Esempio n. 1
def distcarb(points, elevations, data, steps):
    # carbonFunction = f(grade)=km/L
    lenTotal = 0
    carbon = 0
    avgmpg = 0
    cVel = 0
    distToNext = -0.0001
    step = 0
    # vincenty's formula with height approximation using exponential moving averages to smooth data
    lastEMA = sum([(elevations[i] - elevations[i + 1]) / (math.sqrt(
        vincenty.vincenty(points[i], points[i + 1])**2 +
        ((elevations[i] - elevations[i + 1]) / 1000)**2) * 1000)
                   for i in range(0, 3)]) / 3
    for i in range(0, len(points) - 1):
        if lenTotal > distToNext:
            while lenTotal > distToNext and step < len(steps) - 1:
                step += 1
                distToNext += steps[step]['distance']['value'] / 1000
            cVel = steps[step]['distance']['value'] / (
                steps[step]['duration']['value']) * 3.6
        dist = math.sqrt(
            vincenty.vincenty(points[i], points[i + 1])**2 +
            ((elevations[i] - elevations[i + 1]) / 1000)**2)
        lastEMA = (elevations[i + 1] -
                   elevations[i]) / (dist * 1000) * (0.125) + lastEMA * (0.875)
        dcarbon, mpg = carbonFunction(dist, lastEMA, data, cVel)
        carbon += dcarbon
        avgmpg += mpg * dist
        lenTotal += dist
    return [lenTotal, carbon, avgmpg / lenTotal]
Esempio n. 2
def add_city_to_graph(city_coords, city_name, nearest_roads, graph):
    # add the city to the graph
    graph.add_node(city_coords, name=city_name)
    # graph.remove_node(source_city_coords)
    #initialize `closest_point` to be the first point in `nearest_road`
    closest_point = nearest_roads[0][0]
    # initialize `closest_distance` to be the distance between the first
    #   point in `nearest_road` and the city
    # Must be careful!!! `vincenty` accepts coordinates in (lat,lon) instead
    #   of (lon,lat). I do the switching here, hence the indexing, but I still
    #   return the closest point as (lon,lat).
    closest_distance = vincenty(
        (nearest_roads[0][0][1], nearest_roads[0][0][0]),
        (city_coords[1], city_coords[0]))
    # for every point in the road, calculate its distance from the city
    #   node and return the point that's closest to the city
    for road in nearest_roads:
        closest_distance = vincenty((road[0][1], road[0][0]),
                                    (city_coords[1], city_coords[0]))
        for vertex_tuple in road:
            current_distance = vincenty((city_coords[1], city_coords[0]),
                                        (vertex_tuple[1], vertex_tuple[0]))
            if current_distance < closest_distance:
                closest_distance = current_distance
                closest_point = vertex_tuple
        graph.add_edge(city_coords, closest_point, type="Unpaved")
Esempio n. 3
def test_vincenty():
    from vincenty import vincenty
    boston = (42.3541165, -71.0693514)  #緯度,經度
    newyork = (40.7791472, -73.9680804)
    print(vincenty(boston, newyork))

    p1 = (34, 117)
    p2 = (32, 108)
    print(vincenty(p1, p2))
Esempio n. 4
def test_vincenty():
    from vincenty import vincenty
    boston = (42.3541165, -71.0693514) #緯度,經度
    newyork = (40.7791472, -73.9680804)
    print(vincenty(boston, newyork))
    print(vincenty(p1, p2))
Esempio n. 5
 def reduce(self, events):
     latitude = self.latfield
     longitude = self.longfield
     relative_distance = self.output_field
     use_haversine = bool(self.use_haversine)"[%s] - Starting geodistance instance" % str(self.metadata.searchinfo.sid))
     self.logger.debug("[%s] - Using parameters - %s" % (str(self.metadata.searchinfo.sid), str(self.metadata)))
     if self.group_by:
         position_tracker = {}
         for event in events:
             current = event
             if not (current[latitude] or current[longitude]):
                 current[relative_distance] = 0.0
                 self.logger.debug("[%s] - Using distance=0 for private IPs or unknown coordinates. "
                                   "Exclude if undesired." % str(self.metadata.searchinfo.sid))
                 current_pos = (float(current[latitude]), float(current[longitude]))
                 if current[self.group_by] not in position_tracker.keys():
                     last_pos = None
                     last_pos = position_tracker[current[self.group_by]]
                 if last_pos is None:
                     current[relative_distance] = 0.0
                         "[%s] - Initializing the first location with distance=0" % str(self.metadata.searchinfo.sid)
                     if use_haversine:
                         current[relative_distance] = haversine(last_pos, current_pos, miles=bool(self.miles))
                         current[relative_distance] = vincenty(last_pos, current_pos, miles=bool(self.miles))
                 position_tracker[current[self.group_by]] = current_pos
             yield current
         last_pos = None
         for event in events:
             current = event
             if not (current[latitude] or current[longitude]):
                 current[relative_distance] = 0.0
                     "[%s] - Using distance=0 for private IPs or unknown coordinates. Exclude if undesired." % str(
                 current_pos = (float(current[latitude]), float(current[longitude]))
                 if last_pos is None:
                     current[relative_distance] = 0.0
                     self.logger.debug("[%s] - Initializing the first location with distance=0" % str(
                     if use_haversine:
                         current[relative_distance] = haversine(last_pos, current_pos, miles=bool(self.miles))
                         current[relative_distance] = vincenty(last_pos, current_pos, miles=bool(self.miles))
                 last_pos = current_pos
             yield current"[%s] - Completed successfully." % str(self.metadata.searchinfo.sid))
def IDW_Slice_nc4(loc, date_index, variable, data):
    """ Returns weighted average of temperature at a given location
        interp(target ,neighborhood, depth_index, variable, date_index)
        date_index from date in hours since 2000/1/1
        depth_index from the depth profile of HYCOM assymilated data
        variable is a string that calls the ID of a given variable
    import netCDF4
    import numpy as np
    from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
    lons = data.variables['lon'][:]
    lats = data.variables['lat'][:]
    depth = data.variables['depth'][:]
    y, x, found_lat, found_lon = location_to_index(loc[0], loc[1], lats, lons)
    target = [y, x]
    neighborlist = nearest_neighbors(y, x)
    neighborhood = [[lats[i[0]], lons[i[1]]] for i in neighborlist]
    dist_list = [vincenty(loc, neighbor) for neighbor in neighborhood]
    #weight_list = np.array([1./(dist*dist) if dist > 0 else 1.0 for dist in dist_list])
    #weight_list = weight_list / np.linalg.norm(weight_list)
    var_matrix = []
    for neighbor in neighborlist:
        tmp = data.variables[variable][date_index, :, neighbor[0], neighbor[1]]
    var_matrix = np.asarray(var_matrix)
    var_list = [
        IDW_interp(np.array(var_matrix[:, i]), np.array(dist_list))
        for i, j in enumerate(depth)
    #print var_list[0]
    return var_list
Esempio n. 7
def procesarDistancias():
    header = ["id_votante", "id_centro", "distancia"]
    with open(RUTA_MERGE, 'w') as merge:
        with open(RUTA_VOTANTES) as votantes:
            with open(RUTA_CENTROS) as centros:
                votantes_reader = csv.reader(votantes, delimiter=',')
                centros_reader = csv.reader(centros, delimiter=',')
                merge_csv = csv.writer(merge)
                header_votante = True
                header_centro = True
                for votante in votantes_reader:
                    if header_votante:
                        header_votante = False
                    for centro in centros_reader:
                        if header_centro:
                            header_centro = False
                        distancias = []
                        distancias.append(votante[0])  #id_votante
                        distancias.append(centro[0])  #id_centro
                        posicion_votante = (float(votante[LATITUD]),
                        posicion_centro = (float(centro[LATITUD]),
                        distancia = vincenty(posicion_centro, posicion_votante)
                        distancias.append(distancia)  #distancia
                    header_centro = True
Esempio n. 8
def nearest_subway(lat, lon):
    L = []
    index = 0
    ref = False
    with open("stations.csv") as f:
        # Hasty implementation of csv.DictReader. Will save some lines if
        # switched, and will be cleaner.
        text = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
        for line in text:
            if (not ref):
                ref = line
            for i, val in enumerate(line):
                L[-1][ref[i]] = val
            L[-1]["dist"] = vincenty.vincenty(
                    float(L[-1]["GTFS Latitude"]),
                    float(L[-1]["GTFS Longitude"])
                (float(lat), float(lon))

    L = sorted(L, key=lambda item: item["dist"])
    return L
Esempio n. 9
def main(fileins, fileout):
  out = open( fileout, "w" )

  gf = GridFloat( "./data/34293486/34293486" )

  for filein in fileins:
    print "working on %s"%filein
    for track in get_tracksegs( filein ):
      for (lat1, lon1, time1), (lat2, lon2, time2) in cons(track, 3):
        e1 = gf.elevation( lon1, lat1 )
        e2 = gf.elevation( lon2, lat2 )
        dx = vincenty(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
        dy = e2-e1
        dt = (time2-time1).seconds
        if dt==0:
          print "teleported %f"%dt
        if dx==0:
        v = dx/dt
        grade = (dy/dx)*100

        out.write( "%s,%s\n"%(grade,v) )
Esempio n. 10
def get_distances(args):
    hotel_coords, trip_coords = args

    dists = [
        vincenty(hotel_coords, coord, miles=True) for coord in trip_coords
    return [dist * 5280 if dist is not None else np.inf for dist in dists]
Esempio n. 11
def vincenty_vec(vec_coord):
    vin_vec_dist = np.zeros(vec_coord.shape[0])
    if vec_coord.shape[1] !=  4:
        print('ERROR: Bad number of columns (shall be = 4)')
        vin_vec_dist = [vincenty(vec_coord[m,0:2],vec_coord[m,2:]) for m in range(vec_coord.shape[0])]
    return vin_vec_dist
Esempio n. 12
def distance(u, v, d):
    Purpose:    to ultimately determine the distance between two coordinates in a graph
    Inputs:     `u`: a tuple (lon,lat) of a source node
                `v`: a tuple (lon,lat) of a target node
                `d`: the data assigned to the edge between `u` and `v`
    Outputs:    `distance_uv`: the distance in miles between `u` and `v`
    # this function must accept three parameters if called in `single_source_dijkstra`.
    #   `single_source_dijkstra` automatically sends those arguments
    #   `u`: a tuple (lon,lat) of a source node
    #   `v`: a tuple (lon,lat) of a target node
    #   `d`: the data assigned to the edge between `u` and `v`
    distance_uv = vincenty((u[1], u[0]), (v[1], v[0]))
    # since when I loaded the roads shapefile with `geom_attrs=True`,
    #   any data stored for each LineString in the shapefile gets assigned
    #   to the respective graph edges. I use that data here to halve the
    #   distance between `u` and `v` if the road is a railroad
    if d['type'] == "Railroad":
        distance_uv /= 2.0
    # you can do much more here, e.g. if the road is a secondary road,
    #   run a nearest neighbor query for all ufo sightings; depending on
    #   the results, change the `distance_uv` value by a certain amount, like
    #   I did for railroads. Or, for every X number of roads, search for a body
    #   of water. If the body of water is Y miles away, call a function that
    #   creates an edge between two vertices (`v` to `z`, where `z` is the vertex
    #   on the other side of the water) that crosses the body of water with type=bridge.
    return distance_uv
Esempio n. 13
def main(fileins, fileout):
    out = open(fileout, "w")

    gf = GridFloat("./data/34293486/34293486")

    for filein in fileins:
        print "working on %s" % filein
        for track in get_tracksegs(filein):
            for (lat1, lon1, time1), (lat2, lon2, time2) in cons(track, 3):
                e1 = gf.elevation(lon1, lat1)
                e2 = gf.elevation(lon2, lat2)

                dx = vincenty(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
                dy = e2 - e1
                dt = (time2 - time1).seconds

                if dt == 0:
                    print "teleported %f" % dt
                if dx == 0:

                v = dx / dt
                grade = (dy / dx) * 100

                out.write("%s,%s\n" % (grade, v))
Esempio n. 14
 def getDistanceFromCoordinates(self):
     value = vincenty(self.nodeA.getCoordinates(),
     if value is not None:
         return value * 1000
         raise ValueError("Failed get distance from coordinates.")
Esempio n. 15
def get_lat_lon(df):
    ''' Get the latitude and longitude of each firm
        and its distance to the White House.
    address = df['address']
    # Create googlemaps instance with a valid API key.
    # Some addresses are not valid; for example, one address is (Universal
    # Corporate Center, 367 South Gulph Road, PO Box 615, King Of Prussia,
    # PA, 19406). gmaps.geocode would return an empty string for this address.
    # I looked it up online, the right address should have "PO Box 61558"
    # instead of "PO Box 615".
    geocode_result = GMAPS.geocode(address)
    # If the address is invalid, geocode_result would be empty;
    # NAs will be returned.
    if len(geocode_result) == 0:
        print("Address not valid: {}".format(address))
        df['lat'], df['lng'] = np.nan, np.nan
        df['distance(km)'] = np.nan
        # Extract the location of the firm and its latitude, longitude.
        locations = geocode_result[0]['geometry']['location']
        lat, lng = locations['lat'], locations['lng']
        df['lat'], df['lng'] = lat, lng
        # (latitude, longitude) of the firm.
        firm = (lat, lng)
        # Calculate the distance(km) from each firm to the White House.
        df['distance(km)'] = vincenty(firm, WHITE_HOUSE)
    return df
def main():
    usage = """usage: python <graphdb_filename> <gtfsdb_filename> <range>"""
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) != 3:
    graphdb_filename = args[0]
    gtfsdb_filename  = args[1]
    range = float(args[2])
    gtfsdb = GTFSDatabase( gtfsdb_filename )
    gdb = GraphDatabase( graphdb_filename )

    n_stops = gtfsdb.count_stops()

    for i, (stop_id, stop_name, stop_lat, stop_lon) in enumerate( gtfsdb.stops() ):
        print "%d/%d %s"%(i,n_stops,stop_id),
        station_vertex_id = "sta-%s"%stop_id
        for link_stop_id, link_stop_name, link_stop_lat, link_stop_lon in gtfsdb.nearby_stops( stop_lat, stop_lon, range ):
            if link_stop_id == stop_id:
            print ".",
            link_length = vincenty( stop_lat, stop_lon, link_stop_lat, link_stop_lon)
            link_station_vertex_id = "sta-%s"%link_stop_id
            gdb.add_edge( station_vertex_id, link_station_vertex_id, Street("link", link_length) )
        print ""
Esempio n. 17
def calcdistance(latitudes, longitudes):
    Calculate the distance along the route.

    :param latitudes:
    :type latitudes: list
    :param longitudes:
    :type longitudes: list
    :rtype: float
    positions = []
    distances = []

    i = 0
    while i < len(latitudes):
        positions.append((latitudes[i], longitudes[i]))
        i += 1

    i = 0
    while i < len(positions) - 1:
        distances.append(vincenty(positions[i], positions[i + 1]))
        i += 1

    return sum(distances)
Esempio n. 18
def find_closest_station(solar_loc, uscrn_df):
    This is a helper function to find the closest weather station
    given solar location and a dataframe with weather station locations.
    # start from subset of stations a small radius
    neighbors =  uscrn_df[0:0]
    radius = 1
    while len(neighbors) == 0:
        # range of lat/long to search
        xmin, xmax = solar_loc[0] - radius, solar_loc[0] + radius
        ymin, ymax = solar_loc[1] - radius, solar_loc[1] + radius

        # pull stations in that range
        lat_r = (uscrn_df.latitude>=xmin)&(uscrn_df.latitude<=xmax)
        long_r = (uscrn_df.longitude>=ymin)&(uscrn_df.longitude<=ymax)
        neighbors = uscrn_df[lat_r & long_r]
        radius += 1

    # find closest neighbor
    closest_station = None
    dist_to_closest_station = np.inf
    for wban_id, (lat, lng) in neighbors.iterrows():
        dist = vincenty.vincenty((lat, lng), solar_loc)
        if dist < dist_to_closest_station:
            dist_to_closest_station = dist
            closest_station = wban_id

    return closest_station, dist_to_closest_station
Esempio n. 19
def distance(source, target):
    1 = 1km
    :param source:
    :param target:
    return vincenty(source, target)
Esempio n. 20
def distance_from(origin, point):
    if cache.get((origin,point)) != None:
        return cache.get((origin,point))
        distance = vincenty(origin,point)
        cache[(origin,point)] = distance
    return distance
Esempio n. 21
def distance(source, target):
    1 = 1km
    :param source:
    :param target:
    return vincenty(source, target)
Esempio n. 22
def func(x, points):
    if x[0] > 90 or x[1] > 90 or x[0] < -90 or x[1] < -90:
        return 9999999999
    distsum = 0
    for c in points:
        dist = vincenty([x[0], x[1]], [c[1], c[0]]) - x[2] * c[2]
        distsum += dist * dist
    return distsum
Esempio n. 23
def Speed_algo(rawPointsAnnotated, points, MaxSpeed, deploymentDatestr):
    eliminatedSpeed = []
    pointsfiltered = []
    deploymentDateobj = datetime.datetime.strptime(deploymentDatestr,
    deploymentDateobj = deploymentDateobj.isoformat()
    L = len(points)
    start = 0
    alertDate = 0
    # Vérification que la date de déploiement soit bien avant la date de la dernière donnée
    if points[L - 1]['date'] < deploymentDateobj:
        alertDate = 1
        return rawPointsAnnotated, eliminatedSpeed, pointsfiltered, alertDate
    # Recherche de l'indice de la donnée correspondant au déploiement pour commencer le filtre de vitesse à partir de cet indice
    if points[0]['date'] < deploymentDateobj:
        for d in range(L):
            if points[d]['date'] >= deploymentDateobj:
                start = d
                for l in range(len(rawPointsAnnotated)):
                    if rawPointsAnnotated[l]['id'] == points[d]['id']:
                        rawPointsAnnotated[l]['status'] = 'before deployment'
                points[d]['distance1'] = 0
                points[d]['speed'] = 0
    points[start]['distance1'] = 0
    points[start]['speed'] = 0
    i = start
    # Recherche des points valides sur la vitesse
    while i < L - 1:
        for j in range(1, L - i):
            # Calcul de la distance
            points[i + j]['distance1'] = vincenty(
                (float(points[i]['LAT']), float(points[i]['LON'])),
                (float(points[i + j]['LAT']), float(points[i + j]['LON'])))
            # Calcul de la durée
            diftimeS = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                points[i + j]['date'],
                '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') - datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    points[i]['date'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
            diftimeH = diftimeS.total_seconds() / 3600
            # Calcul de la vitesse
            speed = points[i + j]['distance1'] / float(diftimeH)
            points[i + j]['speed'] = speed
            # Comparaison à la vitesse maximale entrée en paramètre,
            # Si la vitesse est considérée aberrante on ajoute le point aux données éliminées et on l'annote dans les données brutes
            if speed > MaxSpeed:
                eliminatedSpeed.append(points[i + j])
                for l in range(len(rawPointsAnnotated)):
                    if rawPointsAnnotated[l]['id'] == points[i + j]['id']:
                        rawPointsAnnotated[l]['status'] = 'speed outlier'
                i = i + j
    # Elimination des points dont la vitesse a été jugée aberrante
    pointsfiltered = [x for x in points if x not in eliminatedSpeed]
    return rawPointsAnnotated, eliminatedSpeed, pointsfiltered, alertDate, points
Esempio n. 24
    def create_and_populate_edges_table(self, tolerant=False):

        print "splitting ways and inserting into edge table"

        c = self.get_cursor()

            "CREATE TABLE edges (id TEXT, parent_id TEXT, start_nd TEXT, end_nd TEXT, dist FLOAT, geom TEXT)"

        for i, way in enumerate(self.ways()):
                if i % 5000 == 0:
                    print i

                subways = []
                curr_subway = [way.nds[0]
                               ]  # add first node to the current subway
                for nd in way.nds[1:-1]:  # for every internal node of the way
                    if self.node(
                    )[4] > 1:  # node reference count is greater than one, node is shared by two ways
                        curr_subway = [nd]
                )  # add the last node to the current subway, and store the subway

                #insert into edge table
                for i, subway in enumerate(subways):
                    coords = [(lambda x: (x[3], x[2]))(self.node(nd))
                              for nd in subway]
                    packt = pack_coords(coords)
                    dist = sum([
                        vincenty(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2)
                        for (lng1, lat1), (lng2, lat2) in cons(coords)
                    c.execute("INSERT INTO edges VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
                              ("%s-%s" % (, i),, subway[0],
                               subway[-1], dist, packt))
            except IndexError:
                if tolerant:

        print "indexing edges...",
        c.execute("CREATE INDEX edges_id ON edges (id)")
        c.execute("CREATE INDEX edges_parent_id ON edges (parent_id)")
        print "done"

Esempio n. 25
 def add_location():
     infos = session['result']
     me = User.find_by('username', session['user'])
     my_loc = (float(me.getLat()), float(me.getLong()))
     for item in infos:
         other = User.find_by('username', item['username'])
         else_loc = (float(other.getLat()), float(other.getLong()))
         delta = vincenty(my_loc, else_loc)
         item['delta'] = delta
     session['result'] = infos
Esempio n. 26
 def speed(self):
     if not self._prev_data or not self._current_data:
         return 0  # no data
         prev_pos = (self._prev_data.latitude, self._prev_data.longitude)
         curr_pos = (self._current_data.latitude,
         speed = vincenty(prev_pos, curr_pos) * 1000 / (self._curr_time -
         return speed
Esempio n. 27
    def length(self):
        """nodedir is a dictionary of nodeid->node objects"""
        ret = 0

        for i in range(len(self.nd_ids)-1):
            thisnode = self.osm.nodes[ self.nd_ids[i] ]
            nextnode = self.osm.nodes[ self.nd_ids[i+1] ]

            ret += vincenty(, thisnode.lon,, nextnode.lon)

        return ret
Esempio n. 28
def caculate_distance(user_loc,lst):
    store_distance_name = []
    store_detail_list = []
    for r in lst:
        stores_loation_before_choice = (float(r[1].latitude),float(r[1].longtitute))
        distance = vincenty(user_loc, stores_loation_before_choice) #caculate distance
    city_dis_dic = dict(zip(store_distance_name, store_detail_list))
    sorted_city_dis_dic = {k: v for k, v in sorted(city_dis_dic.items(), key=lambda item: item[1][0])}
    return sorted_city_dis_dic
Esempio n. 29
def tracking_gps_2_durations_distances(x):
    times, lon_lat = tracking_gps_2_times_lonlat(x)
    durations = []  # durations in second
    distances = []  # distance in km
    t_prev, lon_prev, lat_prev = None, None, None
    for t, (lon, lat) in zip(times, lon_lat):
        if t_prev:
            durations.append((t - t_prev).total_seconds())
            distances.append(vincenty((lat_prev, lon_prev), (lat, lon)))
        t_prev, lon_prev, lat_prev = t, lon, lat
    return durations, distances
Esempio n. 30
    def extractNode(self, coordinates: list, origin, latLon=False):
        self.setCoordinates(coordinates, latLon=latLon)
        if (latLon):
            originPoint: tuple = (origin[0], origin[1])
            originPoint: tuple = (origin[1], origin[0])
        thisPoint: tuple = self.getCoordinates()
        distanceX = vincenty(originPoint,
                             (originPoint[0], thisPoint[1])) * 1000
        distanceY = vincenty(originPoint,
                             (thisPoint[0], originPoint[1])) * 1000

        posX = distanceX
        posY = distanceY

        if (thisPoint[1] < originPoint[1]): posX = -distanceX
        if (thisPoint[0] < originPoint[0]): posY = -distanceY

        self.xPos = posX
        self.yPos = posY
Esempio n. 31
    def length(self):
        """nodedir is a dictionary of nodeid->node objects"""
        ret = 0

        for i in range(len(self.nd_ids) - 1):
            thisnode = self.osm.nodes[self.nd_ids[i]]
            nextnode = self.osm.nodes[self.nd_ids[i + 1]]

            ret += vincenty(, thisnode.lon,,

        return ret
Esempio n. 32
 def distance(point1: tuple, point2: tuple):
     """Calculate the distance in kilometers between two points using vincenty function
     :param point1: coordinates (latitude, longitude) of point 1
     :param point2: coordinates (latitude, longitude) of point 1
     :return: distance in kilometers between two points
     if None in (point1, point2):
         return None
     result = vincenty(point1, point2)
     if result is None:
         return None
     return result
def absolute_disp(lat, long):

    k = []
    for i in range(1, len(lat)):
        lat1 = lat[i - 1]
        lat2 = lat[i]
        lon1 = long[i - 1]
        lon2 = long[i]
        kk = vincenty((lat1, lon1), (lat2, lon2))
        #        kk=kk*1609344
    return np.reshape(k, (len(k), 1))
Esempio n. 34
def get_station_latlng(latlng):
    if latlng == None:
        print 'No input to get_station'
        return None
    df_lookup = pd.read_csv(fldir + 'Weather Data Mapping to Use.csv')
    lat = latlng[0]
    lng = latlng[1]
    df_lookup['distance'] = df_lookup.apply(lambda r: vincenty((lat, lng), (r['Latitude'], r['Longitude']), miles=True), axis=1)
    min_distance = df_lookup['distance'].min()
    df_temp = df_lookup[df_lookup['distance'] == min_distance]
    icao = df_temp['StationID'].tolist()[0]
    distance = df_temp['distance'].tolist()[0]
    return (icao, distance)
Esempio n. 35
def closest_pt(pt, trajectory):
    """Finds closest pt to pt (lat, long) in trajectory (lats, longs).

    pt is a tuple (lat, long)
    trajectory can be:
    - a tuple (lats, longs) where lats is an iterable of floats (and longs also)
    - a (2 * N) numpy array where N is the length of the trajectory
    - any other structure equivalent in terms of unpacking a, b = trajectory
    lats, longs = trajectory
    ds = [vincenty((x, y), pt) for (x, y) in zip(lats, longs)]
    return np.argmin(ds)
Esempio n. 36
def find_stop(stop_list, lat_lng):
    for key in stop_list.keys():
        # Calculate the geographical distance between 2 points using the vincenty formula and updating the list
            vincenty([stop_list[key]["lat"], stop_list[key]["lng"]], lat_lng)

    # Sort the dictionary by the shortest distance
    sorted_list = sorted(stop_list.items(), key=lambda x_y: x_y[1]["distance"])

    # Return the closest stop id to the given lat_lng
    stop = sorted_list[0][0]
    return stop
Esempio n. 37
def calculate_the_nearest_3_cities(input_latitude, input_longitude,
        get most suggested cities based on vincenty distance of the potiential matched cities

        :param: suggested_data list of dictionary of the matched cities info
        :return the dictionary of dictionary of cities with the smallest distance
        :rtype: dict of dict


    nearest_3_cities = [float("-inf"), float("-inf"), float("-inf")]
    ret_dict = {}
    input_city = (input_latitude, input_longitude)
    for d in suggested_data:
        suggested_city = (d['lat'], d['long'])
        distance = vincenty(suggested_city, input_city)
        if distance > nearest_3_cities[0]:
            nearest_3_cities = [
                distance, nearest_3_cities[0], nearest_3_cities[1]
            ret_dict['top'] = {
                'name': d['name'],
                'latitude': d['lat'],
                'longitude': d['long'],
                'score': 1
        elif distance > nearest_3_cities[1]:
            nearest_3_cities = [
                nearest_3_cities[0], distance, nearest_3_cities[1]
            ret_dict['second'] = {
                'name': d['name'],
                'latitude': d['lat'],
                'longitude': d['long'],
                'score': 0.9
        elif distance > nearest_3_cities[2]:
            nearest_3_cities = [
                nearest_3_cities[0], nearest_3_cities[1], distance
            ret_dict['third'] = {
                'name': d['name'],
                'latitude': d['lat'],
                'longitude': d['long'],
                'score': 0.8

    return ret_dict
Esempio n. 38
 def create_and_populate_edges_table( self, tolerant=False ):
     print "splitting ways and inserting into edge table"
     c = self.conn.cursor()
     c.execute( "CREATE TABLE edges (id TEXT, parent_id TEXT, start_nd TEXT, end_nd TEXT, dist FLOAT, geom TEXT)" )
     for i, way in enumerate(self.ways()):
             if i%5000==0:
                 print i
             subways = []
             curr_subway = [ way.nds[0] ] # add first node to the current subway
             for nd in way.nds[1:-1]:     # for every internal node of the way
                 curr_subway.append( nd )
                 if self.node(nd)[4] > 1: # node reference count is greater than one, node is shared by two ways
                     subways.append( curr_subway )
                     curr_subway = [ nd ]
             curr_subway.append( way.nds[-1] ) # add the last node to the current subway, and store the subway
             subways.append( curr_subway );
             #insert into edge table
             for i, subway in enumerate(subways):
                 coords = [(lambda x:(x[3],x[2]))(self.node(nd)) for nd in subway]
                 packt = pack_coords( coords )
                 dist = sum([vincenty(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) for (lng1, lat1), (lng2, lat2) in cons(coords)])
                 c.execute( "INSERT INTO edges VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ("%s-%s"%(, i),
                                                                            packt) )
         except IndexError:
             if tolerant:
     print "indexing edges...",
     c.execute( "CREATE INDEX edges_id ON edges (id)" )
     c.execute( "CREATE INDEX edges_parent_id ON edges (parent_id)" )
     print "done"
Esempio n. 39
File: Progetto: yujiex/GSA
def get_station_dist(b, latlng, length):
    if latlng == None:
        print 'No input to get_station for {0}'.format(b)
        return None
    df_lookup = pd.read_csv(os.getcwd() + \
                            '/input/Weather Data Mapping to Use.csv')
    lat = latlng[0]
    lng = latlng[1]
    print b
    df_lookup['distance'] = df_lookup.apply(lambda r: vincenty((lat, lng), (r['Latitude'], r['Longitude']), miles=True), axis=1)
    df_lookup_sort = df_lookup.sort(columns='distance')
    df_lookup_sort = df_lookup_sort.head(n=length)
    icao = df_lookup_sort['StationID'].tolist()
    distance = df_lookup_sort['distance'].tolist()
    return zip(icao, distance)
Esempio n. 40
def load_streets_to_graph(g, osmdb, reporter=None):
    n_ways = osmdb.count_ways()
    for i, way in enumerate( osmdb.ways() ):
        if reporter and i%(n_ways//100+1)==0: reporter.write( "%d/%d ways loaded\n"%(i, n_ways))
        distance = sum( [vincenty(y1,x1,y2,x2) for (x1,y1), (x2,y2) in cons(way.geom)] )
        vertex1_label = "osm-%s"%way.nds[0]
        vertex2_label = "osm-%s"%way.nds[-1]
        x1, y1 = way.geom[0]
        x2, y2 = way.geom[-1]
        g.add_vertex( vertex1_label )
        g.add_vertex( vertex2_label )
        g.add_edge( vertex1_label, vertex2_label, Street(, distance ) )
        g.add_edge( vertex2_label, vertex1_label, Street(, distance ) )
Esempio n. 41
def link_nearby_stops(g, gtfsdb, range=0.05, obstruction=1.4):
    """Adds Street links of length obstruction*dist(A,B) directly between all station pairs closer than <range>"""

    print "Linking nearby stops..."

    for stop_id1, stop_name1, lat1, lon1 in gtfsdb.stops():
        g.add_vertex( "sta-%s"%stop_id1 )
        for stop_id2, stop_name2, lat2, lon2 in gtfsdb.nearby_stops(lat1, lon1, range):
            if stop_id1 == stop_id2:
            print "linking %s to %s"%(stop_id1, stop_id2)
            g.add_vertex( "sta-%s"%stop_id2 )
            dd = obstruction*vincenty( lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 )
            print dd
            g.add_edge( "sta-%s"%stop_id1, "sta-%s"%stop_id2, Street("walk", dd) )
            g.add_edge( "sta-%s"%stop_id2, "sta-%s"%stop_id1, Street("walk", dd) )
Esempio n. 42
def split_line_segment(lng1, lat1, lng2, lat2, max_section_length):
    # Split line segment defined by (x1, y1, x2, y2) into a set of points 
    # (x,y,displacement) spaced less than max_section_length apart
    if lng1==lng2 and lat1==lat2:
        yield [lng1, lat1, 0]
        yield [lng2, lat2, 0]
    street_len = vincenty(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2)
    n_sections = int(street_len/max_section_length)+1
    geolen = ((lat2-lat1)**2 + (lng2-lng1)**2)**0.5
    section_len = geolen/n_sections
    street_vector = (lng2-lng1, lat2-lat1)
    unit_vector = [x/geolen for x in street_vector]
    for i in range(n_sections+1):
        vec = [x*section_len*i for x in unit_vector]
        vec = [lng1+vec[0], lat1+vec[1], (street_len/n_sections)*i]
        yield vec
Esempio n. 43
File: Progetto: mk45/pankus
    def distance_air_lines(self,distance_type="geom",**kwargs):
            distance_type (varchar): 'geom'  for geometrical distance or 'vincenty' for WGS 84 with distance from vincenty algorithm

        for start_point_geometry,start,_, in TaurusLongTask(\

            for end_point_geometry,i,_, in all_points:

                if distance_type=="geom":
                    dist=sum([(i[0]-i[1])**2 for i in zip(ep_json_geometry,sp_json_geometry)])**0.5
                elif distance_type=="vincenty":
                    raise ValueError("Unknown value")

                   'start_id': start,
                   'end_id': i,
                   'weight': dist,
                   'successor_id': i,
                   'predecessor_id': start

Esempio n. 44
def _get_distance(id_, user_latlng):
    given: comment id and user latlng tuple
    calculates distance to all locations for that comment id
    returns: the closest distance
    if not all(user_latlng):
        return 25000

    user_latlng = tuple(float(i) for i in user_latlng)
    sql_command = 'SELECT lat, lng FROM id_geocode WHERE id == ?'
    cursor = g.db.execute(sql_command, (id_,))
    locations_names = [description[0] for description in cursor.description]
    locations = cursor.fetchall()
    # [('lat', 'lng')]
    closest_distance = 25000
    for job_latlng in locations:
        distance = vincenty.vincenty(user_latlng, job_latlng, miles=True)
        if distance < closest_distance:
            closest_distance = distance
    return closest_distance
Esempio n. 45
def distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
    """ Calculate the distance in meters between two points. """
    return vincenty((lat1, lon1), (lat2, lon2)) * 1000
f_interp = open(sys.argv[1],'r')
f_our = open(directory + "/our_" + num + "_" + num + "_" + progressive,'r')

START = -1
END = -1
for line in f_interp.readlines():
    if START == -1:
        START = line
    END = line
f_interp = open(sys.argv[1],'r')

START_POINT= (float(START.split()[3]),float(START.split()[2]))
END_POINT= (float(END.split()[3]),float(END.split()[2]))
total_distance = vincenty(START_POINT, END_POINT) * 1000

for line_interp in f_interp.readlines():
    line_interp = line_interp.strip()
    time_interp = line_interp.strip().split()[1]
    # Now find the row in GT
    found = False
    f_their = open(directory + "/their_" + num + "_" + progressive,'r')
    f_gt = open("COLOGNE/sampling_data/cologne_gap_1/" + num, 'r')
    while not found:
        line_gt = f_gt.readline().strip()
        if "time" in line_gt:
            continue # First line
            time_gt = line_gt.split(",")[1]
            t_gt = math.ceil(time.mktime(time.strptime(time_gt, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
Esempio n. 47
def distance_by_geo(lat1, long1, lat2, long2):
    # boston = (42.3541165, -71.0693514) #lat,long
    # newyork = (40.7791472, -73.9680804)
    pos1 = (lat1, long1)
    pos2 = (lat2, long2)
    return vincenty(pos1, pos2)