Esempio n. 1
def ubar0(p, i):
    """Compute the dirac spinor ubar0"""

    zeros = tf.zeros_like(p[0], dtype=DTYPE)
    czeros = tf.complex(zeros, zeros)
    ones = tf.ones_like(p[0], dtype=DTYPE)

    # case 1) py == 0
    rz = p[3] / (p[0] + epsilon)
    theta1 = tf.where(rz > 0, zeros, rz)
    theta1 = tf.where(rz < 0, np.pi * ones, theta1)
    phi1 = zeros

    # case 2) py != 0
    rrr = rz
    rrr = tf.where(rz < -1, -ones, rrr)
    rrr = tf.where(rz > 1, ones, rrr)
    theta2 = tf.acos(rrr)
    rrr = p[1] / p[0] / tf.sin(theta2)
    rrr = tf.where(rrr < -1, -ones, rrr)
    rrr = tf.where(rrr > 1, ones, rrr)
    phi2 = tf.acos(rrr)
    ry = p[2] / p[0]
    phi2 = tf.where(ry < 0, -phi2, phi2)

    # combine
    theta = tf.where(p[1] == 0, theta1, theta2)
    phi = tf.where(p[1] == 0, phi1, phi2)

    prefact = tf.complex(float_me(np.sqrt(2)), zeros) * tf.sqrt(
        tf.complex(p[0], zeros))
    if i == -1:
        a = tf.complex(tf.sin(theta / 2), zeros)
        b = tf.complex(tf.abs(tf.cos(theta / 2)), zeros)
        ubar0_0 = prefact * a * tf.complex(tf.cos(phi), tf.sin(phi))
        ubar0_1 = -prefact * b
        ubar0_2 = czeros
        ubar0_3 = czeros
        a = tf.complex(tf.cos(theta / 2), zeros)
        b = tf.complex(tf.sin(theta / 2), zeros)
        ubar0_0 = czeros
        ubar0_1 = czeros
        ubar0_2 = prefact * a
        ubar0_3 = prefact * b * tf.complex(tf.cos(phi), -tf.sin(phi))

    return tf.stack([ubar0_0, ubar0_1, ubar0_2, ubar0_3])
Esempio n. 2
def py_consume_array_into_indices(input_arr, indices, result_size):
    Python interface wrapper for ``consume_array_into_indices``.
    It casts the possible python-object input into the correct tensorflow types.
    return consume_array_into_indices(float_me(input_arr), int_me(indices), int_me(result_size))
Esempio n. 3
import time
import numpy as np
import subprocess as sp
from pdfflow.configflow import DTYPEINT as pint
import tensorflow as tf
from vegasflow.vflow import vegas_wrapper
from pdfflow.pflow import mkPDF
from vegasflow.configflow import DTYPE, DTYPEINT, float_me
from pdfflow.configflow import DTYPE as pfloat

# MC integration setup
dim = 3
ncalls = np.int32(5e6)
n_iter = 5
pdfset = "NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118/0"
epsilon = float_me(1e-7)

# Physics setup
# top mass
mt = tf.constant(173.2, dtype=DTYPE)
# center of mass energy
sqrts = tf.constant(8000, dtype=DTYPE)
# minimum allowed center of mass energy
sqrtsmin = tf.constant(173.2, dtype=DTYPE)
# W-boson mass
mw = tf.constant(80.419, dtype=DTYPE)
# gaw
gaw = tf.constant(2.1054, dtype=DTYPE)
# GF
gf = tf.constant(1.16639e-5, dtype=DTYPE)
# load pdf
Esempio n. 4
def refine_grid_per_dimension(t_res_sq, subdivisions):
    Modifies the boundaries for the vegas grid for a given dimension

        `t_res_sq`: tensor
            array of results squared per bin
        `subdivision`: tensor
            current boundaries for the grid

        `new_divisions`: tensor
            array with the new boundaries of the grid
    # Define some constants
    paddings = int_me([[1, 1]])
    tmp_meaner = tf.fill([BINS_MAX - 2], float_me(3.0))
    meaner = tf.pad(tmp_meaner, paddings, constant_values=2.0)
    # Pad the vector of results
    res_padded = tf.pad(t_res_sq, paddings)
    # First we need to smear out the array of results squared
    smeared_tensor_tmp = res_padded[1:-1] + res_padded[2:] + res_padded[:-2]
    smeared_tensor = tf.maximum(smeared_tensor_tmp / meaner, float_me(1e-30))
    # Now we refine the grid according to
    # journal of comp phys, 27, 192-203 (1978) G.P. Lepage
    sum_t = tf.reduce_sum(smeared_tensor)
    log_t = tf.math.log(smeared_tensor)
    aux_t = (1.0 - smeared_tensor / sum_t) / (tf.math.log(sum_t) - log_t)
    wei_t = tf.pow(aux_t, ALPHA)
    ave_t = tf.reduce_sum(wei_t) / BINS_MAX

    ###### Auxiliary functions for the while loop
    def while_check(bin_weight, *args):
        """Checks whether the bin has enough weight
        to beat the average"""
        return bin_weight < ave_t

        tf.TensorSpec(shape=[], dtype=DTYPE),
        tf.TensorSpec(shape=[], dtype=DTYPEINT),
        tf.TensorSpec(shape=[], dtype=DTYPE),
        tf.TensorSpec(shape=[], dtype=DTYPE),
    def while_body(bin_weight, n_bin, cur, prev):
        """Fills the bin weight until it surpassed the avg
        once it's done, returns the limits of the last bin"""
        n_bin += 1
        bin_weight += wei_t[n_bin]
        prev = cur
        cur = subdivisions[n_bin + 1]
        return bin_weight, n_bin, cur, prev


    # And now resize all bins
    new_bins = [fzero]
    # Auxiliary variables
    bin_weight = fzero
    n_bin = -1
    cur = fzero
    prev = fzero
    for _ in range(BINS_MAX - 1):
        bin_weight, n_bin, cur, prev = tf.while_loop(
            (bin_weight, n_bin, cur, prev),
        bin_weight -= ave_t
        delta = (cur - prev) * bin_weight / wei_t[n_bin]
        new_bins.append(cur - delta)

    new_divisions = tf.stack(new_bins)
    return new_divisions
Esempio n. 5
from vegasflow.configflow import DTYPE, DTYPEINT, fone, fzero, float_me, ione, int_me
import json
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from vegasflow.configflow import BINS_MAX, ALPHA
from vegasflow.monte_carlo import MonteCarloFlow, wrapper, sampler
from vegasflow.utils import consume_array_into_indices

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

FBINS = float_me(BINS_MAX)

# Auxiliary functions for Vegas
    tf.TensorSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype=DTYPE),
    tf.TensorSpec(shape=[None, BINS_MAX + 1], dtype=DTYPE),
def _generate_random_array(rnds, divisions):
    Generates the Vegas random array for any number of events

        rnds: array shaped (None, n_dim)
            Random numbers used as an input for Vegas
Esempio n. 6
 def xjac(self):
     """The default jacobian is 1 / total number of events"""
     return float_me([1.0 / self.n_events])
Esempio n. 7
def test_float_me():
    res = float_me(4.0)
    assert res.dtype == DTYPE