Esempio n. 1
    kwargs = {}

    # check systemID
    if args.systemID is None:
        args.systemID = vdjpy.prompt_user('system ID')
    kwargs['systemId'] = args.systemID

    # check username
    if args.username is not '':
        if args.username is None:
            args.username = vdjpy.prompt_user('username')
        kwargs['username'] = args.username

    # -l
    if args.limit is None:
        args.limit = vdjpy.prompt_for_integer('limit', 250)
    kwargs['limit'] = args.limit

    # -o
    if args.offset is None:
	args.offset = vdjpy.prompt_for_integer('offset', 0)
    kwargs['offset'] = args.offset

    # get systems
    my_agave = vdjpy.make_vdj_agave(args.accesstoken)

    # if -u
    if args.username is not '':
        roles_list =**kwargs)

    # if no -u
Esempio n. 2
    projects_cache = './.vdjprojects'

    # make Agave object and kwargs
    my_agave = vdjpy.make_vdj_agave(args.accesstoken)
    kwargs = {}

    # -p
    if args.project is None:
        args.project = vdjpy.prompt_user('project name')
    project_uuid = vdjpy.get_uuid(args.project, my_agave)
    if project_uuid is None:

    # -l (for listMetadata)
    if args.limit is None:
        args.limit = vdjpy.prompt_for_integer('limit', 5000)
    kwargs['limit'] = args.limit

    # -o (for listMetadata)
    if args.offset is None:
        args.offset = vdjpy.prompt_for_integer('offset value', 0)
    kwargs['offset'] = args.offset

    # -f
    if args.projectfile is not '' and args.jobfile is '':
        filetype = 'projectFile'
    # -j
    elif args.jobfile is not '' and args.projectfile is '':
        filetype = 'projectJobFile'
Esempio n. 3
    kwargs = {}

    # -s
    if args.systemID is None:
        args.systemID = vdjpy.prompt_user("system")
    kwargs["systemId"] = args.systemID

    # -p
    if args.path is None:
        args.path = vdjpy.prompt_user("path")
    kwargs["filePath"] = args.path

    # -l
    if args.limit is None:
        args.limit = vdjpy.prompt_for_integer("limit", 250)
    kwargs["limit"] = args.limit

    # -o
    if args.offset is None:
        args.offset = vdjpy.prompt_for_integer("offset", 0)
    kwargs["offset"] = args.offset

    # list permissions
    my_agave = vdjpy.make_vdj_agave(args.accesstoken)
    permissions = my_agave.files.listPermissions(**kwargs)

    # if -v
    if args.verbose:
        print json.dumps(permissions, default=vdjpy.json_serial, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": "))
Esempio n. 4
            args.description_file = vdjpy.prompt_user("path to description file")
        body_contents = vdjpy.read_json(args.description_file)
        if body_contents is None:
            sys.exit("Not a valid file path or does not contain a valid app description.")
        kwargs["body"] = json.dumps(body_contents)

    # else, build body
        # -u
        if args.url is None:
            args.url = vdjpy.prompt_user("url of postit")
        kwargs["body"] = '{"url": "' + args.url + '"'

        # -x
        if args.max_uses is None:
            args.max_uses = vdjpy.prompt_for_integer("max number of uses", 25)
        kwargs["body"] += ', "maxUses": "' + str(args.max_uses) + '"'

        # -a
        no_auth = "false"
        if args.no_auth:
            no_auth = "true"
        kwargs["body"] += ', "noauth": ' + no_auth

        # -l
        if args.lifetime is None:
            args.lifetime = vdjpy.prompt_for_integer("lifetime in seconds", 2592000)
        kwargs["body"] += ', "lifetime": ' + str(args.lifetime)

        # -m
        if args.method is None:
Esempio n. 5
        "-o", "--offset", dest="offset", type=int, default=0, nargs="?", help="number of results to skip from the start"
    parser.add_argument("-z", "--accesstoken", dest="accesstoken", nargs="?", help="access token")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    kwargs = {}

    # -q
    if args.query is None:
        args.query = vdjpy.prompt_user("metadata query")
        args.query = re.sub(r"^\'|\'$", "", args.query)
    args.query = urllib.quote(args.query)
    kwargs["q"] = args.query

    # -l
    if args.limit is None:
        args.limit = vdjpy.prompt_for_integer("limit", 5000)
    kwargs["limit"] = args.limit

    # -o
    if args.offset is None:
        args.offset = vdjpy.prompt_for_integer("offset value", 0)
    kwargs["offset"] = args.offset

    my_agave = vdjpy.make_vdj_agave(args.accesstoken)
    metadata = my_agave.meta.listMetadata(**kwargs)

    print json.dumps(metadata, default=vdjpy.json_serial, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": "))