Esempio n. 1
"""Test :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.section2` with a Z- variable"""

# Imports
from vcmq import N, MV2, cdms2, create_dep, rc, section2, code_file_name, os

# Init data with z 1D
nz = 8
nd = 10
var =, 1), N.hanning(nd).reshape(1, nd))
var = MV2.array(var)
d = cdms2.createAxis(N.arange(nd))
d.units = 'km'
d.long_name = 'Distance'
z1d = create_dep((-nz + 1, 1.))
var.setAxis(0, z1d)
var.setAxis(1, d)
z2d = N.resize(z1d[:].reshape(1, nz), (nd, nz)).T
z2d *= N.arange(1., nd + 1) / nd

# Plot with z 1D
rc('font', size=8)
kw = dict(show=False, bgcolor='0.5')
section2(var, subplot=211, **kw)

# Plot with z 2D
figfile = code_file_name(ext='png')
if os.path.exists(figfile): os.remove(figfile)
section2(var, yaxis=z2d, subplot=212, savefig=figfile, close=True, **kw)

# Result
result = dict(files=figfile)
cp_props(vari2d, vari)

#if rank==0: print 'grido'
loni = gridi.getLongitude()
lati = gridi.getLatitude()
xib, yib = bounds2d(loni, lati)
xi = loni.getValue()
yi = lati.getValue()
dx = N.diff(xi[0]).mean()
dy = N.diff(yi[:, 0]).mean()
xo = N.arange(xi.min()+10*dx, -30*dx+xi.max(), dx)
yo = N.arange(yi.min()-20*dy, yi.max()-20*dy, dy)
lono = cdms2.createAxis(xo)
lono.designateLongitude() ; lono.units= 'degrees_east'
lato = cdms2.createAxis(yo)
lato.designateLatitude() ; lato.units = 'degrees_north'
xob = bounds1d(lono) ; lono.setBounds(xob)
yob = bounds1d(lato) ; lato.setBounds(yob)
grido = cdms2.createRectGrid(lato, lono)
xmin, xmax = minmax(loni.asma(),lono)
ymin, ymax = minmax(lati.asma(), lato)
nyo,nxo = grido.shape
#print 'rank',rank
basefile = code_file_name(ext=False)
repfile = basefile+'.nt%(nt)s-nz%(nz)s-nyi%(nyi)s-nxi%(nxi)s.log'%locals()
if rank==0: 
    if os.path.exists(repfile): os.remove(repfile)
    f = open(repfile, 'w')
Esempio n. 3
"""Test :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.section2` with a Z- variable"""

# Imports
from vcmq import N, MV2, cdms2, create_dep, rc, section2, code_file_name, os

# Init data with z 1D
nz = 8
nd = 10
var =, 1), N.hanning(nd).reshape(1, nd))
var = MV2.array(var)
d = cdms2.createAxis(N.arange(nd))
z1d = create_dep((-nz+1, 1.))
var.setAxis(0, z1d)
var.setAxis(1, d)
z2d = N.resize(z1d[:].reshape(1, nz), (nd, nz)).T
z2d *= N.arange(1., nd+1)/nd

# Plot with z 1D
rc('font', size=8)
kw = dict(show=False, bgcolor='0.5')
section2(var, subplot=211, **kw)

# Plot with z 2D
figfile = code_file_name(ext='png')
if os.path.exists(figfile): os.remove(figfile)
section2(var, yaxis=z2d, subplot=212, savefig=figfile, close=True, **kw)

# Result
result = dict(files=figfile)