Esempio n. 1
	def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers):
		if symbol == key.UP: self.thrustdir = self.thrustdir + v(0,2)
		if symbol == key.DOWN: self.thrustdir = self.thrustdir + v(0,-1)
		if symbol == key.LEFT: self.thrustdir = self.thrustdir + v(-1,0)
		if symbol == key.RIGHT: self.thrustdir = self.thrustdir + v(1,0)
		if symbol == key.Z: self.fire_bullet()
		if symbol == key.X: self.fire_laser()
		if symbol == key.C: self.fire_bomb()
Esempio n. 2
	def __init__(self, window):
		""" Initialize the gamescreen. window is the parent window. """
		self.window = window
		self.width = window.width
		self.height= window.height
		self.draw_debug = False

		self.killcount = 0
		self.total_time = 0
		self.constants = {'drag':10, 'gravity':v(0,-30000), 'elasticity':0.7, 'friction':0.9, 'displace':0.7}


#		opengl.glEnable(opengl.GL_POINT_SMOOTH)
#		opengl.glHint(opengl.GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT,opengl.GL_NICEST)
#		opengl.glEnable(opengl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH)
#		opengl.glHint(opengl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT,opengl.GL_NICEST)
#		opengl.glEnable(opengl.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH)
#		opengl.glHint(opengl.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT,opengl.GL_NICEST)
		#Activate the depth buffer.

		#opengl.glLightf(opengl.GL_LIGHT0, opengl.GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, 0.05)

		# Now, since this screen represents gameplay, we're going to initialize all the elements of the game we're playing.
		# For now, this is just a pile of stuff.
		# Set up all the different lists of objects in the world. These roughly correspond to managers! Sort of.
		self.entities = []
		self.physics_objects = []

		self.collision_objects = []
		self.nonstatic_objects = []
		self.coltree = collision_structures.SpatialGrid()

		self.draw_objects = []
		self.draw_priority = []
		self.draw_tree = collision_structures.SpatialGrid()
		self.draw_tree.camera_rect = CollisionComponent(owner=None, pos=v(0,0), shape=shapes.Rectangle(-1,1,-1,1))
		self.listeners = []

		label = text.Label( 'THIS IS A TEST', 'Arial', 24, color = (0, 0, 0, 200), 
				x = self.window.width/2, y = self.window.height/4, anchor_x="center", anchor_y="center", 
				width=3*self.window.width/4, height=3*self.window.height/4, multiline=1)
Esempio n. 3
	def __init__(self, pscreen, location=v(0,0), endpoint=v(0,1), thick = 0,*args, **kwargs):
		self.lifecycle = Lifecycle(owner=self, screen=pscreen)
		self.position_component = PositionComponent(owner=self, position=location)
		self.shape = shapes.Line(owner=self, vector=endpoint - location, thickness=thick)
		self.physics_component = PhysicsBody(owner=self, immobile=True)
		self.renderable_component = ShapeRenderer(owner=self)
		self.collision_component = Collider(owner=self)
Esempio n. 4
def rectrect(me, you):
    separation = you.position_component.position - me.position_component.position
    x = compare_interval(me.xbounds, you.xbounds, separation.x)
    y = compare_interval(me.ybounds, you.ybounds, separation.y)
    if x is None or y is None:
        return None
    if abs(x) < abs(y):
        return v(x, 0)
        return v(0, y)
Esempio n. 5
def perlin_2d(x, y, source=None, x_w=None, y_w=None, interpolate=None):
	""" Takes x and y coordinates and produces perlin noise, seeded by the 2d array `source` and using the 2d interpolation function interpolate. """
	if source is None: source=r_2d
	if x_w is None: x_w = len(source)-1
	if y_w is None: y_w = len(source[0])-1
	if interpolate is None: interpolate=interpolate_2d
	p = v(x*x_w,y*y_w)
	i,j = int(p.x),int(p.y) # Don't need to use floor because these are assumed to be positive.
	corners = [source[u][w]*(p-v(u,w)) for (u,w) in c]
	output = interpolate(p-v(i,j), corners)
	return output
Esempio n. 6
	def update(self, timestep):
		if self.spawn_count > self.spawn_count_max: return
		if random.random() < self.spawn_chance:
			r = random.random()*self.shape.radius
			angle = random.random()*2*math.pi
			position = self.position_component.position + v(r*math.cos(angle), r*math.sin(angle))
			newball = EnemyBall(self.lifecycle.parent_screen, location=position, rad=30)
			vel = random.uniform(0.0, self.max_velocity)
			angle = random.uniform(0.0, 2*math.pi)
			newball.physics_component.vel = v( vel*math.cos(angle), vel*math.sin(angle) )


			self.spawn_count = self.spawn_count + 1
Esempio n. 7
	def __init__(self, pscreen, location=v(0,0)):
		self.lifecycle = Lifecycle(owner=self, screen=pscreen)
		self.lifecycle.update = self.update
		self.position_component = PositionComponent(owner=self, position=location)
		self.shape = shapes.Circle(owner=self, rad=15)
		self.physics_component = PhysicsBody(owner=self)
		self.renderable_component = ShapeRenderer(owner=self, color=(0.0, 0.6, 0.0))
		self.input_listeners = None #TODO: input listener component.

		self.collision_component = Collider(owner=self)
		self.thrust = 30000
		self.thrustdir = v(0,0)

		self.player = True
Esempio n. 8
	def __init__(self, pscreen, parent,location=v(0,0), direction=v(0,1), length=1000):
		self.parent = parent
		self.bullet = True
		self.time_to_live = 0.5

		self.lifecycle = Lifecycle(owner=self, screen=pscreen)
		self.lifecycle.update = self.update
		self.position_component = PositionComponent(owner=self, position=location)
		self.shape=shapes.Line(owner=self, vector=direction*length)
		self.physics_component = PhysicsBody(owner=self, tangible=False, immobile=True)
		self.renderable_component = ShapeRenderer(owner=self, color=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0))
		self.collision_component = Collider(owner=self)
		self.collision_component.collides_with = lambda other: other is not self.parent
		self.collision_component.collide = self.collide
Esempio n. 9
 def update(self, timestep):
     if not self.immobile:
         if self.world_forces:
             self.acc += timestep * self.screen.constants["gravity"]
             self.acc -= timestep * self.screen.constants["drag"] * self.vel
         self.vel = self.vel + timestep * self.acc
         self.position_component.position += timestep * self.vel
         self.acc = v(0, 0)
Esempio n. 10
	def __init__(self, pscreen, location=v(0,0), rad=20):
		self.lifecycle = Lifecycle(owner=self, screen=pscreen)
		self.position_component = PositionComponent(owner=self, position=location)
		self.shape = shapes.Circle(owner=self, rad=rad, drawtype="3d")
		self.physics_component = PhysicsBody(owner=self, immobile=True)
		self.renderable_component = ShapeRenderer(owner=self)
		self.collision_component = Collider(owner=self)
Esempio n. 11
	def __init__(self, window, file_name):
		""" Initialize the gamescreen. window is the parent window. """
		self.window = window
		self.width = window.width
		self.height= window.height
		self.draw_debug = False

		self.killcount = 0
		self.total_time = 0
		self.camera_rect = components.Collider(owner=None, shape=components.shapes.Rectangle(-1,1,-1,1))
		self.constants = {'drag':10, 'gravity':v(0,-30000), 'elasticity':0.7, 'friction':0.9, 'displace':0.7}

		opengl.glBlendFunc(opengl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, opengl.GL_ONE)

#		opengl.glEnable(opengl.GL_POINT_SMOOTH)
#		opengl.glHint(opengl.GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT,opengl.GL_NICEST)
#		opengl.glEnable(opengl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH)
#		opengl.glHint(opengl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT,opengl.GL_NICEST)
#		opengl.glEnable(opengl.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH)
#		opengl.glHint(opengl.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT,opengl.GL_NICEST)
		#Activate the depth buffer.

		# Now, since this screen represents gameplay, we're going to initialize all the elements of the game we're playing.
		# For now, this is just a pile of stuff.
		# Set up all the different lists of objects in the world. These roughly correspond to managers! Sort of.
		self.entities = []
		self.physics_objects = []

		self.collision_objects = []
		self.nonstatic_objects = []
		self.coltree = collision_structures.SpatialGrid()

		self.draw_objects = []
		self.draw_priority = []
		self.draw_tree = collision_structures.SpatialGrid()
		self.draw_tree.camera_rect = self.camera_rect
		self.listeners = []

			import importlib
			level_data = importlib.import_module("levels." + file_name)

			for item in level_data.generate(self):
		except ImportError as e:
			print("Error loading the level " + file_name)
			raise e
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, vector=v(1, 0), thickness=0, draw_type=None, num_points=9, depth=20, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Line, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = SHAPE_LINE
        self.v = vector
        self.normal = self.v.rperp().unit()
        self.length = abs(vector)
        self.thickness = thickness
        self.angle = math.atan2(vector.y, vector.x)

        self.drawtype = draw_type

        # Build the vertex list.
        if thickness == 0:
            self.drawtype = draw_type or "oneline"

            self.vertex_list =, "v3f")
            self.vertex_list.vertices = [0, 0, 0, vector.x, vector.y, 0]
            self.drawtype = draw_type or "lines"

            self.vertex_list = + 2 * num_points, "v3f")

            # For the record, here's the logic of this vertex-generation code:
            # We start at `thickness` distance out on the x-axis. Then, we travel up on the y-axis a distance of self.length. This is the first sidewall of the capsule shape.
            self.vertex_list.vertices[0 : d * 1] = [thickness, 0.0, 0.0]
            self.vertex_list.vertices[d * 1 : d * 2] = [thickness, self.length, 0.0]

            # Next, we draw the far end cap.
            # This starts at the specified thickness away from the end anchor of the line, pointing in the direction of the positive x-axis. It proceeds counterclockwise around until it arrives at the location on the other side of the x-axis.
            for i in range(num_points):
                self.vertex_list.vertices[d * 2 + d * i : d * 3 + d * i] = [
                    thickness * math.cos(math.pi * (i + 1) / num_points),
                    self.length + thickness * math.sin(math.pi * (i + 1) / num_points),

                # A vertical connection is next, vertically back down to the negative x-axis.
            self.vertex_list.vertices[d * (num_points + 2) : d * (num_points + 3)] = [-thickness, self.length, 0.0]
            self.vertex_list.vertices[d * (num_points + 3) : d * (num_points + 4)] = [-thickness, 0.0, 0.0]

            # And again we proceed in a half-circle, this time around the origin, to draw the near end cap.
            for i in range(num_points):
                self.vertex_list.vertices[d * (num_points + 4 + i) : d * (num_points + 4 + i + 1)] = [
                    -thickness * math.cos(math.pi * (i + 1) / num_points),
                    -thickness * math.sin(math.pi * (i + 1) / num_points),

            self.drawtype = "3d"

        self.vertex_lists_3d = make_3d(self.vertex_list, depth)

        # Define the bounds.
        self.xbounds = (min(0, vector.x) - thickness, max(0, vector.x) + thickness)
        self.ybounds = (min(0, vector.y) - thickness, max(0, vector.y) + thickness)
Esempio n. 13
	def __init__(self, pscreen, location=v(0,0), rad=30):
		self.lifecycle = Lifecycle(owner=self, screen=pscreen)
		self.position_component = PositionComponent(owner=self, position=location)
		self.shape = shapes.Circle(owner=self, rad=rad, drawtype="fill")
		self.physics_component = PhysicsBody(owner=self)
		self.renderable_component = ShapeRenderer(owner=self, color=(0.5,0.5,0.5))
		self.collision_component = Collider(owner=self)
		self.collision_component.collide = self.collide
		self.enemy = True
Esempio n. 14
	def __init__(self, pscreen, location=v(0,0), rad=100, z=0.25):
		self.lifecycle = Lifecycle(owner=self, screen=pscreen)
		self.lifecycle.update = self.update
		self.position_component = PositionComponent(owner=self, position=location)
		self.shape = shapes.Circle(owner=self, rad=rad, invert=0, drawtype="fill")
		self.renderable_component = ShapeRenderer(owner=self, z=z, color=(0.6, 0, 0.6, 0.4))

		self.spawn_count = 0
		self.spawn_count_max = 20 # Maximum number that will spawn before the spawner dies.
		self.spawn_chance = 0.01 # chance of spawning, per frame.
		self.max_velocity = 1000
Esempio n. 15
def rescale_2d(source, m):
	x_old_w, y_old_w = len(source), len(source[0])
	x_new_w, y_new_w = int(x_old_w*m), int(y_old_w*m)
	output = list()
	for inew in range(x_new_w):
		a = list()
		for jnew in range(y_new_w):
			x, y = 1.0*inew/x_new_w, 1.0*jnew/y_new_w
			iold, jold = int(x*x_old_w), int(y*y_old_w)
			a.append(interpolate_2d(v(x-1.0*iold/x_old_w, y-1.0*jold/y_old_w), [source[u][w] for (u,w) in c]))
	return output
Esempio n. 16
    def __init__(
        super().__init__(*args, **keyword_args)

        if position_component is None:
            if hasattr(self.owner, "position_component"):
                position_component = self.owner.position_component
                position_component = PositionComponent(owner=self.owner, position=(pos or v(0, 0)))
        self.position_component = position_component

        if shape is None:
            if hasattr(self.owner, "shape"):
                shape = self.owner.shape
                shape = shapes.Point()
        self.shape = shape

        if hasattr(self.owner, "lifecycle"):
            self.screen = self.owner.lifecycle.parent_screen

        self.vel = vel or v(0, 0)
        self.acc = acc or v(0, 0)

        self.tangible = tangible
        self.immobile = immobile
        self.world_forces = world_forces
Esempio n. 17
	def __init__(self, pscreen, parent, location=v(0,0)):
		self.parent = parent

		self.lifecycle = Lifecycle(owner=self, screen=pscreen)
		self.lifecycle.update = self.update
		self.position_component = PositionComponent(owner=self, position=location)
		self.shape = shapes.Circle(owner=self, rad=8)
		self.physics_component = PhysicsBody(owner=self, pos=location)
		self.renderable_component = ShapeRenderer(owner=self, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
		self.collision_component = Collider(owner=self)
		self.collision_component.collides_with = lambda other: other is not self.parent
Esempio n. 18
	def __init__(self, pscreen, parent, location=v(0,0)):
		self.parent = parent

		self.lifecycle = Lifecycle(owner=self, screen=pscreen)
		self.lifecycle.update = self.update
		self.position_component = PositionComponent(owner=self, position=location)
		self.shape = shapes.Circle(owner=self, rad=100, drawtype="fill")
		self.physics_component = PhysicsBody(owner=self, tangible=False, immobile=True)
		self.renderable_component = ShapeRenderer(owner=self, color=(1, 0, 0, 1))
		self.collision_component = Collider(owner=self)
		self.collision_component.collide = self.collide
Esempio n. 19
	def __init__(self, position=None, priority=False, *args, **kwargs):
		super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
		# Alternately, what if we intelligently decide how to handle a more general position argument?
		if position is None: # If no position was given to us, be smart about it:
			if not hasattr(self.owner, 'position_component'):
				# If the owner doesn't have a position component AND we didn't get passed one, then... uh... TODO: logging... framework... time?
				position = v(0,0)
				# if the owner has a position component, fall through to that.
				# TODO: more full-featured fallthrough behavior
				position = self.owner.position_component
		if isinstance(position, v):
			position = PositionComponent(owner=self.owner, position=position)
		if isinstance(position, PositionComponent):
			self.position_component = position
Esempio n. 20
def rectcircle(me, you):
    rect_min_corner = v(me.xbounds[0], me.ybounds[0]) + me.position_component.position
    rect_max_corner = v(me.xbounds[1], me.ybounds[1]) + me.position_component.position
    rect_center = (rect_min_corner + rect_max_corner) / 2

    displacement = you.position_component.position - me.position_component.position
    if displacement.x < me.xbounds[0]:
        edge_x = -1
    elif me.xbounds[0] < displacement.x < me.xbounds[1]:
        edge_x = 0
    elif me.xbounds[1] < displacement.x:
        edge_x = +1

    if displacement.y < me.ybounds[0]:
        edge_y = -1
    elif me.ybounds[0] < displacement.y < me.ybounds[1]:
        edge_y = 0
    elif me.ybounds[1] < displacement.y:
        edge_y = +1

    if abs(edge_x) == 1 and abs(edge_y) == 1:
        x = rect_min_corner.x if edge_x < 0 else rect_max_corner.x
        y = rect_min_corner.y if edge_y < 0 else rect_max_corner.y
        corner = v(x, y)

        vect = you.position_component.position - corner
        if abs(vect) < you.radius:
            return vect.unit() * (you.radius - abs(vect))
            return None

    x_vect = compare_interval(me.xbounds, you.xbounds, displacement.x)
    y_vect = compare_interval(me.ybounds, you.ybounds, displacement.y)

    if x_vect is not None and y_vect is not None:
        if abs(x_vect) > abs(y_vect):
            return v(x_vect, 0)
            return v(0, y_vect)
    elif x_vect is not None:
        return v(x_vect, 0)
    elif y_vect is not None:
        return v(0, y_vect)
Esempio n. 21
def circlecircle(me, you):
    """If I am intersecting you, find the shortest vector by which to change my position to no longer be intersecting.
	This function takes two objects with shape attributes. It checks to see if they are colliding and returns the shortest vector by which to move the object `me`, to remedy the collision.
	If the objects do not collide, it returns None.
    separation = you.position_component.position - me.position_component.position  # The vector from me to you.
    if separation.x == 0 and separation.y == 0:
        separation_direction = v(0, -1)
        separation_distance = 0
        separation_direction = separation.unit()
        separation_distance = abs(separation)

    my_extents = (-me.radius, me.radius)
    your_extents = (-you.radius, you.radius)

    output = compare_interval(my_extents, your_extents, separation_distance)

    if output is None:
        return None
    return output * separation_direction
Esempio n. 22
def rectpoint(me, you):
    my_min = v(me.xbounds[0], me.ybounds[0]) + me.position_component.position
    my_max = v(me.xbounds[1], me.ybounds[1]) + me.position_component.position
    you_pos = you.position_component.position
    center = (my_min + my_max) / 2
    vect = you_pos - center

    if my_min.x < you_pos.x < my_max.x and my_min.y < you_pos.y < my_max.y:
        if abs(vect.x) < abs(vect.y):
            if vect.x > 0:
                return v(you_pos.x - me.xbounds[1], 0)
                return v(you_pos.x - me.xbounds[0], 0)
            if vect.y > 0:
                return v(0, you_pos.y - me.ybounds[1])
                return v(0, you_pos.y - me.ybounds[0])
Esempio n. 23
def generate(self):
	manifest = []

	player = PlayerBall(self, location = v(0,0))
	manifest.append( player )
	manifest.append( CameraFollower(self, latch=player, spring=50, damping=10) )

	manifest.append( FreeBall(self, location = v(0,-50)) )
	manifest.append( FreeBall(self, location = v(-100,0)) )
	manifest.append( FreeBall(self, location = v(100,0)) )
	manifest.append( FreeBall(self, location = v(0, 1700), rad=80) )

	manifest.append( Spawner(self, location = v(-500, 1500), rad=250) )
	manifest.append( Spawner(self, location = v(500, 1500), rad=250) )
	manifest.append( EnemyBall(self, location = v(-200,30), rad=30) )
	manifest.append( EnemyBall(self, location = v(-260,0), rad=30) )
	manifest.append( EnemyBall(self, location = v(-100,60), rad=30) )

	height = 1000
	width = 4000
	quantity = 100
	balls = [ ObstacleBall(self, location=v(uniform(-1,1)*width, uniform(-1,1)*height), rad=40) for i in range(quantity) ]

	wavelength = 600
	depth = 150
	h = -1000

	wave_1 = [ ObstacleLine(self, location=v(i*wavelength, h), endpoint=v((i+0.5)*wavelength, h+depth), thick=20) for i in range(-10,10) ]
	wave_2 = [ ObstacleLine(self, location=v((i+0.5)*wavelength, h+depth), endpoint=v((i+1)*wavelength, h), thick=20) for i in range(-10,10) ]

	class DummyRender(Renderable):
		label = text.Label("",
				'Arial', 24, color=(0, 0, 0, 200),
				x=0, y=0, anchor_x="center", anchor_y="center",
				width=3*self.window.width/4, height=3*self.window.height/4, multiline=1)
		def __init__(self, text='THIS IS A TEST', *args, **kwargs):
			super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
			self.label.text = text
		def draw(self):
			position = self.position_component.position, position.y, 0)
	dummy = Entity()
	dummy.renderable_component = DummyRender(owner=dummy, position=v(self.window.width/2, self.window.height/4))	
	#dummy = {'renderable_component': text.Label( 'THIS IS A TEST', 'Arial', 24, color = (0, 0, 0, 200), 
	#		x = self.window.width/2, y = self.window.height/4, anchor_x="center", anchor_y="center", 
	#		width=3*self.window.width/4, height=3*self.window.height/4, multiline=1)}
	manifest.append( dummy )

	return manifest
Esempio n. 24
	def fire_bomb(self):
		newthing = BombBall(self.lifecycle.parent_screen, self, location=self.position_component.position)
		svel = self.physics_component.vel
		if abs(svel) == 0: newthing.physics_component.vel = v(0, 800)
		else: newthing.physics_component.vel = svel + 800*svel.unit()
Esempio n. 25
def pointpoint(me, you):
    return v(0, 1) if me.position_component.position == you.position_component.position else None
Esempio n. 26
	def fire_laser(self):
		svel = self.physics_component.vel
		if abs(svel) == 0: direct = v(0,1)
		else: direct = svel.unit()
		newlaser = LaserLine(self.lifecycle.parent_screen, self, location=self.position_component.position, direction=direct)
Esempio n. 27
	return output

def interpolate_2d(p, c, interpolate=None):
	""" Takes a point normalized to 0,1 and four corner values (0,0, 0,1, 1,1, 1,0) and interpolates between them. """
	if interpolate is None: interpolate = hermite
	bottom_int = hermite(p.x, (c[0],c[3]))
	top_int = hermite(p.x, (c[1],c[2]))
	return hermite(p.y, (bottom_int, top_int))

def hermite(p, c):
	""" Hermite interpolation between two points, with starting and ending tangents zero. """
	return c[0]*(2*(p**3) - 3*(p**2) + 1) + c[1]*(-2*(p**3) + 3*(p**2))

rands = list()
rands.append( [[v(uniform(-1,1),uniform(-1,1)) for i in range(100)] for j in range(100)] )
for i in range(10):
	if len(rands[i]) < 10: break
	rands.append(rescale_2d(rands[i], 0.5))

def apply(function):
	return lambda source, index: function(source[index])

def identity(source, index):
	""" Returns the requested value. """
	return source[index]

class CompositeSignal(object):
	""" A signal which is a user-defined compositing of other signals and operators. """
	def __init__(self, source, operation=lambda source, index: source[index]):
		self.source = source
Esempio n. 28
	def __init__(self, position=None, *arguments, **keyword_args):
		super().__init__(*arguments, **keyword_args)
		self.position = position or v(0,0)
Esempio n. 29
	def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifiers):
		if symbol == key.UP: self.thrustdir = self.thrustdir - v(0,2)
		if symbol == key.DOWN: self.thrustdir = self.thrustdir - v(0,-1)
		if symbol == key.LEFT: self.thrustdir = self.thrustdir - v(-1,0)
		if symbol == key.RIGHT: self.thrustdir = self.thrustdir - v(1,0)