Esempio n. 1
class Game():
    def __init__(self, grid_size, max_generation):
        self.grid_size = grid_size
        self.grid_size_x, self.grid_size_y = grid_size
        self.generation = 0
        self.max_generation = max_generation
        self.active_cells = 0
        self.game_board = Grid(grid_size, Cell)
        window_size = tuple([x * 5 for x in grid_size])
        self.view = GameView(window_size)
        self.empty_grid = Grid(self.grid_size, Cell)

    def run_game(self, frames_per_second=100, display_after_end_of_game=True):
        Begins running the game at an optional delay and persists the window unless display_after_end_of_game is False
        keep_displaying_window = True
        while (self.generation <
               self.max_generation) and keep_displaying_window:
            keep_displaying_window = self.view.update_screen(self.generation)
            time.sleep(1 / frames_per_second)

        while (keep_displaying_window and display_after_end_of_game):
            keep_displaying_window = self.view.update_screen(self.generation)


    def update_generation(self):
        """Checks each cell to see if it survives to the next generation"""
        next_generation = copy.deepcopy(
        )  # create new "dead" grid using deepcopy to avoid added iteration in the grid.__init__()

        self.view.redraw_screen()  # reset screen

        row_number = 0
        for row in self.game_board:
            cell_number = 0
            for cell in row:
                number_neighbors = self.check_neighboring_living_cells(
                    (row_number, cell_number))
                if cell.is_living():
                    if number_neighbors == 2 or number_neighbors == 3:
                            row_number, cell_number).toggle_living(
                            )  # carry over living cell to next generation
                            (row_number, cell_number))  # draw cell
                    if number_neighbors == 3:
                            row_number, cell_number
                        )  # non-living cell becomes living in the next generation
                            (row_number, cell_number))  # draw cell
                cell_number += 1
            row_number += 1

        self.game_board = next_generation  #This generation has ended, copy next generation's grid into current grid
        self.generation += 1

    def check_neighboring_living_cells(self, coordinates):
        """Check neighboring cells to see if they are living and return the number of living cells"""
        x, y = coordinates
        num_neighbors = 0
        for neighbor_coordinates in NEIGHBORING_CELLS:
            neighbor_x, neighbor_y = neighbor_coordinates
            neighbor_x = (neighbor_x + x) % self.grid_size_x
            neighbor_y = (neighbor_y + y) % self.grid_size_y
            if self.game_board.getGridItem(neighbor_x, neighbor_y).is_living():
                num_neighbors += 1

        return num_neighbors

    def load_coordinates_into_grid(self, coordinate_list):
        """Takes a list of coordinates, a tuple(int x, int y), and sets the corresponding cell to living
           Raises an IndexError if the coordinates are not
        for coordinate in coordinate_list:
            x, y = coordinate
            if (x < self.grid_size_x and x >= 0 and y < self.grid_size_y
                    and y >= 0):
                self.game_board.getGridItem(x, y).toggle_living()
                raise (IndexError)

    def get_game_board(self):
        """Returns the current generation's game board"""
        return self.game_board