Esempio n. 1
class TestDecryptString(unittest.TestCase):
  def setUp(self):
    self.msg = VigenereCipher(KEY, CIPHERTEXT)
  def test_isinstance(self):
    self.assertIsInstance(self.msg, VigenereCipher)
  def test_isequals(self):
    check = self.msg.decrypt()
    expect = PLAINTEXT
    self.assertEquals(check, expect)
Esempio n. 2
                 columnFrequencies = letFreq.getFrequencies(''.join(column))[1]
                 mostFrequentLetTuple = columnFrequencies[0]
                 mostFreqLet = mostFrequentLetTuple[0]
                 # for tuple in columnFrequencies[:4]:
                     # print vigCi.vigenereSquareDecrypt(tuple[0], 'e')
                 # print "options above"
                 print "Column", idx+1, [vigCi.vigenereSquareDecrypt(tuple[0], 'e') for tuple in columnFrequencies[:6]]
                 # assuming this letter corresponds to 'e', use the vigenere square
                 # to discover the original keyword letter
                 keywordLet = vigCi.vigenereSquareDecrypt(mostFreqLet, 'e')
                 keyword += keywordLet
             # I discovered this to be the keyword through analyzing the possible combinations across the columns
             # and put it in manually to make the output more interesting
             #keyword = 'funny'
             print "\nPotential keyword: %s" % keyword
             print "Message deciphered using keyword '%s':\n%s\n" % (keyword, vigCi.decrypt(msg,keyword))
         print "\nKasiski test failed (no repeated substrings with length >= 3)"
         kasiskiFailed = True
     mostLikelyKeyIC = polyCi.getKeywordLength(len(msg), msgIC)
     print "\nMost likely key length using IC test: %0.4f" % (mostLikelyKeyIC)
     if kasiskiFailed:
         print "\nAssuming that message was enciphered using a hill cipher."
         HillSystem().super_decrypt(msg, None, zeroSystem=True)
 # 2. For the ones which you guess to be monoalphabetic, do the following:
     # (a) Run frequency analysis to determine which letters most likely correspond to "e" and "t".
     # (b) Use these correspondences to find the key. 
     # (c) Decrypt the message.        
     plaintext = monCi.decrypt(msg, verbose=True)