def configure_amqp_settings(ctx, client, config, amqp_install): if amqp_install == 'skip': click.secho('AMQP configuration: skipped') return amqp_service = AmqpService(client) current_settings = amqp_service.get_settings() click.secho('AMQP current settings:') stdout(to_dict(current_settings), ctx) amqp = config['amqp'] amqp_config = { 'AmqpExchange': amqp['exchange'], 'AmqpHost': amqp['host'], 'AmqpPort': amqp['port'], 'AmqpPrefix': amqp['prefix'], 'AmqpSslAcceptAll': amqp['ssl_accept_all'], 'AmqpUseSSL': amqp['ssl'], 'AmqpUsername': amqp['username'], 'AmqpVHost': amqp['vhost'] } click.secho('AMQP config file settings:') stdout(amqp_config, ctx) if amqp_install == 'prompt': if not click.confirm('Do you want to configure AMQP with the ' 'config file settings?'): click.secho('AMQP not updated') return result = amqp_service.test_config(amqp_config, amqp['password']) click.secho('AMQP test settings, result: %s' % result['Valid'].text) if result['Valid'].text == 'true': amqp_service.set_config(amqp_config, amqp['password']) click.secho('Updated vCD AMQP configuration.') else: click.secho('Couldn\'t set vCD AMQP configuration.')
def setUpClass(cls): """Runs once for this class, before all test methods. Tasks: - Initialize client, config, and other attributes. - Restore VCD AMQP settings to defaults. - Delete any pre-existing CSE entities. """ cls._config = yaml_to_dict(BASE_CONFIG_FILEPATH) cls._client = Client(cls._config['vcd']['host'], api_version=cls._config['vcd']['api_version'], verify_ssl_certs=cls._config['vcd']['verify']) credentials = BasicLoginCredentials(cls._config['vcd']['username'], SYSTEM_ORG_NAME, cls._config['vcd']['password']) cls._client.set_credentials(credentials) assert cls._client is not None cls._org = get_org(cls._client, org_name=cls._config['broker']['org']) assert cls._org is not None cls._vdc = get_vdc(cls._client, cls._config['broker']['vdc'], org=cls._org) assert cls._vdc is not None cls._api_extension = APIExtension(cls._client) assert cls._api_extension is not None cls._amqp_service = AmqpService(cls._client) assert cls._amqp_service is not None cls._runner = CliRunner() assert cls._runner is not None cls._ssh_key_filepath = f"{Path.home() / '.ssh' / ''}" configure_vcd_amqp(cls._client, 'vcdext', cls._config['amqp']['host'], cls._config['amqp']['port'], 'vcd', cls._config['amqp']['ssl_accept_all'], cls._config['amqp']['ssl'], '/', cls._config['amqp']['username'], cls._config['amqp']['password'], quiet=True) cls._default_amqp_settings = to_dict(cls._amqp_service.get_settings()) assert cls._default_amqp_settings is not None cls._amqp_username = cls._config['amqp']['username'] assert cls._amqp_username is not None cls._amqp_password = cls._config['amqp']['password'] assert cls._amqp_password is not None CSEServerInstallationTest.delete_cse_entities()
def info(ctx): try: client = ctx.obj['client'] result = client.get_resource( client._session_endpoints[_WellKnownEndpoint.ADMIN]) stdout(to_dict(result), ctx) except Exception as e: stderr(e, ctx)
def info(ctx): try: restore_session(ctx) client = ctx.obj['client'] result = client.get_resource( client._session_endpoints[_WellKnownEndpoint.ADMIN]) stdout(to_dict(result), ctx) except Exception as e: stderr(e, ctx)
def create(ctx, role_name, description, rights, org_name): try: client = ctx.obj['client'] if org_name is not None: org_href = client.get_org_by_name(org_name).get('href') else: org_href = ctx.obj['profiles'].get('org_href') org = Org(client, org_href) role = org.create_role(role_name, description, rights) stdout(to_dict(role, exclude=['Link', 'RightReferences']), ctx) except Exception as e: stderr(e, ctx)
def create(ctx, role_name, description, rights, org_name): try: restore_session(ctx) client = ctx.obj['client'] if org_name is not None: org_href = client.get_org_by_name(org_name).get('href') else: org_href = ctx.obj['profiles'].get('org_href') org = Org(client, href=org_href) role = org.create_role(role_name, description, rights) stdout(to_dict(role, exclude=['Link', 'RightReferences']), ctx) except Exception as e: stderr(e, ctx)
def info(ctx, role_name, org_name): try: client = ctx.obj['client'] if org_name is not None: org_href = client.get_org_by_name(org_name).get('href') else: org_href = ctx.obj['profiles'].get('org_href') org = Org(client, href=org_href) role_resource = org.get_role_resource(role_name) stdout(to_dict(role_resource, exclude=['Link', 'RightReferences']), ctx) except Exception as e: stderr(e, ctx)
def should_configure_amqp(client, amqp_config, amqp_install): """Decides if CSE installation should configure vCD AMQP settings. Returns False if config file AMQP settings are the same as vCD AMQP settings, or if the user declines configuration. :param pyvcloud.vcd.client.Client client: :param dict amqp_config: 'amqp' section of the config file :param str amqp_install: 'skip' skips vCD AMQP configuration, 'config' configures vCD AMQP settings without prompting user, 'prompt' asks user before configuring vCD AMQP settings. :return: boolean that signals whether we should configure AMQP settings. :rtype: bool """ if amqp_install == 'skip': click.secho(f"Skipping AMQP configuration. vCD and config file may " f"have different AMQP settings.", fg='yellow') return False current_settings = to_dict(AmqpService(client).get_settings()) amqp = { 'AmqpExchange': amqp_config['exchange'], 'AmqpHost': amqp_config['host'], 'AmqpPort': str(amqp_config['port']), 'AmqpPrefix': amqp_config['prefix'], 'AmqpSslAcceptAll': str(amqp_config['ssl_accept_all']).lower(), 'AmqpUseSSL': str(amqp_config['ssl']).lower(), 'AmqpUsername': amqp_config['username'], 'AmqpVHost': amqp_config['vhost'] } diff_settings = [k for k, v in current_settings.items() if amqp[k] != v] if diff_settings: click.secho('current vCD AMQP setting(s):', fg='blue') for setting in diff_settings: click.echo(f"{setting}: {current_settings[setting]}") click.secho('\nconfig file AMQP setting(s):', fg='blue') for setting in diff_settings: click.echo(f"{setting}: {amqp[setting]}") msg = '\nConfigure AMQP with the config file settings?' if amqp_install == 'prompt' and not click.confirm(msg): click.secho(f"Skipping AMQP configuration. vCD and config file " f"may have different AMQP settings.", fg='yellow') return False return True click.secho("vCD and config file AMQP settings are the same. " "Skipping AMQP configuration", fg='green') return False
def clone(ctx, original_role_name, new_role_name, org_name, description): try: restore_session(ctx) client = ctx.obj['client'] if org_name is not None: org_href = client.get_org_by_name(org_name).get('href') else: org_href = ctx.obj['profiles'].get('org_href') org = Org(client, href=org_href) role_resource = org.get_role_resource(original_role_name) # get original role description if description is None: description = to_dict(role_resource)['Description'] # get original role rights role = Role(client, resource=role_resource) raw_rights = role.list_rights() # list of dicts: {'name': 'right'} rights = [right_dict['name'] for right_dict in raw_rights] role = org.create_role(new_role_name, description, rights) stdout(to_dict(role, exclude=['Link', 'RightReferences']), ctx) except Exception as e: stderr(e, ctx)
def diff_amqp_settings(amqp_service, amqp_config): """Gets a list of settings that differ between vCD and config file amqp. Returns an empty list if settings are the same. :param pyvcloud.vcd.amqp.AmqpService amqp_service: :param dict amqp_config: amqp section of config file. :return: list containing the keys that differ. :rtype: List[str] """ cur_settings = to_dict(amqp_service.get_settings()) amqp = { 'AmqpExchange': amqp_config['exchange'], 'AmqpHost': amqp_config['host'], 'AmqpPort': str(amqp_config['port']), 'AmqpPrefix': amqp_config['prefix'], 'AmqpSslAcceptAll': str(amqp_config['ssl_accept_all']).lower(), 'AmqpUseSSL': str(amqp_config['ssl']).lower(), 'AmqpUsername': amqp_config['username'], 'AmqpVHost': amqp_config['vhost'] } return [k for k, v in cur_settings.items() if amqp[k] != v]
def configure_amqp_settings(ctx, client, config, amqp_install): if amqp_install == 'skip': click.secho('AMQP configuration: skipped') return amqp_service = AmqpService(client) current_settings = amqp_service.get_settings() click.secho('AMQP current settings:') stdout(to_dict(current_settings), ctx) amqp = config['amqp'] amqp_config = { 'AmqpExchange': amqp['exchange'], 'AmqpHost': amqp['host'], 'AmqpPort': amqp['port'], 'AmqpPrefix': amqp['prefix'], 'AmqpSslAcceptAll': amqp['ssl_accept_all'], 'AmqpUseSSL': amqp['ssl'], 'AmqpUsername': amqp['username'], 'AmqpVHost': amqp['vhost'] } click.secho('AMQP config file settings:') stdout(amqp_config, ctx) if amqp_install == 'prompt': if not click.confirm('Do you want to configure AMQP with the ' 'config file settings?'): click.secho('AMQP not updated') return result = amqp_service.test_config(amqp_config, amqp['password']) click.secho('AMQP test settings, result: %s' % result['Valid'].text) if result['Valid'].text == 'true': amqp_service.set_config(amqp_config, amqp['password']) click.secho('Updated vCD AMQP configuration.') else: click.secho('Couldn\'t set vCD AMQP configuration.') click.secho('Checking AMQP exchange \'%s\'' % amqp['exchange']) credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(amqp['username'], amqp['password']) parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(amqp['host'], amqp['port'], amqp['vhost'], credentials, ssl=amqp['ssl'], connection_attempts=3, retry_delay=2, socket_timeout=5) connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters) click.echo('Connected to AMQP server (%s:%s): %s' % (amqp['host'], amqp['port'], bool_to_msg(connection.is_open))) channel = try: channel.exchange_declare(exchange=amqp['exchange'], exchange_type=EXCHANGE_TYPE, passive=True, durable=True, auto_delete=False) click.secho('Exchange \'%s\' found.' % amqp['exchange']) except Exception: click.secho('Exchange not found, creating exchange \'%s\'' % amqp['exchange']) try: channel = channel.exchange_declare(exchange=amqp['exchange'], exchange_type=EXCHANGE_TYPE, durable=True, auto_delete=False) click.secho('Exchange \'%s\' created.' % amqp['exchange']) except Exception: LOGGER.error(traceback.format_exc()) click.secho('Couldn\'t create exchange \'%s\'' % amqp['exchange']) connection.close()