def __init__(self, font): self.font = font self.glyphs = [ font[k] for k in font.unicodeData.sortGlyphNames( font.keys(), glyphSortDescriptors) ] self.w = vanilla.Window((700, 500), minSize=(400, 400)) self.w.tabs = vanilla.Tabs((10, 10, -10, -10), [ "Window", "GlyphCollectionView", "GlyphView", "GlyphLineView", "Misc. Controls" ]) self.windowTab = self.w.tabs[0] self.collectionViewTab = self.w.tabs[1] self.glyphViewTab = self.w.tabs[2] self.lineViewTab = self.w.tabs[3] self.controlsTab = self.w.tabs[4] # test various window methods self.windowTab.messageButton = vanilla.Button( (10, 10, 200, 20), "Show Message", callback=self.windowMessage) self.windowTab.progress1Button = vanilla.Button( (10, 40, 200, 20), "Show Progress 1", callback=self.windowProgress1) self.windowTab.progress2Button = vanilla.Button( (10, 70, 200, 20), "Show Progress 2", callback=self.windowProgress2) self.windowTab.askYesNoButton = vanilla.Button( (10, 100, 200, 20), "Show Ask Yes No", callback=self.windowAskYesNo) self.windowTab.putFileButton = vanilla.Button( (10, 130, 200, 20), "Show Put File", callback=self.windowPutFile) self.windowTab.getFileButton = vanilla.Button( (10, 160, 200, 20), "Show Get File", callback=self.windowGetFile) # test cell view selfDropSettings = dict(callback=self.collectionViewSelfDropCallback) dropSettings = dict(callback=self.collectionViewOtherDropCallback, allowDropBetweenRows=False) self.collectionViewTab.collectionViewModifyButton = vanilla.Button( (10, 10, 150, 20), "Modify Glyphs", callback=self.collectionViewModify) self.collectionViewTab.collectionViewSizeSlider = vanilla.Slider( (170, 10, 150, 20), minValue=10, maxValue=100, value=50, continuous=False, callback=self.collectionViewResize) self.collectionViewTab.collectionView = GlyphCollectionView( (10, 40, -10, -10), allowDrag=True, selectionCallback=self.collectionViewSelectionCallback, doubleClickCallback=self.collectionViewDoubleClickCallback, deleteCallback=self.collectionViewDeleteCallback, selfDropSettings=selfDropSettings, selfApplicationDropSettings=dropSettings) self.collectionViewTab.collectionView.set(self.glyphs) self.collectionViewResize( self.collectionViewTab.collectionViewSizeSlider) # test glyph view self.glyphViewTab.collectionView = GlyphCollectionView( (10, 10, 66, -10), allowDrag=False, selectionCallback=self.glyphViewCollectionSelectionCallback, showModePlacard=False) self.glyphViewTab.glyphView = GlyphView((76, 10, -10, -10)) self.glyphViewTab.collectionView.set(self.glyphs) self.glyphViewTab.collectionView.setSelection([0]) # test line view self.lineViewTab.lineViewSizeSlider = vanilla.Slider( (-160, 11, 150, 20), minValue=10, maxValue=500, value=100, continuous=True, callback=self.lineViewResize) self.lineViewTab.textInput = GlyphSequenceEditText( (10, 10, -170, 22), self.font, callback=self.lineViewTextInput) self.lineViewTab.lineView = GlyphLineView((10, 40, -10, -10)) # test controls self.controlsTab.glyphNameComboBox = GlyphNameComboBox( (10, 10, -10, 22), self.font) self.controlsTab.featureTextEditor = FeatureTextEditor( (10, 45, -10, -10), self.font.features.text) self.setUpBaseWindowBehavior() self.w.tabs.set(3)
def __init__(self): # Window 'self.w': editX = 180 editY = 22 textY = 17 spaceX = 10 spaceY = 10 buttonSizeX = 60 windowWidth = spaceX * 3 + editX * 2 + 85 windowHeight = 260 self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( (windowWidth, windowHeight), # default window size "Copy Kerning Pairs", # window title autosaveName= "com.Tosche.CopyKerningPairs.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: self.w.tabs = vanilla.Tabs((10, 10, -10, -20 - 30), ["Pair", "Preset"]) tab1 = self.w.tabs[0] tab1.text0 = vanilla.TextBox((spaceX, 0, 260, textY), "Copy the kerning pair between...", sizeStyle='regular') tab1.editL0 = vanilla.EditText((spaceX, spaceY + textY, editX, editY), "", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.checkField) tab1.editR0 = vanilla.EditText( (spaceX * 3 + editX + 20, spaceY + textY, editX, editY), "", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.checkField) tab1.checkL0 = vanilla.TextBox( (spaceX + editX + 5, spaceY + textY + 2, 40, textY), u"Any", sizeStyle='regular') tab1.checkR0 = vanilla.TextBox( (spaceX * 3 + editX * 2 + 25, spaceY + textY + 2, 40, textY), u"Any", sizeStyle='regular') tab1.text1 = vanilla.TextBox( (spaceX, spaceY * 2 + textY + editY, 200, textY), " this pair", sizeStyle='regular') tab1.editL1 = vanilla.EditText( (spaceX, spaceY * 3 + textY * 2 + editY, editX, editY), "", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.checkField) tab1.editR1 = vanilla.EditText( (spaceX * 3 + editX + 20, spaceY * 3 + textY * 2 + editY, editX, editY), "", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.checkField) tab1.checkL1 = vanilla.TextBox( (spaceX + editX + 5, spaceY * 3 + textY * 2 + editY + 2, 40, textY), u"Any", sizeStyle='regular') tab1.checkR1 = vanilla.TextBox( (spaceX * 3 + editX * 2 + 25, spaceY * 3 + textY * 2 + editY + 2, 40, textY), u"Any", sizeStyle='regular') tab1.text2 = vanilla.TextBox( (spaceX, spaceY * 5 + textY * 3 + editY, 400, textY * 2), "Groups will be automatically detected.\nYou can also type group name with @ prefix (e.g. @A)", sizeStyle='regular') tab2 = self.w.tabs[1] = vanilla.RadioGroup((spaceX, 2, 80, 78), ["Letter", "Numeral"], isVertical=True, sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.checkRadio) tab2.popLetter = vanilla.PopUpButton((spaceX + 100, spaceY, 320, 20), [ "Caps to Small Caps", "Caps & Lowercase to Superscript", "Caps & Lowercase to Subscript", "Cap to Lowercase", "Punctuation to Small Caps" ], sizeStyle='regular') tab2.popNum1 = vanilla.PopUpButton( (spaceX + 100, spaceY + 40, 140, 20), [ "Lining Proportional", "Small Cap", "Numerator", "Denominator", "Superscript", "Subscript", "Default" ], sizeStyle='regular') tab2.popNum2 = vanilla.PopUpButton( (spaceX + 100 + 180, spaceY + 40, 140, 20), [ "Lining Proportional", "Small Cap", "Numerator", "Denominator", "Superscript", "Subscript", "Default" ], sizeStyle='regular') tab2.textTo = vanilla.TextBox( (spaceX + 100 + 151, spaceY + 40, 20, textY), "to", sizeStyle='regular') tab2.textScale = vanilla.TextBox((spaceX, spaceY + 80, 100, textY), "Scale\t\t%", sizeStyle='regular') tab2.editScale = vanilla.EditText( (spaceX + 40, spaceY + 77, 40, editY), '100', sizeStyle='regular') tab2.textSkip = vanilla.TextBox( (spaceX + 120, spaceY + 80, 400, textY), "Ignore pair values smaller than units", sizeStyle='regular') tab2.editSkip = vanilla.EditText( (spaceX + 321, spaceY + 77, 30, editY), '10', sizeStyle='regular') tab2.textNote = vanilla.TextBox( (spaceX, spaceY * 3 + textY + 76, 360, textY * 2), "It only copies pairs between the groups.\nBut regular punctuations and symbols are taken care of.", sizeStyle='regular') # Common: self.w.allMaster = vanilla.CheckBox((spaceX, -20 - 15, 100, -15), "All masters", sizeStyle='regular') self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button((-80 - 15, -20 - 15, -15, -15), "Run", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.CopyKerningPairsMain) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print "Note: 'Copy Kerning Pairs' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults" # Open window and focus on it: tab2.popNum1.enable(False) tab2.popNum2.enable(False) self.w.makeKey()
def __init__( self ): windowWidth = 600 windowHeight = 260 self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "BubbleKern", # window title minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing) autosaveName = "com.Tosche.BubbleKern.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) self.w.tabs = vanilla.Tabs((spX, spY, -spX, -spY*2-btnY), ["Pair List Builder", "Flat Text"]) tab0 = self.w.tabs[0] tab0.options = vanilla.PopUpButton((spX, 0, 200, btnY), tab0options, callback=self.optionTasks ) emptyPermutation = [{" ":"", "Left":"", "Right":"", "Add Flipped":"", "Pair Count":"0" }] GroupColumnWidth = int((self.w.getPosSize()[2]-180-spX*5-prevX)/2+1) tab0.permList = vanilla.List((spX, spY+btnY, -prevX-spX*2, -spY*3), emptyPermutation, columnDescriptions=[ {"title":" ", "width":20}, {"title":"Left", "width":GroupColumnWidth}, {"title":"Right", "width":GroupColumnWidth}, {"title":"Add Flipped","cell":vanilla.CheckBoxListCell(), "width":70}, {"title":"Pair Count", "width":90} ], # dragSettings = dict( type=NSString, callback=self.dragCallback ), # WHY DOES THIS THING NOT WORK? selfDropSettings=dict(type=toolOrderDragType, operation=NSDragOperationMove, callback=self.dropListSelfCallback), allowsMultipleSelection = False, selectionCallback = self.permListSelected, doubleClickCallback= self.permListDoubleClick, ) tableView = tab0.permList._tableView tableView.setAllowsColumnReordering_(False) tableView.unbind_("sortDescriptors") # Disables sorting by clicking the title bar tableView.tableColumns()[0].setResizingMask_(0) tableView.tableColumns()[1].setResizingMask_(1) tableView.tableColumns()[2].setResizingMask_(1) tableView.tableColumns()[3].setResizingMask_(0) tableView.tableColumns()[4].setResizingMask_(0) tableView.setColumnAutoresizingStyle_(1) # setResizingMask_() 0=Fixed, 1=Auto-Resizable (Not user-resizable). There may be more options? # setColumnAutoresizingStyle accepts value from 0 to 5. # For detail,see: tab0.sectionPreview = vanilla.TextBox((-prevX-spX, spY+btnY-2, -spX, txY), "Section Preview", sizeStyle = "small") tab0.preview = vanilla.TextEditor((-prevX-spX, spY+btnY+txY, -spX, -spY*3), "", readOnly=True) tab0.preview._textView.setFont_( Menlo12 ) = vanilla.TextBox((-prevX-spX*2-75, -spY-txY, 100, txY), "", sizeStyle = "small") # Add & Delete Buttons: tab0.add = vanilla.SquareButton((spX, -spY*3-1, 30, 20), "+", sizeStyle = 'regular', callback=self.addButton) tab0.delete = vanilla.SquareButton((spX+29, -spY*3-1, 30, 20), u"–", sizeStyle = 'regular', callback=self.delButton) tab1 = self.w.tabs[1] tab1.loadButton = vanilla.Button((spX, 0, 160, btnY), "Load a Text File", callback=self.loadFile) tab1.flatPairs = vanilla.TextEditor((spX, spY+btnY, -spX, -spY*3), "", callback=self.refreshPairNum) tab1.flatPairs._textView.setFont_( Menlo12 ) tab1.pairNum = vanilla.TextBox((10, -spY-txY, -10, txY), "", sizeStyle = "small") self.w.allButton = vanilla.Button((-spX*2-btnX*2-60, -btnY-spY, btnX, btnY), "Kern All Pairs", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.BubbleKernMain) self.w.selButton = vanilla.Button((-spX-btnX-60, -btnY-spY, btnX+60, btnY), "Kern Pairs with Selected Glyphs", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.BubbleKernMain ) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print "Note: 'BubbleKern' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults" self.refreshTotal() self.refreshSectionPreview(0) self.refreshPairNum(self.w) # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey()