Esempio n. 1
        print " usage   :  [torus,cylinder,grid,terrain]  [subdivision_depth=1]"
        print " example :  python torus 3"

        # init Viewer
        viewer = Viewer("TP8 : Uniform B-spline SubSurf[" + dataname + "]",
                        [1200, 800])

        # open the datafile
        datafile = open(filename, 'r')

        # read control points and u_closed, v_closed
        M, u_closed, v_closed = ReadPoints(datafile)

        # add wireframe : control net
        viewer.add_patch(M[0, :, :], M[1, :, :], M[2, :, :], wireframe=True)

        # iterative subdivision
        for d in range(depth):
            # M = Sub(M,u_closed,v_closed)
            M = Subdivide(
                M, u_closed,
                v_closed)  # if not algo_cc else Sub_C_C(M,u_closed,v_closed)

        # u_closed : make rows periodic
        if u_closed:
            rows = np.append(np.arange(M.shape[1]), 0)
            M = M[:, rows, :]

        # v_closed : make cols periodic
        if v_closed:
Esempio n. 2
        # get first line = number of patches
        numpatch = np.fromstring(datafile.readline(), sep=' ', dtype=int)[0]

        # init Viewer
        viewer = Viewer("TP6 : Bezier surfaces [" + dataname + "]",
                        [1200, 800])

        # read and compute each patch
        for p in range(numpatch):

            # print patch id
            print(" patch", p + 1, "/", numpatch)

            # read Bezier control points
            Mx, My, Mz = ReadBezierMesh(datafile)

            # compute surface points
            Sx = BezierSurf(Mx, density)
            Sy = BezierSurf(My, density)
            Sz = BezierSurf(Mz, density)

            # add patch to the Viewer
            viewer.add_patch(Sx, Sy, Sz)

        # print final message
        print(" done.")

        # display the viewer
Esempio n. 3
        viewer = Viewer("TP7 : B-spline surfaces [" + dataname + "]",
                        [1200, 800])

        # open the datafile
        datafile = open(filename, 'r')

        # read control points and knot sequences
        M, U, V = ReadBSplineMeshWithKnots(datafile, nurbs)

        # coordinate matrices
        Mx = M[0, :, :]
        My = M[1, :, :]
        Mz = M[2, :, :]

        # add wireframe : control net
        viewer.add_patch(Mx, My, Mz, wireframe=True)

        # NURBS weights : Multiply Mx, My, Mz by Mw
        if nurbs:
            Mw = M[3, :, :]
            Mx = np.multiply(Mx, Mw)
            My = np.multiply(My, Mw)
            Mz = np.multiply(Mz, Mw)

        # add control net wireframe to the viewer
        viewer.add_patch(Mx, My, Mz, wireframe=True)

        m = Mx.shape[0] - 1  # m+1 points in u-direction
        n = Mx.shape[1] - 1  # n+1 points in v-direction

        k = U.shape[0] - 1  # k+1 knots in u-direction