Esempio n. 1
def check_loggamma_ks(shape, seed):
  np_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed)
  nsamples = default_num_samples()
  log_samples = [simulateLogGamma(shape, np_rng) for _ in xrange(nsamples)]
  samples = np.exp(np.array(log_samples))
  dist = scipy.stats.gamma(shape)
  return reportKnownContinuous(dist.cdf, samples)
Esempio n. 2
def testOneSample(seed):
    np_rng = npr.RandomState(seed)
    obs_inputs = np.array([1.3, -2.0, 0.0])
    obs_outputs = np.array([5.0, 2.3, 8.0])
    test_input = 1.4
    expect_mu = 4.6307
    expect_sig = 0.0027
    sigma = 2.1
    l = 1.8
    observations = OrderedDict(zip(obs_inputs, obs_outputs))

    mean = gp.mean_const(0.)
    covariance = cov.scale(sigma**2,**2))

    # _gp_sample(..., test_input) should be normally distributed with
    # mean expect_mu.
    n = default_num_samples(4)

    def sample():
        s = gp._gp_sample(mean, covariance, observations, [test_input], np_rng)
        return s[0]

    samples = np.array([sample() for _ in xrange(n)])
    assert samples.shape == (n, )
    return reportKnownGaussian(expect_mu, np.sqrt(expect_sig), samples)
Esempio n. 3
def testCollectSmoke3(seed):
  ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
  prog = """
(let ((d (empty)))
  (do (repeat %s (bind (collect (labelled (normal 0 1) label)) (curry into d)))
      (return d)))""" % default_num_samples()
  predictions = extract_from_dataset(ripl.infer(prog), 'label')
  return reportKnownGaussian(0.0, 1.0, predictions)
def checkResamplingSmoke(mode, seed):
    n = default_num_samples()
    r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    r.infer("(resample%s %s)" % (mode, n))
    stack_dicts = r.sivm.core_sivm.engine.sample_all(
        r._ensure_parsed_expression("(normal 0 1)"))
    predictions = [d["value"] for d in stack_dicts]
    return reportKnownGaussian(0, 1, predictions)
def collectLikelihoodWeighted(ripl, address):
    vs = []
    wts = []
    for _ in range(default_num_samples()):
    return (vs, wts)
def testEnumerateCoupledChoices2(seed):
    # A second illustration of Issue #462 (second manifestation).
    # If enumeration computes the set of candidate values before
    # detaching, as an independent product, it will invent combinations
    # that are actually distinct representations of semantically the
    # same option.  Thus, even though all possibilities will (as in this
    # variant) be considered, some will be overweighted.
    # Specifically, if the initial state is three calls to the same CRP
    # with distinct values (arranged by the force statements),
    # enumeration will invent 4^3 different combinations of tables to
    # try; whereas there are only 5 that differ up to renumbering of the
    # tables: (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 2), (1, 2, 1), (1, 2, 2), and (1, 2, 3).
    # They cannot, therefore, be overrepresented evenly, and this leads
    # to the wrong posterior.
    raise SkipTest(
        "Fails due to")
    r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    r.assume("crp", "(make_crp 1)")
    r.assume("result1", "(crp)")
    r.assume("result2", "(crp)")
    r.assume("result3", "(crp)")
        "(and (not (eq result1 result2))"
        "(and (not (eq result2 result3))"
        "(not (eq result1 result3))))",
    ans = collectSamples(r,
    gibbs_from_different = """(do
    (force result1 atom<1>)
    (force result2 atom<2>)
    (force result3 atom<3>)
    (gibbs default all 1))"""
    # One step of Gibbs from any initial condition should move to the
    # posterior (which in this case equals the prior).
    predicts = collectSamples(r,
    return reportSameDiscrete(ans, predicts)
def testResamplingSmoke4(seed):
    # Check that limiting the number of processes doesn't screw up
    # inference too much.
    n = default_num_samples()
    r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    r.infer("(resample_multiprocess %s %s)" %
            (n, n / 2))  # Limit the number of processes
    predictions = r.sample_all("(normal 0 1)")
    eq_(n, len(predictions))
    return reportKnownGaussian(0, 1, predictions)
def testEnumerateCoupledChoices1(seed):
    # A test case for the first problem identified in Issue #462.
    # If enumaration collects the candidate value sets all at once at
    # the beginning of the enumeration run, and if the set of options
    # for a later choice depends on the choice taken at an earlier one
    # (e.g., for the made SP of make_crp), trouble will ensue because we
    # need to compute a dependent rather than independent product.
    # This example suffices to bring the problem into relief.  If a CRP
    # has only one extant table at the time enumeration is invoked,
    # (arranged by the force calls), each node will consider that table
    # and one new table as the only options.  Enumeration will therefore
    # consider 8 options, in none of which will all three nodes be
    # assigned to distinct tables.
    raise SkipTest(
        "Fails due to")
    r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    r.assume("crp", "(make_crp 1)")
    r.assume("result1", "(crp)")
    r.assume("result2", "(crp)")
    r.assume("result3", "(crp)")
        "(and (not (eq result1 result2))"
        "(and (not (eq result2 result3))"
        "(not (eq result1 result3))))",
    ans = collectSamples(r,
    gibbs_from_same = """(do
    (force result1 atom<1>)
    (force result2 atom<1>)
    (force result3 atom<1>)
    (gibbs default all 1))"""
    # One step of Gibbs from any initial condition should move to the
    # posterior (which in this case equals the prior).
    predicts = collectSamples(r,
    return reportSameDiscrete(ans, predicts)
Esempio n. 9
 def try_at_five(maker):
     r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
     r.assume("mu", "(normal 0 1)")
     r.assume("obs", "(%s mu 1 1 1)" % maker)
     r.observe("(obs)", 5)
     infer = "(mh default all %d)" % default_num_transitions_per_sample()
     return collectSamples(r,
Esempio n. 10
def testCollectSmoke1(seed):
  ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
  ripl.assume("x", "(normal 0 1)")
  prog = """
(let ((d (empty)))
  (do (repeat %s
       (do (mh default one 1)
           (bind (collect x) (curry into d))))
      (return d)))""" % default_num_samples()
  predictions = extract_from_dataset(ripl.infer(prog), 'x')
  return reportKnownGaussian(0.0, 1.0, predictions)
Esempio n. 11
def check_loggamma_ks_quad(shape, seed):
  inf = float('inf')
  np_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed)
  nsamples = default_num_samples()
  samples = [simulateLogGamma(shape, np_rng) for _ in xrange(nsamples)]
  def pdf(x):
    return exp(logDensityLogGamma(x, shape))
  def cdf(x):
    p, _e = scipy.integrate.quad(pdf, -inf, x)
    return p
  return reportKnownContinuous(np.vectorize(cdf), samples)
Esempio n. 12
def extract_sample(maker, params, index, seed):
  r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
  r.assume("maker", maker)
  expr ="list"), *["made")) for _ in range(index+1)])
  def one_sample():
    r.assume("made","maker"), *params))
    ans = r.sample(expr)[-1]
    return ans
  results = [one_sample() for _ in range(default_num_samples(5))]
  return results
Esempio n. 13
def testExecuteSmoke(seed):
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    predictions = []
    for _ in range(default_num_samples()):
        ripl.execute_program("""[assume x (normal 0 1)]
;; An observation
[observe (normal x 1) 2] ; with an end-of-line comment
[infer (mh default one %s)]""" % default_num_transitions_per_sample())
    return reportKnownGaussian(1, math.sqrt(0.5), predictions)
Esempio n. 14
def extract_cross_sample(maker, params, index1, index2, combiner, seed):
  r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
  r.assume("maker", maker)
  index = max(index1, index2)
  expr ="list"), *["made")) for _ in range(index+1)])
  def one_sample():
    r.assume("made","maker"), *params))
    vec = r.sample(expr)
    return combiner(vec[index1], vec[index2])
  results = [one_sample() for _ in range(default_num_samples(5))]
  return results
Esempio n. 15
def testObserveThroughRef(seed):
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("coin", "(make_beta_bernoulli 1 1)")
    ripl.assume("items", "(list (ref (coin)) (ref (coin)))")
    ripl.observe("(deref (first items))", True)
    ripl.predict("(deref (second items))", label="pid")

    predictions = collectSamples(ripl,
    ans = [(False, 0.333), (True, 0.666)]
    return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
Esempio n. 16
def testGPMean1(seed):
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)

    ripl.assume('gp', '(make_gp zero sq_exp)')
    ripl.predict("(gp (array 0))", label="pid")

    predictions = collectSamples(ripl,
    xs = [p[0] for p in predictions]

    return reportKnownGaussian(0, 1, xs)
Esempio n. 17
def testResampling1(seed):
    P = 10
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)

    def a_sample():
        ripl.infer("(resample %d)" % P)
        ripl.assume("x", "(normal 0 1)")
        ripl.observe("(normal x 1)", 2)
        ripl.infer("(resample 1)")
        return ripl.sample("x")

    predictions = [a_sample() for _ in range(default_num_samples())]
    return reportKnownGaussian(1, math.sqrt(0.5), predictions)
Esempio n. 18
def testMVNormalRandomWalkSoundness(seed):
    # This exercises the subtlety involving block proposals and delta
    # kernels described in the "joint-delta-kernels" footnote in
    # doc/
    r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    r.assume("mean", "(multivariate_normal (array 0) (id_matrix 1))")
    r.assume("y", "(multivariate_normal mean (id_matrix 1))")
    predictions = [
        c[0] for c in collectSamples(r,
                                     infer="(mh default all 50)",
    return reportKnownGaussian(0, math.sqrt(2), predictions)
def testEnumerateCoupledChoices3(seed):
    # A third illustration of Issue #462 (second manifestation).
    # Enumerating a single choice should not depend on the initial value
    # of that choice, but due to #462 it does.  The setup here is
    # enumerating one of two choices from a CRP.  If they are initially
    # distinct, enumeration will consider three options, the latter two
    # of which will be equivalent: "become the same as the other point",
    # "remain the same as I was", and "become a unique snowflake".  This
    # will cause it to overweight the state where the choices are
    # distinct by 2:1.
    r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    r.assume("crp", "(make_crp 1)")
    r.assume("result1", "(crp)")
    r.assume("result2", "(crp)")
    r.predict("(eq result1 result2)", label="pid")
    gibbs_from_same = """(do
    (force result1 atom<1>)
    (force result2 atom<1>)
    (gibbs default one 1))"""
    ans = collectSamples(r,
    gibbs_from_different = """(do
    (force result1 atom<1>)
    (force result2 atom<2>)
    (gibbs default one 1))"""
    # In this case, gibbs_from_same happens to compute the exact
    # posterior, which equals the prior, and is 50-50 on whether the
    # atoms are the same.
    predicts = collectSamples(r,
    return reportSameDiscrete(ans, predicts)
Esempio n. 20
def testModelSwitchingSmoke(seed):
  ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed, persistent_inference_trace=True)
[define normal_through_model
  (lambda (mu sigma)
    (do (m <- (new_model))
        (res <- (in_model m
          (do (assume x (normal 0 ,(* (sqrt 2) sigma)))
              (assume y (normal x ,(* (sqrt 2) sigma)))
              (observe y (* 2 mu))
              (mh default one %s)
              (sample x))))
        (return (first res))))]
  """ % default_num_transitions_per_sample())
  predictions = [ripl.infer("(normal_through_model 0 1)") for _ in range(default_num_samples())]
  return reportKnownGaussian(0.0, 1.0, predictions)
Esempio n. 21
def testModelForkingSmoke(seed):
  ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed, persistent_inference_trace=True)
[assume p (beta 1 1)]

[define beta_through_model
  (lambda (a b)
    (do (m <- (fork_model))
        (res <- (in_model m
          (do (repeat (- a 1) (observe (flip p) true))
              (repeat (- b 1) (observe (flip p) false))
              (mh default one %s)
              (sample p))))
        (return (first res))))]
  """ % default_num_transitions_per_sample())
  predictions = [ripl.infer("(beta_through_model 3 2)") for _ in range(default_num_samples())]
  cdf = stats.beta(3,2).cdf
  return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions)
def checkForEachParticleCustomMH(mode, seed):
    n = max(2, default_num_samples())
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed, persistent_inference_trace=True)
        "drift_mh", """\
(lambda (scope block)
   (on_subproblem default all
      (lambda (x) (normal x 1))))))
    ripl.assume("x", "(normal 0 1)")
    ripl.observe("(normal x 1)", 2)
    ripl.infer("(resample%s %s)" % (mode, n))
    for _ in range(default_num_transitions_per_sample()):
        ripl.infer("(for_each_particle (drift_mh default all))")
    predictions = ripl.infer("(for_each_particle (sample x))")
    return reportKnownGaussian(1, 0.5**0.5, predictions)
Esempio n. 23
def testResampling2(seed):
    # This differs from testResampling1 by an extra resample step, which
    # is supposed to be harmless
    P = 20
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)

    def a_sample():
        ripl.infer("(resample %d)" % P)
        ripl.assume("x", "(normal 0 1)")
        ripl.observe("(normal x 1)", 2)
        ripl.infer("(resample %d)" % P)
        ripl.infer("(resample 1)")
        return ripl.sample("x")

    predictions = [a_sample() for _ in range(4 * default_num_samples())]
    return reportKnownGaussian(1, math.sqrt(0.5), predictions)
Esempio n. 24
def testBasicParticleFilter2(seed):
    # A sanity test for particle filtering (continuous)
    P = 10
    N = default_num_samples()
    predictions = []

    os = zip(range(0, 5), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

    rng = random.Random(seed)
    for _ in range(N):
        ripl = initBasicPFripl2(rng.randint(1, 2**31 - 1))
        for t, val in os:
            ripl.infer("(resample %d)" % P)
            ripl.predict("(f %d)" % t)
            ripl.infer("(mh 0 %d 5)" % t)
            ripl.observe("(g %d)" % t, val)

        ripl.infer("(resample 1)")
        ripl.predict("(f 4)", label="pid")

    return reportKnownGaussian(390 / 89.0, math.sqrt(55 / 89.0), predictions)
Esempio n. 25
def testBasicParticleFilter1(seed):
    # A sanity test for particle filtering (discrete)
    P = 10
    N = default_num_samples()
    predictions = []

    os = zip(range(1, 6), [False, False, True, False, False])

    rng = random.Random(seed)
    for _ in range(N):
        ripl = initBasicPFripl1(rng.randint(1, 2**31 - 1))
        for t, val in os:
            ripl.infer("(resample %d)" % P)
            ripl.predict("(f %d)" % t)
            ripl.infer("(mh 0 %d 5)" % t)
            ripl.observe("(g %d)" % t, val)

        ripl.infer("(resample 1)")
        ripl.predict("(g 6)", label="pid")

    ans = [(0, 0.6528), (1, 0.3472)]
    return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
def testOccasionalRejectionBrushScope(seed):
    # Another version, this time requiring correct computation of the
    # correction on a custom scope (which is carefully arranged to avoid
    # creating blocks where some principal node might be in the brush).
    # This particular arrangment of blocks is chosen to falsify the
    # heuristic present at the time of writing in both Lite and Puma's
    # correction computation, which is to add the number of blocks the
    # scope had remaining in the pre-proposal trace with the number of
    # blocks that gained root nodes in the proposal.  This heuristic is
    # wrong if a block that is not empty in the pre-proposal trace gains
    # a new node due to the proposal, which is what happens here, when
    # `flip2` proposes to move from True to False.
    r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
(assume flip1 (tag "frob" 1 (flip)))
(assume flip2 (tag "frob" 2 (flip)))
(assume flip2_or_flip3
  (if flip2 true (tag "frob" 1 (flip))))
(observe (exactly (or flip1 flip2_or_flip3)) true)
    infer = '(gibbs "frob" one %s false)' % default_num_transitions_per_sample(
    predictions = collectSamples(r,
    # TODO Would be nice to do the power analysis to pick the number of
    # samples.  Not sure exactly what distribution the expected bug
    # produces, but empirically it looks like it might be 2:1
    # True:False.  (The incorrect computation being singled out
    # overcorrects, which I think means more rejections of True->False
    # moves than are justified.)  A reasonable fallback might be "Pick
    # the closest distribution given by comparably small integer ratios
    # that is skewed in the expected direction".
    ans = [(True, 4.0 / 7), (False, 3.0 / 7)]
    return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
Esempio n. 27
def myCollectSamples(ripl, method):
    return collectSamples(ripl,
Esempio n. 28
 def samples(infer):
   return collectIidSamples(r, address="datum_0",
def checkForEachParticleIsIndependent(mode, prop, seed):
    n = max(2, default_num_samples())
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.infer("(resample%s %s)" % (mode, n))
    predictions = ripl.infer("(for_each_particle (sample (normal 0 1)))")
    return prop(predictions)
def checkForEachParticleSmoke2(mode):
    n = max(2, default_num_samples())
    ripl = get_ripl()
    ripl.infer("(resample%s %s)" % (mode, n))
    eq_([5 for _ in range(n)], ripl.infer("(for_each_particle (return 5))"))
    eq_(5, ripl.infer("(on_particle 1 (return 5))"))