Esempio n. 1
def processline(line):
    splitted = line.split()
    tyyp = (splitted[6]).lower()  #content type

    if (valide.isValideType(tyyp)):
        action = splitted[4]
        R - Redirect
        E - Embed
        X - Speculative embed (aggressive/Javascript link extraction)
        L - Link
        P - Prerequisite (as for DNS or robots.txt before another URI)
        #call parser for every line
        url = ""
        if "X" not in action:
            if "P" in action:  #dns or robots.txt, send basic url
                url = splitted[5]  #base_url aka host name
            else:  #send url of file
                url = splitted[3]  #file-path followed to host name

        if (url != ""):
            neededUrl = valide.isNeededUrl(url)
            if (neededUrl):
                return url
            return ""
Esempio n. 2
def processline(line): 
    splitted = line.split()
    tyyp = (splitted[6]).lower()#content type
        action = splitted[4] 
        R - Redirect
        E - Embed
        X - Speculative embed (aggressive/Javascript link extraction)
        L - Link
        P - Prerequisite (as for DNS or robots.txt before another URI)
        #call parser for every line
        url = ""
        if "X" not in action:
            if "P" in action:#dns or robots.txt, send basic url
                url = splitted[5] #base_url aka host name
            else:#send url of file
                url = splitted[3] #file-path followed to host name 
        if(url != ""):
            neededUrl = valide.isNeededUrl(url)
                return url  
            return ""
def saveMetadata(url, od):

    #save the result of trying of opening a page into variable 'canOpen'
    canOpen = True
        #try to open document at URL
        redirectedTo = requests.get(url).url
    except ConnectionError:
        #it was not possible to open this web document
        canOpen = False
        #save exception (error of getting web document)
        errStr = (url + " Cannot_open_web-source \n")
        comm.printException(comm.pathToConnectionErrors, errStr)
        #continue without terminating a program
        #it was not possible to open this web document
        canOpen = False
        #save exception (error of getting web document)
        errStr = (url + " Cannot_open_web-source \n")
        comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errStr)
        #continue without terminating a program
    #continue only if 'canOpen' is still true
    if canOpen is True:
        #continue only if url is valid
        isValidUrl = valide.isNeededUrl(redirectedTo)
        if (isValidUrl):
            #print("can open: " + str(canOpen))
            if not os.path.isdir(comm.jsonsDir):
                #in following, use only the URL, where one was redirected, if at all
                page = requests.get(redirectedTo)
                statusCode = page.status_code
                #textual content of a doc
                pageread = page.text
                #get doc's metadata
                pageInfo = dict(page.headers)
                #generate filename for local storage:
                #it will be the hash of doc URL
                localFilename = comm.getUrlSHA(redirectedTo)
                #important metadata: content type
                contentType = page.headers['content-type']
                isValid_contentType = valide.isValideType(contentType)
                #base_url denotes host name,
                #all documents that are from the same host, will be saved into same json-file
                #base_url becomes also json-file name (pathToSaveMetadata)
                baseUrl = None
                if (isValid_contentType):
                    baseUrl = (urlparse(redirectedTo)).netloc

                if (baseUrl is not None):
                    #generate hash of the content of  doc.
                    #this hash is used later for detecting whether the doc's content has changed or not.
                    # this chnge-detection happens in cases of
                    #1. monthly update
                    #2. current method, when appears, that this URL have processed earlier
                    sha224_ = (hashlib.sha224(
                    #important data for parsers: encoding
                    _encoding = page.encoding
                    #_encoding = comm.getDocumentEncoding(contentType, pageread)

                    #exclude doc types where it is not possible to find textual  content: e.g images, videos
                    isDesiredType = comm.isDesiredContent(contentType, od)
                    #continue only witj desired types
                    if (isDesiredType):
                        #jsonsDir is actually a so called 'bucket' name in Google Cloud Storage
                        jsonsDir = comm.jsonsDir
                        #jsonsFile becomes a so called 'object' inside a bucket
                        #object's name is URL's host name and extension is '.json'
                        jsonsFile = baseUrl + ".json"
                        #build dictionary of address of object of this meta data
                        jsonsPath = dict()
                        jsonsPath["object"] = jsonsFile  #'hostname.json'#
                            "bucket"] = jsonsDir  #e.g. 'datadownload_json'#
                        pathToSaveMetadata_ = json.dumps(jsonsPath)
                        #save meta data into dictionary structure
                        infoDict_tmp = dict()
                        infoDict_tmp["base_url"] = baseUrl
                        infoDict = insertValuesToDict(
                            infoDict_tmp, localFilename, redirectedTo,
                            pageInfo, sha224_, statusCode)
                        #convert dictionary into json-string
                        jsondata = json.dumps(infoDict, indent=4)
                        #dict for sending collected data to ''
                        insertJson = dict()
                        insertJson["jsondata"] = jsondata
                        insertJson["localFilename"] = localFilename
                        insertJson["redirectedTo"] = redirectedTo
                        insertJson["pageInfo"] = pageInfo
                        insertJson["sha224_"] = sha224_
                        insertJson["statusCode"] = statusCode
                        insertJson["timeDir"] = comm.timeDir
                        insertJson["address"] = pathToSaveMetadata_

                        #variable 'someNewData' is for storing knowledge about
                        #whether this doc at this url
                        #is processed earlier:
                        #1. if Yes and doc's content has changed, then 'someNewData' becomes True; else remains False
                        #2. if No, then 'someNewData' becomes True
                        someNewData = False
                        #string for saving a unique error message
                        errr = ""
                            #convert dictionary into json-string for sending argument to ''
                            jd = json.dumps(insertJson)
                            #get info back about whether here is some new data
                            #'p' is a returned boolean value of 'someNewData'
                            #communication with google-python-api-client is done using older version, python2.7
                            p = subprocess.Popen(
                                ["python2", "storage/", jd],
                            out, err = p.communicate()
                            someNewData = out.decode()
                            errr = str(err).lower()
                            print("\nsomeNewData " + str(someNewData))
                            print("\nerrr " + str(errr))
                            errstr = errr if (
                                (errr != "") & (errr != "none")
                            ) else ""

                        #continue with parsing of doc only when new data was detected
                        if someNewData:
                            sendFileToParser(contentType, baseUrl,
                                             redirectedTo, od, _encoding,
                                             localFilename, pageread)
            #record errors
            except urr.HTTPError as e:
                errStr = (redirectedTo + " HTTPError " + str(e.code) + " " +
                          str(e.reason) + " \n")
                comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errStr)
            except urr.URLError as e:
                errStr = (redirectedTo + " URLError " + str(e.reason) + " \n")
                comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errStr)
            except IOError as e:
                errStr = (redirectedTo + " " + str(
                    "I/O_erRror({0}):_{1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) + "\n")
                comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errStr)
            except ValueError:
                errStr = (
                    redirectedTo +
                    " ValueError_Could_not_convert_data_to_an_integer.\n")
                comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errStr)
            except TypeError:
                errStr = (redirectedTo + " TypeError\n")
                comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errStr)
                errStr = (redirectedTo + " Unexpected_error:_" + (str(
                    sys.exc_info()[0])) + "\n")
                comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errStr)
def saveMetadata(url, od):
    #save the result of trying of opening a page into variable 'canOpen'
    canOpen = True
        #try to open document at URL
        redirectedTo = requests.get(url).url
    except ConnectionError:
        #it was not possible to open this web document
        canOpen = False
        #save exception (error of getting web document)
        errStr = (url + " Cannot_open_web-source \n" )
        comm.printException(comm.pathToConnectionErrors, errStr)
        #continue without terminating a program
        #it was not possible to open this web document
        canOpen = False
        #save exception (error of getting web document)
        errStr = (url + " Cannot_open_web-source \n" )
        comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errStr)
        #continue without terminating a program
    #continue only if 'canOpen' is still true
    if canOpen is True:
        #continue only if url is valid
        isValidUrl = valide.isNeededUrl(redirectedTo)
            #print("can open: " + str(canOpen))
            if not os.path.isdir(comm.jsonsDir):
                #in following, use only the URL, where one was redirected, if at all
                page = requests.get(redirectedTo)
                statusCode = page.status_code
                #textual content of a doc
                pageread = page.text
                #get doc's metadata
                pageInfo = dict(page.headers)
                #generate filename for local storage:
                #it will be the hash of doc URL
                localFilename = comm.getUrlSHA(redirectedTo)
                #important metadata: content type
                contentType = page.headers['content-type']
                isValid_contentType = valide.isValideType(contentType)
                #base_url denotes host name, 
                #all documents that are from the same host, will be saved into same json-file
                #base_url becomes also json-file name (pathToSaveMetadata)
                baseUrl = None
                    baseUrl = (urlparse(redirectedTo)).netloc
                if(baseUrl is not None):
                    #generate hash of the content of  doc.
                    #this hash is used later for detecting whether the doc's content has changed or not.
                    # this chnge-detection happens in cases of 
                    #1. monthly update
                    #2. current method, when appears, that this URL have processed earlier
                    sha224_ = (hashlib.sha224(pageread.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())
                    #important data for parsers: encoding
                    _encoding = page.encoding
                    #_encoding = comm.getDocumentEncoding(contentType, pageread)
                    #exclude doc types where it is not possible to find textual  content: e.g images, videos
                    isDesiredType = comm.isDesiredContent(contentType, od)
                    #continue only witj desired types
                        #jsonsDir is actually a so called 'bucket' name in Google Cloud Storage
                        jsonsDir = comm.jsonsDir
                        #jsonsFile becomes a so called 'object' inside a bucket
                        #object's name is URL's host name and extension is '.json'
                        jsonsFile = baseUrl + ".json"
                        #build dictionary of address of object of this meta data
                        jsonsPath = dict()
                        jsonsPath["object"] = jsonsFile#'hostname.json'#
                        jsonsPath["bucket"] = jsonsDir#e.g. 'datadownload_json'#
                        pathToSaveMetadata_ = json.dumps(jsonsPath)
                        #save meta data into dictionary structure
                        infoDict_tmp = dict()
                        infoDict_tmp["base_url"] = baseUrl
                        infoDict = insertValuesToDict(infoDict_tmp, localFilename, redirectedTo, pageInfo, sha224_, statusCode )
                        #convert dictionary into json-string
                        jsondata = json.dumps(infoDict, indent=4)
                        #dict for sending collected data to ''
                        insertJson = dict()
                        insertJson["jsondata"] = jsondata
                        insertJson["localFilename"] = localFilename
                        insertJson["redirectedTo"] = redirectedTo
                        insertJson["pageInfo"] = pageInfo
                        insertJson["sha224_"] = sha224_
                        insertJson["statusCode"] = statusCode
                        insertJson["timeDir"] = comm.timeDir
                        insertJson["address"] = pathToSaveMetadata_
                        #variable 'someNewData' is for storing knowledge about
                        #whether this doc at this url 
                        #is processed earlier:
                        #1. if Yes and doc's content has changed, then 'someNewData' becomes True; else remains False
                        #2. if No, then 'someNewData' becomes True 
                        someNewData = False
                        #string for saving a unique error message
                            #convert dictionary into json-string for sending argument to ''
                            jd = json.dumps(insertJson)
                            #get info back about whether here is some new data
                            #'p' is a returned boolean value of 'someNewData'
                            #communication with google-python-api-client is done using older version, python2.7
                            p = subprocess.Popen(["python2", "storage/", jd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
                            out, err = p.communicate()
                            someNewData  = out.decode()
                            errr = str(err).lower()
                            print("\nsomeNewData " + str(someNewData))
                            print("\nerrr " + str(errr))
                            errstr = errr if ((errr != "") & (errr != "none")) else ""
                            comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errstr)
                        #continue with parsing of doc only when new data was detected
                        if someNewData: 
                            sendFileToParser(contentType, baseUrl, redirectedTo, od, _encoding, localFilename, pageread)
            #record errors                    
            except urr.HTTPError as e:
                errStr = (redirectedTo + " HTTPError " + str(e.code) + " " + str(e.reason) + " \n" )
                comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errStr)
            except urr.URLError as e:
                errStr = (redirectedTo + " URLError " + str(e.reason) + " \n" )
                comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errStr)
            except IOError as e:
                errStr = (redirectedTo + " " + str("I/O_erRror({0}):_{1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) + "\n")
                comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errStr)
            except ValueError:
                errStr = (redirectedTo + " ValueError_Could_not_convert_data_to_an_integer.\n") 
                comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errStr)
            except TypeError:
                errStr = (redirectedTo + " TypeError\n")  
                comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errStr)
                errStr = (redirectedTo + " Unexpected_error:_" + (str(sys.exc_info()[0])) + "\n")
                comm.printException(comm.pathToSaveJsonErrors, errStr)