def isosurface(self, threshold=True): """Return a ``Mesh`` isosurface. :param float,list threshold: value or list of values to draw the isosurface(s) """ if not self._data.GetPointData().GetScalars(): self.mapCellsToPoints() scrange = self._data.GetPointData().GetScalars().GetRange() cf = vtk.vtkContourFilter() #vtk.vtkContourGrid() cf.SetInputData(self._data) if utils.isSequence(threshold): cf.SetNumberOfContours(len(threshold)) for i, t in enumerate(threshold): cf.SetValue(i, t) cf.Update() else: if threshold is True: threshold = (2 * scrange[0] + scrange[1]) / 3.0 #print('automatic threshold set to ' + utils.precision(threshold, 3), end=' ') #print('in [' + utils.precision(scrange[0], 3) + ', ' + utils.precision(scrange[1], 3)+']') cf.SetValue(0, threshold) cf.Update() clp = vtk.vtkCleanPolyData() clp.SetInputData(cf.GetOutput()) clp.Update() msh = Mesh(clp.GetOutput(), c=None).phong() msh._mapper.SetLookupTable(utils.ctf2lut(self)) return msh
def slice(self, origin=(0, 0, 0), normal=(1, 0, 0)): """Return a 2D slice of the mesh by a plane passing through origin and assigned normal.""" strn = str(normal) if strn == "x": normal = (1, 0, 0) elif strn == "y": normal = (0, 1, 0) elif strn == "z": normal = (0, 0, 1) elif strn == "-x": normal = (-1, 0, 0) elif strn == "-y": normal = (0, -1, 0) elif strn == "-z": normal = (0, 0, -1) plane = vtk.vtkPlane() plane.SetOrigin(origin) plane.SetNormal(normal) cc = vtk.vtkCutter() cc.SetInputData(self._data) cc.SetCutFunction(plane) cc.Update() msh = Mesh(cc.GetOutput()).flat().lighting('ambient') msh._mapper.SetLookupTable(utils.ctf2lut(self)) return msh
def __init__(self, inputobj=None): vtk.vtkImageSlice.__init__(self) Base3DProp.__init__(self) BaseVolume.__init__(self) self._mapper = vtk.vtkImageResliceMapper() self._mapper.SliceFacesCameraOn() self._mapper.SliceAtFocalPointOn() self._mapper.SetAutoAdjustImageQuality(False) self._mapper.BorderOff() self.lut = None = vtk.vtkImageProperty() self.SetProperty( ################### if isinstance(inputobj, str): if "https://" in inputobj: from import download inputobj = download(inputobj, verbose=False) # fpath elif os.path.isfile(inputobj): pass else: inputobj = sorted(glob.glob(inputobj)) ################### inputtype = str(type(inputobj)) if inputobj is None: img = vtk.vtkImageData() if isinstance(inputobj, Volume): img = inputobj.imagedata() self.lut = utils.ctf2lut(inputobj) elif utils.isSequence(inputobj): if isinstance(inputobj[0], str): # scan sequence of BMP files ima = vtk.vtkImageAppend() ima.SetAppendAxis(2) pb = utils.ProgressBar(0, len(inputobj)) for i in pb.range(): f = inputobj[i] picr = vtk.vtkBMPReader() picr.SetFileName(f) picr.Update() mgf = vtk.vtkImageMagnitude() mgf.SetInputData(picr.GetOutput()) mgf.Update() ima.AddInputData(mgf.GetOutput()) pb.print('loading...') ima.Update() img = ima.GetOutput() else: if "ndarray" not in inputtype: inputobj = np.array(inputobj) if len(inputobj.shape) == 1: varr = utils.numpy2vtk(inputobj, dtype=float) else: if len(inputobj.shape) > 2: inputobj = np.transpose(inputobj, axes=[2, 1, 0]) varr = utils.numpy2vtk(inputobj.ravel(order='F'), dtype=float) varr.SetName('input_scalars') img = vtk.vtkImageData() img.SetDimensions(inputobj.shape) img.GetPointData().AddArray(varr) img.GetPointData().SetActiveScalars(varr.GetName()) elif "ImageData" in inputtype: img = inputobj elif isinstance(inputobj, Volume): img = inputobj.inputdata() elif "UniformGrid" in inputtype: img = inputobj elif hasattr( inputobj, "GetOutput"): # passing vtk object, try extract imagdedata if hasattr(inputobj, "Update"): inputobj.Update() img = inputobj.GetOutput() elif isinstance(inputobj, str): from import loadImageData, download if "https://" in inputobj: inputobj = download(inputobj, verbose=False) img = loadImageData(inputobj) else: colors.printc("VolumeSlice: cannot understand input type:\n", inputtype, c='r') return self._data = img self._mapper.SetInputData(img) self.SetMapper(self._mapper)