def get_strongest_filters(img_id, layer, top=3): filters = AlexNet.channels[layer] # Get activations for shortened model activation_img = AlexNet(layer).predict(get_path_from_id(img_id)) # Make sure that dimensions 2 and 3 are spacial (Image is square) assert activation_img.shape[2] == activation_img.shape[3], "Index ordering incorrect" assert activation_img.shape[1] == filters # Find maximum activation for each filter for a given image activation_img = np.nanmax(activation_img, axis=3) activation_img = np.nanmax(activation_img, axis=2) # Remove batch size dimension assert activation_img.shape[0] == 1 activation_img = activation_img.sum(0) # Make activations 1-based indexing activation_img = np.insert(activation_img, 0, 0.0) # activation_image is now a vector of length equal to number of filters (plus one for one-based indexing) # each entry corresponds to the maximum/summed activation of each filter for a given image top_filters = activation_img.argsort()[-top:] return list(top_filters)
def project_top_layer_filters(img_id=None, deconv_base_model=None): if img_id is None: img_id = randint(1, 50000) if deconv_base_model is None: deconv_base_model = Deconvolution(AlexNet().model) path = get_path_from_id(img_id) save_to_folder = 'TopFilters' projections = [] box_borders = [] layer = 5 for max_filter in get_strongest_filters(img_id, layer, top=3): projection = deconv_base_model.project_down(path, layer, max_filter) # Increase Contrast percentile = 99 max_val = np.percentile(projection, percentile) projection *= (20 / max_val) box_borders.append(get_bounding_box_coordinates(projection)) projections.append(projection) superposed_projections = np.maximum.reduce(projections) # superposed_projections = sum(projections) assert superposed_projections.shape == projections[0].shape DeconvOutput(superposed_projections).save_as( save_to_folder, '{}_activations.JPEG'.format(img_id)) original_image = preprocess_image_batch(path) original_image = draw_bounding_box(original_image, box_borders) DeconvOutput(original_image).save_as(save_to_folder, '{}.JPEG'.format(img_id))
def project_multiple_layer_filters(img_id=None, deconv_base_model=None): if img_id is None: img_id = randint(1, 50000) if deconv_base_model is None: deconv_base_model = Deconvolution(AlexNet().model) path = get_path_from_id(img_id) save_to_folder = 'MultipleLayers' projections = [] box_borders = [] contrast = [None, 1, 3, 7, 13, 22] for layer in (5, ): # 1, 2, 3, 4, assert get_strongest_filter(img_id, layer) == get_strongest_filters(img_id, layer, top=1) max_filter = get_strongest_filter(img_id, layer) if layer == 1: print(img_id, ': ', max_filter) projection = deconv_base_model.project_down( path, layer, max_filter) # 某一层的特征图解卷积后的重构图 if layer != 1: # 提升对比度 percentile = 99 # max_val = np.nanargmax(unarranged_array) max_val = np.percentile( projection, percentile ) # 百分位数: 具体参见 projection *= (contrast[layer] / max_val) else: projection *= 0.3 box_borders.append(get_bounding_box_coordinates(projection)) # x_diff[layer].append(box_borders[-1][1] - box_borders[-1][0]) # y_diff[layer].append(box_borders[-1][3] - box_borders[-1][2]) projections.append(projection) superposed_projections = np.maximum.reduce(projections) # superposed_projections = sum(projections) assert superposed_projections.shape == projections[0].shape DeconvOutput(superposed_projections).save_as( save_to_folder, '{}_activations.JPEG'.format(img_id)) original_image = preprocess_image_batch(path) original_image = draw_bounding_box(original_image, box_borders) DeconvOutput(original_image).save_as(save_to_folder, '{}.JPEG'.format(img_id))
def get_heatmaps(img_id, alexnet, title): base_model = alexnet.base_model top_layer_model = alexnet.model labels = get_labels() path = get_path_from_id(img_id) strongest_filter = get_strongest_filter(img_id, layer=5) true_label = labels[img_id] print(strongest_filter, true_label) predictions = AlexNet(base_model=base_model).predict(path) print(decode_classnames_json(predictions)) print(decode_classnumber(predictions)) print(true_label) # DeconvOutput(preprocess_image_batch_grey_square(image_paths=path, square_x=50, square_y=50)).save_as('Occlusion', # title + '.JPEG') activations = np.zeros((30, 30)) class_prop = np.zeros((30, 30)) for x in range(0, 30): print(x) for y in range(0, 30): prep_image = preprocess_image_batch_grey_square( path, 13 + x * 7, 13 + y * 7) activation = get_summed_activation_of_feature_map( top_layer_model, strongest_filter, prep_image) prediction = base_model.predict(prep_image) activations[x, y] = activation class_prop[x, y] = prediction[0][true_label] print('done') fig, ax = plt.subplots() cax = ax.imshow(activations, interpolation='nearest', cmap='plasma') plt.axis('off') # Add colorbar, make sure to specify tick locations to match desired ticklabels cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) fig, ax = plt.subplots() cax = ax.imshow(class_prop, interpolation='nearest', cmap='plasma') plt.axis('off') # Add colorbar, make sure to specify tick locations to match desired ticklabels cbar = fig.colorbar(cax)