Esempio n. 1
def getweight( city : Vec, node : Vec, net : List[Vec], k):
	numerator = fi( math.fabs( city.distance( node ) ), k)
	denominator = 0
	for each in net:
		denominator += fi( math.fabs( city.distance( each )), k)
	return numerator / denominator
Esempio n. 2
clusters = {}
# Count the number of iterations until convergence
iterations = 0
# Will be used to determine if the algorithm is complete
convergence = False
# Initialize the means to random points in the general range of our dataset
means = [Vec(randrange(minX, maxX), randrange(minY, maxY)) for x in range(k)]

while convergence is False:
    iterations += 1
    clusters = {i : [] for i in range(0,k)}
    for v in data:
        cluster = -1
        distance = float('inf')
        for i in range(len(means)):
            d = Vec.distance(v, means[i])
            if d < distance:
                distance = d
                cluster = i

    # Create a list to store the new means
    new_means = []        
    for key in clusters:
        # Sum the vectors in each cluster
        summed =
        cluster = clusters[key]
        for v in cluster:
            summed += v
        # Find the mean of all the vectors in each cluster