Esempio n. 1
def french_fries(scale):
    def rod():
        c = vector3.UnitCube1()
        m2 = np.eye(4) * scale
        m2[0, 0] = 0.1 * scale
        m2[1, 1] = 0.1 * scale
        m2[0:3, 3] = [+0.1 / 2.0 * 2 * scale, +0.1 / 2.0 * 2 * scale, + 1.0 / 2.0 * 2 * scale]
        m2[3, 3] = 1
        iobj = vector3.Transformed(c, m2)
        # .move(-0.1/2.0, -0.1/2.0, -1.0/2.0)
        iobj  \
            .move(-0.2 * scale, -0.2 * scale, 0) \
            .resize(2) \
            .rotate(10, along=make_vector3(1, 1, 0), units="deg") \
            .move(0.5 * scale, 0, 0)
        return iobj

    u = None
    for i in range(18):
        c = rod().rotate(-30 * i, along=make_vector3(0, 0, 1), units="deg")
        if u is None:
            u = c
            u = vector3.CrispUnion(u, c)
    return u
Esempio n. 2
def cube_with_cylinders(scale):

#    SCALE = 2.  # mm
    SCALE = 2.
    sz1 = 2.5

    radius = 0.5 * SCALE
    c_len = 2 * SCALE

    A = make_vector4(-c_len/2.0, 0, 0)
    # A = make_vector4(0, 0, c_len / 2.0)  # bug: aa is wrong
    w = make_vector4(1, 0, 0)
    w = w / np.linalg.norm(w[0:3])
    w[3] = 1
    u = make_vector4(0, 1, 0)

    cyl = vector3.SimpleCylinder(A, w, u, radius, radius, c_len)

    A2 = make_vector4(0, -c_len/2.0, 0)
    w2 = make_vector4(1, 0, 0)
    w2 = w / np.linalg.norm(w[0:3])
    w[3] = 1
    u2 = make_vector4(0, 1, 0)

    cyl_2 = vector3.SimpleCylinder(A2, u2, w2, radius, radius, c_len)
    cube = vector3.UnitCube1(size=sz1)
    union = vector3.CrispSubtract(cube, cyl_2)
    final_object = vector3.CrispUnion(union, cyl)

#    (RANGE_MIN, RANGE_MAX, STEPSIZE) = (-3, +5, 0.2)
    return final_object
Esempio n. 3
def cage_rods(rod_r, rod_len, cage_r, N):
    import math
    un = None
    for i in range(N):
        th = i / float(N) * np.pi * 2
        x, y = cage_r * math.sin(th), cage_r * math.cos(th)
        A = make_vector4(x, y, -rod_len / 2.)
        w = make_vector4(0, 0, 1)
        u = make_vector4(1, 0, 0)
        c = vector3.SimpleCylinder(A, w, u, rod_r, rod_r, rod_len)

        if un is None:
            un = c
            un = vector3.CrispUnion(un, c)
    return un
Esempio n. 4
def first_csg(scale):
    m1 = np.eye(4) * 2 * scale
    m1[1, 1] = 0.4 * scale
    m1[0:3, 3] = [0, 0, 0]
    m1[3, 3] = 1

    m2 = np.eye(4) * 1. * scale
    rcenter = np.array([0.5, 0, 0]) * scale
    m2[0:3, 3] = rcenter[0:3]
    m2[3, 3] = 1

    m3 = np.eye(4) * 1.2 * scale
    m3[0:3, 3] = [1.5 * scale, 0, 0]
    m3[3, 3] = 1

    iobj = vector3.CrispSubtract(vector3.CrispUnion(vector3.Ellipsoid(m1), vector3.Ellipsoid(m2)), vector3.Ellipsoid(m3))
    return iobj
Esempio n. 5
def cyl4(scale):
    """ Makes a nice cage with spiral bars. Don't change. """
    cage = cage_rods(rod_r=1, rod_len=20, cage_r=10, N=20)
    from twist_z import TwistZ
    t = TwistZ(cage, 0.02)  # cycles per mm
    # 0.06 is too much  0.02 is reasonable
    base_cyl = vector3.SimpleCylinder(
        make_vector4(0, 0, -10),  # A
        make_vector4(0, 0, -1),  # w
        make_vector4(1, 0, 0),
        11., 11.,
    ifunc = vector3.CrispUnion(base_cyl, t)

    # (RANGE_MIN, RANGE_MAX, STEPSIZE) = (-32, +32, 1.92 / 4.0)   #15 sec!  2.5 millions voxels
#    (RANGE_MIN, RANGE_MAX, STEPSIZE) = (-32 / 2, +32 / 2, 1.92 / 4.0)  # 2.5 sec!

    return ifunc
Esempio n. 6
def union_of_two_cubes(scale):
    c2 = vector3.UnitCube1(1.)

    def rotate_scale_(iobj, scale, center, angle=0.):
        ns = vector3
        import numpy
        m = numpy.eye(4)
        m[0, 0] = 0.1
        iobj = ns.Transformed(iobj, m=m)
        iobj  \
            .resize(scale) \
            .move(center[0], center[1], center[2])
        if angle != 0.:
            iobj.rotate(angle, along=make_vector4(1, 1, 1), units="deg")
        return iobj

    c2 = rotate_scale_(c2, 2., [1, 1, 1])
    iobj = vector3.CrispUnion(rcube_vec(1.), c2)
    return iobj
Esempio n. 7
def rods(scale):
    # the scale needs to be equal to 2 in order to have a nice object
    def rod():
        c = vector3.UnitCube1()
        m2 = np.eye(4)
        m2[0, 0] = 0.1 * scale
        m2[1, 1] = 0.1 * scale
        m2[2, 2] = scale
        iobj = vector3.Transformed(c, m2)
        iobj  \
            .move(-0, -0.3*scale, -1.0*scale) \
            .resize(2) \
            .rotate(40, along=make_vector3(1, 1, 0), units="deg") \
            .move(0.5*scale, 0, 0)
        return iobj

    u = None
    for i in range(17):
        c = rod().rotate(-30 * i, along=make_vector3(0, 0, 1), units="deg")
        if u is None:
            u = c
            u = vector3.CrispUnion(u, c)
    return u
Esempio n. 8
def cyl2(scale=1.):
    SCALE = scale*1.  # mm

    un = None
    M = 5 + 1
    for i in range(M):
        radius = 0.5 * SCALE
        c_len = 2 * SCALE * 1. / (i + 1)
        a_x = (i - (M - 1.) / 2.) * 1 * SCALE + -0.5 * c_len

        A = make_vector4(a_x, 0, 0)
        w = make_vector4(0, 1, 0)
        # m = np.eye(4)

        center = A  # + make_vector4(0, 0, c_len/2.0)
        center[3] = 1
        R = rotation_matrix(i * 90. / (M - 1.), make_vector4(1, 0, 0), units="deg", around=center)

        w =, np.transpose(w))

        u = make_vector4(1, 0, 0)

        def make_uv(w, u):
            w = w / np.linalg.norm(w[0:3])
            w[3] = 1
            u = u / np.linalg.norm(u[0:3])
            u[3] = 1
            # print w, "u=",u
            assert np.linalg.norm(np.cross(w[:3], u[:3])) > 0.000000001  # cannot be parallel
            v3 = np.cross(w[:3], u[:3])
            v3 = v3 / np.linalg.norm(v3[:3])
            v = make_vector4(v3[0], v3[1], v3[2])
            u3 = np.cross(v[:3], w[:3])
            u3 = u3 / np.linalg.norm(u3[:3])
            u = make_vector4(u3[0], u3[1], u3[2])
            # return w, u
            return u

        u = make_uv(w, u)

        print np.linalg.norm(np.cross(w[:3], u[:3]))
        print np.linalg.norm(np.cross(w[:3], u[:3])) > 0.000000001

        def set4th1(v):
            assert v.shape == (4,)
            v[3] = 1
            return v
        # c = SimpleCylinder(A, w, u, radius, radius, c_len)
        newlen = c_len * 5

        # Long and thin cyliner
        c1 = vector3.SimpleCylinder(set4th1(A - 1. * newlen / 2. * w), w, u, radius / 5., radius / 5., newlen)
        delta, twist_rate = radius * 0.2, 1./2.
        from vector3 import Screw
        c2 = Screw(A[:3], w[:3], u[:3], c_len, radius, delta, twist_rate)

        c_u = vector3.CrispUnion(c1, c2)

        # Fat cylinder

        CYL_ONLY = False
        if CYL_ONLY:
            c = c1
            c = c_u

        if un is None:
            un = c
            un = vector3.CrispUnion(un, c)
        # (RANGE_MIN, RANGE_MAX, STEPSIZE) = (-32, +32, 1.92 / 4.0 * 1.5 / 1.5)
    # return un, (RANGE_MIN, RANGE_MAX, STEPSIZE)
    return un