def test_validate_libs_in_compat_mode():
    xpi = "tests/resources/libraryblacklist/addon_with_mootools.xpi"
    with open(xpi) as data:
        package = XPIManager(data, mode="r", name="addon_with_mootools.xpi")
        err = ErrorBundle(for_appversions=FX9_DEFINITION)
        test_content.test_packed_packages(err, package)
    assert err.get_resource("scripts"), "expected mootools scripts to be marked for proessing"
    eq_(err.get_resource("scripts")[0]["scripts"], set(["content/mootools.js"]))
def test_doctype():
    "Asserts that install.rdf files with doctypes break validation"

    err = ErrorBundle()
    xpi = MockXPIManager(
            {"install.rdf": "tests/resources/installrdf/doctype.rdf"})
    submain._load_install_rdf(err, xpi, None)
    assert err.failed()
    assert not err.get_resource("has_install_rdf")
    assert not err.get_resource("install_rdf")
def test_validate_libs_in_compat_mode():
    xpi = "tests/resources/libraryblacklist/addon_with_mootools.xpi"
    with open(xpi) as data:
        package = XPIManager(data, mode="r", name="addon_with_mootools.xpi")
        err = ErrorBundle(for_appversions=FX9_DEFINITION)
        test_content.test_packed_packages(err, package)
    assert err.get_resource("scripts"), (
        "expected mootools scripts to be marked for proessing")
def test_validate_libs_in_compat_mode():
    xpi = 'tests/resources/libraryblacklist/addon_with_mootools.xpi'
    with open(xpi) as data:
        package = XPIManager(data, mode='r', name='addon_with_mootools.xpi')
        appversions = {FIREFOX_GUID: version_range('firefox',
                                                   '39.0a1', '39.*')}
        err = ErrorBundle(for_appversions=appversions)
        test_content.test_packed_packages(err, package)
    assert err.get_resource('scripts'), (
                    'expected mootools scripts to be marked for proessing')
    assert err.get_resource('scripts')[0]['scripts'] == set(['content/mootools.js'])
Esempio n. 5
def test_validate_libs_in_compat_mode():
    xpi = 'tests/resources/libraryblacklist/addon_with_mootools.xpi'
    with open(xpi) as data:
        package = XPIManager(data, mode='r', name='addon_with_mootools.xpi')
        appversions = {
            FIREFOX_GUID: version_range('firefox', '39.0a1', '39.*')
        err = ErrorBundle(for_appversions=appversions)
        test_content.test_packed_packages(err, package)
    assert err.get_resource('scripts'), (
        'expected mootools scripts to be marked for proessing')
    assert err.get_resource('scripts')[0]['scripts'] == set(
def test_pushable_resources():
    Test that normal resources are preserved but pushable ones are pushed.

    e = ErrorBundle()
    e.save_resource('nopush', True)
    e.save_resource('push', True, pushable=True)

    assert e.get_resource('nopush')
    assert e.get_resource('push')


    assert e.get_resource('nopush')
    assert not e.get_resource('push')

    e.save_resource('pushed', True, pushable=True)
    assert e.get_resource('pushed')


    assert e.get_resource('nopush')
    assert e.get_resource('push')
    assert not e.get_resource('pushed')
def test_pushable_resources():
    Test that normal resources are preserved but pushable ones are pushed.

    e = ErrorBundle()
    e.save_resource("nopush", True)
    e.save_resource("push", True, pushable=True)

    assert e.get_resource("nopush")
    assert e.get_resource("push")


    assert e.get_resource("nopush")
    assert not e.get_resource("push")

    e.save_resource("pushed", True, pushable=True)
    assert e.get_resource("pushed")


    assert e.get_resource("nopush")
    assert e.get_resource("push")
    assert not e.get_resource("pushed")
def test_initializer():
    """Test that the __init__ paramaters are doing their jobs."""

    e = ErrorBundle()
    assert e.determined
    assert e.get_resource("listed")

    e = ErrorBundle(determined=False)
    assert not e.determined
    assert e.get_resource("listed")

    e = ErrorBundle(listed=False)
    assert e.determined
    assert not e.get_resource("listed")
def test_initializer():
    """Test that the __init__ paramaters are doing their jobs."""

    e = ErrorBundle()
    assert e.determined
    assert e.get_resource('listed')

    e = ErrorBundle(determined=False)
    assert not e.determined
    assert e.get_resource('listed')

    e = ErrorBundle(listed=False)
    assert e.determined
    assert not e.get_resource('listed')
Esempio n. 10
def test_marking_overlays_subdir():
    Mark an overlay in a subdirectory, then test that it marks the scripts
    within the overlay. Make sure it properly figures out relative URLs.

    err = ErrorBundle()
    err.supported_versions = {}
    c = ChromeManifest("""
    content ns1 foo/
    overlay chrome://foo chrome://ns1/content/subdir/main.xul
    """, 'chrome.manifest')
    err.save_resource('chrome.manifest', c)
    err.save_resource('chrome.manifest_nopush', c)

    xpi = MockXPI({'foo/subdir/main.xul':

    content.test_packed_packages(err, xpi)
    assert not err.failed()

    marked_scripts = err.get_resource('marked_scripts')
    print marked_scripts
    assert marked_scripts

    eq_(marked_scripts, set(['chrome://ns1/subdir/foo.js', 'chrome://ns1/bar.js',
Esempio n. 11
def test_proper_linked_manifest_relative():
    Test that linked manifests are imported relatively when using relative

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI({

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource('chrome.manifest')
    assert chrome

    assert not err.failed() or err.notices

    # From the linked manifest:
    zaps = list(chrome.get_triples(subject='zap'))
    assert zaps
    assert zaps[0]['filename'] == 'dir/foo.manifest'
    assert zaps[0]['context'].data == ['zap baz', '']
def test_version_forappversions_accepted():
    Test that for_appversions targets application versions properly.

    err = ErrorBundle()
    err.supported_versions = {'firefox': ['1.2.3']}

    tests = decorator.TEST_TIERS
    decorator.TEST_TIERS = {}

    @decorator.register_test(tier=5, versions={'firefox': ['1.0.0',
    def version_test(err, xpi):
        print 'Ran test'
        err.save_resource('executed', True)

    print decorator.TEST_TIERS

    validator.submain.test_inner_package(err, MockXPI(),

    assert err.get_resource('executed')
    decorator.TEST_TIERS = tests
Esempio n. 13
def test_marking_overlays():
    Mark an overlay, then test that it marks the scripts within the overlay.

    err = ErrorBundle()
    err.supported_versions = {}
    c = chrome_manifest("""
    content ns1 foo/
    overlay chrome://foo chrome://ns1/content/main.xul
    err.save_resource('chrome.manifest', c)
    err.save_resource('chrome.manifest_nopush', c)

    xpi = MockXPI({'foo/main.xul': 'tests/resources/content/script_list.xul'})

    content.test_packed_packages(err, xpi)
    assert not err.failed()

    marked_scripts = err.get_resource('marked_scripts')

            'chrome://ns1/foo.js', 'chrome://ns1/bar.js',
Esempio n. 14
def test_marking_overlays_root_package():
    Tests that '/' resolves correctly as a chrome content package.

    err = ErrorBundle()
    err.supported_versions = {}
    manifest = chrome_manifest("""
    content ns1 /
    overlay chrome://foo chrome://ns1/content/main.xul
    err.save_resource('chrome.manifest', manifest)
    err.save_resource('chrome.manifest_nopush', manifest)

    xpi = MockXPI({'main.xul': 'tests/resources/content/script_list.xul'})

    content.test_packed_packages(err, xpi)
    assert not err.failed()

    marked_scripts = err.get_resource('marked_scripts')

            'chrome://ns1/foo.js', 'chrome://ns1/bar.js',
def test_marking_overlays():
    Mark an overlay, then test that it marks the scripts within the overlay.

    err = ErrorBundle()
    err.supported_versions = {}
    c = ChromeManifest("""
    content ns1 foo/
    overlay chrome://foo chrome://ns1/content/main.xul
    """, "chrome.manifest")
    err.save_resource("chrome.manifest", c)
    err.save_resource("chrome.manifest_nopush", c)

    xpi = MockXPI({"foo/main.xul": "tests/resources/content/script_list.xul"})

    content.test_packed_packages(err, xpi)
    assert not err.failed()

    marked_scripts = err.get_resource("marked_scripts")
    print marked_scripts
    assert marked_scripts

    eq_(marked_scripts, set(["chrome://ns1/foo.js",
Esempio n. 16
def test_proper_linked_manifest_relative():
    Test that linked manifests are imported relatively when using relative

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI(
            "chrome.manifest": "tests/resources/submain/linkman/subdir.manifest",
            "dir/level2.manifest": "tests/resources/submain/linkman/foosub.manifest",
            "dir/foo.manifest": "tests/resources/submain/linkman/base2.manifest",

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource("chrome.manifest")
    assert chrome

    assert not err.failed() or err.notices

    # From the linked manifest:
    zaps = list(chrome.get_entries("zap"))
    assert zaps
    eq_(zaps[0]["filename"], "dir/foo.manifest")
    eq_(zaps[0]["context"].data, ["zap baz", ""])
def test_package_pass(test_inner_package):
    'Tests the test_package function with simple data'

    err = ErrorBundle()
    with open('tests/resources/submain/install_rdf.xpi') as pkg:
        submain.test_package(err, pkg,

    assert not err.failed()
    assert err.get_resource('has_install_rdf')
    assert submain.test_inner_package.called
def test_package_extension_expectation(test_inner_package):
    'Tests the test_package function with an odd extension'

    err = ErrorBundle()
    with open('tests/resources/submain/install_rdf.jar') as pkg:
        submain.test_package(err, pkg,, PACKAGE_ANY)

    assert submain.test_inner_package.called
    assert not err.failed()
    assert err.get_resource('has_install_rdf')
def test_package_extension_expectation():
    "Tests the test_package function with an odd extension"

    tip = submain.test_inner_package
    submain.test_inner_package = lambda x, z, for_appversions: "success"

    name = "tests/resources/submain/install_rdf.jar"
    err = ErrorBundle()

    result = submain.test_package(err, name, name, PACKAGE_ANY)

    submain.test_inner_package = tip

    assert not err.failed()
    assert err.get_resource("has_install_rdf")
    assert result == "success"
def _run_test(filename, expectation, should_fail=True):

    name = "tests/resources/submain/%s" % filename
    pack = open(name)
    xpi = XPIManager(pack, mode="r", name=name)
    err = ErrorBundle(None, True)

    submain._load_install_rdf(err, xpi, expectation)

    if should_fail:
        assert err.failed()
        assert not err.failed()
        assert err.get_resource("install_rdf")

    return err
def test_package_extension_expectation():
    "Tests the test_package function with an odd extension"

    tip = submain.test_inner_package
    submain.test_inner_package = lambda x, z, for_appversions: "success"

    name = "tests/resources/submain/install_rdf.jar"
    err = ErrorBundle()

    result = submain.test_package(err, name, name, PACKAGE_ANY)

    submain.test_inner_package = tip

    assert not err.failed()
    assert err.get_resource("has_install_rdf")
    assert result == "success"
Esempio n. 22
def test_missing_manifest_link():
    """Test that missing linked manifests are properly flagged."""

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI({"chrome.manifest": "tests/resources/submain/linkman/base1.manifest"})

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource("chrome.manifest")
    assert chrome

    assert not err.failed()
    assert err.notices

    # From the base file:
    assert list(chrome.get_entries("foo"))
    # From the linked manifest:
    assert not list(chrome.get_entries("zap"))
Esempio n. 23
def test_missing_manifest_link():
    """Test that missing linked manifests are properly flagged."""

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI(
        {'chrome.manifest': 'tests/resources/submain/linkman/base1.manifest'})

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource('chrome.manifest')
    assert chrome

    assert not err.failed()
    assert err.notices

    # From the base file:
    assert list(chrome.get_triples(subject='foo'))
    # From the linked manifest:
    assert not list(chrome.get_triples(subject='zap'))
def test_missing_manifest_link():
    """Test that missing linked manifests are properly flagged."""

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI({
        'chrome.manifest': 'tests/resources/submain/linkman/base1.manifest'})

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource('chrome.manifest')
    assert chrome

    assert not err.failed()
    assert err.notices

    # From the base file:
    assert list(chrome.get_triples(subject='foo'))
    # From the linked manifest:
    assert not list(chrome.get_triples(subject='zap'))
def test_package_pass():
    "Tests the test_package function with simple data"

    tip = submain.test_inner_package
    submain.test_inner_package = lambda x, z, for_appversions: "success"

    name = "tests/resources/submain/install_rdf.xpi"
    pack = open(name)
    err = ErrorBundle()

    result = submain.test_package(err, pack, name)


    submain.test_inner_package = tip

    assert not err.failed()
    assert err.get_resource("has_install_rdf")
    assert result == "success"
def test_package_pass():
    "Tests the test_package function with simple data"

    tip = submain.test_inner_package
    submain.test_inner_package = lambda x, z, for_appversions: "success"

    name = "tests/resources/submain/install_rdf.xpi"
    pack = open(name)
    err = ErrorBundle()

    result = submain.test_package(err, pack, name)


    submain.test_inner_package = tip

    assert not err.failed()
    assert err.get_resource("has_install_rdf")
    assert result == "success"
Esempio n. 27
def test_proper_linked_manifest():
    """Test that linked manifests are imported properly."""

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI({
        "chrome.manifest": "tests/resources/submain/linkman/base1.manifest",

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource("chrome.manifest")
    assert chrome

    assert not err.failed() or err.notices

    # From the base file:
    assert list(chrome.get_triples(subject="foo"))
    # From the linked manifest:
    assert list(chrome.get_triples(subject="zap"))
Esempio n. 28
def test_script_scraping():
    """Test that scripts are gathered up during the validation process."""

    err = ErrorBundle()
    err.supported_versions = {}
    xpi = MockXPI({'foo.js': 'tests/resources/junk.xpi',
                   'dir/bar.jsm': 'tests/resources/junk.xpi'})

    content.test_packed_packages(err, xpi)
    assert not err.failed()

    scripts = err.get_resource('scripts')
    print scripts
    assert scripts

    for bundle in scripts:
        assert 'foo.js' in bundle['scripts']
        assert 'dir/bar.jsm' in bundle['scripts']
        eq_(bundle['package'], xpi)
        eq_(bundle['state'], [])
def test_script_scraping():
    """Test that scripts are gathered up during the validation process."""

    err = ErrorBundle()
    err.supported_versions = {}
    xpi = MockXPI({"foo.js": "tests/resources/junk.xpi",
                   "dir/bar.jsm": "tests/resources/junk.xpi"})

    content.test_packed_packages(err, xpi)
    assert not err.failed()

    scripts = err.get_resource("scripts")
    print scripts
    assert scripts

    for bundle in scripts:
        assert "foo.js" in bundle["scripts"]
        assert "dir/bar.jsm" in bundle["scripts"]
        eq_(bundle["package"], xpi)
        eq_(bundle["state"], [])
Esempio n. 30
def test_linked_manifest_recursion():
    """Test that recursive linked manifests are flagged properly."""

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI({
        "chrome.manifest": "tests/resources/submain/linkman/base1.manifest",

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource("chrome.manifest")
    assert chrome

    print err.print_summary(verbose=True)

    assert err.failed()
    assert not err.notices

    # From the base file:
    assert list(chrome.get_triples(subject="foo"))
    # From the linked manifest:
    assert not list(chrome.get_triples(subject="zap"))
def test_linked_manifest_recursion():
    """Test that recursive linked manifests are flagged properly."""

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI({
        'chrome.manifest': 'tests/resources/submain/linkman/base1.manifest',

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource('chrome.manifest')
    assert chrome

    print err.print_summary(verbose=True)

    assert err.failed()
    assert not err.notices

    # From the base file:
    assert list(chrome.get_triples(subject='foo'))
    # From the linked manifest:
    assert not list(chrome.get_triples(subject='zap'))
def test_proper_linked_manifest():
    """Test that linked manifests are imported properly."""

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI({
        'chrome.manifest': 'tests/resources/submain/linkman/base1.manifest',

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource('chrome.manifest')
    assert chrome

    assert not err.failed() or err.notices

    # From the base file:
    assert list(chrome.get_triples(subject='foo'))
    # From the linked manifest:
    zaps = list(chrome.get_triples(subject='zap'))
    assert zaps
    assert zaps[0]['filename'] == 'submanifest.manifest'
    assert zaps[0]['context'].data == ['zap baz', '']
def test_version_forappversions_denied():
    Test that for_appversions denies target application versions properly.

    err = ErrorBundle()
    err.supported_versions = {'firefox': ['1.2.3']}

    tests = decorator.TEST_TIERS
    decorator.TEST_TIERS = {}

    @decorator.register_test(tier=5, versions={'firefox': ['1.0.0', '1.2.3']})
    def version_test(err, xpi):
        raise Exception('Should not have run!')

    print decorator.TEST_TIERS

        err, MockXPI(), for_appversions={'thunderbird': ['1.2.3']})

    assert not err.get_resource('executed')
    decorator.TEST_TIERS = tests
Esempio n. 34
def test_proper_linked_manifest():
    """Test that linked manifests are imported properly."""

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI({
        "chrome.manifest": "tests/resources/submain/linkman/base1.manifest",

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource("chrome.manifest")
    assert chrome

    assert not err.failed() or err.notices

    # From the base file:
    assert list(chrome.get_triples(subject="foo"))
    # From the linked manifest:
    zaps = list(chrome.get_triples(subject="zap"))
    assert zaps
    eq_(zaps[0]["filename"], "submanifest.manifest")
    eq_(zaps[0]["context"].data, ["zap baz", ""])
def test_version_forappversions_accepted():
    Test that for_appversions targets application versions properly.

    err = ErrorBundle()
    err.supported_versions = {'firefox': ['1.2.3']}

    tests = decorator.TEST_TIERS
    decorator.TEST_TIERS = {}

    @decorator.register_test(tier=5, versions={'firefox': ['1.0.0', '1.2.3']})
    def version_test(err, xpi):
        print 'Ran test'
        err.save_resource('executed', True)

    print decorator.TEST_TIERS

        err, MockXPI(), for_appversions={'firefox': ['1.2.3']})

    assert err.get_resource('executed')
    decorator.TEST_TIERS = tests
def test_version_decorators_accepted():
    Test that decorators that specify versions to target accept the proper
    add-ons for testing.

    err = ErrorBundle()
    err.supported_versions = {'firefox': ['1.2.3']}

    tests = decorator.TEST_TIERS
    decorator.TEST_TIERS = {}

    @decorator.register_test(tier=5, versions={'firefox': ['1.0.0', '1.2.3']})
    def version_test(err, xpi):
        print 'Ran test'
        err.save_resource('executed', True)

    print decorator.TEST_TIERS

    validator.submain.test_inner_package(err, MockXPI())

    assert err.get_resource('executed')
    decorator.TEST_TIERS = tests
def test_marking_overlays_no_overlay():
    Test that unmarked overlays don't mark scripts as being potentially

    err = ErrorBundle()
    err.supported_versions = {}
    c = ChromeManifest("""
    content ns1 foo/
    #overlay chrome://foo chrome://ns1/main.xul
    """, "chrome.manifest")
    err.save_resource("chrome.manifest", c)
    err.save_resource("chrome.manifest_nopush", c)

    xpi = MockXPI({"foo/main.xul": "tests/resources/content/script_list.xul"})

    content.test_packed_packages(err, xpi)
    assert not err.failed()

    marked_scripts = err.get_resource("marked_scripts")
    print marked_scripts
    assert not marked_scripts
Esempio n. 38
def test_proper_linked_manifest_relative():
    Test that linked manifests are imported relatively when using relative

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI({
        "chrome.manifest": "tests/resources/submain/linkman/subdir.manifest",
        "dir/foo.manifest": "tests/resources/submain/linkman/base2.manifest"})

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource("chrome.manifest")
    assert chrome

    assert not err.failed() or err.notices

    # From the linked manifest:
    zaps = list(chrome.get_triples(subject="zap"))
    assert zaps
    eq_(zaps[0]["filename"], "dir/foo.manifest")
    eq_(zaps[0]["context"].data, ["zap baz", ""])
def test_version_forappversions_denied():
    Test that for_appversions denies target application versions properly.

    err = ErrorBundle()
    err.supported_versions = {'firefox': ['1.2.3']}

    tests = decorator.TEST_TIERS
    decorator.TEST_TIERS = {}

    @decorator.register_test(tier=5, versions={'firefox': ['1.0.0',
    def version_test(err, xpi):
        raise Exception('Should not have run!')

    print decorator.TEST_TIERS

    validator.submain.test_inner_package(err, MockXPI(),

    assert not err.get_resource('executed')
    decorator.TEST_TIERS = tests
def test_proper_linked_manifest_relative():
    Test that linked manifests are imported relatively when using relative

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI({
        'chrome.manifest': 'tests/resources/submain/linkman/subdir.manifest',
        'dir/foo.manifest': 'tests/resources/submain/linkman/base2.manifest'})

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource('chrome.manifest')
    assert chrome

    assert not err.failed() or err.notices

    # From the linked manifest:
    zaps = list(chrome.get_triples(subject='zap'))
    assert zaps
    assert zaps[0]['filename'] == 'dir/foo.manifest'
    assert zaps[0]['context'].data == ['zap baz', '']
def test_version_decorators_accepted():
    Test that decorators that specify versions to target accept the proper
    add-ons for testing.

    err = ErrorBundle()
    err.supported_versions = {'firefox': ['1.2.3']}

    tests = decorator.TEST_TIERS
    decorator.TEST_TIERS = {}

    @decorator.register_test(tier=5, versions={'firefox': ['1.0.0',
    def version_test(err, xpi):
        print 'Ran test'
        err.save_resource('executed', True)

    print decorator.TEST_TIERS

    validator.submain.test_inner_package(err, MockXPI())

    assert err.get_resource('executed')
    decorator.TEST_TIERS = tests
Esempio n. 42
def test_proper_linked_manifest():
    """Test that linked manifests are imported properly."""

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI({

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource('chrome.manifest')
    assert chrome

    assert not err.failed() or err.notices

    # From the base file:
    assert list(chrome.get_triples(subject='foo'))
    # From the linked manifest:
    zaps = list(chrome.get_triples(subject='zap'))
    assert zaps
    assert zaps[0]['filename'] == 'submanifest.manifest'
    assert zaps[0]['context'].data == ['zap baz', '']
Esempio n. 43
def test_proper_linked_manifest():
    """Test that linked manifests are imported properly."""

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI(
            "chrome.manifest": "tests/resources/submain/linkman/base1.manifest",
            "submanifest.manifest": "tests/resources/submain/linkman/base2.manifest",

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource("chrome.manifest")
    assert chrome

    assert not err.failed() or err.notices

    # From the base file:
    assert list(chrome.get_entries("foo"))
    # From the linked manifest:
    zaps = list(chrome.get_entries("zap"))
    assert zaps
    eq_(zaps[0]["filename"], "submanifest.manifest")
    eq_(zaps[0]["context"].data, ["zap baz", ""])
Esempio n. 44
def test_linked_manifest_recursion():
    """Test that recursive linked manifests are flagged properly."""

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI({

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource('chrome.manifest')
    assert chrome

    print err.print_summary(verbose=True)

    assert not err.failed()
    assert not err.notices

    # From the base file:
    assert list(chrome.get_entries('foo'))
    # From the linked manifest:
    assert not list(chrome.get_entries('zap'))
Esempio n. 45
def test_marking_overlays_root_package():
    Tests that '/' resolves correctly as a chrome content package.

    err = ErrorBundle()
    err.supported_versions = {}
    manifest = ChromeManifest("""
    content ns1 /
    overlay chrome://foo chrome://ns1/content/main.xul
    """, 'chrome.manifest')
    err.save_resource('chrome.manifest', manifest)
    err.save_resource('chrome.manifest_nopush', manifest)

    xpi = MockXPI({'main.xul': 'tests/resources/content/script_list.xul'})

    content.test_packed_packages(err, xpi)
    assert not err.failed()

    marked_scripts = err.get_resource('marked_scripts')

    eq_(marked_scripts, set(['chrome://ns1/foo.js',
Esempio n. 46
def test_linked_manifest_recursion():
    """Test that recursive linked manifests are flagged properly."""

    err = ErrorBundle()
    package = MockXPI(
            "chrome.manifest": "tests/resources/submain/linkman/base1.manifest",
            "submanifest.manifest": "tests/resources/submain/linkman/recurse.manifest",

    submain.populate_chrome_manifest(err, package)
    chrome = err.get_resource("chrome.manifest")
    assert chrome

    print err.print_summary(verbose=True)

    assert not err.failed()
    assert not err.notices

    # From the base file:
    assert list(chrome.get_entries("foo"))
    # From the linked manifest:
    assert not list(chrome.get_entries("zap"))
Esempio n. 47
def test_states():
    """Test that detected type is preserved, even in subpackages."""

    # Use the StringIO as an output buffer.
    bundle = ErrorBundle()

    # Populate the bundle with some test data.
    bundle.detected_type = 4
    bundle.error((), "error")
    bundle.warning((), "warning")
    bundle.notice((), "notice")
    bundle.save_resource("test", True)

    # Push a state

    bundle.detected_type = 2
    bundle.error((), "nested error")
    bundle.warning((), "nested warning")
    bundle.notice((), "nested notice")

    # Push another state

    bundle.detected_type = 3
    bundle.error((), "super nested error")
    bundle.warning((), "super nested warning")
    bundle.notice((), "super nested notice")

    # Test that nested compatibility messages retain various # properties.
    bundle.notice("comp", "Compat Test notice", compatibility_type="error", editors_only=True, signing_severity="high")



    # Load the JSON output as an object.
    output = json.loads(bundle.render_json())

    # Run some basic tests
    assert output["detected_type"] == "langpack"
    assert len(output["messages"]) == 10

    messages = [
        "nested error",
        "nested warning",
        "nested notice",
        "super nested error",
        "super nested warning",
        "super nested notice",
        "Compat Test notice",

    for message in output["messages"]:
        assert message["message"] in messages

        assert message["message"].endswith(message["type"])

        if message["id"] == "comp":
            assert message["compatibility_type"] == "error"
            assert message["editors_only"] == True
            assert message["signing_severity"] == "high"

    assert not messages

    assert bundle.get_resource("test")
Esempio n. 48
def test_states():
    """Test that detected type is preserved, even in subpackages."""

    # Use the StringIO as an output buffer.
    bundle = ErrorBundle()

    # Populate the bundle with some test data.
    bundle.detected_type = 4
    bundle.error((), 'error')
    bundle.warning((), 'warning')
    bundle.notice((), 'notice')
    bundle.save_resource('test', True)

    # Push a state

    bundle.detected_type = 2
    bundle.error((), 'nested error')
    bundle.warning((), 'nested warning')
    bundle.notice((), 'nested notice')

    # Push another state

    bundle.detected_type = 3
    bundle.error((), 'super nested error')
    bundle.warning((), 'super nested warning')
    bundle.notice((), 'super nested notice')

    # Test that nested compatibility messages retain various # properties.
                  'Compat Test notice',



    # Load the JSON output as an object.
    output = json.loads(bundle.render_json())

    # Run some basic tests
    assert output['detected_type'] == 'langpack'
    assert len(output['messages']) == 10

    messages = [
        'error', 'warning', 'notice', 'nested error', 'nested warning',
        'nested notice', 'super nested error', 'super nested warning',
        'super nested notice', 'Compat Test notice'

    for message in output['messages']:
        assert message['message'] in messages

        assert message['message'].endswith(message['type'])

        if message['id'] == 'comp':
            assert message['compatibility_type'] == 'error'
            assert message['editors_only'] == True
            assert message['signing_severity'] == 'high'

    assert not messages

    assert bundle.get_resource('test')
def test_states():
    """Test that detected type is preserved, even in subpackages."""

    # Use the StringIO as an output buffer.
    bundle = ErrorBundle()

    # Populate the bundle with some test data.
    bundle.detected_type = 4
    bundle.error((), 'error')
    bundle.warning((), 'warning')
    bundle.notice((), 'notice')
    bundle.save_resource('test', True)

    # Push a state

    bundle.detected_type = 2
    bundle.error((), 'nested error')
    bundle.warning((), 'nested warning')
    bundle.notice((), 'nested notice')

    # Push another state

    bundle.detected_type = 3
    bundle.error((), 'super nested error')
    bundle.warning((), 'super nested warning')
    bundle.notice((), 'super nested notice')

    # Test that nested compatibility messages retain various # properties.
    bundle.notice('comp', 'Compat Test notice',



    # Load the JSON output as an object.
    output = json.loads(bundle.render_json())

    # Run some basic tests
    assert output['detected_type'] == 'langpack'
    assert len(output['messages']) == 10

    messages = ['error',
                'nested error',
                'nested warning',
                'nested notice',
                'super nested error',
                'super nested warning',
                'super nested notice',
                'Compat Test notice']

    for message in output['messages']:
        assert message['message'] in messages

        assert message['message'].endswith(message['type'])

        if message['id'] == 'comp':
            assert message['compatibility_type'] == 'error'
            assert message['editors_only'] is True
            assert message['signing_severity'] == 'high'

    assert not messages

    assert bundle.get_resource('test')
Esempio n. 50
def test_states():
    """Test that detected type is preserved, even in subpackages."""

    # Use the StringIO as an output buffer.
    bundle = ErrorBundle()

    # Populate the bundle with some test data.
    bundle.detected_type = 4
    bundle.error((), "error")
    bundle.warning((), "warning")
    bundle.notice((), "notice")
    bundle.save_resource("test", True)

    # Push a state

    bundle.detected_type = 2
    bundle.error((), "nested error")
    bundle.warning((), "nested warning")
    bundle.notice((), "nested notice")

    # Push another state

    bundle.detected_type = 3
    bundle.error((), "super nested error")
    bundle.warning((), "super nested warning")
    bundle.notice((), "super nested notice")

    # Test that nested compatibility messages retain their value
    bundle.notice("comp", "Compat Test notice", compatibility_type="error")



    # Load the JSON output as an object.
    output = json.loads(bundle.render_json())

    # Run some basic tests
    assert output["detected_type"] == "langpack"
    assert len(output["messages"]) == 10

    print output

    messages = [
        "error", "warning", "notice", "nested error", "nested warning",
        "nested notice", "super nested error", "super nested warning",
        "super nested notice", "Compat Test notice"

    for message in output["messages"]:
        print message

        assert message["message"] in messages

        assert message["message"].endswith(message["type"])

        if message["id"] == "comp":
            assert message["compatibility_type"] == "error"

    assert not messages

    assert bundle.get_resource("test")