Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, puzzle, mode='text'):
        """Create a new controller.

        <mode> is either 'text' or 'web', representing the type of view
        to use.

        By default, <mode> has a value of 'text'.

        @type puzzle: Puzzle
        @type mode: str
        @rtype: None
        self._puzzle = puzzle
        self._tree = Tree(puzzle)

        # build for UNDO
        self._previous = [Tree(puzzle)]
        # build for ATTEMPTS
        self._children_list = []

        if mode == 'text':
            self._view = TextView(self)
        elif mode == 'web':
            self._view = WebView(self)
            raise ValueError()


        # Start the game.
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, puzzle, mode='text'):
        """Create a new controller.

        <mode> is either 'text' or 'web', representing the type of view
        to use.

        By default, <mode> has a value of 'text'.

        @type self: Controller
        @type puzzle: Puzzle
        @type mode: str
        @rtype: None
        self._puzzle = puzzle
        if mode == 'text':
            self._view = TextView(self)
        elif mode == 'web':
            self._view = WebView(self)
            raise ValueError()

        # Construct the state tree
        self._tree = Tree(puzzle)

        # Start the game.
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, puzzle, mode='text'):
        """Create a new controller.

        <mode> is either 'text' or 'web', representing the type of view
        to use.

        By default, <mode> has a value of 'text'.

        @type puzzle: Puzzle
        @type mode: str
        @rtype: None
        self._puzzle = puzzle
        self._data = StateTree(puzzle)     # with index [0, 0]
        self._index = [0, 0]
        self._undo = False
        if mode == 'text':
            self._view = TextView(self)
        elif mode == 'web':
            self._view = WebView(self)
            raise ValueError()

        # Start the game.
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, puzzle, mode='text'):
        """Create a new controller.

        <mode> is either 'text' or 'web', representing the type of view
        to use.

        By default, <mode> has a value of 'text'.

        @type puzzle: Puzzle
        @type mode: str
        @rtype: None
        self._puzzle = puzzle
        self._puzzle_tree = PuzzleTree(self._puzzle, None)
        self._previous_moves = [None]
        if mode == 'text':
            self._view = TextView(self)
        elif mode == 'web':
            self._view = WebView(self)
            raise ValueError()

        # Start the game.
Esempio n. 5
class Controller:
    """Class responsible for connection between puzzles and views.

    # === Private Attributes ===
    # @type _puzzle: Puzzle
    #     The puzzle associated with this game controller.
    # @type _view: View
    #     The view associated with this game controller.
    # @type _tree: _ControllerTree
    #     The entire tree associated with this controller.
    # @type _current_tree: _ControllerTree
    #     The tree that represents the current state of the puzzle.

    def __init__(self, puzzle, mode='text'):
        """Create a new controller.

        <mode> is either 'text' or 'web', representing the type of view
        to use.

        By default, <mode> has a value of 'text'.

        @type puzzle: Puzzle
        @type mode: str
        @rtype: None
        self._puzzle = puzzle
        self._tree = _ControllerTree(puzzle)
        self._current_tree = self._tree
        if mode == 'text':
            self._view = TextView(self)
        elif mode == 'web':
            self._view = WebView(self)
            raise ValueError()

        # Start the game.

    def state(self):
        """Return a string representation of the current puzzle state.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: str
            A string representation of the puzzle state.
        return str(self._puzzle)

    def act(self, action):
        """Run an action represented by string <action>.

        Return a string representing either the new state or an error message,
        and whether the program should end.

        @type self: Controller
        @type action: str
            The user input.
        @rtype: (str, bool)
            The current state of the puzzle or a message and whether the program should end.
        if action == 'exit':
            return '', True
        elif action == ':SOLVE':
            return self._act_solve()
        elif action == ':SOLVE-ALL':
            return self._act_solve_all()
        elif action == ':UNDO':
            return self._act_undo()
        elif action == ':ATTEMPTS':
            return self._act_attempts()
        elif action == ":HINT":
            return self._act_hint()
        elif action == ":DISPLAY":
            return str(self._puzzle), False
                return self._act_move(action)
            except ValueError:
                return 'Sorry, that is not a valid move. Please try again.', False

    def _act_solve(self):
        """Returns a solution of the puzzle if there is one or 'There are no solutions.' if no solutions exist, and
        tells the program to end.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: (str, bool)
        solution = solve(self._puzzle)
        if solution is not None:
            return str(solution), True
            return 'There are no solutions.', True

    def _act_solve_all(self):
        """Returns all the solution of the puzzle if there exists any or 'There are no solutions.' if no solutions
        exist, and tells the program to end.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: (str, bool)
        all_solutions = ''
        solutions = solve_complete(self._puzzle)
        for solution in solutions:
            all_solutions += str(solution) + '\n'
        if all_solutions != '':
            return all_solutions, True
            return 'There are no solutions.', True

    def _act_undo(self):
        """Returns the previous puzzle state if there is one or 'You have not made any moves.' if there is no previous
        state, and tells the program not to end.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: (str, bool)
        previous_state_tree = self._current_tree.find_parent(self._tree)
        if previous_state_tree is not None:
            self._current_tree = previous_state_tree[0]
            self._puzzle = previous_state_tree[1]
            return self.state(), False
            return 'You have not made any moves.', False

    def _act_attempts(self):
        """Prints all the puzzle states that have been reached from this puzzle state and tells the program not to end.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: (str, bool)
        puzzle_state, move = self._current_tree.return_subtrees()
        if len(puzzle_state) == 0:
            return 'You have never reached this state before.', False
            for i in range(len(puzzle_state)):
                print('You attempted... \n' + str(puzzle_state[i]) +
                      "\nYour move was '" + move[i] + "'\n")
            return '', False

    def _act_hint(self):
        """Returns a hint that will either solve the puzzle, or if the the puzzle leads to no more moves, return
        'No possible extensions!'. If the puzzle is already solved, return 'Already at a solution!'. Also, tells the
        program not to end.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: (str, bool)
        if type(self._puzzle) == WordLadderPuzzle:
            hint = hint_by_breadth(self._puzzle)
            hint = hint_by_depth(self._puzzle)

        return 'Try entering: ' + hint, False

    def _act_move(self, action):
        """Updates the state of the puzzle according to <action>. Returns 'Congratulations, you solved it!' and tells
        the program to end if the puzzle is solved or returns the new state of the puzzle and tells the program not to

        @type self: Controller
        @type action: str
            The user input.
        @rtype: (str, bool)
        self._puzzle = self._puzzle.move(action)
        if self._current_tree.in_subtree(self._puzzle):
            self._current_tree = self._current_tree.in_subtree(self._puzzle)
            new_subtree = _ControllerTree(self._puzzle, action)
            self._current_tree = new_subtree
        if self._puzzle.is_solved():
            return 'Congratulations, you solved it!', True
        return self.state(), False
Esempio n. 6
class Controller:
    """Class responsible for connection between puzzles and views.

    You may add new *private* attributes to this class to help you
    in your implementation.

    # === Private Attributes ===
    # @type _puzzle: Puzzle
    #     The puzzle associated with this game controller
    # @type _tree: StateTree
    #     The State tree of the system.
    # @type _view: View
    #     The view associated with this game controller

    def __init__(self, puzzle, mode='text'):
        """Create a new controller.

        <mode> is either 'text' or 'web', representing the type of view
        to use.

        By default, <mode> has a value of 'text'.

        @type puzzle: Puzzle
        @type mode: str
        @rtype: None
        self._puzzle = puzzle
        self._tree = StateTree((self._puzzle, ''))
        if mode == 'text':
            self._view = TextView(self)
        elif mode == 'web':
            self._view = WebView(self)
            raise ValueError()

        # Start the game.

    def state(self):
        """Return a string representation of the current puzzle state.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: str
        return str(self._puzzle)

    def act(self, action):
        """Run an action represented by string <action>.

        Return a string representing either the new state or an error message,
        and whether the program should end.

        @type self: Controller
        @type action: str
        @rtype: (str, bool)
        if action == ':EXIT':
            return ('', True)
        elif action == ':SOLVE':
            return (solve(self._puzzle), True)
        elif action == ':SOLVE-ALL':
            return (solve_complete(self._puzzle), True)
        elif list(action)[0] == '(' and list(action)[-6:-1] == list(') -> '):
            newp = self._puzzle.move(action)
            self._tree.put_item((newp, action), self._puzzle)
            self._puzzle = newp
            return (newp, newp.is_solved())
        elif [x for x in list(abc) if x in list(action)]:
            newp = self._puzzle.move(action)
            self._tree.put_item((newp, action), self._puzzle)
            self._puzzle = newp
            return (newp, newp.is_solved())
        elif action == ':UNDO':
            parent = self._tree.find_par(self._puzzle)
            if parent != None:
                self._puzzle = parent.root[0]
                print("The previous state does not exist.")
            return (self._puzzle, self._puzzle.is_solved())
        elif action == ':ATTEMPTS':
            lst = self._tree.node_list()
            for i in range(len(lst)):
                if i != 0:
            return (self.state(), False)
        elif list(action)[:5] == list(':HINT'):
            num = ''
            for i in range(len(list(action)) - 6):
                num += action[6 + i]
            x = hint_by_depth(self._puzzle, int(num))
            if x == 'No possible extensions!' or x == 'Already at a solution!':
                return (self.state(), False)
            return (x, self._puzzle.is_solved())
            return (self.state(), False)
Esempio n. 7
class Controller:
    """Class responsible for connection between puzzles and views.

    You may add new *private* attributes to this class to help you
    in your implementation.

    # === Private Attributes ===
    # @type _puzzle: Puzzle
    #     The puzzle associated with this game controller
    # @type _view: View
    #     The view associated with this game controller
    # @type _tree: Tree
    #     The state tree.

    def __init__(self, puzzle, mode='text'):
        """Create a new controller.

        <mode> is either 'text' or 'web', representing the type of view
        to use.

        By default, <mode> has a value of 'text'.

        @type self: Controller
        @type puzzle: Puzzle
        @type mode: str
        @rtype: None
        self._puzzle = puzzle
        if mode == 'text':
            self._view = TextView(self)
        elif mode == 'web':
            self._view = WebView(self)
            raise ValueError()

        # Construct the state tree
        self._tree = Tree(puzzle)

        # Start the game.

    def state(self):
        """Return a string representation of the current puzzle state.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: str
        return str(self._puzzle)

    def act(self, action):
        """Run an action represented by string <action>.

        Return a string representing either the new state or an error message,
        and whether the program should end.

        @type self: Controller
        @type action: str
        @rtype: (str, bool)
        # : Add to this method to handle different actions.
        if action == 'exit':
            return '', True

        elif action == ":SOLVE":
            solution = solve(self._puzzle)
            if solution is None:
                return "There is no solution for this Puzzle!", True
                return str(solution), True

        elif action == ":SOLVE-ALL":
            solutions = solve_complete(self._puzzle)
            if len(solutions) == 0:
                return "There are no solutions for this Puzzle!", True
                values = [str(solution) for solution in solutions]
                return "\n".join(values), True

        elif action == ":UNDO":
            value = self._tree.undo()
            if value is None:
                print("There is no previous state.")
                self._puzzle = value
            return str(self._puzzle), self._puzzle.is_solved()

        elif action == ":ATTEMPTS":
            return str(self._puzzle), self._puzzle.is_solved()

        elif len(action) > 5 and action[0:6] == ":HINT ":
            n = action[6:]
                n = int(n)
                print(hint_by_depth(self._puzzle, n))
                return str(self._puzzle), self._puzzle.is_solved()
                return "Invalid action, please try again.", False

            # Parse the action to the puzzle and make the move
                value = self._puzzle.move(action)
                self._puzzle = value
                # add the state into the tree
                self._tree.act(action, self._puzzle)
                return str(value), value.is_solved()
                return "Invalid action, please try again.", False
Esempio n. 8
class Controller:
    """Class responsible for connection between puzzles and views."""

    # === Private Attributes ===
    # @type _puzzle: Puzzle
    #     The puzzle associated with this game controller
    # @type _view: View
    #     The view associated with this game controller
    # @type _previous_moves: list[None|str]
    #   A list containing all previous moves made

    def __init__(self, puzzle, mode='text'):
        """Create a new controller.

        <mode> is either 'text' or 'web', representing the type of view
        to use.

        By default, <mode> has a value of 'text'.

        @type puzzle: Puzzle
        @type mode: str
        @rtype: None
        self._puzzle = puzzle
        self._puzzle_tree = PuzzleTree(self._puzzle, None)
        self._previous_moves = [None]
        if mode == 'text':
            self._view = TextView(self)
        elif mode == 'web':
            self._view = WebView(self)
            raise ValueError()

        # Start the game.

    def state(self):
        """Return a string representation of the current puzzle state.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: str
        return str(self._puzzle)

    def act(self, action):
        """Run an action represented by string <action>.

        Return a string representing either the new state or an error message,
        and whether the program should end.

        @type self: Controller
        @type action: str
        @rtype: (str, bool)

        if action == 'exit':
            return '', True
        elif action == ':SOLVE':
            return process_solve(self)
        elif action == ':SOLVE-ALL':
            return process_solve_all(self)
        elif action == ':UNDO':
            return process_undo(self)
        elif action == ":ATTEMPTS":
            return process_attempts(self)
        elif check_if_hint(action):
            return process_hint(self, action)
            return custom_move(self, action)
Esempio n. 9
class Controller:
    """Class responsible for connection between puzzles and views.

    You may add new *private* attributes to this class to help you
    in your implementation.

    # === Private Attributes ===
    # @type _puzzle: Puzzle
    #     The puzzle associated with this game controller
    # @type _view: View
    #     The view associated with this game controller

    def __init__(self, puzzle, mode='text'):
        """Create a new controller.

        <mode> is either 'text' or 'web', representing the type of view
        to use.

        By default, <mode> has a value of 'text'.

        @type puzzle: Puzzle
        @type mode: str
        @rtype: None
        self._puzzle = puzzle
        if mode == 'text':
            self._view = TextView(self)
        elif mode == 'web':
            self._view = WebView(self)
            raise ValueError()

        # Create the tree data structure to record moves
        self._movetree = MoveTree(puzzle)
        # Start the game.

    def state(self):
        """Return a string representation of the current puzzle state.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: str
        return str(self._puzzle)

    def act(self, action):
        """Run an action represented by string <action>.

        Return a string representing either the new state or an error message,
        and whether the program should end.

        @type self: Controller
        @type action: str
        @rtype: (str, bool)
        # TODO: Add to this method to handle different actions.

        # if the action command is 'EXIT'
        if action == ':EXIT':
            # return empty string and the program should end
            return ('', True)
        # else if the action command is 'SOLVE'
        elif action == ':SOLVE':
            # solve the puzzle
            state = solve(self._puzzle)
            # if the state exists
            if state:
                # return the solution, and the program should end
                return (str(state), True)
            # otherwise return the error message, the program should end
            return ('Failed to solve from this point!', True)
        # else if the action command is 'SOLVE-ALL'
        elif action == ':SOLVE-ALL':
            # get the all possible solution
            states = solve_complete(self._puzzle)
            # if the states exist
            if states:
                # return the all solutions in the correct format, and the
                # program should end
                return ('\n'.join(map(str, states)), True)
            # otherwise return the error message, and program should end
            return ('Failed to solve from this point!', True)
        # else if the action command let the program give hint
        elif action.startswith(':HINT'):
            # split the action command to the list of parts
            parts = action.split(' ')
            # if the length of parts are 2
            if len(parts) != 2:
                # return the error message for action, the program should
                # not end
                return ('Incorrect action format for hints!', False)
            # try the following firstly
                # get the index 1 of parts
                n = int(parts[1])
            # else raise value error
            except ValueError:
                # return the error message for action, the program
                # should not end
                return ('Incorrect action format for hints!', False)
            # if the n is less than 1
            if n < 1:
                # return the error message for action, the program should
                # not end
                return ('Incorrect action format for hints!', False)
            # otherwise get the hint by calling hint by depth function,
            # the program should not end
            return (hint_by_depth(self._puzzle, n), False)
        # if the action command is 'UNDO'
        elif action == ':UNDO':
            # return the string of the new current state and the current
            # state of puzzle
            result, self._puzzle = self._movetree.undo()
            # return the string of new current state and the program should
            # not end
            return (result, False)
        # else if the action command is 'ATTEMPTS'
        elif action == ':ATTEMPTS':
            # return the all resulting from the user made at the current state
            # and the program should not end
            return (self._movetree.attempts(), False)
        # if the action command is ':'
        elif action == ':':
            # return the current state of puzzle, and the program should
            # not end
            return (self.state(), False)
        # otherwise
            # try following
                # get the current state of puzzleafter given move
                state = self._puzzle.move(action)
            # else the value error
            except ValueError as e:
                # return the string of e, and the program should not end
                return (str(e), False)
            # update the puzzle after move
            self._puzzle = state
            # get the puzzle state by finding the node of move from tree
  , action)
            # return the current puzzle state
            # and check whether it has been solved
            return (self.state(), state.is_solved())
Esempio n. 10
def wsgi_app(environ, start_response):    
        * Logic for determining web view content is located here *
    # Activate session storage
    session = environ['pesto.session']  
    # Retrieve GET variables and store them as a dictionary
    form = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=environ['wsgi.input'], environ=environ)

    # Initialize web classes    
    CalSwimView = WebView(base_dir, environ['wsgi.errors'])    
    CalSwimDB = WebDB(base_dir, environ['wsgi.errors']);
    #print >> CalSwimView.errors, "Print Error Message In Apache Logs"
        * Main switch to determine controller/template *
    if 'get_map_locs' in form:
            Return AJAX call results for Google Map Pins
        CalSwimView.content = CalSwimDB.get_map_locs(CalSwimView)    
    elif 'get_data_details' in form:
           Return AJAX call results for data details
        dataID = form.getvalue('get_data_details')
        if 'format' in form:
            format = form.getvalue('format')
            format = 'json'       
        CalSwimView.content = CalSwimDB.get_data_details(dataID, format)
        if format == 'csv':
            # Return CVS content
            start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'application/CSV'),('Content-Disposition','attachment; filename=ecodata'+dataID+'.csv')])
            return CalSwimView.content
        if format == 'json':
            start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'application/json')])
            return CalSwimView.content
    elif 'login' in form:
        # Logout from admin area
        if 'false' == form.getvalue('login'):
            session['user'] = ""
        # Set user name in session to mark successful login
        if 'username' in form:
            passwd = form.getvalue('password')
            if passwd=='EcoAdminPass2012':                
                session['user'] = '******'
                session['user'] = "******"
        user = session.get('user')
        # Get user if it exists, and verify if it is admin        
        if 'admin' == user:
            if 'edit' in form:
                    Handler for a single item edit
                gd_id = form.getvalue('edit')                
                if 'organization' in form:                    
                    CalSwimView.content = CalSwimDB.set_data_details(gd_id, form)
                    items = CalSwimDB.get_data_details(gd_id, 'html')
                    CalSwimView.content = CalSwimView.content % {'Items' : items}
            elif 'import_data' in form:
                    Handle AJAX call for data import into DB
                CalSwimView.content = CalSwimDB.return_message
            elif 'delete' in form:
                    Handler for deleting items
                # Delete items from a list of ids
                # Get all records
                items = CalSwimDB.get_items()
                # Place all records in html frontend
                CalSwimView.content = CalSwimView.content % {'Items' : items}
#                CalSwimView.content = str(form.getlist('deletes'))
                # Get all records
                items = CalSwimDB.get_items()
                # Place all records in html frontend
                CalSwimView.content = CalSwimView.content % {'Items' : items}
            CalSwimView.content = CalSwimView.content % {'uploadResult' : "Incorrect name or password."}            
        CalSwimView.content = CalSwimView.content % {'uploadResult' : ""}
    # Return finalized content
    start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'text/html')]) 
    return CalSwimView.content
Esempio n. 11
class Controller:
    """Class responsible for connection between puzzles and views.

    You may add new *private* attributes to this class to help you
    in your implementation.
    # === Private Attributes ===
    # @type _puzzle: Puzzle
    #     The puzzle associated with this game controller
    # @type _view: View
    #     The view associated with this game controller
    # @type _data: StateTree
    #     The tree that stores all the state data associated with the game
    # @type _index: [int, int]
    #     The index that labels every state data that is stored in the data
    # @type _undo: bool
    #     The indicator that shows if the previous command is :UNDO or not

    def __init__(self, puzzle, mode='text'):
        """Create a new controller.

        <mode> is either 'text' or 'web', representing the type of view
        to use.

        By default, <mode> has a value of 'text'.

        @type puzzle: Puzzle
        @type mode: str
        @rtype: None
        self._puzzle = puzzle
        self._data = StateTree(puzzle)     # with index [0, 0]
        self._index = [0, 0]
        self._undo = False
        if mode == 'text':
            self._view = TextView(self)
        elif mode == 'web':
            self._view = WebView(self)
            raise ValueError()

        # Start the game.

    def state(self):
        """Return a string representation of the current puzzle state.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: str
        return str(self._puzzle)

    def undo(self, current):
        Return the parent node info(includes its puzzle state and index)
         of the current position in the tree.

        @type current: Puzzle
        @rtype: list
                A list contains previous puzzle state and previous index
        if self._data.get_prev(current)[1]:
            return self._data.get_prev(current)[0]
            raise ValueError

    def attempt(self, current):
        Return a list of input info (including the command they typed and
        the puzzle state from that command) the user has tried under current

        @type current: Puzzle
        @rtype: list[list[str, Puzzle]]
        results = []
        if self._data.get_attempt(current)[1]:
            for subtree in self._data.get_attempt(current)[0]:
                temp = subtree.command + '\n' + '----------------' +\
                       '\n' + str(subtree.state)
            raise ValueError
        return results

    def save_move(self, action, prev_state, prev_index):
        """ Save the latest puzzle state into self._data as well as its
        previous information.

        @type action: str
        @type prev_state: Puzzle
        @type prev_index: tuple
        @rtype: None
        if self._undo:
            test = StateTree(self._puzzle, tuple(self._index),
                             prev_state, prev_index, action)
            self._index[0] += 1
            # if have a different input, update x and y and save
            # if have an existing input, update y only
            if test not in self._data:
                self._index[1] += 1
                new = StateTree(self._puzzle, tuple(self._index),
                                prev_state, prev_index, action)
      , prev_state)
            self._undo = False
            self._index[0] += 1
            new = StateTree(self._puzzle, tuple(self._index),
                            prev_state, prev_index, action)
            if new not in self._data:
      , prev_state)

    def to_solve(self):
        """ To solve the puzzle.

        @rtype: tuple
        result = solve(self._puzzle)
        if result is None:
            message = 'The puzzle is unsolvable from the current state'
            return (message, True)
            return (str(result), True)

    def to_solve_all(self):
        """ To give all solutions of the puzzle.

        @rtype: tuple
        result_all = solve_complete(self._puzzle)
        if len(result_all) == 0:
            message = 'The puzzle is unsolvable from the current state'
            return (message, True)
            return ('\n'.join(map(str, result_all)), True)

    def to_undo(self):
        """ To undo the puzzle.

        @rtype: tuple
        if self._index[0] > 0:
            current = self._puzzle
            self._puzzle = self.undo(current)[0]
            self._index = list(self.undo(current)[1])
            self._undo = True
            return (self.state(), False)
            message = 'Already in the initial state.'
            return (message, False)

    def to_attempt(self):
        """ To give all previous attempts of the current state.

        @rtype: tuple
        current = self._puzzle
        attempts = self.attempt(current)
        if len(attempts) == 0:
            print('You have not tried anything yet!')
        return ('\n'.join(map(str, attempts)), False)

    def to_hint(self, action):
        """ To give hint of the puzzle at current state.

        @type action: str
        @rtype: tuple
        typed = action.split()
        if len(typed) == 2:
                n = int(typed[1])
            except ValueError:
                message = 'Please type the number of moves!'
                return (message, False)
            if n < 1:
                message = 'Please type a positive number!'
                return (message, False)
                hint = hint_by_depth(self._puzzle, n)
                return (hint, False)
            message = 'Please type the number of moves!'
            return (message, False)

    def to_react(self, action):
        """ To change the puzzle state according to the user's command.

        @type action: str
        @rtype: tuple
        if len(action) == 0:
            if self._puzzle.is_solved():
                return (self.state(), True)
                print('Invalid move. Please try again!\n')
                return (self.state(), False)
            if self._puzzle.is_valid(action):
                prev_state = self._puzzle
                prev_index = tuple(self._index)
                # move
                self._puzzle = self._puzzle.move(action)
                # save move
                self.save_move(action, prev_state, prev_index)
                # print the current state
                if self._puzzle.is_solved():
                    return (self.state(), True)
                    return (self.state(), False)
                message = 'Invalid move. Please try again!\n'
                return (message, False)

    def act(self, action):
        """Run an action represented by string <action>.

        Return a string representing either the new state or an error message,
        and whether the program should end.

        @type self: Controller
        @type action: str
        @rtype: (str, bool)
        if action == 'exit':
            return ('', True)

        elif action == ':SOLVE':
            return self.to_solve()

        elif action == ':SOLVE-ALL':
            return self.to_solve_all()

        elif action == ':UNDO':
            return self.to_undo()

        elif action == ':ATTEMPTS':
            return self.to_attempt()

        elif action.startswith(':HINT'):
            return self.to_hint(action)

            return self.to_react(action)
Esempio n. 12
class Controller:
    """Class responsible for connection between puzzles and views.

    You may add new *private* attributes to this class to help you
    in your implementation.

    # === Private Attributes ===
    # @type _puzzle: Puzzle
    #     The puzzle associated with this game controller
    # @type _view: View
    #     The view associated with this game controller
    # @type _state_tree: Tree
    #     A Tree representation of the current puzzle state and the move to get
    #     to it, with ancestors and descendants serving as references to
    #     previous and attempted states.
    def __init__(self, puzzle, mode='text'):
        """Create a new controller.

        <mode> is either 'text' or 'web', representing the type of view
        to use.

        By default, <mode> has a value of 'text'.

        @type puzzle: Puzzle
        @type mode: str
        @rtype: None
        self._puzzle = puzzle
        if mode == 'text':
            self._view = TextView(self)
        elif mode == 'web':
            self._view = WebView(self)
            raise ValueError()

        self._state_tree = Tree(self._puzzle)

        # Start the game.

    def state(self):
        """Return a string representation of the current puzzle state.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: str
        return str(self._puzzle)

    def act(self, action):
        """Run an action represented by string <action>.

        Return a string representing either the new state or an error message,
        and whether the program should end.

        @type self: Controller
        @type action: str
        @rtype: (str, bool)

        if action == 'exit':
            return '', True

        elif action == ':SOLVE':
            return solve(self._puzzle).__str__(), True

        elif action == ':SOLVE-ALL':
            return "\n".join(map(str, solve_complete(self._puzzle))), True

        # The remaining conditions use helpers for more complicated code.
        elif action == ':UNDO':
            return self._undo(), False

        elif action == ':ATTEMPTS':
            return self._state_tree.attempts(), False

        elif action[:6] == ":HINT ":
            return self._hint(action), False

        elif isinstance(action, str):
            # The action is some sort of move that depends on the puzzle.
            # rtype of _player_move is (str, bool), since a move could cause the
            # game to end.
            return self._player_move(action)

        # Nothing happens if input is somehow incorrect.
            return self.state(), False

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Helpers for method 'act'
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _undo(self):
        """Returns a string representation of the puzzle state that the player
        had before the current state.

        Returns "You can no longer undo" if the player has reached the initial
        puzzle state.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: str
        # Find the previous puzzle state as a Tree
        previous_puzzle_tree = self._state_tree.undo()

        if previous_puzzle_tree is None:
            return "You can no longer undo"
            # Sets current puzzle state to the previous state
            self._puzzle = previous_puzzle_tree._state
            self._state_tree = previous_puzzle_tree
            return self._puzzle.__str__()

    def _hint(self, action):
        """Returns a hint based on the players action

        Precondition: action must be in the following format: ':HINT n'
         where n is an integer.

        @type self: Controller
        @type action: str
        @rtype: str
            number = action[6:]
            number = int(number)
        except ValueError:
            return "That is not a proper value. Try again."

        return hint_by_depth(self._puzzle, number)

    def _player_move(self, action):
        """Changes current puzzle state to one according to <action>.
        Returns a string representation of the game, as well as whether the
        program should end.

         @type self: Controller
         @type action: str
         @rtype: (str, bool)
            state = self._puzzle.move(action)
        except ValueError:
            return "This is not a valid input.", False

        self._state_tree = self._state_tree.add_state(state, action)
        self._puzzle = state
        if self._puzzle.is_solved():
            return self._puzzle.__str__() + "\nCongratulations! You've " \
                                                "solved the Puzzle!", True
            return self._puzzle.__str__(), False
Esempio n. 13
class Controller:
    """Class responsible for connection between puzzles and views.

    You may add new *private* attributes to this class to help you
    in your implementation.

    # === Private Attributes ===
    # @type _puzzle: Puzzle
    #     The puzzle associated with this game controller
    # @type _view: View
    #     The view associated with this game controller
    # @type _tree: Tree
    #     The tree associated with this game controller
    # @type _previous: lst[Tree]
    #     A list of Tree associated with this game controller build for "UNDO"
    # @type _children_list: lst[Tree]
    #     A list of Tree associated with this game controller build for "ATTEMPTS"
    def __init__(self, puzzle, mode='text'):
        """Create a new controller.

        <mode> is either 'text' or 'web', representing the type of view
        to use.

        By default, <mode> has a value of 'text'.

        @type puzzle: Puzzle
        @type mode: str
        @rtype: None
        self._puzzle = puzzle
        self._tree = Tree(puzzle)

        # build for UNDO
        self._previous = [Tree(puzzle)]
        # build for ATTEMPTS
        self._children_list = []

        if mode == 'text':
            self._view = TextView(self)
        elif mode == 'web':
            self._view = WebView(self)
            raise ValueError()


        # Start the game.

    def state(self):
        """Return a string representation of the current puzzle state.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: str
        return str(self._puzzle)

    def act(self, action):
        """Run an action represented by string <action>.

        Return a string representing either the new state or an error message,
        and whether the program should end.

        @type self: Controller
        @type action: str
        @rtype: (str, bool)
        if action == "SOLVE":
            if not solve(self._puzzle):
                return '* ERROR: no solution avaliable! *', True
                return solve(self._puzzle), True

        if action == "SOLVE-ALL":
            if solve_complete(self._puzzle) == []:
                return '* ERROR: no solution avaliable! *', True
                for item in solve_complete(self._puzzle):
                return '', True

        if action == 'exit':
            return '', True

        if self._check_hint(action):
            n = int(action[4:].strip())

            return " ", False

        if action == "UNDO":
            if len(self._previous) == 1:
                print("======= ERROR =======\n  no previous states")
                return " ", False

                parent_state = self._tree.parent.root
                self._puzzle = parent_state
                self._tree = self._previous[-1]
                return parent_state, False

        if action == "ATTEMPTS":
            if self._tree.parent is None:
                print("======= ERROR =========\n no previous attempts")
                return '', False

                for item in self._children_list:
                    if item.parent.root == self._tree.parent.root:
                        s = " attempted move: {}\n".format(item.move)

                return '', False

        elif self._check(action):

            cur_state = self._puzzle.move(action)
            self._puzzle = cur_state
            children = Tree(cur_state, action, self._tree)

            if children not in self._tree.subtrees:
            self._tree = children

            return cur_state, False

        elif action == 'exit':
            return '', True

            return self.state(), False

    def _check(self, move):
        """"Return True if a move is valid or display an error message otherwise

        @type self: Controller
        @type move: str
        @rtype: bool
        if not self._puzzle.is_valid(move):
                '======= ERROR =======\n* Invalid input, please try again *\n')
            return False
            return True

    def _check_hint(self, action):
        """Return whether an action is asking for hint

        @type self: Controller
        @type action: str
        @rtype: bool

        if "HINT" == action[:4]:
            if action[4:].strip() < 0:
                    '=========== Error ===========\n please enter a valid positive number'
                return True
        return False

    def _display_config(self):
        """Return a string representation of starting configuration

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: str
        a = '=' * 90 + '\n' + sudoku_config + '\n' + '=' * 90
        b = '=' * 90 + '\n' + word_ladder_config + '\n' + '=' * 90
        return a + '\n' + b
Esempio n. 14
def wsgi_app(environ, start_response):    
        * Logic for determining web view content is located here *
    # Activate session storage
    session = environ['pesto.session']  
    # Retrieve GET variables and store them as a dictionary
    form = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=environ['wsgi.input'], environ=environ)

    # Initialize web classes    
    CalSwimView = WebView(base_dir, environ['wsgi.errors'])    
    CalSwimDB = WebDB(base_dir, environ['wsgi.errors'], environ.get('HTTP_HOST'));
    #print >> CalSwimView.errors, "Print Error Message In Apache Logs"
        * Main switch to determine controller/template *
    if 'get_map_locs' in form:
            Return AJAX call results for Google Map Pins
        CalSwimView.content = CalSwimDB.get_map_locs(CalSwimView)    
    elif 'get_data_details' in form:
           Return AJAX call results for data details
        dataID = form.getvalue('get_data_details')
        if 'format' in form:
            format = form.getvalue('format')
            format = 'json'       
        CalSwimView.content = CalSwimDB.get_data_details(dataID, format)
        if format == 'csv':
            # Return CVS content
            start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'application/CSV'),('Content-Disposition','attachment; filename=ecodata'+dataID+'.csv')])
            return CalSwimView.content
        if format == 'json':
            start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'application/json')])
            return CalSwimView.content
    elif 'login' in form:
        # Logout from admin area
        if 'false' == form.getvalue('login'):
            session['user'] = ""
            session['g_id'] = ""
            session['u_id'] = ""
        # Set user name in session to mark successful login
        if 'username' in form:
            username = form.getvalue('username')
            passwd = md5(form.getvalue('password')).hexdigest()
            valid_user = CalSwimDB.validate_user(username,passwd)
            if valid_user:
                session['user'] = username
                session['u_id'] = CalSwimDB.user['u_id']
                session['g_id'] = ', '.join(map(str, CalSwimDB.user['g_id']))
                session['user'] = ""
        user = session.get('user')
        u_id = session.get('u_id')
        g_id = session.get('g_id')
        # If user has account allow access to upload area
        if user and u_id:
            if 'get_items' in form:
                # Get all records and return json list
                #items = CalSwimDB.get_items()
                CalSwimView.content = CalSwimDB.get_items('json',g_id)
            elif form.getvalue('import_data') == "update_data":
                    Handler for a single item edit
                gd_id = form.getvalue('edit')                
                CalSwimView.content = CalSwimDB.set_data_details(gd_id, form, g_id)
            elif form.getvalue('import_data') == "import_data":
                    Handle AJAX call for data import into DB
                CalSwimView.content = CalSwimDB.return_message
            elif 'delete' in form:
                    Handler for deleting items
                # Delete items from a list of ids
                # Set template type
                # Set content
                CalSwimView.content = CalSwimView.content
                # Set template type
                # Set content
                CalSwimView.content = CalSwimView.content
            CalSwimView.content = CalSwimView.content % {'uploadResult' : "Incorrect name or password."}            
        CalSwimView.content = CalSwimView.content % {'uploadResult' : ""}
    # Return finalized content
    start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'text/html')]) 
    return CalSwimView.content
Esempio n. 15
class Controller:
    """Class responsible for connection between puzzles and views.

    You may add new *private* attributes to this class to help you
    in your implementation.
    # === Private Attributes ===
    # @type _puzzle: Puzzle
    #     The puzzle associated with this game controller
    # @type _view: View
    #     The view associated with this game controller

    def __init__(self, puzzle, mode='text'):
        """Create a new controller.

        <mode> is either 'text' or 'web', representing the type of view

        By default, <mode> has a value of 'text'.

        @type puzzle: Puzzle
        @type mode: str
        @rtype: None
        self._puzzle = puzzle
        if mode == 'text':
            self._view = TextView(self)
        elif mode == 'web':
            self._view = WebView(self)
            raise ValueError()

        # Start the game.

    def state(self):
        """Return a string representation of the current puzzle state.

        @type self: Controller
        @rtype: str
        return str(self._puzzle)

    def act(self, action):
        """Run an action represented by string <action>.

        Return a string representing either the new state or an error message,
        and whether the program should end.

        @type self: Controller
        @type action: str
        @rtype: (str, bool)
        # TODO: Add to this method to handle different actions.
        if action == 'exit':
            return '', True
        elif action == "solve":
            return str(solve(self._puzzle)),True
        elif action == "solve-all":
            solution = solve_complete(self._puzzle)
            solution = list(map(lambda x: str(x), solution))
            return "\n".join(solution),True
        elif "hint" in action:
            if action[5].isdigit() and int(action[5]) >= 1:
                return str(hint_by_depth(self._puzzle,int(action[5]))),False
                return "Please enter input again!"
        elif self._puzzle.check(action) == ValueError:
            return "Incorrect input", False
        elif self._puzzle.check(action):
            return self._puzzle.move(action), True
            return self.state(), False

    def tree(self, puzzle, move):