.TIME_STEPS): z = torch.load('') reconst = vae.decode(z) reconst = reconst.detach().cpu()[0].numpy() reconst = np.transpose(np.uint8(reconst * 255), [1, 2, 0]) reconst_image = F_.to_pil_image(reconst) imgplot = plt.imshow(reconst_image) plt.pause(0.05) time.sleep(0.1)
def train(config, trainloader, devloader=None): current_time ='%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M') checkpoint_directory = os.path.join( config['paths']['checkpoints_directory'], '{}{}/'.format(config['model']['name'], config['model']['config_id']), current_time) os.makedirs(checkpoint_directory, exist_ok=True) input_dim = trainloader.dataset.input_dim_ vae = VAE(input_dim, config, checkpoint_directory)['model']['device'])
def optimize_model(cfg, model_path, vae_path=None, auto_mode=0, env_type='simulator'): global ctr time_steps = 5000 vae = None if vae_path: # init vae print('Initializing vae...') device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') vae = VAE(image_channels=cfg.IMAGE_CHANNELS, z_dim=cfg.VARIANTS_SIZE) vae.load_state_dict( torch.load(vae_path, map_location=torch.device(device))) # create agent; wrapper for environment; later we can add vae to the agent agent = DonkeyAgent(cam, time_step=0.05, frame_skip=1, env_type=env_type, controller=ctr, vae=vae, auto_mode=auto_mode) print('DonkeyAgent created...') model = CustomSAC.load(model_path, agent) print('Executing model...') model.learning_starts = 0 ctr.mode = 'local' model.learn(total_timesteps=time_steps, log_interval=cfg.LOG_INTERVAL) print('Model finished.')
def drive_model(cfg, model_path, vae_path=None, env_type='simulator'): global ctr time_steps = 10000 vae = None if vae_path: # init vae print('Initializing vae...') device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') vae = VAE(image_channels=cfg.IMAGE_CHANNELS, z_dim=cfg.VARIANTS_SIZE) vae.load_state_dict( torch.load(vae_path, map_location=torch.device(device))) # create agent; wrapper for environment; later we can add vae to the agent agent = DonkeyAgent(cam, time_step=0.05, frame_skip=1, env_type='simulator', controller=ctr, vae=vae) print('DonkeyAgent created...') model = CustomSAC.load(model_path) print('Executing model...') obs = agent.reset() ctr.mode = 'local' for step in range(time_steps): if step % 100 == 0: print("step: ", step) action, _states = model.predict(obs, deterministic=False) obs, rewards, dones, info = agent.step(action) time.sleep(0.05) while agent.is_game_over(): print('waiting for control') time.sleep(1)
def eval(config, testloader): storage = { # 'll_precision': None, 'll_recall': None, 'log_densities': None, 'params': None, 'ground_truth': None } input_dim = testloader.dataset.input_dim_ vae = VAE(input_dim, config, checkpoint_directory=None)['model']['device']) if args.restore_filename is not None: vae.restore_model(args.restore_filename, epoch=None) vae.eval() precisions, recalls, all_log_densities = [], [], [] # z sample sizes: 100 for i in range(100): print("evaluation round {}".format(i)) _, _, precision, recall, log_densities, ground_truth = vae.evaluate( testloader) precisions.append(precision) recalls.append(recall) all_log_densities.append(np.expand_dims(log_densities, axis=1)) print(mean_confidence_interval(precisions)) print(mean_confidence_interval(recalls)) all_log_densities = np.concatenate(all_log_densities, axis=1) # log sum exponential storage['log_densities'] = logsumexp(all_log_densities, axis=1) - np.log(100) storage['ground_truth'] = ground_truth # storage['ll_precision'] = mean_confidence_interval(precisions) # storage['ll_recall'] = mean_confidence_interval(recalls) # storage['params'] = self._get_parameters(testloader) pkl_filename = './results/test/{}{}/{}.pkl'.format(config['model']['name'], \ config['model']['config_id'], args.restore_filename) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(pkl_filename), exist_ok=True) with open(pkl_filename, 'wb') as _f: pickle.dump(storage, _f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
class MyEnv: def __init__(self, env_): self.env = env_ = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') self.action_space = env_.action_space self._state_steps = 3 self.observation_space = (80, 160, 3*self._state_steps) print("obs shape {}".format(self.observation_space)) self.state_shape = 32*self._state_steps # vae self.vae = VAE() model_path = "./vae/vae_ikeda_ver1_32.pth" self.vae.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)) self._gen_id = 0 # 何回目のgenerateかを保持 self._frames = [] # mp4生成用にframeを保存 # pre processing self._state_frames = deque(maxlen=self._state_steps) # 変換前のframe self._gen_id = 0 # 何回目のgenerateかを保持 self._frames = [] # mp4生成用にframeを保存 self._step_repeat_times = 2 # self.num_envs = 1 def close(self): self.env.close() def step(self, action, show=False): rews = 0.0 for i in range(self._step_repeat_times): n_state, rew, done, info = self.env.step(action) rews += rew if i == 0: self._state_frames.append(self.adjust_picture(n_state)) if show: self._frames.append(np.array(n_state)) if done: break n_state_return = self.convert_state() # state 生成 rew = self.change_rew(rews/self._step_repeat_times, info) if info["cte"] > 2.5: done = True rew = -1.0 elif info["cte"] < -5.0: done = True rew = -1.0 return n_state_return, rew, done, info def change_rew(self, rew, info): if info["speed"] < 0.0: return -0.6 if abs(info["cte"]) < 1.0: rew = info["speed"] / 100.0 else: rew = -0.6 return rew def reset(self): rand_step = random.randrange(10) self.env.reset() for _ in range(rand_step + self._state_steps): action = self.env.action_space.sample() for i in range(self._step_repeat_times): n_state, _, _, _ = self.env.step(action) if i == 0: self._state_frames.append(self.adjust_picture(n_state)) state = self.convert_state() return state def seed(self, seed_): self.env.seed(seed_) def adjust_picture(self, pict): vae_state = self.convert_state_vae(pict) return vae_state def convert_state(self): state_pre = [] for state in self._state_frames: state_pre.append(state) state = np.concatenate(state_pre, 0) return state def convert_state_to_tensor(self, state): # state(array) -> np.array -> convert some -> tensor state_ = np.array(state).reshape((160, 120, 3)) state_ = state_[0:160, 40:120, :].reshape((1, 80, 160, 3)) state_ = torch.from_numpy(state_).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).float().to( return state_ def convert_state_vae(self, state): state_ = self.convert_state_to_tensor(state) state_, _, _ = self.vae.encode(state_) state_ = state_.clone().detach().cpu().numpy()[0] return state_ def generate_mp4(self): # for mp4 fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('m', 'p', '4', 'v') fps = 10 video = cv2.VideoWriter('./mp4/output' + str(self._gen_id) + ".mp4", fourcc, fps, (120, 160)) if not video.isOpened(): print("can't be opened") # for path os.mkdir("./tmp") current_path = os.getcwd() # 現在のディレクトリ # main procedure for idx, frame in enumerate(self._frames): fram = Image.fromarray(frame, "RGB") path = current_path + "/tmp/frame" + str(idx) + ".png", 'PNG') img = cv2.imread(path) img = cv2.resize(img, (120, 160)) if img is None: print("can't read") break video.write(img) video.release() shutil.rmtree("./tmp") self._frames.clear() self._gen_id += 1
def _load_vae(model_path, variants_size, image_channels, device): vae = VAE(image_channels=image_channels, z_dim=variants_size) vae.load_state_dict( torch.load(model_path, map_location=torch.device(device))) return vae
class MyEnv: def __init__(self, env_): self.env = env_ = torch.device( 'cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') self.action_space = env_.action_space # self.observation_space = (1, 32) # vae self.vae = VAE() model_path = "./vae/vae.pth" self.vae.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)) self._gen_id = 0 # 何回目のgenerateかを保持 self._frames = [] # mp4生成用にframeを保存 def step(self, action, show=False): n_state, rew, done, info = self.env.step(action) if show: self._frames.append(np.array(n_state)) n_state = self.convert_state_vae(n_state) rew = self.change_rew(rew, info) if info["cte"] > 3.5: done = True rew = -1.0 elif info["cte"] < -5.0: done = True rew = -1.0 return n_state, rew, done, info def change_rew(self, rew, info): if info["speed"] < 0.0: return -0.6 elif abs(info["cte"]) >= 2.0: return -1.0 if rew > 0.0: rew /= 20.0 if info["speed"] > 3.0: rew += info["speed"] / 30.0 return rew def reset(self): state = self.env.reset() state = self.convert_state_vae(state) return state def seed(self, seed_): self.env.seed(seed_) def convert_state_to_tensor( self, state): # state(array) -> np.array -> convert some -> tensor state_ = np.array(state).reshape((160, 120, 3)) # print("state_ shape {}".format(state1.shape)) state_ = state_[0:160, 40:120, :].reshape((1, 80, 160, 3)) # print("state shape {}".format(state_.shape)) # state_ = state_.reshape((1, 80, 160, 3)) state_ = torch.from_numpy(state_).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).float().to( state_ /= 255.0 return state_ def convert_state_vae(self, state): state_ = self.convert_state_to_tensor(state) state_, _, _ = self.vae.encode(state_) state_ = state_.clone().detach().cpu().numpy()[0] return state_ def generate_mp4(self): # for mp4 fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('m', 'p', '4', 'v') fps = 10 current_path = os.getcwd() # 現在のディレクトリ video = cv2.VideoWriter( current_path + '/mp4/output' + str(self._gen_id) + ".mp4", fourcc, fps, (120, 160)) if not video.isOpened(): print("can't be opened") # for path os.mkdir("./tmp") current_path = os.getcwd() # 現在のディレクトリ # main procedure for idx, frame in enumerate(self._frames): fram = Image.fromarray(frame, "RGB") path = current_path + "/tmp/frame" + str(idx) + ".png", 'PNG') img = cv2.imread(path) img = cv2.resize(img, (120, 160)) if img is None: print("can't read") break video.write(img) video.release() shutil.rmtree("./tmp") self._frames.clear() self._gen_id += 1