ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)

plotSphere (q2, cl, r, "sphere_q2", [0,1,0,1], 0.02) # same as robot
nPointsPlot = 50
offsetOrientedPath = 2 # If remove oriented path computation in ProblemSolver, set to 1 instead of 2

plotFrame (r, "_", [0,0,1.5], 0.5)

# First parabolas: vmax = 8m/s,  mu = 1.2
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(1.2); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(4.5)
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone2", "friction_cone2"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone22", "friction_cone2")
solveTime = ps.solve () # 0.312 s
pahtId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath # path without orientation stuff
samples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pahtId, nPointsPlot, "path0", [0,0,1,1])
plotConeWaypoints (cl, pahtId, r, "wp0", "friction_cone2")
plotSpheresWaypoints (cl, pahtId, r, "sphere_wp0", [0,0,1,1], 0.02)
print "solve duration: " + str(solveTime)
print "path length: " + str(ps.pathLength(pahtId))
print "number of waypoints: " + str(len(ps.getWaypoints (pahtId)))
print "number of nodes: " + str(ps.numberNodes ())

# Second parabolas: vmax = 6.5m/s,  mu = 0.5
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone1", "friction_cone"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone12", "friction_cone")
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(0.5); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(4.5)
solveTime = ps.solve () # 0.9689 s
pahtId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath
samples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pahtId, nPointsPlot, "path2", [1,0,0,1])
plotConeWaypoints (cl, pahtId, r, "wp2", "friction_cone")
ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)

offsetOrientedPath = 2 # If remove oriented path computation in ProblemSolver, set to 1 instead of 2

#plotFrame (r, 'frame_group', [0,0,0], 0.6)

# First parabolas: vmax = 7m/s,  mu = 1.2
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(1.2); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(7)
solveTime = ps.solve () # 299 nodes
pathId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath # path without orientation stuff

pathSamples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pathId, 70, "path0", [0,0,1,1])
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone_first", "friction_cone_SG2"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone_second", "friction_cone_SG2")
plotConeWaypoints (cl, pathId, r, "cone_wp_group", "friction_cone_WP2")


# Second parabolas: vmax = 6.5m/s,  mu = 0.5  # DO NOT SOLVE FIRST PATH BEFORE
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(0.5); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(6.5)
solveTime = ps.solve () # 4216 nodes .... 37848 edges
pathId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath

pathSamples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pathId, 70, "path1", [1,0,0,1])
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone_first", "friction_cone"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone_second", "friction_cone_SG")
plotConeWaypoints (cl, pathId, r, "cone_wp_group", "friction_cone_WP")
Esempio n. 3
#r.loadObstacleModel ("animals_description","inclined_plane_3d","inclined_plane_3d")
r.loadObstacleModel ("animals_description","environment_3d","environment_3d")
#r.loadObstacleModel ("animals_description","environment_3d_with_window","environment_3d_with_window")
addLight (r, [-3,3,7,1,0,0,0], "li"); addLight (r, [3,-3,7,1,0,0,0], "li1")

q1 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q11, 0.001); q2 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q22, 0.001)
robot.isConfigValid(q1); robot.isConfigValid(q2)

ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)
ps.solve () 
# PROBLEM !! not finding solution for environment_3d_window with mu=0.5 V0max=6.5 Projectionshooter ....  V0 or Vimp too much limiting ?? 'cause V0max=7 gives a too "easy" solution ...

samples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, 0, 20, "curvy", [0,0.8,0.2,1])

plotConeWaypoints (cl, 0, r, "wp", "friction_cone")

#ps.saveRoadmap ('/local/mcampana/devel/hpp/data/PARAB_envir3d_with_window.rdm')


samples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, 0, 20, "curvy", [0,0.8,0.2,1])

ps.getWaypoints (0)

## 3D Plot tools ##
q0 = [0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0];
ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)

plotSphere (q2, cl, r, "sphere_q2", [0,1,0,1], 0.02) # same as robot
nPointsPlot = 50
offsetOrientedPath = 2 # If remove oriented path computation in ProblemSolver, set to 1 instead of 2
plotFrame (r, "_", [0,0,2.8], 0.5)

# First parabola(s): vmax = 6.8m/s,  mu = 1.2
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(1.2); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(6.8)
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone2", "friction_cone2"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone22", "friction_cone2")
solveTime = ps.solve () # 0.085 s
pahtId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath # path without orientation stuff
samples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pahtId, nPointsPlot, "path0", [0,0,1,1])
plotConeWaypoints (cl, pahtId, r, "wp0", "friction_cone2")
plotSpheresWaypoints (cl, pahtId, r, "sphere_wp0", [0,0,1,1], 0.02)
print "solve duration: " + str(solveTime)
print "path length: " + str(ps.pathLength(pahtId))
print "number of waypoints: " + str(len(ps.getWaypoints (pahtId)))
print "number of nodes: " + str(ps.numberNodes ())
cl.problem.getResultValues ()

# Second parabola(s): vmax = 5.3m/s,  mu = 0.5
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone1", "friction_cone"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone12", "friction_cone")
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(0.5); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(5.3)
solveTime = ps.solve () # 0.738 s
pahtId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath
samples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pahtId, nPointsPlot, "path2", [0.2,0.8,0.2,1])
plotFrame (r, "frame", [0,0,0], 0.5)

plotPath (cl, 0, r, "pathy", 0.1)

plotThetaPlane (q1, q2, r, "ThetaPlane")
r.client.gui.removeFromGroup ("ThetaPlane", r.sceneName)
r.client.gui.removeFromGroup ("ThetaPlanebis", r.sceneName)

plotCone (q1, cl, r, 0.5, 0.4, "c1")
plotCone (q2, cl, r, 0.5, 0.4, "c2")

index = cl.robot.getConfigSize () - cl.robot.getExtraConfigSize ()
q = qa[::]
plotStraightLine ([q [index],q [index+1],q [index+2]], q, r, "normale2")

plotConeWaypoints (cl, 0, r, 0.5, 0.4, "wpcones")
wp = cl.problem.getWaypoints (0)
for i in np.arange(0, len(wp), 1):
    plotCone (wp[i], cl, r, 0.5, 0.4, "wpcones"+str(i))

tanTheta = (q2 [1] - q1 [1]) / (q2 [0] - q1 [0])
num_log = 22393
configs, xPlus_vector, xMinus_vector, zPlus_vector, zMinus_vector = parseIntersectionConePlane (num_log, '479: q: ', '480: x_plus: ', '481: x_minus: ', '482: z_x_plus: ', '483: z_x_minus: ')
i = 0
plotStraightLine ([xPlus_vector[i], xPlus_vector[i]*tanTheta, zPlus_vector[i]], q1, r, "inter1")
plotStraightLine ([xMinus_vector[i], xMinus_vector[i]*tanTheta, zMinus_vector[i]], q1, r, "inter2")

i = 1
plotStraightLine ([xPlus_vector[i], xPlus_vector[i]*tanTheta, zPlus_vector[i]], q2, r, "inter33")
plotStraightLine ([xMinus_vector[i], xMinus_vector[i]*tanTheta, zMinus_vector[i]], q2, r, "inter44")
# Plot a cone and rotate it!
qCone = cl.robot.setOrientation (q2) # wp[15]
coneName = "cone5"
r.loadObstacleModel ("animals_description","friction_cone2",coneName)
r.client.gui.applyConfiguration (coneName, qCone[0:7])
r.client.gui.refresh ()
#r.client.gui.removeFromGroup (coneName, r.sceneName)

## 3D Plot tools ##
q0 = [0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0];

plotFrame (r, "frame", [0,0,0], 0.5)

plotCone (q, cl, r, "yep", "friction_cone2")
plotConeWaypoints (cl, 0, r, "wp", "friction_cone2")

plotThetaPlane (q1, q2, r, "ThetaPlane")
r.client.gui.removeFromGroup ("ThetaPlane", r.sceneName)
r.client.gui.removeFromGroup ("ThetaPlanebis", r.sceneName)

#plotCone (q1, cl, r, 0.5, 0.4, "c1"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, 0.5, 0.4, "c2")

index = cl.robot.getConfigSize () - cl.robot.getExtraConfigSize ()
q = q2[::]
plotStraightLine ([q [index],q [index+1],q [index+2]], q, r, "normale2")

## Plot all cone waypoints:
#plotConeWaypoints (cl, 0, r, 0.5, 0.4, "wpcones")
wp = cl.problem.getWaypoints (0)
ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)

plotSphere (q2, cl, r, "sphere_q2", [0,1,0,1], 0.02) # same as robot
nPointsPlot = 50
offsetOrientedPath = 2 # If remove oriented path computation in ProblemSolver, set to 1 instead of 2

plotFrame (r, 'frame_group', [0,0,0], 0.6)

# First parabolas: vmax = 7m/s,  mu = 1.2
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(1.2); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(7)
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone_11", "friction_cone2"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone_21", "friction_cone2")
solveTime = ps.solve ()
pahtId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath # path without orientation stuff
samples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pahtId, nPointsPlot, "path0", [0,0,1,1])
plotConeWaypoints (cl, pahtId, r, "cone_wp_group", "friction_cone2")
plotSpheresWaypoints (cl, pahtId, r, "sphere_wp_group", [0,0,1,1], 0.02)
print "solve duration: " + str(solveTime)
print "path length: " + str(ps.pathLength(pahtId))
print "number of waypoints: " + str(len(ps.getWaypoints (pahtId)))
print "number of nodes: " + str(ps.numberNodes ())
cl.problem.getResultValues ()

# Second parabolas: vmax = 6.5m/s,  mu = 0.5
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone12", "friction_cone"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone22", "friction_cone")
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(0.5); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(6.5)
solveTime = ps.solve ()
pahtId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath
samples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pahtId, nPointsPlot, "path2", [0.9,0.1,0.1,1]) # Red
plotConeWaypoints (cl, pahtId, r, "cone_wp_group2", "friction_cone")
Esempio n. 8
wp = ps.getWaypoints (0) 

## 3D Plot tools ##
q0 = [0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0];

plotFrame (r, "frame", [0,0,4], 0.5)

plotThetaPlane (q1, q2, r, "ThetaPlane")

plotCone (q2, cl, r, "yep", "friction_cone2")
plotConeWaypoints (cl, 0, r, "wp", "friction_cone")
plotConeWaypoints (cl, 1, r, "wp2", "friction_cone")

index = cl.robot.getConfigSize () - cl.robot.getExtraConfigSize ()
q = q2[::]
plotStraightLine ([q[index], q[index+1], q[index+2]], q, r, "normale")

# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
## Video capture ##
import time
pp.dt = 0.01; pp.speed=0.5
r.startCapture ("capture","png")
r(q1); time.sleep(0.2); r(q1)
Esempio n. 9
plotFrame(r, "frame", [0, 0, 0], 0.5)

plotPath(cl, 0, r, "pathy", 0.1)

plotThetaPlane(q1, q2, r, "ThetaPlane")
r.client.gui.removeFromGroup("ThetaPlane", r.sceneName)
r.client.gui.removeFromGroup("ThetaPlanebis", r.sceneName)

plotCone(q1, cl, r, 0.5, 0.4, "c1")
plotCone(q2, cl, r, 0.5, 0.4, "c2")

index = cl.robot.getConfigSize() - cl.robot.getExtraConfigSize()
q = qa[::]
plotStraightLine([q[index], q[index + 1], q[index + 2]], q, r, "normale2")

plotConeWaypoints(cl, 0, r, 0.5, 0.4, "wpcones")
wp = cl.problem.getWaypoints(0)
for i in np.arange(0, len(wp), 1):
    plotCone(wp[i], cl, r, 0.5, 0.4, "wpcones" + str(i))

tanTheta = (q2[1] - q1[1]) / (q2[0] - q1[0])
num_log = 22393
configs, xPlus_vector, xMinus_vector, zPlus_vector, zMinus_vector = parseIntersectionConePlane(
    num_log, '479: q: ', '480: x_plus: ', '481: x_minus: ', '482: z_x_plus: ',
    '483: z_x_minus: ')
i = 0
    [xPlus_vector[i], xPlus_vector[i] * tanTheta, zPlus_vector[i]], q1, r,
    [xMinus_vector[i], xMinus_vector[i] * tanTheta, zMinus_vector[i]], q1, r,